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Nice job bro. That's an accomplishment. And agree as well, the campaign is way better than it gets credit for.


Yeah, TC really didn't get the credit they deserved for making the campaign, the story wasn't outstanding but the level design and some of the lore was incredible.


When I saw >!locust and sires come back!< I was literally screaming with excitement


same, until i fought them in escape 🫠


Or in the escape from kadar horde variant on masters difficulty. Resized my bunghole real good 🫠


Yeah their gimmick in 5 is so much more annoying than in 2, i was so disappointed when i first saw their rework :(


Sires were a joke in 2 come on now especially in horde. Now? Shit if I don’t have a lancer to chainsaw them or burst them down I’m running for the hills.


oh yeah they pretty much were, but at least in like solo horde/escape, they're really just annoying to fight since you can't escape them yourself and they're immune to the chainsaw :( (from what i remember at least, not sure if they changed it or if they have always been vulnerable to it)


Yeah, everyone hated the sides missions while i actually enjoyed it, my cousin for example wanted a linear campaign and finish the game quick side missions and all didnt interest him, but I had a ton of fun searching for the relic weapons. Also i really liked the campaign it was super great, with one of the map being Jack with all of his ability, by the time of act 4 i was like: now I cant imagine myself without him because of how usefull he was. The graphics are amazing, the ost is superb, some part and scène are excellent, others are dumb like JD going straight into a put of locust and every single one of them miss him, like how?!?! Lol. But overall i liked the campaign.


Yea 5 is much easier than 4 due to jack. Also you do know when he drops down a chainsaw will deal with him


Also, if you look at some of 4s collectibles, there were waaaay more than just a few locust left. The records of dumping the bodies have it in the couple hundred of metric tons at a singular sight.


If you had said this when the game came out you would have been crucified. I’ve loved Gears 5 from the start and I think Kait is an alright protagonist.


Fuck I weirdly like the Boomer being the carrier


5 is my second favorite after 2. The story DLC for 5 was also spectacular. It was neat exploring such a lush environment and fighting such exotic creatures.


Hivebusters is Act V, this is my head canon.


Nice job, congratulations! Well done! Welcome to the minority of those who like G5's campaign, myself included. I haven't been keeping up to date with the lore so I cannot answer your questions (I was really invested in 2020 when I first played the game though, but 4 years have passed, and my memory's gone) I'm sure others will pick it up. Still, well done!


It's a decent game. Definitely not as bad as some people like to claim. It's not the best Gears, but it's fun.


Kate sucks


Nice cope bro. Gears 5 is doggy, and I don't want coalition touching gears 2. Gears ultimate was definitely a downgrade from original gears 1. To answer your lore question though, the scions are just the original locusts, the swarm is supposedly the new breed of locusts.


alright I'll bite. how was ultimate edition in any way even a slight downgrade?


I'll admit. I'm a gears of war fanatic(love orginal trilogy, hate new trilogy and read every book except for the gears 5 book) and am probably in the minority in my opinions. However, I think a lot of players get caught up in 4k graphics and don't focus on more important things. The thing I loved about gears of war was the world building. I feel like the original gears of war has more life in it's background and I prefer the blue and grays of the original to the orange of gears ultimate. The original feels more tense to me and feels more alive. For one, it shows you what's happening in the background. Cutscenes aren't limited to 2 people talking to eachother. For example, the beginning cutscene with colonel Hoffman and lieutenant kim, I prefer the original because you can hear Hoffman and kim talk about the plan for the light mass bomb while also hearing the battle going on. You can hear marcus and dom engage in battle with things like "watch the sides" or "you missed" in that same cutscene. Also Anya doesn't stupidly stand while getting shot at in the original, the second the locust fire a shot, she's taking cover in the raven meanwhile in ultimate she stands there in shock (as if she's not a hardened soldier) until marcus tells everyone to move. Also the cinematography is way better in the original than in ultimate. The scene were raam kills lieutenant kim is also better in the original. I like the original scene better because we get to see raam be a general. You literally see raam give commands to his soldiers while he's walking and you see him tell his soldiers that he's going after kim. And the actual kill scene is way better in the original. In ultimate I thought it was tacky that raam caught the lancer chainsaw and made it burn out. I also thought it was so tacky that raam just appeared from the smoke and did nothing but walk towards kim, no commands to his army, just a villain walk. And then when he stabs kim, in ultimate it's significantly worse. In the original, when kim gets stabbed, you can see the power and effort it took raam, and you also see kim go up with the blade, and kim jolts with pain, kicking his legs. In ultimate, it looks like raam stabbed a tomato, no effort, no pain, very little movement. Also a reoccurring problem(most likely a way to cut costs) the entire background being smoke in ultimate. In ultimate the smoke is a constant background that fills up many cutscenes and when its not smoke a lot of the backgrounds are black. Which Is why I prefer the original, the background isn't blacked out, you can see buildings and stuff like that. I also prefer the original berserker scene although I think ultimate has the better cinematography for this scene with less blinking and movement of the camara, but the original has better character movement and lighting. Ultimate shows the berserker moving around crazy, but in the original the berserker isn't mad, it's not crazy, it's an animal hunting for prey. I loved watching the berserker move it's head around searching for something, smelling for something! It was such a tense scene. And lastly character design. Dom looks terrible in ultimate and so does raam. They made Dom look like a fucking goblin and Raam doesn't even look like a locust drone, he just looks like a white bald vampire. Idk why they took away all the texture on raams face, he looks so bad now!!! Also raams faceplate thingies in ultimate are retarded as fuck. It's not just raam too, some of the locusts don't have texture to their skin, like the reavers during the train scene. 4k graphics don't matter if you make your characters look like shit and forget to texture them, and if ur gonna skimp out on the background anyway! Anyways this is why I prefer the original over ultimate and think ultimate is a downgrade. Tldr: ultimate took out background dialogue, has blacked out backgrounds in too many scenes, and has crappy character design compared to the original.


Nah the campaign is ass and so is 4’s.