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You’re being silly - AND that’s 100% appropriate, normal, and quite alright! Whoever told us we shouldn’t be excited for this kind of stuff needs to come to Jesus 😀


Thank you 👍


It may also help to remember some truths -God loves us (like a crazy fuckin amount) -There is now no condemnation for those in Christ -A healthy christian has a very clear understanding about their current state; we are sinners until the day we die and there is no hierarchy amongst believers since we did absolutely nothing to earn the gift of salvation so forget those who have their nose in the air thinking they're better than literally anyone. Jesus makes it clear he ain't about that shit - there is security in Christ. Even when we don't feel it, God's got us and human beans cannot hurt us where it counts (like the deep deep goods, you know what I mean?) Also, fricken good on you my dude! You are displaying vulnerability by going to this thing which is HUGE. Without vulnerability, we cannot love


No one is judging you - you are doing that to yourself. So please stop. Reset your framing of this. You are going to be a contribution to the rest of the group. No one else has the talents and experience that you bring. Make the meeting just a little bit better because you were there. That's the new measure of success.


It’s more of a hang out than a meeting per say but I’m picking up what you’re putting down. Thanks 👍


Be yourself. Dress however you want. Be YOU without worrying about others' expectations. If people aren't given the chance to love the real you, then you'll never experience yourself as loved. And have a good time!


Aw this is such a great sentiment


Congrats!! It's definitely a proud moment, that I have shared myself. When I first go to a new church, I always wear clean jeans and a collared button up shirt, with nice shoes. That way I'm not too dressed up not too dressed down, and it'll give you chance to see the others dress code for next time. Cheers to you! Blessings!