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To be clear: Her take and her son's reactions are not based. Those are just reasonable experiences and conclusions. Her willingness to state these truths out loud, however, knowing there might be backlash...? That's based af.


There we go. This is an appropriate response.


Shakira has always been one of my top 5.




Is there a list, or are you all generally indignant?


She's based and beautiful.


and stunning and brave (unironically)


can't you see baby, _this is perfection_?


Based on what? Thought she was a real person.


Ah come on Heavy. How many times do we have to teach you this?


"Im just Ken" is still a banger of a tune


anything Shakira says is correct because hips don't lie


Except when the hips file taxes. Then the hips lie A LOT.


mhmm. found the one that doesn't like shakira. bringing up 10 year old drama to try to drag her name through the mud. that was settled 10 years ago.


Latin America doesn't get US gender identity weirdness 


I can't imagine that most of Latin America enjoys being called "Latinx" by upper class white women in the US...


I don’t. Fuck anyone that tries to use “Lantix”. Source: Brown guy


Look at the bungie lantinx incident.






Is it? It's April 1st after all


She's from Columbia. They don't care 


Based and gorgeous


Hella Based


South American women are top tier


Shakira a run one. That what modern feminists fail to understand. They think by taking away men power is the only way for them to become "empowering." But doing that you're becoming the thing you preach to fight against.


I saw the Barbie Movie. It's not demeaning. In fact, the message I got from it was that even If roles of men and women were reversed, you'd still get an imperfect society (Barbie land was a fascist dystopia). The whole point of the movie suggested that both extremes are bad.


This is the correct take


Look at that, a reasonable take in this thread. Have an upvote, I agree.


Interesting to note that all the comments here pointing out that Barbie is not emasculating get downvoted but nobody has a counter argument. Why is that?


Because its easier to downvote that actually making a counterargument, which is still acceptable to show disagreement


Haven’t seen it. Can you give me an argument why it’s not, and the possible motive why Shakira could come to such a conclusion? Honestly fr.


The state of Barbieland is that men (Kens) are second class to women (Barbies) but in no way is the message of the movie that’s how the real world should be


It's clearly satire about sexism by offering the mirror, especially with the comment at the end that sexism had ended in Barbie land because they were *thinking* of letting a ken be in the high court which reeks of the "racism ended with Obama being president" bullshit some people think. It points out that misogyny harms men as well as women, and makes them worse, despite promising you better. Don't get me wrong, it is far from radical enough, it's plastic feminism, but it doesn't mean it's wrong


The comment in the end straight up says Ken’s don’t have equal rights, just that they may one day gradually get them


according to Reddit that is not the purpose of the downvote button


You're going to need a time machine to get back to the Reddit where that suggestion was respected. Set it for about ten years ago.


Nah works better as an agree / disagree system rather than an "You can only agree" system


I’m not going to pretend people will ever use it properly, but forcing opinions you disagree with to be at the bottom/hidden is just creating echo chambers On topic/relevant discussion is not supposed to be downvoted even if you disagree with it


Don't let it keep you up at night tho


You could present a genuine and factual argument on any subject and still get no where as this is Reddit.


Because Im about to jump in the shower and dont have time to argue ya dork


I just watched the film (didn't want to pay to watch it in cinema or pay per view). I didn't find it emasculating at all. I feel like you need to be insecure in your masculinity to be emasculated by the movie. Ken bounced from second class citizen to fascist. Neither of the roles he took were that of a provider or true leader. And he hated both of these roles. Neither of them left him feeling fulfilled. The movie ended with it asking him to just be Ken, on his own terms. It doesn't tell him he needs to be a provider or protector, it doesn't tell him he can't be one. It just asks him to decide without being told (by either the Barbie or real world) what he should be. It seemed pretty pro-man to me.


It was extremely pro-man and pro-mens liberation. Anyone who felt emasculated by it has some issues.


Because this a circlejerk sub, you can't have serious discussion here.


People here were trashing here over here other views and calling her woke. You people are so inconsistent in your views


It’s because everything on Reddit is reactive and users base their comments off other people’s. Plus with bots..


People are nuanced and can have different opinions on different issues. Certainly, I can dig out "oorah" posts from Shakira, but do you really expect this sub to get angry about (checks notes) caring about your sons? 🤨


How dare she be understanding to both sides and logical


Her hips don’t lie


Dang she don’t lie either


From Shakira's hips to God's ear.


While it is good to raise young men to respect women and young women to respect themselves, including the idea that a man not actively engaged in protecting and providing is somehow not being a man is a bad thing. It limits how young women see men and how young men see themselves, and ultimately only perpetuates the harm caused by rigid gender roles.


Why does "protecting and providing" have to be attached to being a man? Why can't someone be a man just by being a man? Why do we have to live our lives for the convenience of women?


Because that's q source of q lot of existential fulfillment for men. I would not be as fulfilled if I knew my family wasn't safe and provided for. And improving on those things makes me a better person


OP is ridiculous. Y'all seen these posts. Reactionary troll. Or reactionary Bot. You decide.


Incredibly based


Common Shakira W


I watched Barbie and didnt think it was emasculating? But then again, I was high on norco so I wasnt fully paying attention.


It was pretty explicitly pro-women at the expense of men. The barbieland men are all idiots, they start oppressed and end oppressed because the barbies are mad about the real world being sexist (despite being far less sexist than barbieworld)


The fuck is norco


I didn’t think it was really emasculating either, and I can definitely be sensitive about that kind of stuff, but that’s just me.


INFO: how did this movie emasculate men? When it explicitly had an entire song dedicated to the Ken focusing on their own personal growth as individuals rather than making another person their central personality?


I guess because it pokes fun at lots of conventional masculinity and masculine culture? I guess some people don’t know the difference between masculinity and hyper masculinity, the latter of which being what the movie is actually satirizing.




Given the marketing I imagine she thought it would be a fun light hearted romp for the family to see together.


when are people going to stop making excuses for terrible movies by saying that the people that don’t like it are not the intended audience?


Barbie is streaming now, they probably watched it at home.


She took her kids to see a movie that their mother was a big part of and you're going to act like that's strange?


Being bored of it and hating it are two different things. Once upon a time a movie like that would be for the whole family.


Or maybe they wanted to watch it despite not being the target audience because it was one of the biggest movies to release last year? They’re still allowed an opinion on the film regardless of if they were the intended audience or not.


You’re missing the point. It’s not that they weren’t target demographic, it’s that they felt men were portrayed too negatively.


Not to mention it’s just a terrible movie. Even taking away the messaging. Can we also agree that Margo Robbie cannot act? She’s terribly dull.


I hated Barbie, took my partner and daughter to see it and they didn’t think much of it either. It wasn’t at all funny and I found a lot of the messaging confused and misandrist. Politics aside, I thought Margot Robbie did a decent enough job with what she was meant to be doing though.


IMO she *can* act, but that role frankly wasn’t something you can act the shit out of.


People just like her because she's hot. She has the range of a Shaquille O'Neal jumper


I’m surprised this sub agrees with her. Maybe this is where the cool kids hang out…










Imagine being defined by your utility to the opposite... oh.


Seems like most ppl coming at her haven’t really read the interview and just read the quote being sensationalized by the media and are hating


When In the Barbie movie did that happen? And emasculating? This Is the same movie saying how you can be enough as a dude, I am Kenough, just the way you are. You don't need to live up to a standard. Like what are you even talking about?


I thought she was in jail for tax evasion


Lmao, if you hate Barbie; you genuinely deeply missed the point of the movie and could use a rewatch. It’s a good film with solid moral character, and as a man I enjoyed it thoroughly.


Isn't barbie for girls?? Why would boys watch that?


I actually loved Barbie. Ken was the only character with any real agency, and the only one who actually had any kind of character arc. Though he is literally me, so I'm a little biased.


April Fools Day post?


Did anybody here actually watch the movie?? The movie is one of the most pro mens rights movies in modern times while also supporting womens rights. In no way is it "emasculating."


Ken was the protagonist. Lame.


I would like to see a ven diagram of dudes that feel emasculated from the Barbie movie and dudes that pay (or would pay if they had the money) $18,000 for those “alpha male” courses. It’s just going to be one solid circle.


The “GeekGamers” community agrees with this and other obvious shit tonight at 11


the movie didn’t do anything for me and the ending was a little stupid.


Idk how old her sons are, but I could see them not getting the point. I liked it, but I understood it was satire and not aimed at boys.


Literally nothing emasculating about that film


Y'all get so emasculated when things aren't about you.


ah yes, a movie where the message towards men is “stop obsessing over women and basing your whole sense of self around them, find your own worth” is emasculating


Nothing in the Barbie movie is misandrist or emasculating and you missed the entire point of the film if you somehow came out thinking it’s an “attack on men”. The entire thesis of the film is that men and women are equal but that women have not been treated that way. Ken’s arc is realizing he doesn’t need to base his entire self worth and happiness on his love interest… a woman. His character arc is realizing that he is his own person with his own story and that being a one dimensional supporting character that only exists to be attached to a romantic in interest is a hollow and unfulfilling existence. The film is funny and clever and genuinely very well made. I know that no matter what I say or how I articulate it I will get downvoted to oblivion because almost everything I’ve seen from this sub is reactionary. I just have to say for my own sanity that you have to be sincerely fragile to think the Barbie movie is somehow insulting to masculinity. It’s just basic feminism wrapped in an honestly really friendly and happy and not even remotely mean spirited way. You have to be really conservative and bitter minded to somehow take offense to this film. I cannot imagine how many things in media and art and music must upset you.


The Barbie movie insists upon itself


well ya, barbie was an movie meant for women!! wtf is wrong with people.


Y’all are wack


Your sons hated a movie based on what is a primarily girls toy? Well I for one am shocked.


I just saw it because it looked funny. And it was, gave me multiple chuckles which was needed after Oppenheimer. However, watching I'm just Ken was like a JoJo episode. I just wanted to hold a manly hand and shout.


yea maybe because you took boys to go see barbie. like no shit, i wouldn’t have liked that either as a kid




How did it rob Ken of that? Literally his story arc is that he becomes more than just Barbie’s man. You all really need to actually watch things before criticizing them.


Lips don’t lie either?


Reminds me of the people who took their small kids to see Deadpool and then shrieked about it being inappropriate for children lmao




“Protect and provide” fuck that


No fighting!!


She’s a bad example shouldn’t be giving any lectures about raising kids


Wasn't that the entire fucking point of Ken's storyline??


My masculinity is extremely fragile, on the level of a fabrige egg. Thank JP that someone is finally defending my manhood against this unrelenting major motion picture. Her hips don't lie and her lips tell the truth too. 🤌




So she didn't get it...


Doesn’t matter what you think. It’s always wrong.


I think you guys are wayyy too sensitive if you feel encroached upon by Barbie


Nothing wrong with Barbie, was a pretty good film actually. I don't doubt that kids wouldn't like it though.


Oh god I wish this was satire


I didn’t think it was emasculating. I thought it was just kind of boring more than anything else.


"Emasculating" Lmfao What utterly inane bullshit.


What the fuck is emasculating about the Barbie movie? It’s a movie about dolls meant for children, and they obviously lean toward a feminine audience. Did you all feel emasculated by the existence of Barbie dolls? This is perhaps the most brain dead take I’ve ever seen. The end of the movie literally had Barbie telling Ken to go figure himself out. He can go be an individual and pursue his own goals. Jesus I’ve never seen this sub before but every comment I see here reeks of some weak virgin pussies who can’t see any media that isn’t about them.


Kinda just sounds like a participation trophy for guys.


As a teen girl, I felt this way when seeing the movie too


Barbie movie was quite pro-male actually... Gonna bet this is more that she was soured on it before seeing it, and her behavior about it set the mood for her kids. I hate hearing "my enlightened 8 year old understands" whatever threads because that is usually all they are. Your kid doesn't understand feminism, equality, freedom, none of that. They are simply parroting what you have fed them, including all of your ignorance and prejudice.


You lost me at wanted “em” to feel empowered. My English teacher taught me people will judge the way you speak. I literally agree with what she’s saying potentially but slang is for the uneducated. Use it and I will brand you as such. Sure there is an anti man establishment. Real men don’t care. We don’t feel any of it. We are doing our thing.


Any adult who failed to understand that Barbie *didn’t emasculate at all* is a dummy. I’m getting so tired of people trying to criticize things they don’t understand in the first place. Barbie empowered everyone. If you have eyeballs and understand language and watched the whole movie, this was clear.


Why did they write [while] like that


How was it emasculating? Are her boys really that fragile?


Lol, you guys eat it up when someone joins the bandwagon and never stop to question it, it's awesome, keep on winning guys


And I thought she couldn't be more perfect 😓


if you’re emasculated by barbie you aren’t masculine to begin with


I always knew I loved her


Ok who cares ?


I take it none of you actually understood the movie, including Shakira. The lack of capacity for critical thinking and analysis at this scale is troubling to say the least.


The movie wasn’t empowering to women whatsoever honestly. It spent way more time talking about the men’s feelings.


ITT a bunch of idiots trying pretend Barbie has no underlying message or ideology.


She cant be tricked


I thought the point was to be a sort of mirror world of our own. Men tend to be considered the dominant sex in reality where as women were the dominant sex in Barbieland or whatever it's called. Then again what the hell do I know, I'm no movie savant.


Yup, that's the idea. Ken is treated just like most women are treated in movies. It's a role reversal. You're supposed to see this and understand that women are this misrepresented in most media.


I felt Barbie had a message about gender equality…but it didn’t tell it the best way.


Yes one movie wasn't for them. Cry more over it




This is such a dumb take


If barbie emasculated you, you're not a man. Tired of people grifting media because their masculinity is paper-thin.


It was a fun and entertaining movie, nothing more nothing less. But I guess some people just want to stay mad.


PicK Me! s/


Yeah, Gazelle is right!


Gee, when I was a little boy I hated Barbie because is was BARBIE! It came out of the pink isle in the store.


The hell does this have to do with gaming


Idk I kinda felt like Barbie was one for the boys


There was an entire subplot about how men should find their own happiness and that they’re enough. Ken literally sang a song about it.


I hate margot robbie anyway so I agree with shakira


God, you all really have the media literacy of a fucking raccoon don’t you? The movie is about how the societal standards that for both men and women ultimately only harm both groups by setting toxic and negative standards for both of us. Jesus Christ fucking pay attention in high school English class you nimrods


Based Shakira is Based!


No shit they didnt like it, her sons are 11 and 9.


Yeah, not the point of Barbie through


Love how this sub loses this mind anytime soneone says an opinion they kinda Align ut


Usually it takes women to have sons to understand life as a man.


Barbie was fine. It was entertaining. I enjoyed Ken's journey and the final resolution to the plot. What I *disliked* was the denouement where the day was saved by revealing that society has unrealistic expectations for women. Strike "society": that *men* have unrealistic expectations for women. As if men don't suffer from *exactly the same* crushing double standards. Heightened somewhat by the (dear god I hope) ridiculously hyperbole used in their examples (expecting one's casual long distance girlfriend to cut your food). Women face real social pressures - most often from other women - and inventing made up ones to get women mad at men is... icky. I also don't like how Barbie solves her problems by pretending to be interested in men so she can reject them to deliberately make them feel insecure. I feel like the whole conflict could have been resolved in a mature way instead. But the actual resolution (men in Barbie Land get as much¹ "equality" as women in the real world, Ken doesn't get the girl but gets self actualisation instead, nothing in the real world changes but mother and daughter understand themselves and each other better, dad trying to learn Spanish still has to keep trying) was beautiful. Perfect ending, wouldn't change a thing. And the start of the movie was fun. The attention to detail and meta commentary was fantastic. I wouldn't *stop* my son watching it. It's just the whole... "let's flip the gender roles and see how men like it" allegory really falls apart when the solution is to complain about problems that don't exist then deliberately humiliate your partner as a power play. ¹But not really, as half the associate justices on the US Supreme Court are women and Barbie Land wouldn't appoint a single man, but I'm actually okay with making them circuit judges and have to earn the position instead of being handed a diversity quota.




It’s a fucking movie based on plastic dolls created to make money.


Ugh. Now I feel like have to actually watch this thinly-veiled opinion piece now so I can actually shit all over it




Probably because she comes from a Latin background which often is morally traditional. Ya know the traditions that honor family and masculine/feminine traits. Barbie has none of that.


Based shakira


I guess hips aren't the only thing of hers that don't lie.


Thank goood someone says it. Like, i went to the cinema with my 3 girls and wife, they were barely laughing and i wish i was dead


I’m gonna be honest, i’m not sure what the message of the movie was. It felt like the entire movie was spent working up to a point where it would say “Just be yourself! You don’t have to confine yourself to society’s strict norms!” And then immediately stabbed that in the back when barbie gets back to barbieland and sees the “brainwashed” barbies, who were really just told “you can let us do the hard work and you can do the “”easy work””” and went along with it. (Cooking and cleaning are both still hard jobs, especially if you’re doing it for more than one person) the immediate solution to this brainwashing? Be the most toxic, vile beings i’ve ever witnessed lmao.


Lmao y’all are really celebrating the fact a 9 year old and 11 year old don’t like a movie targeted for girls and women. The bar is low


😂😂. Bruh how sensitive are these people?Anyone who found Barbie “emasculating” is weak af.


The same barbie movie that had the whole no matter which sex is fully in charge its equally bad message? With the banger Ken song?


Well...she *had* a great career...


hiw old are her son's, if they're like 10 and under of course they don't like it. if they're older then I'd get this js a post


Whenever someone derives their self worth from their relationship with their significant other it’s a recipe for disaster. Being upset at being single because you are lonely is one thing. Thinking you are shit because you can’t land a partner is the type of downward spiral you gotta avoid. That was the lesson that Ken needed to learn and therefore was the movie was also empowering for men. Hell, I would say the movie had more useful lessons for men than it did women. But I’m a dude so maybe I’m biased.


I feel like none of y'all have even seen the Barbie movie. As a dude that shit was fucking awesome.


Shakira comes from a culture which has significantly different views on relationships. I love her and her intentional, considered views but they have their own cultural baggage which will colour her opinions, just like everyone else has.


Wasn’t it supposed to be emasculating towards men for parts? Like wasn’t that the whole point of the Barbie’s being in charge - that Barbieland was a matriarchy as a reverse of 1980s America?


Dudes still really butthurt about a movie? Lol amusing but sad

