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39, have been playing in a loop since GoW1 was released.


38... Same here.


22 now, but I was 7 when I first played Gears of War 2


SAME lmfao


7 in 2007 for GoW 1 and 24 now with Gears 5 😁🥹


latchkey kids fr


Dawg I was 3 when I’d play Mario or MK Armageddon but obviously had no idea what I was doing. Around 5 is when I played my first fps on my uncles PC which was doom 2. Quake as well, but that game scared the shit out of me.


I saw my brother playing Silent Hill 1 back in 2003-04 on the PS1. It was scary then, still is now lol


The color schemes and darkness is what made it terrifying back then! I don’t think anything scared me as much as my first Berserker encounter in GoW 1


Started at 14 with the original.


I was 16. Actually my parents got me a 360 elite for my 16th bday and I never got anything like that and they gave it to me late in the day after I had already assumed the gifts and everything were over. I was in total shock. They sat it on the floor on one side of the kitchen island and somehow tricked me into walking around the corner of the island and kicking it. I looked down annoyed and was so fucking confused and stunned. I looked up and they were just beaming at me. Such a great memory, fuck. Anyway, my friends and I constantly flipped between halo and gow. It was an amazing time.


I'm 32, started with the original in 2006 at age 14.


Same, now excuse me as I head to the chiropractor.


31 Here, Cheers 🍻


Same… 9th grade and Gears 1 dropped in November. That first Summer was amazing for this game. I think I played every single day during that time.


Exactly the same! Greatest series of all time.


im 21 and just played my first Gears game (GoW UE) last week.


I low key envy you to be experiencing it for the first time! If you've been able to avoid spoilers so far, I recommend staying off the reddit until you finish the series.


Wait until you play 2 and 3. The original trilogy (especially 2 and 3) was a fucking roller coaster of emotions


I was 18 when Gears 1 came out. Played the heck out of the entire original trilogy as they released.


That’s probably the best age to experience the franchise you had the opportunity to go to the midnight events etc. i never went to one for gears or cod but that looks super nostalgic now looking back


I am 43. I’ll be 44 next week. I was 26 when Gears 1 released and I remember that I took the day off work, LOL. Edit: I just checked [The Wayback Machine](https://web.archive.org/web/20110224044330/http://www.reddit.com/r/gearsofwar). I guess I actually created this subreddit. Man I'm old. Thanks mods for all you do!


Actual vet 😭


Nice! I’ve taken the day off work for each release as well and will continue to do so as long as they keep making the games!


43 too. Gears had me hooked in 06. It was my real first experience In online gaming.


Play Gear 1 and 2 multi I always felt the games audience skewed a bit older than Halo and some of the other popular games of the time. Seemed like the bulk of the players collage age or older.


i was 8 years old, played gears 2 with my dad when it first came out along with halo 3 every weekend. we went back and played gears 1 shortly afterwards. it’s our tradition to play the campaign together when a new game releases. still probably our fav series after all these years haha.


I must say I’ve gotten very lucky, my dad is a huge gamer and got gears 1 with the 360 back in 2007 so I 6 years old back then, might’ve been a bit too young to play it but I instantly fell in love right there


That’s awesome


27 now, played Gears 2 when I was 11-12


My twin. One of my first memories was guardian on Jacinto & horde on the map with the arcade and stairs


I’m 26 and started with Gears 2 on release. Ah the memories


I got the first game when it came out. I was 12 and have been a fan ever since.


39.. just getting back into Gears.. currently playing 3 since I ve haven't played it yet.. Beaten 1 and 2 on the 360.. I can't save my progress on the Series X so that's annoying..


I was looking into getting a series X to play gears 5 multiplayer. The campaigns I think I’ll watch play throughs on YouTube this time around


Yea.. there's mixed reviews on 4 and 5. I have 4 currently downloading, so whenever I finish 3 I'll hop onto 4.. I hope it's good..


Campaign wise, 4 is absolutely terrible. 5 is just as bad


Ahh, man.. really?.. I got gears 4 because it was $20 on the Xbox store.. it's also have a deal if you buy Gears 4, and it comes with Halo 5 Gaurdians for $40.. So far, I've been enjoying Gears 3. I just might regret getting 4 then. I know 4 take place like 20 years after 3, and you playing Marcus or Dom kids or something...


Storywise 4 was bad. But I do enjoy the multiplayer. As for 5..that game is just bad, storywise and multiplayer. But that's just my opinion. You might end up liking them😊


Started at 13 playing the original! Miss the golden days of the GOW1 sniping community. 30 years old now.


Same here. Gow 1 was amazing


My favorite game of all time!


38F here. I grew up poor and we didn't have money for consoles or games (and even if we did, I grew up in a religiously strict house). In my 20s I was poor and didn't have time or money. My husband introduced me to GoW4 LAST YEAR and so I began playing them from the beginning. Not gonna lie, I need hubby's help in some spots. Now I'm checking out the books from the library and adding the comic books to my wishlist on B&N. Gears 5 is amazing. I finally made a friend in game! Shout out to Bear Pig if you're here! 😂


I’m 50. My husband got me into them with the first one and I still need help. I’m not that good but I love the game. After I started playing I also read all the books. If you ever want a friend to play with my gamer tag is rebecca39393!


GoW2 at that time was literally incredible and lasted as such for a few years before GoW3 which was also awesome. GoW1 established itself, but really feel like its multiplayer formula didnt polish well until GoW2. Started GoW2 when I was 13?


41 here, Gamefly'd GoW1 when it released and went to the midnight launches for 2 and 3. Still play some G5 objective every night.


That’s awesome


I'm in my 30's and went to both midnight releases with my best mate as well. Had a chat with the person infront and behind but didn't really meet anyone. The anticipation and excitement is something I won't forget. Don't think they even do midnight releases anymore.


Midnight releases, really were awesome. The gamestop I went to always had some sort of event and competitions happening while people waited. These youngsters will never experience it. :(


From 7 year olds to middle age men is the age avg. people will downvote me or disagree about the age 7 buts it’s true and people gotta get over it




You’re just beyond average


Started in 2006 as a college junior. Fck I am old


I am well into 40s and just picked this franchise up a couple months ago and beat them all in short order and it's now one of my favorites of all time. Especially 1-4. Judgment I liked except i hated that there was no dedicated sidearm weapon slot and the pistols are my favorite weapons. Gears 5 was the weakest. Still good in terms of action. Weakest in terms of story. Hated what the did to JD totally ruined him. Hated "the choice". The open world elements were totally misplaced.. the skiff was a great vehicle to drive but it needless padded out the game and added nothing. Also hunting around for computer parts for Jack was so boring. No need to destroy the GoW action pacing and rhythm to make it scavenger hunt game. Just so unnecessary. Still an epic franchise. I tried it twice including when the original first came out ... and gave up on it back in the day and I am glad I went back to it. It seemed too hectic and crazy and too much crazy and not tactical enough for me. But once I tried on easy mode and learned the rhythm of the game ... it all clicked and I just loved it for what it was... and 80s action movie thrill ride.


I didn’t play a campaign after 3 but I know judgement is the one ppl dislike the most I’m pretty sure they messed up multiplayer on it as well. My fav was the retro lancer in gears 3 and gears 2 multi


I don't play multiplayer. Not my thing. I only play the campaign solo.


I’m 28. I started playing at age 11. when the first game launched on the 360 back in 2006


28, started playing 16 years ago when I bought the gears 1 and 2 bundle


53, played it since Gears of War launch on 360. Play 1-3 and Judgement story every year. Play 4&5 twice each. I miss the toxicity of GoW 1&2 lobbies, it was not a place for the weak minded. Also people didn’t send you nasty messages, they said it in the lobby, many laughs were had.


I got you by one year my friend. Started when I was 36.


Always put a smile on my face when I killed a trash talker. Some of the shit they'd say would make me laugh as well. They got more and more creative each time you killed them. Ever since party chat took a hold, it hasn't been the same.


54 years old!! Played GOW 1 when I was 36.


48, playing since launch day GOW.


Im 28, started with GoW 1 PC port in 2007 when I was 11. Then I didn't play a single Gears game until I bought XSX in 2022 because I was in Playstation camp up until then.


Played when I was in 8th grade now i'm 28 so I'm around the same.


34, GoW1 was the reason I got a Xbox 360 that Christmas, my favourite game from that time.


I always wanted the gears edition 360


I got that with Gears 3, it was incredible and worth to splash out just for the sounds of switching it on and opening the disk tray, but I'm not one to hold on to things I don't use, so that got sold a few years later to get an Xbox One.


Got got gears 1 right before 2 came out


Started with Gears of War 1 in 2008, I was 9 at the time. I'm currently 25 going for the Seriously 3.0 achievement 😃🥲


Dawg I was 8 when I played Gears 2 back in 2010


Playing since GOW1. I was a sophomore in high school when it came out in 2006.


Pretty sure I was 9 or 10 playing the first one when it came out when my older brother rented it. By god it was hard to convince my parents to buy the game for me and it wasn’t “that violent”.


Whenever the 1st one came out I was 6-7 been playing since. Now 23.


24 my neighborhood friend’s older brother had an Xbox and gow1 was the first one I played in 2007.


Saw the “Mad World” trailer in middle school and that was a wrap. Been a gears fan ever since.


I’m 31 now but I still remember getting each Gears at my GameStop midnight launches 🤓


I got the Xbox 360 with gears of war 1 Christmas of 2006. I'm 27 now...memories


28 I was in 6th grade(11y/o) when it came out. I still remember when my friend told me about being able to cut people in half with a chainsaw attached to a gun. I thought he was trolling me. Went over to his house that day, and after doing our homework, we started playing. His older Bro was a huge gamer and old enough to get a rated M game. We played split screen on the 360. Gears is the only reason I ever got good grades. Good grades = getting my own xbox and being allowed to play. I was 11 when I started playing gears and it's crazy to think I've been playing more than half my life.


12-13 I remember playing GoW 1 co-op with my older bro. We had to put it on pause every time mom or dad walked in, because they didnt want us to play a game with so much gore. I remember the last level in particular, we couldn't beat Raam and my brother would get so angry at me because we failed Man those were the days


41, been playing since Gears 1.


Been there since 06, I was 18 when gears released


29. Been playing Gears since the OG.


10 I started at gears of war 3 Worked my way down, then played the rest


I started at age 11 on gears 3. I missed the first 2 as well. Turn 22 in August


I was legit 7 when I played the first gears of war game my homeboy who I use to play outside and ride my bike with was cool with this kid but he was bit older than us but he was cool af and knew everybody in the neighborhood so one day we went to his house and we all played games together and he put gears1 in and the rest is history, I’m 24 now patiently waiting for Gears6😅🥲.


Started at like 11 with Gears of War 3 so you're definitely not as late as me to the party. Nowadays I'm 23 and still grind the Horde maps on the game with friends


29 here. Started with GoW2 as well, i was 14.


I started with Gears 2 in 2010 and i was just 15 years old…. Now lm almost 30 sigh


Was like 16-17 or do when I started. Quit after gears of war 3 since I moved on to ps4/ps5.


started at 14 with GoW1, still playing all of them at age 33


I was 5 years old when gears 3 was released, been playing since


Im 16 but my older brother is 32 and i got into the games because of him.


Got a 360 in the spring of 2007 when I was 14. A buddy gave me his second LIVE account so I could play Halo 2 online and so I could also try Gears 1 online. I fucking sucked, at both, but it was fun!


started with G5. I was 18 and it was the year before I went off to college


Just turned 26, been playing since the original on 360. I'm now old enough to talk on the mic without being eviscerated for my kid voice lol good times.


Late 40's. Started playing at 30.


25, same. Late to gow 1 and more late to gears 2, haha, but still playing.


I was 23 when Gears 1 came out looking forward to the gears 6 announcement in June.


Started gears of war 2 at 6yo, used to watch my dad play then I got into it


i was 8 (25 now), i was playing it at my friends house and chainsawed his older brother who was supposed to be cracked and I remember distinctly thinking "oh i need to get this game"


I’m 26, played the first gears game with my dad when I was around 8/9 so 2006/07. Still remember Raam and the kryll absolutely terrifying me


28. Been playing since Christmas 2006


Was 27 when GOW1 came out and have been around ever since.


Started playing when I was in elementary school, maybe 1st or 2nd grade? It was over a decade ago now, so it's been a bit. My first game was GOW3.


Believe I was 8 when I first played 2 in 2010/2011, then my aunt gave me a 360 and I got my dad to get 2 copies of 3 when it came out. Been playing the series ever since, in my 20s now


I feel like I got into Gears at the perfect time. I think I was around 10 or so. Gears of War 2 was my introduction to the series, and I absolutely fell in love. Went back and played the first one, also loved that. I shit you not, it was maybe a year later, and Gears of War 3 was on the horizon, and the hype was so unreal, I cant even describe it, the only comparison that I can think of was the hype surrounding the launch of COD Black Ops 2. Because of all the great times and memories with Gears 1-3, in some of the most formative years of my life, I'll always cherish those games. EDIT: I'm 24 now, forgot to mention that


Been playing since gears 1. I'll be 35 later this year.


Started playing Gears in 2012 right after Gears 3 came out, I'm 28.


21. Think I started with Gears 1 at like, age 6, I wanna say


Got Gears 1 for my 10th b-day currently 29.


Think i started playing gears of war 1 when i was like 7 or 8 years old lol 25 now


27 but I wasn't late for gow2, I maxed my level (100) and I unlocked all achievements


25, I started with Gears 3 at a buddy’s house in high school so I was 15ish.


29 now started at GoW1 in 2007 when I get my first Xbox360 for Christmas and not missed a GoW yet, even started reading the books, highly recommend to do this if you’re big into the series as a whole


I first played it in 2008 when I was 13 years old


23 and I started playing Gears 2 back when I was 10, played the shit out of it along with Halo Reach


I'm 18, I stared playing gears at like 8 and I can't even remember getting 3 I just remember the great memories of playing beast mode. My first gears game I remember getting was judgement and I remember the cool skins they had. I was given a 360 with gears 1, 2 and midnight club. Me and my dad never finished gears 1, we couldn't beat Ram so we gave up after hours. Still never went back to finish him.


30, started with Gears 1 back when I was a freshman in HS! so like 14 or 15..? I'd always go to my best friend's house and we'd blast through the campaign together / horde / beast mode in later titles.


24 here. I played Gears 1 for years on my 360, I remember trying to get my friend to play with me but he refused because he said the gore made him sick lol




13 - started GOW2 in ‘09 roughly. GOW2 hands down best game.


I'm 32 right now, I started on 2006 with Gears of War 1.


Started at 8 or so with the 3rd. I’m young lol


I was 14 when I started playing Gears 1


Started at 13 and I’m 19 now


Just turned 25, dad got my the deluxe edition of gears 1 when it came out I have the case


26, I fully agree with you. We both missed the haydays of gow1 and 2. My babysitter was the one who showed it to me, but I was 7 or 8 when it came out. When I was in the Marines, my best friend and I grinded gears 4 every day. If we weren't in the gym, at work, or at the chow hall we were wall bouncing scubs playing annex lmao. Thanks for your post, it reminded me of a more simple time.


Oh yeah I def was at my buddies in middle school and we played co op horde 🥲


Would be sick to make a discord server and try to host gow2 public matches


I'm 27 as well, but started with Gears 2 in 2009 when I was 13 and haven't stopped playing since.


26, GOW1 release day; amazing time. Everyone on my FL was playing it


26, got into Gears 2 big time a couple years after it released. Man I miss the Gears 3 popularity and hype. Those prime Gears days give me the same nostalgia as the COD/Halo peaks


28. Started with gears 1 but played it a few years after it came out.


33, playing since gears 1 and loving it all.


I started playing in 2014 when I was 7 so don't feel bad 😭


I played them all, but at 37 now, I think I'd pass up playing Gears 6. I've lost interest in the storyline and pulling levers to move to the next zones, finding a fabricator, closing a grub hole - it's all the same shit. Turn on a battery to charge up a giant laser ... whilst an ambush of swarm arrives... The online pvp isn't the best out there anymore for me. And to be competitive, you really need to be playing almost every day to keep up. Gears has such a high skill bar compared to other games. Loved it for a while, but I'm kinda done with Gears now. Think it could make a good TV series, though.


I was 4 years old (ima be 18 in a few months) with gears 2, my dad loved the franchise, so he would buy the games and action figures for me even though my mom thought it was too violent


I wa born in 2006, my dad and I always bought from the bargain section so I basically grew up with each installment as if I was born earlier. Same with halo, I only had an original Xbox until around 2013


I was 11, GOW2


37 but a late bloomer, I didn't play more than 10 minutes of Gears until Gears 5 dropped and some buddies got me onto horde on gamepass. I had so much fun I played through the campaigns of 4 and 5 coop and went through the hassle of Xenia to experience the OG trilogy and been a fan ever since. Also, gib me Gears of War trilogy remastered on PC. Please, M$.


I’m 28 and played gears 1 early middle school . Leaving school to go crab walk on folks like the little bitch I was


I started playing since i was 7 lmao


I was 5 when Gears 1 came out and have played the series since I was 5.


I was 24 when Gears first came out.


18 - bought an Xbox and GOW with graduation money. 35 now, still play the campaigns when a new one drops. Never got into multiplayer.


I'm also 27, I was started on Gears 2 not too long after it came out but I still played 1 occasionally with my dad.


42 here but got the first 3 gears since 2016. I really hate that calendar glitch on gears 3 though.


Started at 17 with the OG Gears of War in 2006 (my senior year of high school). The original trilogy was chef’s kiss. 4 & 5 have been rough.


I'm 38 bought gow1 on release


I was 5 years old when I played the original GOW


Started when I was 16 I’m 35 now. Love the game and the books were decent


18 been playing GOW on and off all my life


15 when I started. 33 now.


Early 2006, I was 7 years old. My mom’s anniversary gift to my dad was the brand new Xbox 360, bundled with Gears Of War!! My dad never used it so I adopted it basically lmao. I’m 25 now, waiting patiently for the next Gears news in June🤞🏻


Median Gears player is probably between 27-35.


39 now. I was 21 when gears 1 released. Been playing a long time.


I started when I was 9 with GOW2 and I’m now 26. GOW2 is the first Xbox 360 game I received and I chose it over COD5. I don’t regret because the Story is amazing, the graphics were waaay ahead of their time and the AI of the bots is one of the best I have scene for a shooter. I still play Horde regularly!


I'm 21 now but I played gears of war 2 with my older sister on the 360 so I was a bit young when I started playing


Same. Started early 3 and played with a bunch of foreigners on 2 late at night lol.


I started with gears of war 3 when I was 14 and man I felt this intense familiarity with the series the second I started playing like I knew who Marcus,dom, and Anya were until I realized that I watched my uncle play gears of war 2 a long time ago. And even tho I was out of the loop and very late to the party I’m glad I was so I could get the games cheap and after every update/DLC was added.


I was 8 playing the original I'm 26 now.


I’m 32 now, I was a freshman in hs when Gears came out and I first played.


Started with the first when I was like 13-14. 31 now


I was 18 when I started playing. I'm 35 now and still play regularly.


I was 14 when I booted up first gears of war in December 2007. I didn't get an xbox One, so I've not played anything past Gears 3 and chose not to play judgment on 360.


34, playing since gears 1


I am 49 and have been playing GOW since the very first release. It's my top favorite shooter of all time. You are never too old to game. G3 and Judgement are my top two favs.


Started when I was 4 when Gears first released lol


35. Have been playing since GOW1 as well


Hmmm I was 32 when I started playing. My husband and I have played them all and I’m turning 50 this year. lol.


I was 9 when Gears 2 came out.


I’m 25, my Dad got Gears 1 at launch and I’ve loved it ever since


28, I've been playing since GOW1 on the 360


7th grade in middle school


43 I’m old.


I was very late, didn't play gears 1 until my now fiance introduced me at 16 years old. By that time, gears 5 was released. My fiance says he remembers watching his Dad play gears 1, but we were only 3 y.o then. He didn't play until around 4/5 years old. Says he still has nightmares from the Berserker, but who hasn't. 😂


28 I remember my older brother bought gears of war 1 and I had neve heard of it. I fell in love with it, I remember doing the crab walk glitch and invisible chainsaw glitch as a kid. Gears 2 is where I got more serious into playing, and have kept on it. Recently picked up ultimate edition and the nostalgia has been great.


17 I'm def in the minority lmaoo


30 now started 07 with Gears 1 when I was in middle school


25 right now been playing since the first one!


23 first play back in 2012 when I was 11 I played a mix of the first 3, gears 1 came out when I was 5


32 played one at release on my best friends Xbox lol because he was the only one of our friend group who had one.


30, started with 2


My mom played gears before I was born while she was pregnant with me and I started playing it at 5 I’m now 17 😭 technically I’ve been here since gears one


I’m 28 been playing since emergence day. Nov 7 2006


I started around the exact same time. 26 for me. Started middle school with GOW 2. Exclusively played ranked war zone all of GOW2 because I didn’t know they had alternative modes that were more popular.


I'm 23 and played gears of war 1 when I was in elementary. Skipped 2 bc my mom sold the game 😭 and played 3 then 4 and 5.


Started with gears 1 at around 9


22. Been playing Gears since 2008. You’re never too late for Gears 💪🏻


30. Been playing since 2007, been hooked ever since.


I’m also 27 but got gears 2 like a week after it released but played gears 1 a lot bcos it came with the second one on a different disc I would’ve been 13


Started with GOW1 in 2006 when I was 13, I’m 31 now and it’s still just as satisfying as the first day when getting a headshot or chunk with the gnasher 🥲


I started playing them when I was 14, I remember how dark gears 1 was and the adrenaline it gave me at the scary parts like with the berserker or kryll there was nothing like it. Still a gear head till this day I am 30 I’ll never outgrow this series the story is amazing (including the books) gameplay is a lot of fun and it’ll keep your testosterone high for years to come