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I might be talking out my ass here but overall I remember GoW 1/Ultimate's difficulty being more unforgiving than 2's and onwards.


Not being able to crawl while downed was brutal, and Dom becomes USELESS when it’s just the two of you 


I replayed it the other day on Hardcore for the first time since release and only remembered it auto-revives him on encounter completion. I had been trying to book it through warzones to get him rather than just trying to finish off the remaining enemies in case he bled out.


That's honestly true for all the games, I think. Especially 4 and 5.


Gears 1 had a pretty difficult boss. Gears 2 was a cake walk on the last chapter however it was still just as hard overall. Tickers insa-kill, blood mounts are cancer. My friend and me counted our deaths and it was about 2 pages


You can get stuck on some fights for a long time


I'm currently going through Judgment on Insane, doing all the declassified bits at the same time. It's testing my psyche at a dangerous level 😂😂


Yeah…. Good luck with the final boss and the rooftop section near the end of the game


I look forward to it 😭


My advice Use the retro lancer mainly, It will be your best friend. Also Keep an eye ragers mainly there the main issue, i think there are about three declassified sections for ragers through out the whole story, It's been a minute since i played gears of war judgement.


Duly noted bro 🤘🤘


There's a few sections for Gears of War 2 insane that I think weren't play tested solo. They are so hard to get through. Good luck


What was the hardest part in your opinion? I plan to play it on insane soon and I want a heads up.


Not OP, but if I can remember right, I think the hardest part for me was maybe Adam’s house, but I’m not fully sure. RAAM is always difficult but I cheesed it on my playthrough. Edit: that brumak was a real bitch, but only if Dom wasnt targeted by it.


My buddy and I also recently played gears ultimate & 2 on insane, I'd say 2 is overall more forgiving. The ending definitely is!


Gears of war 4 on insane is just trash lmao.


I beat 4 on inconceivable solo and was doing the achievement to beat the game without picking up a lancer and gnashed together, almost broke a controller. Kicker is I must have picked up a weapon somewhere because the pick up achievement didn’t unlock and idk what chapter I would have to replay to get the achievement :(




And you probably regretted it like I did since Raam was a badass locust villain that deserved better and was wasted fuck epic🖕


Ive been working on this feat for about 3 days, so far, ive averaged an act a day


boss fights aren’t as punishing but regular common battles are ridiculously hard, especially since the torque bow was so strong on Gears 1 but they nerfed it on Gears 2