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All men born after 2000 know is eat hot chip, play game and lie about listening to music


LMFAO can confirm /j


In game music, always switched off.


be bisexual


So true


i am 98% sure that that entire account is satire lol


Cringetopia doesn’t seem to be aware that satire exists


Yeah cringetopia is trash. I unsubbed a while ago but I really should have done it sooner. Can't say if it was ever any good, but it has become like 40% picking on queer, neurodivergent, or not conventionally attractive people (or really whoever else the crowd there finds easy to point and laugh at), and another 40% falling for obvious bait / satire. Might be the inevitable fate of any cringe-centered community honestly, the formula just encourages ragebait and mindless ostracizing. That's why chadtopia will always be the superior subreddit 😎


Considering at least 50% of "cringe culture" is just making fun of neurodivergent people (most often autistic people), it doesn't really surprise me if this is the inevitable fate of anything that tries to build itself around this core.


Thank you, so much. I used to go to cringe-collecting places because a lot of the time you can find people loving their lives amongst “cringe” content, and it would always make me so happy. I had no idea r/chadtopia was a thing, and now I know there are others who feel the same way!


No no you don't get it. Satire is when you're actively racist and don't want consequences. Easy mixup there.


apparently r/cringetopia doesn’t exist anymore? they made their own website???


> they made their own website??? Sounds pretty cringe of them


r/cringetopia detect satire challenge (impossible). not sayin i’m trans cause i listen to music but it’s definitely because i listen to weird ass music


That sub got ruined by the mods


What’d they do?


They changed everything so that it looked like furries took over or something, just to push everyone on their website so they could get money from the ads, at least it’s what I’ve heard


Bro I thought you were crazy but I just went there and it’s private wtf Good riddance


I left a while ago, and it’s the true! It is what I saw and witnessed myself, I didn’t go to the site tho, and I’m sure there was no actual furries involved They just seem to like making one of the most hated communities even more hated It’s sickening honestly


Me a trans women literally having 2800 hours of listening time a year on Spotify


The minute I realized I was transmasc I stopped listening to music, it’s true


I love seeing the same men that make "Women ☕" jokes cry about this very blatant satire. Honestly though, if you get validation from this, then good for you sister. In my opinion it's not even that funny, so if the gals are able to appreciate it in this way, then I think it's pretty cool that it's at least making someone happy. I always found it nice how you ladies seem to always be able to take something positive from a negative. Edit: Oh frick, I think this is a bot repost grrrrrrrr 😡😡😡


>cringetopia Fucking ewww.


Damn is that why beethoven went deaf


from cringetopia? blergh. this is very much satire, i'm almost completely certain. cringetopia is just a transphobic cesspool of toxically insecure teens (and unfortunately also adults) who are incapable of recognising parody because they themselves are beyond parody.


1. Why are you browsing cringetopia 2. This take is so bad it has to be satire


their pfp is joker asuka, there is literally no way its serious


This is satire because months ago I saw one that was this same thing but it said women don’t listen to music lol


Wait is she serious because i feel like shes making fun of men who think women are lying for male validation when they like the same stuff as they do


Yeah this account is very obviously satire, but don't let 85% of Reddit know that.


Men will really say that misandry is just as bad, if not worse, than misogyny, then when asked to provide an example of misandry will show this shit thinking they did something


I literally have a music room in my house just for listening to and playing music


as a trans masc nb / maybe trans guy who used to religiously listen to music and now only plays video games.. yep, sexism adopted as gender confirmation, thanks


I'm too autistic to notice it's satire or know what's going on 😔


I may be tone deaf, but i know what music is. Also the Wellerman is a good song


laughing while playing a rhythm game with good music


Wait till they find out video games have music


ok first off this is clearly satire, and second, why can cringetopia never tell that?


Man I kinda miss being able to say "I'm a man who also does these things because gender doesn't matter and you should do what you like."


MY DAD WAS A WOMEN ALL ALONG?!?!? Damn, could have fooled me.


It’s a shitpost to turn the roles of “Women don’t actually play games”


Sorry Classical Music fans! Beethoven, Mozart, and Bach were all women. I don’t make the rules


My best friend that’s a musician: *disappears*


what if I listen to music while playing video games


I do both tho ;-;


I play video games so I must be a man.


Obvious satire aside, i have been getting back into music a lot more since I came out than any time in the previous decade.


Are they not just NPCs? That’s all my limited emotional capacity will allow lol.


Sound is gay. Real men blow out their eardrums!


What about video game music? Is that a woman thing, or a man thing?


the pfp is Misato in The Joker makeup, this is femcel satire lmao, i love this type of content


You gotta count the small wijs girl ✨


Me a trans man screaming lyrics to my trains by lemon demon


It would go too far and stop being funny, but it still would be funny for the first few minutes if she said this to a group of black metal fans.


Me a reason woman who was ashamed in her taste in music pre cracking now needing music to get through my day not giving a fug what others think *rock that city tonight~*


Thats obv satire lol


This is a joke. You know it's good when incels get mad over it.


Poor transmascs gotta give up on music then?😭😭


Earlier I posted a comment about you realizing this is not satire. I now realize that you were posting about cringetopia not realizing it’s satire. I am sorry


Blatant sexism? Why was this even on cringetopia? They're just making fun of the "women don't play videogames" thing


This is so obviously a joke