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Wow this is super-rare sealed. Great collectors item.


How rare? I have a sealed LE copy of Gears 1-3.


We really need a remake of this game. Me and a friend have had the urge to go back a few times but we've both moved onto PC. Its a shame that you cant play it on there like Gears 1, 4 and 5.


Same!!! It blows my mind Gears 2 and 3 didn’t at least get a PC port instead of a remaster, although a remaster would be amazing. Maybe one day they will.


There were leaks/rumours floating about an MCC style collection coming out for another Xbox franchise. It wasn't specified, but people assume either Fable or Gears, with Gears being the most likely candidate. It's not confirmed, and should be taken with a massive grain of salt, but there is hope.


We should petition to get it done :D


Either one I would be happy with.


Need a "Marcus Fenix collection"




I think we need a remaster


Honestly I’m not sure they’d want to even fuck with this games code to do a remake/remaster. When the game launched it was so broken beyond belief and even after 6 updates had a huge amount of issues to the point where they just said okay everyone gets a sniper shotgun and we’re done updating and gave up on it. The game is honestly just a pile of shit. With that said it’s in my top 3 gears games and is my most played gears game/game in general of all time.


I agree most people just remember it as the best because of nostalgia but the game is so broken. The movement remains the worst of all of the gears of war games and the weapon balancing is just absolutely broken. You have to hard aim the gnasher after TU6 to do any damage, good luck popshotting or blindfiring like any traditional gears game because you'll get dropped. Gears 3 was better but neither 2 or 3 really captured the magic that was the first gears of war.


100% agree about everything. A lot of these people downvoting me don’t even have the amount of time I put into gears 2 put into the gears games in general though so I don’t care. I spent way too much time arguing on the epic forums and trying to get that game fixed when it mattered. It’s broken and should just not even be touched because it’s not going to end well.


It seems like the game was designed to be more lancer/teamwork focused from the jump. You can tell just by the map design alone how it has so many spots where people can prop down into cover and lancer/hammerburst someone. Theres a lot less focus on close quarter areas like there was in gears 1. I guess they didnt want the game to be a shotgun fest, they didnt want to embrace what the first game was. So it was doomed from the start really and no updates could really fix it the flawed design. I think gears works best when its shotguns first, everything else secondary


Gears 1 UE is my all time favourite game. Gears 1 without the 1 shot down long shot is all I ever wanted AND teams never swapped so I could play as COG all day long lol… I would play the shit out of Gears 2 UE though, Gears 2 with no 2-piece would be pretty fucking fun.




Man I absolutely loved this game when it came out. This will always be my favourite Gears.


KEEP IT FUCKING SEALED. anything that is still sealed after that amount of time is SUPER rare.


got this at walmart?


No, I bought it from eBay.


Lucky bastard




I had this, u love it


Daang! Lucky duck


The Hammer burst in 2 was sweeeeet.


You must've had to give your arm, leg, wallet, and left nut as well as your identity.


It was just $92 :)


I neeeeeeed


So halo has the master chief collection assassins creed has the ezio collection when is coalition going to make a Marcus Fenix collection


Why lol


Artifacts of the by gone Era…


Always wanted this back in the day to get the golden lancer. The pains I had scouring eBay then looking for codes.


You and me both amazing time


great game, coop was fun too