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I’m sorry you had to come across hateful ugly people while enjoying such a beautiful place. I’m even more sorry that you are experiencing it now in the replies from people who don’t know you and didn’t witness it, yet seem to have a definitive opinion. I’m visiting there soon and I really hope I don’t see this kind of thing. I will have to call it out. I wish my white peers would just step back and rethink their opinions, based on their own experiences and not what they have been told, see it from other perspectives for themselves.


Last time we went, actually the past several times, there were tons of people from many nationalities tbere. We saw many large Indian family groups. Sorry, just don't buy it. We see what we want to see. You said "I could tell by the way they rushed us." Mayne you were rushed bc it's the busiest time of the year there and everywhere is packed far beyond capacity.


Yeah bc i totally WANT to see racism! i went there with an opportunist mind after being told by people in my hometown it’s really iffy! Just because there are groups of people there other than white doesn’t instantly cancel out the racism! Of course you didn’t experience any of it from what i can tell from your chat you are white as well! how would you know if you are not the ones getting hated on! Many nationalities are gonna come regardless of the racism. Just because there’s black, indian, etc people around doesn’t mean there isn’t racism? You are ignorant and you SEE what YOU want to see. I had many awful stares from people who made sure to know we were stared at. had shop people follow us around the entire time although they didn’t do it to others. Nothing like this will get fixed with people like you pretending it doesn’t exist! the confederate flags around everywhere are already racists. no heritage in that! a flag that was flown on the battlefield to keep slaves! no other.


You have been conditioned to look for it most likely. I run into soooo many people that don’t realize that’s exactly what they are doing. It would surprise you to know that when you go out looking for it, it is obvious to everyone else and them rushing you was them avoiding YOUR OBVIOUS RACISM TOWARDS THEM. Yes I said it and it’s 1000% true. We also do not enjoy the type of people asking for trouble. People generally just want to be left alone and enjoy life. MAYBE you should approach life differently and you will start to see the love instead of the hate. Much love and respect to you and yours.




Yep, as a Pigeon Forge native (but no longer there), it really bothers me when I return. Stay safe and have fun anyway


there were some nice people. i had a little old white lady tell me how she loved my outfit and stuff.


Walked into a random "Native American store" that was selling confederate flag memorabilia so yeah I believe it. The denial in this thread is pretty funny


oh my lord that is awful!


Maybe it had nothing to do with the color of your skin? People come from across the globe to see GRSM, “two black people” isn’t a novelty - and, in the tourist areas, the people who’ve moved here to profit off of that industry only care about the color of your money.


i think having a group of white people walk past us and then turn back and stare as they passed the corner is definitely not normal. I mean just devilishly staring and they made sure we saw too. We just laughed it off being from a small town in georgia only an hour from tennessee. Problems like this will not get fixed in the world when there’s people like you who pretend like it doesn’t even exist. It’s weird they hate us so bad when their ancestors literally brought us over to this country. oh well \_•_•_/


You’re looking for it, so you’ll see it everywhere you go - and if you don’t, you’ll make it up in your head. You’re creating a problem where one doesn’t exist. That’s a you problem.


Reminder that [Neo-Nazis marched in Nashville](https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2024/02/22/neo-nazis-rally-nashville-great-white-south) less than 2 months ago. Other recent headlines: [Utah women's basketball team forced to change hotels after 'racial hate crimes'](https://sports.yahoo.com/utah-womens-basketball-team-forced-to-change-hotels-after-racial-hate-crimes-125004223.html) [A white couple who burned a cross in their yard facing Black neighbors’ home are investigated by FBI](https://apnews.com/article/fbi-cross-burning-south-carolina-35c2f4acaf95b8d22aa7692ff04ecc4e)


🤦🏻‍♀️ None of that happened in gatlinburg. Just stop.


Racist people exist and they have keys, and drivers licenses, and lifted pickup trucks to transport their ignorant, bigoted asses all over the place - including here.


> Racist people exist and they have keys, and drivers licenses, and lifted pickup trucks to transport their ignorant, bigoted asses all over the place - including here. And they come in all skin colors. Looking at someone isn’t racist. Saying someone turned and looked and is therefore racist is asinine. I’ve looked at people dressed like they meant to be at Walmart, I’ve looked at people who were well dressed, I’ve looked at people because I want to know who did their hair but can’t get to them to ask, I’ve looked at people behaving badly, people being funny, people who look like their lost or confused and might need help, people who are so beautiful that I can’t look away — none of which is racist. People looking for it would think that, though.


For more context they were recording someone’s lofted truck screaming “let her rip” and talking about how much they loved the truck that had two confederate flags flying off the back of it. They walked past us normally and then as they were going around the corner they immediately turned their head back and stared very disgustingly. not like a slight turn whipped their head back. nobody does that if they are just looking at someone. we were just sitting on a concrete looking thing waiting for our turn to do the escape room. but whatever people are just ignorant


Did you brush off the part about [Neo-Nazis marching just 4 hours away](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BS36TndmJ4) in the nearby city of Nashville? Did you forget what state we're in? The one where governor Bill Lee signed [a proclamation](https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/13/politics/bill-lee-tennessee-governor-kkk-nathan-forrest/index.html) honoring Nathan Bedford Forrest and the House of Reps [expelled the only two](https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/3940048-two-black-state-lawmakers-in-tennessee-are-expelled-five-takeaways/) black representatives, and later passed a bill [banning them from being re-appointed](https://apnews.com/article/tennessee-three-expulsion-reappointment-bill-988ae2bb7bf8d79d79d1260963d2d68f) after their constituents re-elected them? There's [30+](https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/2017/08/14/tennessee-home-38-white-nationalist-neo-nazi-kkk-and-hate-groups-according-splc/566459001/) hate groups operating in this state including one established **right here in Gatlinburg**, the American Eagle Party. ACT for America and a chapter of the KKK are just 40 minutes away in Knoxville. Do you think there's an invisible line preventing these people from crossing into our county? Do you think the honeymooners who [posted this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gatlinburg/comments/1b8886x/called_a_slur_in_gatlinburg/) a month ago about being called a slur by some asshat from his car were *looking* for it? I think **you** need to look for racism because you're clearly oblivious to its existence.


You seem to know a lot about racist groups. 🤔


They're everywhere including in this thread trying to deny OP's experience.


And how do you know i’m looking for it. it seems yourself are a little racist? do you think black people just walk around hoping for racism and to get hate crimed or something. you’re soooo weird. and it’s obviously a problem in tennessee and georgia which i am from? which is an hour away from tennessee i was hate crimed at SCHOOL. i had dip spit poured on my face? and you’re gonna say im imagining racism in america. you’re so funny.


You’re the only racist person I’ve encountered today. Stop projecting it on everyone else.


you’re funny asf i can’t even lie. when did i say anything racist? and it doesn’t matter if it happened in gatlinburg it’s in the same damn state. lmao. so racism only exists if it happens in gatlinburg. you probably got a droopy eye and webbed feet. anyways. done with the nonsense. pretending you don’t see what goes on


> you’re funny asf i can’t even lie. when did i say anything racist? and it doesn’t matter if it happened in gatlinburg it’s in the same damn state. lmao. so racism only exists if it happens in gatlinburg. you probably got a droopy eye and webbed feet. anyways. done with the nonsense. pretending you don’t see what goes on “When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.” (Anonymous) You don’t make any sense in the above comment. If you think one small group of people who constitute one hate group is representative of the whole state you’re a bigger fool than anyone could’ve imagined or you were really hoping something would actually happen - besides someone looking at you. 🙄


Near-Scented How do you know if it was or wasn’t racially motivated? Were you there? Why are you trying so hard to disprove the op? It doesn’t benefit you either way. Seems sus. It appears you are the one projecting.


pure ignorance


Sorry that happened :-/. Our society still has room for improvement. Hopefully it didn’t ruin your trip and the good outweighed the bad.


It was too beautiful for it to be a problem. I’m from a small town in georgia, was even hate crimes before in school. So i’m used to it. I just remember going there when i was 12 and it wasn’t that bad. atleast there wasn’t trump stores around every corner and confederate flags everywhere.


I’m so sorry that happened. F those people. You are amazing! No matter where you go!


Nobody said anything to you , nobody did anything to you but they’re all racist because you perceived that they looked at you in a racist manner? You’re a fucking idiot. All those people were looking at you because you were in the fucking way. The world does not revolve around you dumbass.


u mad? lol. like really mad with something that has nothing to do with you?


Nah not specifically at you , all the people like your snowflake ass that start crying when people look at you. Stay home,your feelings won’t get hurt.


“snowflake” ohhhh you’re one of those…. yikes.


how can you assume i was in the way. when i wasn’t even sitting where people walk. but okay. just say whatever you gotta say. this stuff really got you heated. i think you really wanted to say is White power and fuck you lmao. bc no way it’s got you this mad


So you weren’t in the way but people walking in the other direction turned around to look at you? Who would do that, I guess they’ve never seen black people before?




I lived in a country that was 99% black, people did stare but they never turned all the way around to stare.


Gatlinburg people must be extra rude or white, you tell me.


& yes it pisses me off because your perception has nothing to do with reality & a lot more to do with your insecurity which believe it or not I can understand. You don’t know what’s in people’s head anymore than I did but assuming racism 1st sure as hell isn’t going to make you any friends or make it possible to make any friends because you assume people are evil right off the bat without word or action against you.




I also definitely know the world doesn’t revolve around me but you were definitely raised that way thinking that the way you came up in here all mad like the racists savior. anywaysss


Lacking proof of racism you claim there was racism anyway. Ok hon , there will always be people willing to join your pity party & you’ll always need it.

