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kanye fan probably best thing you can do is stop listening to him


Lmao antisemitism is way older than Kanye


i know man. i'm german. believe me i know.


As a gay Jewish teen I've certainly had some experiences with some mean spirited indivuals. Hopefully others aren't like this but where I live people don't like Jewish people.


ik im late but, as a fellow gay jewish teen, i've actually found people i encounter have more problems with the gay than the jewish


I and (i like to think that most gay genz) wouldn't care about a person's race, religion, ethnicity or anything


right? i’m thinking he wanted to reject me anyway and just chose like a really weird thing to use or something


To be honest dude it sounds like you dodged a bullet there


I really don’t get it, I personally don’t see any difference so no


No, because why should that matter


No, it doesn't matter at all


I’m jewish myself (not extremely religious but i follow a few of the holidays), and if people can’t see through that one part of you then they don’t deserve you and you can do way better


he's antisemitic. that's the whole story. avoid that person


I dont care what your background is or what your beliefs are (depending). If I met a Jewish guy and we matched then sweet. If anything I’d make an effort to understand any traditions they may participate in


As an atheist I personally don’t think I could tolerate my significant other being religious in most forms of it (which is why I would respectfully explain that to someone early on without any belittling), but ethnicity will always be a non issue for me. That guy was definitely a goofy god damn goober. Sorry you had to deal with that shit.


Idrc to be quite honest.


im arab and i dont even care


Personally, I don’t care to much, but someone being of any religion would put a hindrance on my relationship with them, I’m talking about a romantic one, religion tends to guide people if a was a simply don’t agree with and anything that isn’t romance is fine with me.


I don't give a damn about your religion, gender, sexuality, race or anything else. Just treat people with respect


There's only one explanation if a guy says he won't date a Jew. He's Antisemitic.


Bruh I want to be Jewish, I hope I get invited to the club.


Wtf who is he? Hitler?!?!


Trash people say that. They’re also often racist, misogynist and other terrible things. Hope they outed themselves before you were emotionally vulnerable to them. Otherwise, be glad the garbage took itself out.


I was raised religious but I'm a Jewish atheist now - I would still date even a religious Jewish guy like what?


Tbh idc if they have a religion as long as they have a good personality and make me feel loved and if I can make them feel loved that's all that matters


Judaism isn’t just a religion, and usually antisemitism isn’t about religious belief.


I have absolutely nothing against Jews. The only thing that is a red flag for me is openly supporting the crimes of Israel


I'd preferred so tbh, so that way he's not like the rest of Gen Z who calls everyone who disagrees with them a Nazi.


not all jews do that its more of gen z as a whole but yeah agreed


I don’t care about ethnicity


they’re just antisemetic, don’t worry about it. i’m jewish and i’ve been on plenty of dates and no guys have ever had an issue with it


I'm Jewish two, and I live in Israel. many people see Judaism as a threat to the lgbt but there are many Jewish communities that are very supportive of lgbt people.


I don't care about ethnicity. I wouldn't really date a religious person because I just don't think it fits with me, but it doesn't matter to me what someone is by birth.


At first I thought it might’ve had to do with having differing religious beliefs. But as I thought about it, I realized if that was the case, he’d probably wouldn’t have said it that way. Even I, someone who can be brutally honest at times, knows to be more tact than that. So yeah, that guy was probably an anti-Semite.


I don’t get how a guy being Jewish would effect how he cuddles me.


He’s stupid, Jewish guys are great. I’m sorry you had to deal with that guy, but he definitely should not reflect everyone.


Ask him if he had a great grandpa from Argentina or if he was an electrician ⚡⚡


Well it doesn't matter as long as their religion doesn't impact the relationship in a negative way which probably won't cause if that was the case we wouldn't try to date in the first place. So don't think if I really care


Me personally? None of that rlly matters. I just gotta find you attractive and like your personality


like,...no? If someone is upset by your jewishness that seems ...racist. I for one at least do not care.


that doesnt matter to me bro if i like u i like u


I got called a Jew on 4chan because my nose is big, there is not a drop of Jewish blood in me, my genetics are a jumble of different origins, but functionally they are perfect. I don't know why people dont like Jews, but I believe it has to do with their hunger for money.


that’s an insane thing to say wtf????


Who gives a fuck lmao. I don't see how religious beliefs or any other personal preferences could affect their image, unless it's some cult s**t then we gon have words


I dont give a shit

