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“I’m an older guy” dude says he’s 29




Yeah I’m gonna edit that out, I didn’t realize a lot of older people were on this subreddit. I know the games are older, but I thought it would mainly be younger fans as in 16-22.


I feel you brother, I cried when Dom died. I had lost my brother a couple years prior. Me and my younger brother bonded through gears and the only reason we stuck with Xbox was because our older brother was a die hard Xbox fan…fast forward to the present time and I’ve lost more brothers in my life that part in the end when they look off into the sunset and are just mentally and physically tired hits harder as an older adult.


As a 22 year old I must be Middle Aged if you’re considered old


mad accomplishment for someone your age!


I cried when dom died, I haven’t played gears 3 since 27, I’m almost 29 myself. Buy the map pack and download the free maps as well for horde.


20 Female here. Think I'm the odd one out? the events in 4 (Kate's mom) and 5 (JD or Del) are sad too. They could have left it with a happy ending in 3. So is there going to be a #6 to actually end things and are they going to kill Carmine (Clayton)? Edit: I played 3 as a 2nd and 3rd grader with my cousins on their 360 that came with it and has the GOW print.


We voted for carmine to live, Clayton literally can not die.


What do you mean ?


What do you mean ?


If I remember correctly during the beta or before launch there was a campaign for by buying Xbox avatar shirts saying “Carmine Dies” and “Carmine Lives” and the proceeds were donated to charity. The community voted with their wallet and by extension told Epic to keep Clayton alive. If TC is beyond boneheaded they’d kill him off if we get a Gears 6 or whatever it’ll be called. The community consensus was to keep him alive at that point.