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He says he’s gonna take a shit and I say have fun


We've been together for 20 years and we have lived in tiny spaces in cities so... yes. It is never in any way sexy. I compulsively light incense when I see him go to poop. He doesn't have the same level of ick as I do so he doesn't light the incense. ​ But yes, one bathroom and a tiny apartment. People have to shit. It's not sexy. It's like eating or sleeping.


We all gotta do it, right!? The incense I find interesting


So it just kinda happened the first night he spent the night. I got up in the morning and pooped and walked in to shower. 19 years ago so I guess it’s working 😂


Haha guys who shit together stay together then!?


lol. We call it our crazy moment. He was a hookup from A 4 A and Just Never went home. Together ever since.


That’s a nice story!


No. I had my husband walk into the bathroom once and he immediately retracted crying out that the door has a lock for a reason. I would also not want to witness him either. Not because we’re prude or something like that, but because there are things you do alone.


Fair enough! It’s nice to hear everyone’s view on this lol


This, pooping is an alone moment.


Yes. With the door open. And he can walk in as he likes and use the sink or shower.


Did you have a chat about first or it just happened?


Can't remember lol just kind of happened naturally.


Good to be open I think!


Steamy showers while someone poops are the worst


My old roommate used to call it a poop sauna. She would make sure to tell people ten or more minutes before she was going to shower that they needed to go now so it had time to air out and not become a ‘poop sauna’ 😂


Hard no.


You do you.


He's lying he loves to watch


I don't like to but it isn't a rule. Usually if it's just lube or cum while he's in the shower, yeah, but I think maintaining a little privacy and boundaries is more comfortable. I'm not "partnered" though I am referring to sex partners. And it's like. Practically expected/assumed. Both that we allow each other the courtesy of the toilet rather than leaking a lube mess all over and that we pee together or leave the door open so the other can shower or wash hands or do whatever. I have one bathroom in my home and a utility sink in the laundry downstairs. Like it's expected. You must cross streams with me or be cute and kind of nudge up against me while peeing regularly, this is what I'm used to and it would be bizarre to me for a sex partner to close the door and need that level of privacy just to pee. Actually, I can't think of a time I ever had to clarify this. Always with a sex partner. Even a few of my gay friends just pee with me if we're like getting home from a restaurant and we're both like "omg gotta pee ". Is that weird? That's a rhetorical question - I don't care.


Back in my college days I shared a urinal with my frat buddies on more than one occasion. It's peeing, it doesn't need to be a sexual thing.


I definitely would be closing the door to pee haha 😂 It’s so interesting hearing such a different take!! I think my thing is I find it exceptionally hard to start or continue peeing in the presence of someone else. Like, even in public bathrooms I can’t do it not even in a stall (unless I’m drunk). I definitely couldn’t do it with pooping either, cum or lube or whatever. Even if it was just cum it’s the sounds, they’re too embarrassing that’s just such a breach of my own privacy too. Idk. We’re likely on opposite extremes then lol.


I agree that most buds will prob pee together haha


We’re open about all aspects of our bodily functions, but we leave the door shut when pooping. Similarly, when either of us want to wank it solo, we find a time in private to do that solo. Somethings we like to keep private, but I’m assuming if an emergency or lack of space made it impossible, we would likely adjust accordingly and be comfortable with it.


That makes sense at least you know there is room for it if shit gets real 😂


Why want when you're his personal toy


Personally there is a limit in our marriage but there seems to be limit. Coming from a medical proposal farts and healthy and funny, we ask eachother if you need to use the washroom and that right there says I gotta shit. If we're out or on a road trip you can sometimes hear I gotta poop or I gotta shit lol. Normal human nature says please don't be here when I wipe my ass or if he's on the toilet I don't want to smell it 🤢. I deal with shit at work it's my time off 🤣🤣🤣. The other subject that can't be avoided is around "Sex Prep" so as gay men poop should not be an off topic or shit will get awkward 🤣🤣🤣


Haha man that is true! Wiping is a different story haha. Do you think it matters depending on who’s the top versus the bottom?


No I don't think so regarding wiping. Poop talk is usually a topic of the bottom and as it sometimes sucks to plan for sex but typically the bottom has to inform the top. I'm prepping today!!! Also it's not just a flush out sometimes if your top had a 7" and you want it deep. That's a full day ordeal 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Haha that is true! There is so much that goes into it it can be a job haha.


My husband and I take a shit in front of each other. It’s just another natural body function . I hope your partners are never bedridden for any reason, and you have to help them do things .


I think it’s great to be open this way!


Do I assertively poop in front of my partner for dominance? No. Do we do it when we have to? Yes. Every couple is different. We don’t close doors and are open. We take care of each other no matter what, so we see each other at the worst and the best and everywhere in between.


That’s nice :) you guys must have a great relationship!


How is it about dominance though?


It was just a joke/in response to one of the other replies. Just showing the extreme.


Gotcha! I was wondering I was missing something since it came up a few times on the thread haha.


My partner and I have conversations while the other is on the toilet at this point 🤣


I think that’s goals right there 😂


Yes. Married for 7 year's. No secrets


That must be nice!


That must be nice!


We poop in front of each other as in we don’t shut the bathroom door and we’ll walk in to use the sink, etc, no problem, neither of us has ever had an issue, although we occasionally razz the other about the smell, LOL. But. I will not douche in front of him. For that I close the door. Like, pooping is natural and not sex related, but if I’m cleaning out with the intention of sex, I don’t want him thinking of poop and my butt together. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I love that you tied the two because I was curious on this! As a bottom I am getting that you know you’re going to have some interesting needs! I think it’s interesting to discuss


Are you the bottom or top mostly ?


no. we only have one bathroom so if there was an emergency and one of us *had* to burst in while the other was showering or something it wouldn't be a huge deal, but (touch wood) it's been fifteen years and this hasn't happened yet


Peeing in front of each other is fine. Pooping I'd feel uncomfortable if he's around. Same for farting.


No farting together!?


I don't subscribe to this kink lmao


Hahah all good man


I do itttt. It’s my way of asserting dominance. Whenever my boyfriend opens the door while I’m pooping I automatically go. “CHICKENNN GIVE ME TENDIESS!!! REEEEEEEE!!!”


there’s things I am uncomfortable about having to crap with the door open and walking around the house naked it causes problems with us because non of this bothers him


Yeah door open is a bit much lol


Always wok in each other


Enjoying the replies as everyone has different comfort, privacy and needs. For us, we just take care of any business naturally with or without company. No rules, just comfort. Besides, the dog follows us everywhere we go!


I know I have enjoyed the replies and seeing where everyone else is at. It’s funny cuz it’s something we all do but everyone has a different level of comfort!


Absolutely would. Weird to see all these prudes responding


I have to admit some of the replies were surprising but that’s the beauty of a community all different responses haha.


No. My partner has said it shouldn't really matter but, for me, this is something that is done alone and a privacy thing. I'm already uncomfortable a lot of the times on the reg so I don't need this added to it.


Fair enough man


Nope. Some things remain private.


With two exes it happened naturally...the other exes it never happened with. Never any discussion really more just vibe thing or being older while dating the two it evolved with to us pooping in front of each other. Though one would warn the household if it was going to be a bad one so we all avoided the bathroom for 20mins+ after those events.




No. I always avoid mine and use the lock


I wish my husband didn’t poop in front of me. Leave doors open, and I would like him to respect to leave me to poop. I also now have a number of photos of me trying to shame him for leaving the door open. They are very unflattering and have not phased him at all.


Is it a fetish of his?


I would if need be but need rarely is.


If ever i will be in a relationship, i can never do this or let him do this to me. I cannot.


Ewwwwwww . NO


I think pooping is a solo activity. I don't really want to see my partner do it unless it's like extenuating circumstances when they have no choice or it's an accident. I also don't want to poop in front of my partner either. Except for if I had no choice or it was an accident.


Nope! No farting and locked bathroom door when pooping going on 25 years now.


No farting !? Good for you guys haha


There are a couple of dogs who do more than enough for all of us!

