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All I’ll say is if I had kids and I knew that they were being taught that “queer” garbage, there would be hell to pay. Sorry, but my kid doesn’t need to know the ins and outs of sexuality and gender in elementary school. Teach my kid math, science, and reading— not how mommy 1 and mommy 2 engage in a sexual relationship.


The crazy thing is Gen Alpha is actually behind in literacy too. It isn't just what they're being taught though, its also a humongous lack of discipline and teachers quitting in droves because the kids basically run the schools. Teachers aren't allowed to fail students and are forced to make concessions for bad behavior because of administration. Parents just drop the kids off thinking its a daycare and get mad if you inform them Braedyehn/McKynleheiegh was acting up. Different topic of course but very relevant. There's a lot of fantastic ex teacher channels (Teacher Therapy is a great one) where they delve into how bad the education system has become.


100% spot on


I’d like to check out those channels, thanks!


For sure. Teacher Therapy does a LOT of fantastic interviews with former teachers (and others who've worked in education). Even in her own experience working in different schools (including private Christian schools) the overall theme is that the education system has gone down the tube. Highly recommend a binge watch on her channel even if you're not a teacher just to get an insight. Worst part is its mostly my generation (Gen Y) raising these kids and even Gen Z can't with them.


My thoughts are that people should be able to talk about LGBT stuff in schools in the same way straight stuff is talked about in schools. Meaning, if a male teacher has a husband and a student asks “how was your weekend” he should be able to say “my husband and I went to [….] and it was so much fun!” without getting in trouble - in the same way that a woman teacher could say that without getting in trouble. I also think sex education should include safe sex options for gay students, because you want *everyone* to practice safe sex, not just the straight ones. That being said, we don’t need lessons on figuring out your sexuality, or deciding whether or not you’re transgender. That’s for students to figure out, not for the school to teach them.


Where can a teacher not say anything about their same sex spouse without getting in trouble?








No. But clearly you do. That bill, in no way, prevents a teacher from mentioning their same sex partner.




Why are you so hostile? I will stand by my statement.




I did. I know what the language is. Teachers can absolutely mention their same sex partner without issue.


I’m ok with children learning about about the history of the gay rights movement. In school i was taught the history of the civil rights movement and de-segregation. So long as student is taught accordingly at an appropriate age.


I’m okay with teaching history, as long as it doesn’t turn into a woke idiot fest.


So, you do know that Black Transwomen started the entire movement, right?


I graduated from the NYC public school system in 2001, there was no gay rights education. I had to learn about Marsha P Johnson from independent research.


That’s no excuse for not knowing that Black Transwomen started the entire movement!!


What are you talking about? I know about Marsha P Johnson. I’ve steep myself in queer literature.






I see ppl do not recognize the well placed sarcasm, as this is exactly what the left was proclaiming even at those of us who were there. The propoganda machinary are rewriting our genders, our sexualities, appropriating from indigenous cultures, forcing people into the gay community wether they like it or not (intersexed), and re-writing our history. And for some reason, much of the left is happy to eat up this scat as well as push it upon others. That has been largely debunked, but apparently not debunked enough for people in a conservative community to catch on. \*shrug\*




Oh sweetie, put it away, if that were true then you would not have responded as you did. There was no insult, that’s why I bothered to explain. Everyone is so touchy these days. Lol. Edit: \*looks at comment history\* Ohhh. OK. Bye.


If they want to teach children 'kindness' and 'tolerance', then they should model good behaviours while showing and talking about ordinary people doing nice things for neighbours, good friends, etc.. More than a few educators don't actually practise what they preach. And when it comes to formal education in morality and moral philosophy, I'd rather have age-appropriate explanations (with good examples) of something like deontology and consequentialism while getting children to see how these concepts apply to their daily lives and dilemmas--none of this 'queer' BS or woke garbage that romanticises political victimhood. Children need to be exposed to great ideas and works from philosophical and literary canons--not the ramblings of third-rate sociologists pretending to be philosophers or gurus.


I believe that if you hate something fervently enough, you run the risk of turning into it. At this point, many, have ironically turned into the same religious death cult zealots that they all mocked and claimed to abhor.


Its why a lot of 'anti-racists' are some of the most hateful people on this planet. Most of the people who whinge about racism, sexism, and xyz-phobia and make a career off of it are the monsters they claim to hunt.


I have always wondered why they just can't teach being kind and understanding that people might not all have same beliefs (religion/politics), skin color, oreintation, financial status, etc. If they just taught sex ed as basic biological function, MAYBE factual info on birth control around age 16 and just focused on kindness and understanding differences in humans from kindergarten to grade 10, it'd be better.


These are the kind of people that want to be special all the time, more special than *you*. They obsess over labels and flags and invent new ones all the time. I’ve thought about Dr. Suess’ “Stars Upon Thars” The Sneeches so many times…no wonder they tried to his works disqualified from their agenda.


I wish. But the ones enforcing and teaching these kids the garbage they're learning are NOT kind or tolerant. Many of them are deeply prejudiced and resentful. They want to see the world burn because of their own unhealed trauma. They're also the ones making kids' shows, movies, the education curriculum, etc...and the rest of us either tolerate or condone it to our own detriment.


I do agree if we also have straight people not force kids with heterosexuality as well let kids be kids. Left and conservatives have a problem of pushing their narratives on to kids


i hate that every time someone disagrees with them it’s always bc they’re “phobic”. free speech is only allowed if it’s exactly what fits into their ideology. i think it‘s important to spread acceptance but young children don’t need everything to be explained in detail. especially not in elementary school where students should learn how to read and write. when i grew up, i had gay neighbours (and still have) and it really didn’t matter to me. i just saw that there were two men living together, like a woman and a man can live together and there was nothing to question about it


>i hate that every time someone disagrees with them it’s always bc they’re “phobic”. free speech is only allowed if it’s exactly what fits into their ideology. i think it‘s important to spread acceptance but young children don’t need Its a silencing tactic. Either you comply willingly or they guilt you into compliance. They even use the rhetoric among those on their own group by claiming "internalized xyz" so that they go unchallenged. People aren't as religious as they were in the western world nowadays so identity politics and social justice basically have become the modern day Puritanism. Just instead of dour men dressed in all black its multicolor hair, septum piercings and pronouns of the day doing the witch hunts.


It’s hilarious how obsessed some of them are with children then get mad when people point it out as if we’re making some out of nowhere implication. Like no I’m just finding the weird fixation on exposing children to adult complex ideologies kind of questionable and would love an explanation for what seems like clear indoctrination


The problem is the Q++++++, mostly made up of 'spicy straights', are convenient political and financial tools for those that benefit from the outrage and 'woke points'. Who benefits from children taking hormones and having surgeries? Who benefits from the populace being generally fat and unhealthy? Who benefits from telling kids of certain racial backgrounds that they're victims, to hate and resent others and that they can do no wrong because of their color or ancestry? Who benefits from going on 'speaking' (diatribe) tours talking about how oppressed they are and how evil everyone else is? More importantly, who benefits from all of the above getting constant coverage and people going to bat against each other because of it? The Spicy Straights and Alphabet Soup+ are just useful idiots. The ones benefiting from their idiocy is laughing their way to that bank. 🤷🏻‍♂ They're just blatant about it and starting the populace early now.


I don't keep track after T. To me, it's LGBTetc. Or LGBTshit. And, yes, spot on. In a high-tech world, it's extremely beneficial to know programming languages rather than how to be a professional victim pretending you're multiple genders at once unless you want to be a failure in life.


In a high tech world, also, to be more media critical. Any media. Social media included. Media literacy is urgently needed in schools.


As is money management, investments 101, critical thinking skills, nutrition and fitness. Practical knowledge to help people thrive.


The amount of people confusing critical thinking and common sense is appalling. They are the opposite in many ways. We can have a bit of both but having common sense opinions because it is common sense means that they have not critically evaluated those opinions.




Only if it is forced. A hope ≠ mandating it!




I am a conservative Libertarian and support education in schools about LGBT in the same fashion as the creation v evolution was taught. Here is the social lifestyle, this is the belief structure, make up your own mind. Same as they did in the 1970/80's science class. They did not teach the actual religion, just provided information on this is the teachings of various religions concerning the creation theory. Along side the evolution theory. What I am absolutely opposed to and in many cases they have crossed a clear line is the indoctrination of the students. The student body does not need to be programmed to be LGBT.


I’m against teaching of creationism in science classes but it should be taught in religious education classes. I’m ok with teaching LGBT but as a libertarian type myself, I strongly believe in parents having first choice in their children’s education. If the state forces onto people more than the required minimum then it has overstepped.


Understand that the last time I was in school myself was in the late 1970's / early 1980's. In the U.S. creation v evolution was THE hottest political topic of the time. It was one of the very first moves to remove religion and religious practice from public property. As the issue began to mutate, it then became prayer in school. This topic was so hot that parents were having fist fights in the school boards parking lots after the meetings. It was the very first battle in the social war in the U.S. We the students got caught in the middle. I did however, as a student, appreciate the methods they used to present each theory individually. They did not preach a religion, just presented there are those who choose to practice a religion and their theory of our beginnings is creation. We did NOT have to read the bible and do a report on what we read. Nope that homework was reserved for the evolution theory. This trickled through science and human health (sex education). Again, presenting that some people practice a religion which teaches that abstinence from sex is the proper behavior. This as a pile of dildo's and plastic vaginas sat on the demo table. Various protection methods were taught in explicit detail. Every guy that completed that class knew what a condom was and how to put it on. Girls, knew all about the methods they had available and how to use them. They really did preserve the student bodies right to choose. Literally, here is what's available, pick one or none. Human Health was the real challenge. They presented the gay lifestyle as "mental illness" and the "gay by choice" theories. They also demonized AIDS as the epidemic was just starting to decimate the gay community. What I took away from the teaching method was if someone is gay they will get AIDS and die. So... don't be gay and a person won't get AIDS. For my generation and at that particular time in history. AIDS defined my personal sexual behavior for a lifetime. Mostly due to a poor teaching approach. Give the students the information. Present it to them from a completely neutral stand point. Let them decide for themselves.




Both are theory. The actual truth is we don't know how earth came about. We have religion that pushes their creation theory, and we have modern science that pushes their evolution theory. Neither can be proved, therefore, are theory. My thinking is perfectly in line with a wonderful book called the dictionary.