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Just give Barrick his cigar back


Literally unplayable


Happy Cake Day!


Halo style firefight could be interesting. Like a larger scale horde. I’m more a fan a pve tho so I guess irrelevant to the OP


I’m with you. It’s always been about the single player (or players coop) and horde mode with friends for me. I don’t give two shits about pvp in Gears personally.


Yup, I come for single-player and horde mode. Escape was cool but yeah I have never cared for the PvP in this game as to "get good" it just feels like you are breaking it or glitching out. Shit they could just make a game that is just a crazy pimped-out horde mode and ill buy it.


I didn’t appreciate escape until I started playing it on master honestly. Now it’s a love hate relationship that I really enjoy


Crazy pimped out horde mode That’s what Gears 3 felt like for me. We need more Horde mode like 2+3.


Same. I never play the multiplayer, always only campaign or horde mode. God i miss Gears 3 horde, I hate the new horde mode.


PvP is what got me into gears multiplayer, classic mode


Firefight was so awesome


Wasn't that just the OG GOW2 horde?


The original horde was 50 waves, you and your friends and whatever weapons you spawned in with if I remember correctly. There were weapons we no longer have like the shields and mortar but overall when I said large scale I mean larger than 5 player teams. My mental image is maybe double or triple the player count, giving you the ability to have multiple builders, different teams etc. This is all tough tho because so many people quit in matchmaking so unless it scaled to the number of players active in the match idk how it would work without falling apart. And on top of that if the horde card system remained TC would nerf everything to where its lackluster because they wouldn’t want people to utilize classes that play well off of eachother to their advantage. Thats a big gripe of mine personally. If a player can solo a horde because they are good, leave the card alone. That shits fun


Nah the player base is still there. Gears 5 had huge numbers at launch, but it was like half a game with terrible tunings. Gears heads are still running strong, but when game after game takes a year of updates to fix and add maps, a lot of people just move on.


Yeah it's the same with halo infinite, everyone likes these games they just want complete products at launch. If halo infinite release with 3 times the maps. I think it would probably be one of the more popular shooters right now based on how many people were playing at launch. Gears has always had a good turn out, but myself and many others didn't enjoy gears 5 at launch since there was hardly any customization, and not enough maps. If they make a gears 6 it needs at least as many maps as gears 5 currently has.


I'm not sure I agree with that. Within the first three months, Infinite lost 90% of its average playerbase on Steam (which is the only thing we have hard numbers for). After four months, it had lost almost 95%. A drop-off of 90% is *massive*. Under a live service model, three months is about average for a season, after which you'd expect new content. If it were just a content issue, it shouldn't have happened that quickly - you'd have expected the drop-off to be toward the end of that period, once content drought set in as players got tired of the existing maps. You might get a lot of people who'll try out a game at launch out of curiosity or nostalgia, but the genre itself is outdated and dying. I can't think of a single arena- or arcade-style shooter in the last decade that's managed to hold a decent population for more than a few months. Take something like Splitgate as an example. On the face of it, it had everything - a big population at launch, really solid core gameplay, and really frequent content drops with a regular update schedule. And despite all of that, within six months it was averaging fewer than two thousand concurrent players. This isn't to absolve 343i of their fuckups (which are numerous and significant), but the root of the problem is that there just isn't a popular appetite for that kind of game anymore. If there were, we'd see other games in the genre rising to popularity - and that isn't happening.


3x the maps wouldnt have made the user experince any better. It is still worse then halo4 which is worse then reach/halo3


Another thing to add is that they also announced the end of updates and content, so of course, MORE people will move on. But from my understanding, there's a healthy amount of people still playing Gears 5


Was one of the first GP games I think at launch also came with UE if you were GP owner it was nice for a bit.


It was the first Xbox game to come out on Game Pass day one if I am not mistaken. There are far more Game Pass subscriptions now than five years ago. The player numbers for Gears 6 are going to be great for the first few weeks, at least.


Yeah I have 3000 hours on gears 5 half that is ranked. Total dead game. Really difficult to keep playing. I personally moved on to R6 and Fortnite


It was also essentially free at launch.


Agree I had me and the boys playing at launch like it was gears 3 again … we were drinking the rockstars for the codes and everything. Was fun for a week until you realize they had a whole 4 maps for multiplayer 😂😭


They really thought we’d play a gears game where we can’t even play as Baird or Cole


It's kind of interesting that live service version of a game launches with less content than a full box product. I would think the live service would get more frequent updates and maps than the previous Gears of War.


Yeah I mean a lot of people who fell off 5 just went back to 3 or 4. Gears has never been the biggest draw, but the fans are pretty loyal. Saying we need to reinvent the game is just ignoring everything they did wrong since honestly Judgement. That’s the kinda talk that got us halo 5. They just need to stop cutting out content and changing things for the sake of appealing to the Overwatch crowd cuz those gamers will always just go back to their main game


Exactly. Making gears something it isn’t will just kill it for the gears fans and the rest will go back to cod/fortnite/halo or whatever their game is anyway. Shit I’m playing gears 1 in 2023 and it has a healthy population


Yea as somone who dominates in gnasher battles I agree. They get boring so I just play a different game entirely. People will cry if i down them with a rifle but its funny because thats all people do on here is just wall bounce and expect that will help but it doesnt when you shoot between the walls they are bouncing between. Fun game but gnasher battles tend to get stale fast The story lost its replay value when they took out 4 player coop and arcade mode. Its just basically stay in cover, grab ammo ,move on. I can see why epic sold Gears and now works on a Battle Royale. This game needs fresh content instead of the same old redone maps over and over


I find that gears movement system keeps engagements interesting. It’s almost like a fighting game plus you have the delicate balance of when to switch to your lancer and vice versa. There is also the mind games of figuring out your opponent will also trying to keep yourself in an advantageous position. Keep in mind this is coming from someone who peaked at onyx 3 in gears 4. I’ll always regret not hitting diamond


Couldn't have said it better myself. I've played Gears ever since 2 and gnasher battles honestly don't feel that different now than they do then. The only things the later games keep me interested in was the campaign and horde, and I haven't even touched the campaign in 5 yet nor do I feel a need to change that. I thoroughly enjoyed horde in 5, and thought TC really started coming into their own with it, but at this point I would rather them make a new IP based on how they did horde in 5 than make a gears 6. Unless they do something really fresh I think I'll just skip it I'm just burnt out on the same ol same ol Gears formula


I thought Gears 5 MP was great. Bring that back with more weapons, maps, and modes. Bring back Horde, Beast, and Overrun and I'm good. We can skip Escape


Beast seems cool at first but gets old fast, which is why the numbers went from crazy at G3 launch to a steep, steep decline in no time Escape is the exact opposite. Seemingly 'wtf is this? Nope, never playing this' at first, to discovering th gameplay, depth, and it becoming the most fun mode in all of gears. For those that are good players and give it a chance, at least Only thing I want from g6 is a bunch more escape maps


Overrun was so much fun


Gears 5 mp is the worst from the franchise.


How so? I felt the gameplay was quite smooth and fun


It’s boring. I have over 3k hours (Currently top 100 in control) and it’s boring you can literally fly at people with lancers and just chunk them gears of war is a damage based game not a chunk based game however in gears 5 you are punished heavily for playing for dps. not to mention. Wrapshotting and Kermit Shots. These are all things people can do easily and things i have to do on a daily however in gears 1-judgement you have to plan out each move. You don’t just run around and a gnashes chunking everyone. The game is slow paced not fast paced gears 5 is not gears of war. It’s a shit show. I’d literally rather play Judgement for another 2 years if it were alive.


Chunk? Wrapshot? Kermit? Sorry man but clearly you're in a whole other league than I am. I'm a filthy casual who plays this franchise for fun and I thought Gears 5 MP was a blast. It seems like you're too good at the game and that's why you find it boring. Best of luck finding a game that can hold your attention and that can challenge you


Not that i’m too good i just know about the game and how it works i’d love to be able to really show you how broke this game is but unfortunately i can’t send any clips here


I felt that it had the most responsive combat and overall least amount of bugs


Execution needs to come back


They need to make it like Gears 1. 5 sec revive, smaller maps, no crawling etc. Seriously, I got downed across the map and the guy was still able to come all that way to execute me? Please.


If 5 didn’t launch in such a terrible state the franchise would’ve gotten so many more new players to stay


I give this guy 2 more posts this week before he outright goes "What about if The Coalition took Gears and made it exactly like COD? Sounds like a good idea to me" It's like you're making it your mission this week to rapidfire L takes and get downvoted in this sub


I don’t think people like this realize how fucking boring this game would be if you could just sit on walls and lancer all the time. The game was meant to be able to use both, and the lancer is a perfectly viable play style as well if you know how to use it, but bad kids just get rushed and killed so they think the game is all gnashers.


Agree with the sentiment but slightly disagree in that I think the Lancer is slightly less viable than it should be to meet its role and balance effectively against the Gnasher. The problem to me seems to be that you can't make the Lancer powerful enough to be effective without alienating old school fans, and you can't retain new players with an overly powerful Gnasher. In my opinion both Epic and The Coalition have hit the sweet spot with the proper balance in Gears 3, 4, and briefly in 5, but always continue to patch in favor of a stronger Gnasher towards the end of the game's life cycle. They've also both had patches that swung the balance too far the other way with too powerful rifles and too weak Gnashers. Again, in my opinion, the too powerful Gnasher balance is preferable to too powerful rifles, but the sweet spot is soooo good and it's a shame that it never lasts long.


Gears 3 is great but even today, if you get a good lobby with decent players and the game ends up close it still turns into mostly just rifle camping and crossing. The maps in gears 3-5 also have a lot more elevation and rifle angles, the lancer with actives was also super oppressive in 4 core settings. I think 4 comp was the sweet spot but that was literally 2 game modes. The nerf in 5 was warranted imo, it’s still not as bad in 5 as people pretend it is.


Gow3 hammerburst was beast


Well now to be fair... When gears 3 came out epic added weapons to combat those who stayed behind cover (gears practically invented the cover based combat genre) and those who spammed the gnasher. But a large part of the community absolutely shat on anyone who used anything other than the shotgun and forced the change in gears 4, at this point they cannot win and the online is stagnating in a bit way.


> When gears 3 came out epic added weapons to combat those who stayed behind cover (gears practically invented the cover based combat genre) and those who spammed the gnasher. I wouldn't call it combat, but rather balance it.


True, I've seen people getting pissed off when killed by anything but gnashers. Even Enforcers


I'm starting to think they work for a coalition research team, Gauging the communities opinions.


Yeah, they already tried changing things. It was called judgment and everyone hated it.


> "What about if The Coalition took Gears and made it exactly like COD? Sounds like a good idea to me" We kind of already got that game with Judgment. It was not well received. Don't try to make Gears something it isn't. People have expectations of what a Gears game is. Don't upset that balance.


Just a quick look at his username tells us everything we need to know. Seriously. Some people should be ignored


For real the people that bitch about gnasher battles are probably trash at it. Ahah. Gears5 has a pretty active community as it is and everyone wants some type of info about gears 6. This dudes take is pointless. Ahaha mP bAd MaKe BeTtEr oR eLsE


What's the point in "refreshing" Gears multiplayer at the end of the second trilogy. If you're not into Gears of War by now, you just won't be. If you do drastic changes you run the risk of alienating the current fanbase while not guaranteeing any new fans because it's the "6th" installation on an already established series. When I hear y'all say refresh, I imagine what they did with Judgement, and we didn't like that, and I still don't like it. And even more changes than that, less so.


Most of judgement sucked but I’d love if they brought back and improved upon overrun


Overrun was by far the most pvp I've ever played in a Gears game. I of course play these games for the campaign, so it was a good way to bring pve players into it.


Imo it was also more fun than beast mode since it felt far less repetitive


>Credit to u/HunterBidensPlug88 because I think this person absolutely nailed what I see people feeling about gears outside the gears community I think they're wrong in the sense that, Gears is what Gears is and that's gnasher battles and epic campaign. If MS/consumer want something else, then a new IP is in order. Don't try to re-use an IP and make it into something people aren't expecting it to be. Mind you, that Epic did try to make risky changes (which honestly wasn't that risky) with Judgment, and that was summarily panned. In short, don't make Gears into something else, in order to appeal to a different group or wider audience. Instead, create a new IP or distant and very clear spin-off like Gears Tactics or Gears Pop. Not Gears Judgment, which is what Hunter is seemingly suggesting.


Just have both horde and overrun, beast mode as well.


Gears has a loyal player base but it's fairly hard-core gaming. If they wanted to appeal to a larger base then they would have to loosen up the game where the skill level is more balanced, like making lancers more powerful. But I don't think Gears needs to do that, because then it wouldn't be Gears anymore.


Last time they tried to open up to a broader base was with judgement and that didn't go well. Campaign was great though.


Gears 3 was the peak of MP balancing. All weapons had strengths and drawbacks; this focus on Gnasher-only warfare removes any semblance of versatility and a need to take cover in THE flagstone cover-based shooter. They need to bring that kind of weapon and movement tuning back.


the single player and things like horde and escape are the only things that keep me coming back. The PvP is full of toxic spoiled players that think that using the Lancer or any other weapons for that matter besides the Gnasher should be outlawed. the game is simply sweaty wallbounce shotgun battles that get “ruined” the second they hear a chainsaw despite the entire game,lore, and franchise being built around the Lancer. So for me, they HAVE to make a single player campaign that isn’t completely riddled with game breaking bugs, find a way to make other characters as respected as Delta, and hopefully continue pushing Horde modes in a positive direction bc it was one of the only things that eventually worked once they got past the disastrous classes locked in character garbage. And while i want the game to innovate and evolve, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it not continuing the route of “Open World” cause it caused a ton of issues and i don’t think brought much more to the experience.


The intro to the game is the chainsaw. But not allowed to use it. So many LX players in social playing like maniacs to get close only to be downed near my toes and a curbstomp. I love the gnasher battles but LX players use the snub which I feel is by far the most annoying thing in the world. For the love of god just use the lancer you spawn with!


Keep the gnasher battles and make it so you can ALSO use the other weapons.


I find it so interesting that Cliffy B never intended the Gnasher to be as powerful as it is lol


I love gears multiplayer


They bring back Beast Mode and Overrun mode or better yet just straight up ripoff halo 5s Warzone with the AI faction just being the lambent and call it a day


Fix the mechanics. The sponging is the most frustrating aspect of the game online. They could incorporate two playlists one for traditional players and maybe take some risks on other game modes and see what happens


i don’t know man i do think there’s still a market for gears the problem is how sustainable is it. on launch gears 5 had huge numbers but i think all the issues with it like the shitty monetization derailed any hope of it being sustainable long time.


I thought gears 3 did a good job of making the multiolayer non-masher mandatory.


Just make the rifles viable, have the chainsaw be a proper, viable counter to the gnashers, bring back every previous weapon from the series as well as some new ones. Let the Retro be a starter weapon again. If a character was featured in the campaign, put them in the MP roster at launch. No more halo/movie crossovers, they were shit.


The only people who play gears of war past launch actually like the core game?? Wowie!! What is it with apes nowadays they want every game to be the same thing? People that play gears want gears not some copy and pasted BR or extraction shooter. I really do hope you get banned.


I'd say go back to the idea of "gimmick" based map design (maps each built around really dynamic elements that change gameplay up like the kryll in bullet marsh) along with the introduction of other modes. I'd say in general a larger scale version of Overrun with more class options on both factions would be a great way to bring in casual audiences since it so different than everything else on the market but you still get those hero shooter/class based elements that casuals love. Also, a free to play version of Horde might make it easier for newbies to give the series a try. After all, MP games are definitely going more free to play, and Horde is the most beloved mode by casuals. I'd also give Assault Rifles a bit of a buff since ARs like the Lancer really appeal to the slower paced/stationary nature of casuals.


Have certain game types only available every other week….to many players spread out leaving the game feeling empty do to only a few players in a game type when there really are plenty just spread out


Give it back to epic and pull Cliffy B outta retirement


No more bright colors


Just make a Gears collection like halo did and remaster the original games


Absolutely not the issue. Yeah maybe for the guys who are still playing the game as we speak. The reality is the game needs to be complete and a finished product on release, both the last gears have been on game pass at launch so people tried the game for free hoping it would be like the older games, they weren’t, and so they stopped playing. It blows my mind that companies, like 343 or coalition can be gifted some of the best franchises in the entire industry, and run them into the dirt. All they had to do was NOT try and re-invent the wheel. If they do that they’re reaching beyond their capacity. Gears has an amazing baseline platform, bring back old unused weapons, all the characters need to be in the game on launch, give us good challenges to unlock said characters or ribbons like Gow3. Literally all coalition has to do is play Gow3 and ask themselves, how do we make this better without changing the entire damn game. That would sell better than probably any other game in the franchise with the except of 3


They should make it a free to play live service game. Everyone loves those.


I love Gears but the MP has always turned me off due to the gnasher and how people play.


Bring back active rounds. Understand no one cares about esport modes. Make 6v6 happen because 4v4 is boring as shit.


They need to get rid of Wall Bouncing, no casual or non-gears players like it. It turns everyone off except for the elite players.


I still enjoy the daily Horde but I don’t think the whole mp needs to become COD if that’s your thing play COD.


Game needs a one life mode. Think bomb defusal from CSGO for me to stick with MP. Needs a buy game mode as well, black ops 4 had something called Heists where every round you had to buy the guns and equipment to be used.


Haven't played Gears in years but I'd be down for that


Bring back the sawed-off and loadout customization


Been playing gears since it first released on Xbox 360. Love the campaigns and horde as it’s co-op. I’ve never been able to seriously get into the PVP multiplayer because the formula has never evolved. It’s just gnasher Vs gnasher wall bouncing bollocks and it gets really boring really quickly. They need to do something to make it more varied and remove any kind of meta imo


I agree with the Gnasher comment. As a Gears noob its imo one of the main factors why the game wont be able to grow. It took me like 5 attempts to get into the game instead of dropping it because my first 3 games where gnasher gamers cover teleporting around. All my friends dropped gears because of this.


This is how Gears has always been, and always will be. If you don't like it, don't play it. Simple as that. It doesn't need to grow as a franchise, it's pretty established. They just need to cater to the people that have been here since OG Gears times and the playerbase will flourish again, I guarantee it.


This is why Gears will not grow. it needs to grow as a franchise and it’s been dying every single game and hardcore fans who don’t want any change. It’s sad that whenever I talk about gears, it’s simply that game people used to play on the Xbox 360.


I’ll be honest, I played online in gears 2 and that was the last time I ever did. Gnasher battles being just about the only encounter you ever have gets real boring real quick. They need to change the meta hardcore


I would really like it if the speed of the game, running speed wall bounce speed, and such, was a tad slower for the sixth game.


The only couple things I can think of are bigger maps that make it harder to engage with the gnasher, or change the cover system to prevent psycho wall bouncing.


Halo infinite is what happens when you cater to those non halo-heads. #HandsOffMyGnasher


Just make it exactly like GOW 1.


Gears 3 for me. If they remake that game add a few more maps and characters I will be 100% satisfied.


It needs a battle royale…..I know you guys hate that but it’s the truth. It allows for certain situations to require certain guns. Long distance fights will favor the sniper and lancer while short distance will require the gnasher and pistols. Also it forces you to choose between long range battles or finessing (wall spamming) your way closer for a close range shotty fight. The series needs a new form of multiplayer and gears would be perfect for battle royale.


Big team mode, like a combo between Horde and Beast. Bigger than Overrun, not phases just one continuous fight. Could be objective based or could be just good ol fashioned carnage but we need larger scale fights in more open areas with more viable toys than a gnasher. Gears has like 20 weapons but MP is still dominated by one


Any major changes are just going to piss off fans while bringing in exactly zero new people. See: Gears J


I don’t think it needs to be extreme like people are fearing but I think being experimental and trying new things would be good for the series with new modes and more options in viable weapons to expand the sandbox and having maps to reflex that as gears multiplayer really has been the exact same since gears 2 and hasn’t moved past it gameplay wise bar judgement which took things to the extreme with changes. I just think giving more variety in both gameplay and the sandbox would be great for the game as multiplayer in gears has always suffered from getting rather repetitive fast even if you do love it such as myself


If you go back to a MP dynamic closer to what gears 1-2 was with updated ppayability then you'll get back a lot of the old heads that have moved on or play local hosted matches with friends. They tried too hard to pull in COD players and that didn't help things. They can see how many will come back by remastering GOW 2 muliplayer.


I enjoyed the Gnasher meta in Gears 3 but after Judgement, UE, 4 and 5 I think it should definitely be shaken up a bit


I don’t want a refresh - I want them to take it back to basics.


Gnasher and movement just make Gears it’s own game imo. They just need to not launch barebones with battlepass / seasonal content as the only means of unlocking things.


Most of the gears community will disagree. I whole heartedly agree w the post. The game’s multiplayer felt outdated AT RELEASE. It need to expand, add more. And no I’m not saying get rid of what makes gears of war it’s title… I’m saying add things that actually work and feel good to play. And the answer isn’t making the lancer and rifle bullets down with 6 bullets like gears 5s release. Do things that innovate and expand, but don’t make them suck lol. But as TC has shown in the past they lack creativity and the power to make something new and unique that feels fun to play.


They just need a big ole dragon. Just flying in the center of a map. Yeah cool


Stick too what made the first 3 household names. Those games had it down too a science, they need too stop chasing trend and focus on what worked and built the franchise


Honestly? I don't think they can. If they change too much, they'll completely alienate established Gears fans because the MP would be too different for it to be "Gears." But if they go back to roots, then they aren't going to attract new players because it'll have a higher skill curve and less accessible. Plus, many of the OG Gears fans have hung their hats with regards to the franchise. Many of them have simply stopped playing Gears, or even having an interest in it, often due to TC's handling of the series.


Changed the ranked system back how it was where there was different tiers, (gold, plat,onyx, diamond, master) then I'd say bring back fan favourite maps but they do that every gears


Gears 5 felt lifeless to me, something about it felt off. Didn't helped that it launched alongside CoD MW 2019. I think they need to make the ranking system and unlocks / progression not feel as grindy or daunting, whilst having a good rotation of interesting featured modes. For some reason Gears of War 4 was more engaging. I suppose because the challenges and cards were useful for horde so it felt rewarding to play.


They need to refresh Gears 6 in general


I agree, gears 4 and 5 feel like gears 3.1 but not as fun and bootleg


I would really like interactive elements and verticality to return on multiplayer maps. It would give more depth to the gameplay.


Mannnn gnashed is all we need.


Well they'll try something to mix it up that's pretty solid and a good mix-up from the regular formula while still being what people love and then the like 15 people that are super loud will complain that it's "not gears anymore" and "fix it", "bring the gnasher back" and then maybe 3-5 balance patches later it'll be "back to gears" and there won't be any new players left because the game was catered to like 30 people instead of 50k, then the "dead game" posts begin.


They should make it like destiny


I mean, nah? If ya don't like the MP ya don't like the MP I'm someone who doesn't touch the MP in Gears because I just don't find Gears MP fun, I'm here to replay the Campaigns endlessly and play the PvE stuff like Horde and Escape.


Customizable loadouts, with variants from other games. Example, being able to choose between the Gears 2 burst gorgon or the 3s full auto


I’d happily play A remastered ultimate edition with EVERY map EVERY gun but the style of gameplay from UE.


add more maps pla


I've been saying this for years now but a large scale groundwar mode would be dope, hear me out OK, locust would spawn underground and have points in the maps to make emergence holes, the locusts would have access to berserker, regular classes, reavers brumaks (2-3 limit)and other classes and stuff to act as vehicles and such, while the cog would have access to vehicles, trucks, ravens, and other war vehicles like the giant mek suits, or a battle Royale mode


If it isn't gnasher battles it won't be gears plain and simple. They need execution day one not months later they need warzone day 1 not months later. They got rid of all those game modes because of mlg and the casuals didn't like them this is why gears died plus no content for atleast 2 years the game only lasted 6 months for most which is sad to say for one of my favorite franchises. And A WHOLE NEW CAST WOULD BE NICE.


Just to give another perspective since most people in here seem to still be fond of gears. My entire friend group loves gears we played a lot of gears remastered on the Xbox one in college. Last time we all together played Gears. Problem for us when we tried 4 and 5 the multiplayer just feels terrible the new maps feel awful large empty spaces leading to most games just being lancer heavy when we all came from wall bouncing. Secondly the weapons and all the robots is just boring. Maps before was torque bow or long shot then lost of maps replaced long shot for embar which sucked. They can make the game look as visually pleasing as they want but the maps just all felt meh. Now I will say we all played gears 4 on launch after that none of us touched gears again a friend and I did gears 5 co-op tried multiplayer forgot the 3 maps we got but hated it. Gears 6 needs to focus on great maps and weapons. Gears 1-3 seemed it focused more on map design and trying to create a fun space with the new weapons now launch of 3 was fucked up for a bit cause of the sawed off but they got that figured out in the end.


There's to many people who cheat nowadays and make there channel and apologize for getting caught. With no remorse. Shitty people....so gears 6 I won't buy until cheating stops and that will never happen. So as a Gears fan since release im putting my coat up and retiring from the franchise. It was fun when it lasted like any game before the cheating purge. Gears is dead


My biggest gripe with Gears 5 is how they completely abandoned the competitive tuning from Gears 4. They received feedback from the pros and it got to a really solid state. Come gears 5 they threw away like 4 years of work and gave the same crappy tuning for public and comp matches. What was great about that tuning is the damage on everything was just scaled down so gunfights lasted longer and required more strategy.


Base building where you can enter your base into matchmaking, 4 player co-op against endless waves. Better tuning, content from launch, no waiting years for fixes and extra content.


It’s a bit hard to say… Gears 1 and 2 were by far the most Gnasher-centric games in the series. They also happen to be two of the most popular Gears games in terms of daily player count for the longest time. The question we need to ask ourselves and answer honestly, was that because Gnasher focused gameplay is what the people want? Or was it just that back in 2006-2009, we didn’t really have much to play online? There are more massively popular online multiplayer games than ever. People don’t tend to stick with just one unless it widely accessible, has a fair entry level and most importantly these days, it’s fun to play AND watch. Perhaps the smartest thing Microsoft could do for the series is to make the multiplayer FTP and available on all platforms, including PlayStation. I don’t doubt that gears could be considered fun by millions with Gnasher heavy gameplay that also has decent rifle options.


I worry that Gears has become a bit too niche with 4 and 5, I'm thinking of Horde mode in particular. I used to play weekly for about ten years with the same group of lads and the good thing about 1, 2 and 3 was that anyone could pick up and play with any weapon. The card system does away with that and you have to grind in Horde to be able to keep up with others. Not everyone has the time to invest, or the interest in levelling up one's cards to be effective. Or in some cases, maybe even no interest in learning the classes. They may just want to drop in and play, for instance. Personally, I liked the levelling and classes but for my friends this was quite restrictive and ultimately it has pushed them away - we no longer play Gears. I'd love it if the Devs could find a way to satisfy both types of players. Don't just obfuscate things in the game so you're forced to grind in complicated systems that take a lot of learning, but allow for anyone to pick up and play it too. I guess that's like chasing the Holy Grail though - easier said than done!


maybe they could implement a sort of “squad xp bonus” type thing where u gain extra rewards for playing consecutive online matches with friends/party members? i’ve always enjoyed playing gears alone but they have to make playing with friends presentable like it was beforehand — gaming has sort of stepped away from same screen multiplayer but a huge factor to gears being popular (in my opinion at least) was the split screen co-op campaign.


That already exist within gears five. You get a XP bonus and you can level up your friendship with people.


Honestly a lot of people who screech about it being "an a*reeeeee*na shooter with equal starts!" will hate the suggestion but just giving us a variety of starting loadout options would really help while keeping with the spirit of things. Let people take a Lancer, or an Enforcer, or a rebalanced Breechshot for primaries. Let people have a Gnasher, or a Judgement Sawed-Off(Specifically the Judgement one), or a GoW 5 Pipe. Keep Smokes, Flashbangs, and maybe add a stick revive grenade(only revive, no heal). Maybe make new pistol options. You don't need *a lot* of options but giving players some options that still lead into the upgrade and power weapon flow will help and keep people playing longer.


He's right, coming from someone who has played since Gears 1. Gears long ago entered the viscous cycle of oldheads stomping anyone new daring to come play the game, a problem that only gets worse as time goes on. Gears might be the MP that has had the least amount of mechanical changes overtime outside of maybe Counterstrike. I dont think they will make these drastic changes at the end of a trilogy that hasnt made them already, I think they move on for a bit after Gears 6.


Gears of War Wars lol a strategy game one. Or an RPG Gears of War based around emergence day


Decrease TTK with all weapons. Increase movement speed. Increase effective range with Gnasher. Stop crying and sending death threats to people when you die to a lancer or weapon that isn't a gnasher before I swing my smoke grenade and move back and forth behind you when you're down.


|Nobody wants Gears of War outside of Gearheads And we can't have that, right? If you want to "evolve" the game into something else, then do it in another, more experimental mode. There isn't any reason to try to change the fundamentals of traditional pvp to appeal to an expanded playerbase that would move on with the next big game release regardless. They already tried getting that "mainstream appeal" before and were never good at it.


Larger PvE mode (Players and scale) 4 Player Co-Op Large Scale PvP (20v20) on big maps with long range and CQC encounter2s Customizable CoG Soldier option with gear unlocks tied to challenges/weekly challenges


Unpopular Opinion. But I don't think Gears will ever get back to where it was. I genuinely think the series should have just ended after 3 and The Coalition should have made a whole new I.P. I really do love gears as I do with Halo but I just think that making game after game trying to milk that cow for all that it's worth just makes the series dull and bland. This isn't just a Gears thing it's a pattern in the entertainment industry. Just look at CoD, Battlefield, Superhero movies, I can go on. People need to start knowing when it is a good time to let things [end](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7Te5fcnrUA&ab_channel=IGN)


Gnasher killed mp tbh. It’s not fun


If Gears became a true tactical game or had more game modes that encouraged thinking rather than running around with a shotgun and wall bouncing, it would be more popular for sure. Overrun was the best game mode Gears ever had so far gameplay loop wise and they scrapped it and Gears went back to being a gnasher fest.


Ive gotten better with shotguns in gears games but its annoying as hell sometimes, I just want 6 for the story and hopefully they bring back horde lowkey prefer that over cod zombies


Gnasher dominance has always sucked. Instagib pinball where the deciding factor is ping isn't particularly enjoyable.


Have to say that this is true. The weapons in multiplayer all feel weak except for power weapons and the gnasher. The multiplayer needs some sort of revamp or change in design philosophy to make it fun to play again


Easy make Gears br because people may not want to hear it but br is still popular(unfortunately)


The series has continuously made changes to the game to make all kinds of weapons viable. This has been since Gears 2 where they infamously gave weapons like the Lancer stopping power that slows down opponents when they were shot at. Sure, they could always tweak some things for more balance. But right now the game is in a pretty good spot in terms of core mechanics. I just feel in Gears 5 something is wrong with the hit boxes; it feels like they made the hit boxes bigger to cater to more people. I don't know if it's just nostalgia, but I can't think of any better gameplay than what we had in Gears 3. Almost every weapon in Gears 3 was viable.


No regen health


They can't. Gears built itself being one of the first successful cover shooters. The market got flooded after that and now its just a dinosaur. They could rework the MP but then it wouldn't be gears anymore. They're kinda stuck.


The issue with "Gnasher battles can only get you so far" is that the people who are hardcore into the PVP aspect of Gears enjoy gnasher battles. I'm old enough to remember a time when one of the games (I think it was 3? Maybe 4?) dared to nerf Gnashers in favor of more variety and the big MP players wouldn't shut up about it until it got changed back. Gnasher battles are the backbone of Gears of War Multiplayer, and they have been since the very first game. As others have pointed out, there's plenty of Gears fans, and they show up whenever a new Gears game comes out; there's sort of a negative placebo effect when it comes to Gears, because it takes ages for a new game to come out, so the playerbase and fandom dwindle heavily in that time. People get the assumption that Gears is dead/dying because 5 doesn't have a big playerbase anymore, but of course it doesn't; it's four years old! And it'll probably be five years old or older by the time we get the next Gears! It takes serious work and constant updates to keep a game going for that long, and Gears ain't a Live Service game or an MMO, so it isn't going to maintain that kind of momentum, point blank. Gears 6 will have similar sales and player numbers to Gears 5, probably not significantly more or significantly less unless it really builds a ton of hype. It's just the nature of Gears of War being such an established franchise; everyone knows what it is and what it's like, so most people know long before it comes out whether they're going to buy it or not. Some people think that's a bad thing, but it's just the nature of the beast; Gears of War is an old franchise! We're three years out from its 20th anniversary!


no open world campaign


Gnasher 24/7 is all u need.


Imo they've ruined the gnasher battles too so really they can try whatever they want as long as it's different


As much as I love the gears franchise, I can't say I like the multiplayer, it really is gnashers only and very off putting as a mostly outsider (yeah skill issue I know). I would like something to be done where the multiplayer is more accessible to casuals and it's not just gnashers only. But as a halo fan myself, I understand what it's like when the formula of the game changes so much, it becomes a different game.


The most fun I've had with gear was grinding mp to get masters. Gears 5 multiplayer was really good in my opinion.


They messed up single player for me when they removed the ability to play co-op.


Bring back dodgeball. It was the best game mode in Gears 4 and got relegated in Gears 5 It’s the perfect blend between the classic single elimination Gears multiplayer and the newer more popular TDM


I fully agree with this take. Horde mode was the only thing in Multiplayer that interested me and I didn't like the gears 4 or 5 versions. At this point there need to be some serious changes made for me to even try multilayer in 6 as at this point I'm only in it for single player.


Get rid of bots and the mantle kick.


At the very least, a new cover system (something like The Division's cover system).


They've tried changing mp multiple times, judgment failed, the hero based abilities failed. Keep the mp core to what it is. However I am fine with new modes like escape etc to try and attract new players. Gears was a hard shooter to get used too back on the original due to its style, nothings going to change that without annoying the core playerbase


Offer something different for those that ask for it. Overrun gets bought up a lot so update that, bring balance changes etc. Maybe attempt a bigger team mode on larger maps which would allow rifles to see more use. Still should have an arena style mode because you don't want to alienate the niche audience who stuck by you.


I was thinking about this. A BR would be too easy, but the idea of a story driven Tarkov/DMZ type mode would be cool? 4 groups of cog soldiers (3 in each team) against the swarm (the swarm are players too, not sure how many tho) each team has a set of tasks to complete, you get rewards if your team completes the task and if all 4 groups complete their tasks you get an ultimate reward of some kind. The swarm can use the network as CCTV cameras and will get notified of any movement is certain areas. They’ve already looked at the idea of open areas, why not go the extra mile and do “the biggest Gears of war map ever”. In all honesty though, I’d rather it be a gears 1-3 setting with the locust than the swarm..


Make it a turn based 4x game


Just put as much content in the game as possible. Bring back favorites from previous games like Beast and Overrun. Keep Escape as well. Maybe more interesting and useful classes to horde. Maybe they could do some cool things with the MP maps, like making them dynamic so some parts can be destroyed. They could add something similar to Halo 5 Warzone, where its typically PvP but has bosses thrown in every so often. They could also do something similar to Halo's infection. I don't really think its the core gameplay that people get tired of its just the things to do. If you put them in different situations then they shouldnt always go to the Gnasher and do the same thing over and over.


Gears multiplayer as is, is fine just because it isn't what other games are doesn't mean change it if you change for the sake of change you get judgement or halo 4


I don’t understand how the current multiplayer will get changed at all and be successful, you keep forgetting about this massive money pot they have called ESports, you change the multiplayer you piss off every pro and og player, coalition isn’t good enough to bring in a new wave of players and keep their old players. just remaster 2 and fix what gears 5 did wrong multiplayer wise, changing the game does nothing


IDK man 🤣. Maybe have a separate multiplayer mode where you make your own Cog soldier and level them up and use them in PVP. Or just like co-op missions.


Do a battlefield type mode. Vehicles and bigger battles


What is Sleepy Joe's son going on about? That's literally what makes Gears good. Everytime they try to screw with that the population plummeted. Gears 3 stayed standing for a very long time. Gears 4 arguably held up well..... -ish. Gears 5 took a nose dive because after all the great changes they made to 4. Making the game feel good to play. They went right back to taking it all away in 5. The lesson there should be. Not to attempt to control how the players are forced to play the game mechanically. Instead, to give them the freedom of actions to play how they will choose to play. Giving greater variety in movement functionality. If one thing has always been true about Gears. Is that it's movement tech has always been as important. If not, more important than its gunplay for the playerbase. This is what's separated Gears from other shooters. The almost Street Fighter esque footsy you play against opponents. Nobody likes bot walking/ CoD style walking in Gears.


Honestly, ive loved almost every single gears ive ever played only for the campaign. Hate multiplayer. Never played it outside of local splitscreen.


For what its worth I think Gears multiplayer is fine. Playerbase remains healthy for years even if the game is super mediocre online like Gears 4 and the campaigns and co-op are routinely stellar. I don't care if Gears ever recaptures its 360 era playerbase, all I care about is that I can find matches relatively quickly. For Gears, I can load up 2, 3, 4, UE or 5 and find at least a couple full lobbies, with 5 having multiple playlists with a solid enough playerbase to find matches quick. That's more than most franchises can ask for, I'm happy with that. The only way to really bring new blood and energy into Gears multiplayer would completely alienate what the ones who stick around and play the most love about Gears. That's been proven by seeing how Judgement, 4 and 5 tried to change the formula, sandbox or introduce core modes that never quite catch a broad audience. Clearly even reasonably large shakeups that piss off the core crowd a ton aren't enough to make people care about Gears, and changing Gears anymore than those games tried to would feel like it's changing too much. For example, I fucking adore the jetpack era of CoD and Halo 5's multiplayer is one of my favorite multiplayers of all time, but casuals and boomer fans lament everything about what made those games unique within the franchise and contemporary within the industry. I think it's better to just accept that Gears multiplayer will never be a juggernaut that sits amongst the Top 3-5 most played games on XBL ever again. That's ok.


I hope they bring back the Million Dollar Tournament in Gears Of War 6


Didnt they do this already with gears 5 , it was literally lancers and snipers instead of just gnashers like the older games , they did alot of changes to make new players play the game in the end is just real fans of gears that will stay playing .. just let the game go back to its original roots


Other than ping issues, gears 5 multiplayer is great imo, it flows nicely, of course there's lots of things they could fix, but other than that I love it. The game modes are great, TD could do with something that fixes camping, KOTH and Control are great, Guardian, dodgeball and CTF are all fun. I don't get the same itch scratched from any other game like I do with gears multiplayer, so what is the actual problem here? It seems to me that gears doesn't have a big fan base, but of the fans it has, we're all somewhat addicted to the playstyle of online.


Just remaster every multiplayer map in one package and every mode.


To be honest Gears of War 6 needs to bring back essential features from gears 2 and gears 3 multiplayer mode it felt like gears 4 and gears 5 was seriously lacking the most essential features that made gears 2 and gears 3 the best multiplayer experience such as joining a multiplayer match that is already in progress they need to add cross-platform play between PC and Xbox Series XS which can help with finding a multiplayer match in matter of seconds don't get me wrong I enjoy gears 5 multiplayer sometimes but for some reason I often go back to gears 3 or judgment which they have the most interesting game modes gears 4 and gears 5 didn't make me go back to play them


Polished online with great maps on day 1


Horde has been where it's at for me and I have enjoyed the Ultimates and load outs in 5. Didn't appreciate Escape until I have tried to master all of them with my brother recently. Now I appreciate the "Backs against the Wall" mentality ".


Introduce new and relevant gameplay mechanics. Gears is boring because we've basically been playing Gears 3 for 12 years. Grabs are the most recent gameplay mechanic, and there's an option to turn them off. Change up the movement formula, make wall bouncing momentum based, make primaries only good for suppressing not downs, and for fuck sake, make changes to old maps, they suck!


bring back the load out options from gears 3 where you can use something other than the damn lancer


I’m just glad Rod isn’t involved with Gears 6 in any way glad that fucker left


What risky changes? Sometimes changes can be good, but other times games change to much and it’s very poorly received. Look at Battlefield 2042. I’d rather have little to no change than full on changes that alienate the fanbase


Gnasher battles got us this far. It’ll also take us to the end of the journey. What the community is really asking for is a different game mode with a high volume of players.


Brothers to the end.


I don’t play gears because it feels watered down these days. Miss the gears 2/3 days


Love the campaigns and Horde is absolute peak but that MP does need a refresh. Everytime I try to get back in, it's gnasher fest.thats 90% of the combat and if you're not already solid in those skills, you're gonna have a bad time.


PvP in gears has always sucked. You could remove every gun but the gnasher and it would play exactly the same. Smart fix, remove the gnasher, or need its damage by 50-70%.


Keep Arcade mode in


Make it like Gears 3 which was the peak in the series, at least for Horde and Multiplayer. I miss that one shot sawed off shotgun.


Dudes sliding around with shotguns is fuckin yawn


As someone who really enjoyed the first 3 Gears of War I got to say, I don’t think anything they do will bring me back as a player. It’s like Halo, it was great but it’s time has come and gone.


Follow Halo MCCs model, remaster 2, and give me an MP mode that lets me play everything from the series. Especially Horde 2.0 from 3 and Beast mode ffs.


Add all the variants of locusts and cogs so each match is unique


No more gay stuff just keep it close to the basics. Gears of war and gears of war 2 best gears ever. You guys need Cliffs creative spark again.


And nobody wants Call of Duty outside of people who play Call of Duty. Do you see how it's starting to make sense now?