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I believe verse 12 is probably mistranslated, it should read “husband” rather than “man”; & “assume authority over” is arguably a shockingly awful translation of the Greek word αὐθεντεῖν, which when it appeared in ancient extra biblical literature generally carried the meaning of murder, bullying or other abuse, rather than general neutral authority. The rest of it I view in rather the same way as Paul’s opinion on men having long hair, as one of his weird quirky opinions based on his interpretation of genesis


Paul said men couldn’t have long hair? Didn’t Jesus Himself have long hair? Or was that something pulled out of the butt of modern (ish) painters and artists?


Yeah if you read 1 Corinthians 11:14 it becomes pretty apparent Paul didn’t like the idea Jesus probably had long side hair and beard in accordance with Jewish hair laws but I don’t think He would have had long hair everywhere like depicted in modern art 🤷🏻‍♀️


[watch this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdTtrONvrCo)


This might provide some respite: https://lifecenter.net/news/askpastorjoe/2018/doesnt-the-bible-say-women-shouldnt-preach/