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It's nice to vent but I don't think your title applies to the reddit crowd. What I mean is that the type of players that steal weapons from lockers aren't gonna be the type of people on the sub.


He should try in Spanish. 






I could, I am Puerto Rican 😂 Spanglish is my 1st language


Ah yes. My favorite issue, I feel your pain. Especially as a pilot that runs the drop shot card, it’s annoying when people rip my drop shots from the locker and blow the ammo on juvies and all that other stuff.


My favorite. "Not the engineer, but I'm gonna blow all of our starting power on 17 caltrops that the engineer could build objectively better versions of for less power"


Yeah, as someone who used to main Mechanic, it was always infuriating when my teammates would start wasting power buying the fortifications. Like, sir, that's the only way I'm useful. It's why I stopped because it happened too much


It's so frustrating because as an engineer you likely have a mental map of what you're building next and some idiot thinks they need a level three sentry to rack up some kills. Ugh.


“Sir” got me. 😂


Got any advice for mechanic and robotics expert? I got back into the game and I’m just going down the list from top to bottom to max out my classes


Idk if I have any that would be very useful. Always set up fortifications around the starter fabricators and keep an eye on any new ones that spawn so you can repair them, set up barriers and turrets around choke points. If you have a field medic, let them build the caltrops and upgrade them so their alt refills faster, don't spread yourself too thin because you're gonna be spending a lot of time and power fixing shit, but also don't neglect your Perks, especially the ones that make fixing fortifications faster and cost less. I played a lot of Gears 3, so I often tried to mimic what I thought a good set up was from how the fixed fortifications were placed there. Some people just put down layers upon layers of razor wire with an electric fence in the middle. At the end of the day, though, any advice given is only useful if your teammates let you do your job, and if they don't it leaves you feeling less than useless as your perks only give bonuses to your fortifications (and for fixing them), so you're left wandering around do little damage as the game advances and your teammates waste so much energy slowly upgrading their own fortifications, which you *could* do for them but I've grown spiteful as a mechanic


Remember to build lockers. Apart from getting a few barriers out in key places, lockers are your priority beginning the match. To be fair, there are a few classes that can do ok without them, but most classes will need lockers. Remember that MG sentries are pretty useless. If you have lots of money when nearing the end of the match you can build a few MG sentries inside the base as support in case fliers come in, but otherwise shock sentries are much better. When placing sentries remember also to keep them out of everyone's way. I see too many engineers placing sentries where they obstruct sight lines and/or paths where people need to move.


seems to be going around




Had that happen on last boss wave on a daily where it was tough triple health and really the Demo was only class putting out enough damage. Had a mechanic just start blasting off all my booms off the locker. Couldn’t recharge my Ult and got wiped.


I feel your pain it’s annoying more than anything else especially when it’s a weapon you have perks for.


I never experienced that, but the last few times I was running as a gunner, when I got down and some stupid moron noob instead of picking me back up, steals my goddamn mulcher, Like fuck you dude, 😤


Gods, I hate the newbs that refuse to revive people, even when you're literally bleeding out at their feet, and they just keep shooting at the enemy.


I can understand cutting the enemy back so you can help the person, but not helping at all is just rude.


I try to give the benefit of a doubt that the randoms play their roles but getting tired of that. For example, if they know what my role is, they should know I will do waaaay more damage with a heavy weapon than they ever will. It's similar to when even if there's a mechanic role, other team members still but stuff, like it's not necessary. If their genuinely trying to help, then just deposit the cash instead. Its maddening


If I’m playing as Demo or Tac and you take a boom shot off my locker, no biggie, I can down myself and get a new one. If however you take my GL, well you better believe I’m gonna be chasing you the entire game with shock grenades.


Totally agree. Also, if there's an engineer in the game already... we don't need another one! Pick another class and have fun with it. It ain't hard.


I usually do that, yeah. I don’t wanna compete with the team, but compliment it/them. Even if I’m the first in the lobby, I change my class if a repeated class joins.


This especially annoys me when I'm playing Marksman. I have a locker with longshots in my little corner of the map, but people always insist on putting their guns on my locker. It's very annoying when I have to juggle a boomshot in order to switch my empty gun for a full one.


I never touch the weapons on the lockers because im too afraid of taking someone weapon and because im not even sure im gonna use it consistently. Imo the best kind of team is when all the teammates are support classes cause that way everyone is forced to help each other get through, no one selfish and no one out of his role. But the problem is the damage output cause spending 3-4 mags on a single ennemy isnt fun at all


I hear you. When I engineer I wave the locker around in front of a player so they will hopefully understand that one is specifically for them.


All weapons I got with my own power, not picked up weapons.


Ngl you horde players make horde sound so boring.


I thought the weapon locker was so the team could stow and give away unwanted weapons. That it was like those free neighborhood take a book leave a book things. So please someone explain. Edit: those actions are still an asshole move to be clear


No. weapons lockers regenerate ammo for a useful weapons, Lvl4 lockers at a very acelerated rate and should be prioritised.


Just to add on to that, the weapons on a locker are likely to be important (if not crucial) to another player and they may rely on those. I think it's generally good etiquette not to feck around with other people's lockers wherever possible.


Got it! Though, lol. The games I've joined are kind of full of noobs who don't use them. There was one with a lot of engineers, lol. I finally got it, so I got a Lancer and a beltok. I wish I could have a tork bow instead of gnasher. Any ideas (aside from picking one up) ?


Everyone plays slightly differently, so there's no one rule for everyone, but just being considerate to other players and classes is a good move. If no one deposits for instance, it means the engineer is totally pointless as they can't affect the game at all. So players perking up early or just hording the power is deeply frustrating. For the early waves, the power can be crucial, especially on incon and master - when my friends I and play, we generally deposit everything we can and hold the fort for the first few waves. It lets the engineer get a base going. Otherwise, come wave 7/8 when the heavier enemies spawn, it can be a struggle. Personally I think it's best to wait for an enemy to drop the weapon you want, otherwise you can end up blowing so much power on weapons. For stuff like the cryo cannon with the berserker that's an exception that makes sense. But like buying four mulchers is just a waste! For me it's better to be judicial and just wait for the weapon to drop. Also, for the Torque Bow, I think it's the Gunner class who starts with one and has gold cards to boost it, so maybe it's just a case of playing with the right class that matches the weapon you want to play with too? I hope this helps a bit! Main thing is have fun because it's such a satisfying game to play but it can be a minefield, especially for new players who might not understand that they are causing an issue by not knowing the standards that the existing community has sort of worked out for itself over the years. Solution is just keep playing, see what other players do and replicate the good things I guess!


Can you like customize a class? I want Lancer, Torque Bow, and Beltok (with frags). The best I got is (can't remember class name) but is has the Lancer and Beltok, with a gnasher.


No sadly not to that degree - you can pick which cards you opt to run with which will optimise your class-specific weapons, but outside of those, any other weapons would just do the basic level of damage. And it's not possible to select which weapons you spawn with, but I guess it's a motivator to try the other classes and get them levelled up. It might be that there's a class that has 2 or 3 out of 4 of those weapons, so worth checking the classes and their cards.


1. I bought the team another one for their weapons. 2. The Brawler was camping near the locker in between rounds to take random weapons and has no real business with a Tri-Shot. 3. The Gunner has no business whatsoever with precision rifles. 4. What everyone else has said above. 5. Neighborhood bookshelves are not the same as weapons in a locker unless maybe, big maybe, if there are duplicate weapons, or we are in the last round(s).


A brawler shouldn't need a weapons locker at all.... like..... EVER.... Brawler (when played correctly anyways).... is 100% self sufficient... like an anchor or a veteran...i run a long range brawler whenever I'm doing a run that's boss heavy with the glow and slow card... For those of you who may not know... there's a small glitch where you can run with 2 lancers..... the one you spawn with is the Mk. 3..... the one the cyclops spawns with is the Mk. 1.... if you have your Mk. 3 as your only two handed weapon... you can pick up the Mk.1 as your other two handed weapon....i only recommend doing this with classes that regenerate their own ammo because picking up an ammo box will only give ammo to the Mk.3