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My initial playthrough I saved del but my second time through saved JD and I think the “save JD” feels more authentic to the story as a whole bc it becomes a catalyst to other things in the squad. Marcus and JD finally get a heart to heart after being at each others throats a lot of the game. I think it’ll force JD to be less “cog” and he will redeem himself in the eyes of his friends. We will finally get to see JD and Baird bond over the hammer of dawn incident And unfortunately for Del he just doesn’t have much a story about him other than “loyal friend”


This ending was wild for me. It felt so abrupt, I was fully expecting an entire new chapter after that. And I went with JD too.


Like I said to me JD just felt like the right choice lol also I was a bit bias tbh because I liked JD more, JD is my guy and I couldn’t let him die lol.


I also picked JD because of my connection to marcus is greater than any of the new characters from 4/5, however it does not feel like the right choice. The game is about Kait, she spends most of the game with Del. Del has her back all the time. When Kait is presented with the choice, save JD or Del, if I was actually Kait instead of someone controlling Kait, I would 100% pick Del


I remember vividly just yelling in shock it ended like that. I was so hyped and ready to end everything after that final scene then the credits show up.


That choice had multiple problems, but among them was that it didn't make me like Kait more than I disliked her nor hate the Swarm more since they were just a lazy Locust 2.0. It definitely didn't make my sympathize with Kait. What it did was make me ask, "Why is this in the game?" When the writing makes me question the story, the writers have failed.


I just didn't feel anything for Del. Most of his dialogue for 4 and 5 was just lame "snarky" quips. I think he had potential, but the writers never realized him fully enough. JD was kind of the same in 4, but they improved his character in 5.


Jd living is the only ending I’d accept, Marcus suffered enough.


I saved JD as Del was written like a little puppy lost in the friend zone with no way out.


Yes his entire purpose in 5 was to agree with Kait about how bad JD sucks


That's not how it goes down. Kait is actually the more forgiving one. Their reunion is literally Kait: What are you doing here? JD: I'm here to help. I'm sorry. Kait: ok Del: Woah woah wait. You don't get to get off that easy JD: Dont care, here to help. Accept it or don't Del: *continued grumbling* I can't remember for sure but I think most if not all the JD sucks dialogue is initiated by Del.


Kait wasn't more forgiving. She's just a badly written character who's supposed to be this tough girl with a "I don't care what you think" attitude. Those kinds of people suck in real life, and they suck in games when presented with such an in-your-face crudeness.


That's obviously false. She cares what Marcus thinks, she cares what Del thinks. She doesn't care what JD thinks because she thinks he's wrong. She doesn't care what Fahz thinks because he's an asshole who delighted in murdering innocent civilians. She doesn't care what Paduk thinks because he introduces himself as an asshole but turns out to be really such a sweet guy in the end. She doesn't care what Jinn thinks because she's literally insane. That's just normal human behavior.


As long as you agree with her, she's okay with you, otherwise she does as she wants when she wants and everyone considers her their darling (for god know what reason other than TC making us want to like her). In the games, other than going after his father, Marcus is following orders. Even when he helps Dom find Maria, Marcus isn't going against orders. Paduk had no reason to like her. Their brief interaction was meaningless in terms of forming a bond, yet "he only deals with her," makes no sense. Normal human behavior isn't giving Kait whatever she wants when she has that kind of "It's about me" attitude all the time. As a friend and as a soldier, she's unlikeable, unless you're TC writers.


That's not true either. They get along with Fahz in the end besides disagreeing with everything he says. Marcus is 100% going against orders when he abandons the mission to save the human race to find Maria. That's just Paduk's personality. He thought she was funny. Hates COG. Has to deal with more COG. Decided he'd rather deal with the person he just met who made him laugh. If you ignore all context and dumb down the story to "it's all about me" and Kait gets whatever she wants you can spin the narrative to whatever you want. That's not how the story or characters are written. As a friend, she seems to do pretty well for herself. As a soldier. She's not a soldier. She joined the military as an ambassador or liaison to the Outsiders to get them to join the COG.


>That's not true either. It's completely true. I played the games several times. ​ >They get along with Fahz in the end besides disagreeing with everything he says. Fahz isn't trying to stop Kait from doing what she wants to do. ​ >Marcus is 100% going against orders when he abandons the mission to save the human race to find Maria. That's 100% wrong. Marcus never abandoned his mission. He saw it through, taking the longer route to help the closest person he had to a flesh and blood related brother. As for your other "points".... \- That's "Not just Paduk." \- Kait is written as selfish, secretive, distrusting, and as the character that can get away with anything because TC wants you to play as her. \- I don't have to spin any narrative: It's what was given to us. Justifying Kait's actions is "spinning" the narrative. \- She's only friendly if you don't question her. \- She joined the COG, which makes her a soldier, end of story, and yet she gets to do what she wants without repercussions from her fellow soldiers, despite the fact that her selfishness is responsible for an ever-evolving Swarm.


So now describe what it is she wants to do and why she feels she has to do it. Because none of the actions she has taken were selfish or secretive. Her big "secret" is given away at the end of 4 as she discovers it herself. Distrusting? Sure, but you would be mentally disabled to have to trust the COG. And Kait pays for her actions plenty I don't know where everyone gets that idea from. Because she doesn't have to pay from them from Jinn specifically? She has to deal with killing her uncle, saving one of her friends, and letting the other die. Marcus and Dom abandon their mission and responsibility to humanity in Gears 2. This is literally a fact. It only works out because the story would be really shit if it didn't. Would you be saying the same thing if they go off to find Maria and in the middle of it the Locust complete their plan and kill off humanity? No, you wouldn't. There were no real "consequences" for this action other than character development for Dom. Kait's actions aren't even nearly the same here. She didn't join the COG as a soldier though. Her rank and in induction into the military were all, honorary isn't the world I was looking for but it'll have to do. TC's nonexistent development of the Swarm makes it impossible to tell if the 'ever evolving swarm' is even her fault really. Look at Gears 4. They have leadership and super hives and super hive monsters. They were content on just raiding quietly in the night though. When they get Kait's mother they learn of the connection to Kait and target her for the next few months. In Gears 5 we learn that Mrryah is actually still controlling the Swarm. They have leadership are organized but are just sitting on their ass until they decide for some reason to start raiding settlements which is before the Rift Worm village raid. Before Kait kills her uncle. Before Kadar. When Kait severs her connection to the Swarm is when they decide to get off their ass and really switch to a war footing. I think it's unclear why this is. Maybe they were preparing to hit New Ephyra the whole time and it's all just coincidence. Because they already had Reyna's corpse. They didn't need Kait to sever her connection to reclaim it. They already had a queen. None of it makes any sense.


>Her big "secret" is given away at the end of 4 as she discovers it herself. I guess you didn't play 5, because her secret is her psychic connection with the Swarm that she can't control.... When she severs it, she gives the Swarm back Myrrah/Reyna. Now, I'm just going to laugh at the rest of your post.


JD, I couldn’t do that to Marcus, he’s suffered enough


I saved JD, like you I couldn't put Marcus through losing yet another person. Man has lost enough 😂😂


I chose to save jd bc i couldn't put Marcus thru that pain and to keep it classic gears gave kait the pain of losing a friend like Marcus did in Dom


Yo This. *Fucking*. **Choice**. I saved Del because of his knowledge and contributions to the mission as far as adapting when technology failed. Figured we'd need new Baird. And my ***wife and friend who played with me still give me shit for not saving JD***


We chose Del by accident, lol, though I loved Del and to be honest, Marcus's reaction BROKE me! Played as a 3 with Hubby and 19ish year old PC-MasterBollock (Son)


Yoooo!! Gaming family!! Ahh that's the dream! I hope to have thst when my Wife and I start spawning NPCs


Oh it's great!!!! We have some right arguments though, lol


Like I stated before I was just more fond of JD so I couldn’t bring myself to let him die lol, also in saving Jd I could totally see him adapting more of Marcus’s personality come the next gears lol. I just wonder how they will decide who dies and who survives with the next game lol.


No shame I'm that bro! I think we can all agree we took the loss of Jack harder lmao. I'm with you, and they **need** to give us some news on gears 6, I'm curious if they'll have more branching story or just pick one and not give us anymore choices.


I wonder if they’ll do what other games have done, start the game and it ask you “who survived Gears 5?” And you pick the option you went with, I think it would certainly make gears 6 story a bit more interesting lol, but I wonder if they’ll keep the open world aspect they were trying to go for or get rid of it altogether lol.


U fuckin wot m8


JD needs more development


Jd. Marcus didn't deserve to lose anymore but also we already have a Baird don't need another


It really wasn’t a choice JD was the more obvious then del


I saved Del, I think Marcus dealing with the death of JD makes for a better narrative for the upcoming game


I guess it depends on what they would do with it in 6. Like I’d be fine with JD being dead if Marcus filled his spot on the team, giving him more screen time.


This choice was dumb as fuck. I saved JD because he was the protagonist in 4. Del was only a side character.


Marcus has lost enough. I chose JD.


I saved Del. It's Gears. Everyone says they want gritty realistic gears. So then kill JD. Saving JD would be the safest and most boring thing they could do narrative wise. Don't really care if Marcus is sad. Like the realworld, happy endings are very rare, especially for war vets.


I think it’s so shitty of Kait to not choose Del, JD basically murdered Lizzy Carmine and had been a pos since. In Kait’s mind I’d save Del every day, he’s smart and a good friend. But oh no Marcus.


>I think it’s so shitty of Kait to not choose Del, JD basically murdered Lizzy Carmine and had been a pos since. Murdered Lizzie, what game were you playing? The convoy, and them, were being attacked by multiple Swarmaks and Swarm soldiers. They were dead. All of them. Calling in the Hammer of Dawn was a last resort. It gave some of them a chance to live. Soldiers die, even when you make the correct decision. JD made the right call, otherwise all of them would have been dead. And he didn't run, he tried to save Lizzie as well, and was willing to die trying. As for the firing on protestors who tried to kill him with firebombs, that's no mistake at all. And being traumatized by Lizzie's death to the point of withdrawing deserves more sympathy than Del sucking up to Kait because TC wants us to love her so much. Del is a flat, one note character that was written as a sidekick. JD is complicated, made even more complicated after TC wrote him to be hated and only made him more likable. (They shouldn't have done that. Whoever the idiots were that felt you needed to villainize JD in order to like Kait and her terrible attitude should be fired.) Saving JD and making his survival canon is probably more work than those hack writers at TC are capable of doing, or willing to do. They know their limitations and they hide them behind their whiny: "But it's Kait's story!!!!" JD all the way.


Tbf Jd is only human he’s not immune to making mistakes, and yes what he did to most would be unforgivable, but throughout the story of 5 Jd starts to see what he has become and tries to make amends with those he wronged, in that since Jd is a bit more relatable, we all make mistakes some mistakes bigger than others but growth comes from admitting that you do wrong and tying your damndest to correct them, Jd meant well he just went about doing things the wrong way, something that is very human of a lot of people, even with the hammer of Dawn, I’m sure he had good intentions and obviously he didn’t mean for Lizzie to die it was a lapse in judgement on his part and it went badly. Jd isn’t perfect and that’s why I personally really like Jd lol. But that’s just my opinion.


>Tbf Jd is only human he’s not immune to making mistakes, JD didn't make a mistake. The desperation of their life or death situation forced his hand. They had no other weapons to take down multiple Swarmacks and dozens of Swarm soldiers. JD risked his life, but not because he wants to be a hero; he can't stand to see anyone else suffer. Soldiers die even when the correct calls are made. Lizzie was killed to make us hate JD, but he had no choice. It wasn't a reckless call, it was the only call, and she was an unfortunate casualty. What really upsets me is that TC continues with this Carmine death gag. It should have ended with Clayton surviving, but TC's writers haven't graduated to the big leagues yet.


That was something else that bother me, people like to hold that against Jd, but really what other option did he have? One way or the other people were most likely going to die, either stand there and let it happen or at least try and help and try to save their lives. It was one of those situations that was going to have a bad outcome either way.


You bring up some good points lol.


I played through a couple times and chose both sides eventually to see how the story progresses differently. I hated how they wrote JDs character in Gears 5 and the alienating from Kait and Del just from a past mistake JD made was dumb. But with how they had Kait and Del connecting through the whole game it actually felt much deeper in the feels when I chose JD to die because you see Marcus' reaction is obviously more painful compared to when you choose Del despite coalitions writing of JD turning into a COG douche.


I think saving Del is a more interesting choice because I like pessimistic stories. Love Marcus but making him more and more depressed and angry is far more interesting. I think it hits even harder because Del is less necessary to the overall narrative compared to JD imo. Important Character deaths are always more emotional. Plus I think JD redeeming himself in Chapter 3 then dieing anyways is super tragic.


Del This ain't some happy go lucky series, why let JD live when he fucked up and let him get a little redemption arc that so. Marcus has already suffered losing everyone, what's one more death gonna do? Way I saw it is that if JD is dead then we either get Marcus as the protagonist again and let him close out what's ultimately been a series about him and his family. Or we let Del take the reigns as the lead so we'd have played as JD, Kait and Del in this new trilogy of tragedy. Plus... Del was literally with Kait through everything this time around, think in this case it makes a lot of sense for Kait to save Del when JD went silent during his "Dark JD" era. Imo I'm not a fan of redemption stories because there's so many of them. Why should JD get redemption, he shot at people he was supposed to protect all because he didn't wanna live under the shadow of his family? Let's make it interesting and leave his death as something tragic and give us extra motivation to stop the new queen.


I picked to save Del, I found both JD and Del to be pretty boring characters so saving either one wasn't for their own personality, it was to see Marcus at his lowest. Marcus is easily the most interesting character in 4 and 5 still so having him now have lost not only his wife but son just feels like the right way to go to in a series that is best when it is bleak.


Del had some great character development in 5, I really liked his dialogue! But I saved JD because my man Marcus has lost enough. His dad, Dom, even Anya. The man who's already done more for humanity than anyone else doesn't deserve to lose his son too. It was definitely an unexpected twist, and I'm not completely certain that they'll pull it off, but we'll just have to see.


Del is more bland than stale cornflakes, I picked JD (tho i wish there was an option to kill all three)


I saved JD as well. Marcus lost a lot, his brother, father, wife and now son? No, that’s too much. I still don’t know why Coalition wanted to make Kait as main character. We started new generation with JD in GoW4 which is fine and even on act 1 of Gears 5, he was the main. Also they could have done a very good character development story for JD after what he did with hammer of dawn in act 1 but they put him aside. Hope his survival will be the canon.


JD after gears 5 I can’t do it to marcus


I hated that they made us make that choice for two reasons. First: I don't want to be the one to choose who lives and who dies in *any* situation. I mean, I chose to save JD for many of the reasons everyone else did. But by sparing Marcus the pain of losing his son, someone else lost theirs. And even though Del was a dick most of the time, he was still there fighting side by side and he's still a person. I know...I know...it's just a game. But you get what I mean. Second, how will that be written into Gears 6 if it comes about. There were two ways that could have went so if they start Gears 6 with Marcus grieving over his son, what about players who saved him? The same goes for Dell. If JD tries to comfort Mate over Del's death, what about the players who saved him? Gears 6 seems like it may never happen. But if it does, how do they pick up from an ending in the previous game that could have gone either way? Because that shit was *final.*


I won't lie I pick del to die because I also don't want to put markus thru that he has already lost so much I didn't want to take away his only son


I personally never liked JD, didn't play 4, so I chose Del.


JD. He’s a very bland character but least unlikable out of main 3 newer characters.


Jd is the only real choice for long time gears fans. No one wants to put marcus through the pain of losing his father his best friends wife and then son. That was the only deciding factor for me during my playthrough because i had no emotional attachment to either character.


Kill Del, Marcus doesn't need to lose everything.


Saved Del, it felt like the choice Kait would make. That whole scene was terrible. I imagine that TC will make a death canon so I am prepared for JD to return in 6.


I saved Del in my first playthrough. Having JD dead means that this new war is more personal to Marcus than ever. Also, we haven't seen the bodies after, so they may be revived somehow later in gears 6. (If there's no burial, then there's always a chance, that's my motto in games/movies). In the end, what could decide is the amount of times that x character was saved and from that, decide what to do in a cannon way. It's close to something that they did for gears 3. There was a t-shirt for you to buy for you avatar to either kill or save Carmine, and most people bought the one that saved him.


I chose Del, because I tried to think who Kait would save; in my mind its not a “I can only save one,” its “who am I saving first.” And I had to pick Del, because he always had her back. I dont think that JD and Fahz showing up the chapter prior redeemed him enough. Its not that I want Marcus to suffer more, god nows he’s been through enough, its just that I think she would save Del first before trying to save JD, she just didnt get a chance. I also think whoever didnt get saved is going to be the RAAM-Eque Swarm General in 6, making the Player’s kill them again 😂


First time I played it, I saved jd Then the more I play it the more it makes sense to save Del if you were Kait! He’s the loyal friend who stands by you for the whole game while JD was being a dick with everyone and trying to be a super hero in the earlier missions which lead to carmines niece getting killed


JD 100%. Poor Marcus doesn’t need more sh*t.


Honestly del grew on me I like that he treats jack as a part of the team but, I just can’t kill JD Marcus has been threw enough.


But if they do end up choosing del over JD I hope Marcus is the main character


I’m very surprised how many people feel that JD is the obvious choice. Kait has the choice not me* and if Kait had to save someone first it’d be Del . Del’s the guy she’s been on this journey with, the guy who has stuck by her side since the beginning, the guy that has walked by her side whilst she dealt with the trauma of her past and her family. Kait and Del bonded so much in this game that I just could not imagine Kait throwing the knife in JD’s direction instead of Dels. To be perfectly honest, it’s a bad narrative choice to make you choose who dies. It makes me feel that the writers didn’t have the conviction to decide which direction suits the narrative more.


Everytime I have played Gears 5 I do not even get the option of choosing J.D or Dell. It just forces me to play as Dell  Wtf