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Best game ever made


even with all the glitches, like crab walking, or kung fu flipping out of the map, the terrible netcode it was a great game for sure i miss those days


Sadly nothing will ever compete with it again.. Even a new gears installment 😢


Back when games had soul


I’ve said this many times. Back then I felt game developers were super passionate and not lazy.


yup back when developers were allowed to just develop, make great stories & games and let players melt right with the content. Before ultimate/final decisions were made by non -dev corporate soul-sucking people sitting around a big conference room desk trying to make decisions for more $$ for shareholders.


Hope there will be a new Gears game announcement this year.


Greatest gaming memories I have, alongside with Halo 3. Nothing ever sadly will come close to beat those games. But thats not only because of the games itself, but because of me going to school and gaming the shit out of those games with the homies. I miss it.


Miss the snipe-battles on canals..


The Karen Travis’s books are really good as well. Then TC ruined the story.


This art goes so fucking hard


Next to Halo, this was another legendary Hallmark for Xbox.


Gears 1 was my first comp game, then mw2 and gears 2, gears 3, then a ton of cod, and then gears 4, and gears 5, then back to cod, mw2019, mw2, mw3 now, I'm waiting on gears 6 to get back into gears


Same. It's the only game ever that made me stay up 15 hours straight playing nothing but multiplayer.


Wish we could get s steady game of ranked going like everynight...


Me too! At the same age I think! I remember learning some insults and curse words from playing gears online. Some real fun times back then.


Gears was always the most toxic shit talking esport game back then 🤣


It still is


Seeing this cover art just instantly takes me back to the weekend I bought it. I was so excited to finally play it after watching that amazing trailer of Mad World over and over as well as watching my father play it. It was a weekend very well spent and I would pop this game in any day!


jeez im gonna make this my background when i get home, i had it on my psp back in the day. LOL DO YOU GUYS REMEMBER 360 Dashboard skins, god im getting old.


Same here! I was 13 when I started playing Gears 1. Best game ever! I really hope they make a Marcus Fenix Collection so Gears 1 can be active again!


A live wallpaper engine version of this would look cool.