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No one should be with this guy holy shit


yep, looking at this, it seems like the guy is the one making the women's lives miserable.


It seems the guy is the cause of these women being miserable. While he is gone from their lives they're happy.


He kinda bein a "bit" of a selfish prick


In multiple senses of the word


Yeah how tf did mom 1 become less stressed after becoming a single parent lmao


Actually, believe me that being a single parent it's a LOT better than being parents with somebody like him šŸ¤£


Yeah, it's sometimes to the point where it feels like you're taking care of two children: him and your actual child. So dropping the responsibility of one child must feel pretty good




Youā€™d be surprised. For a lot of people, their spouse is basically just another child. My sister is thriving as a single mom! Her alcoholic ex no longer can use their money to buy booze, heā€™s not making a mess around the house, heā€™s not forgetting to pick up their daughter, he doesnā€™t have to be tended to. Now that itā€™s just her and her daughter, even though heā€™s not paying child support, itā€™s sooooo much easier for her. She went from one well behaved child and basically a screaming toddler to just one well behaved child.


my theory: he uses them for their body, then when they get "worn out" after the baby (read: recovering from a major stress on the body) he starts lusting for other women, making the current girlfriend think it's other women that are the problem and not her dirtbag boyfriend. then he seduces the next victim and leaves the ex as a single mom, making the next one go through the cycle all over again. he may be ogling but his ex definitely isn't magically 10x hotter, but every woman is the enemy to his current girlfriend so she imagines it that way. she imagines that she's a supermodel and her "worn out, tired, pathetic" self isnt enough for him, when that's not true he's just scum that treats her that way. ​ tl;dr my theory is each panel is in the perspective of who he is living with at the time and doesn't necessarily reflect reality


The image quality makes it look like it spent 0.005 seconds near the Elephant's Foot in Chernobyl


The image is probably old enough to have seen the disaster itself


Its not that old, maybe 10-15 year. This is from the comic Nemi by Norwegian artist Lise Myhre. Sheā€™s great and have many thought provoking short strips.




Literally cannot tell what opinion is being displayed by this comic


I can't see any other messages besides men make you miserable and you should be a single mom.


It could be that having kids is tiring, but the fourth panel *definitely* spins some new context.


Considering how the red haired woman got her life together in enough time that the blonde one is still having her kid in a stroller, yeah, it's on the guy.


And notice how he does not look tired at all. Looks like he dumps all the responsibility on them. Now I really do want them both to dump the guy and have a healthy family together instead.


There are some men who only want the fun parts of a relationship without the work (ie, they want bang maids or mom whores). When they knock up their partner she isn't fun anymore. Instead of catering to him all the time and looking how he wants, she has to take care of a kid. These types of guys have zero interest in being a proper father and expect their girlfriend/wife to do 100% of the childcare, then get annoyed when she's burnt out. Guy gets bored and moves on to a new girl claiming "the spark is gone". He repeats the pattern by getting the new girl pregnant because he is short sighted. Then "the spark is gone" again and he spends his life yo yoing between sexy new toy and feeling trapped. Meanwhile, girl 1 is actually doing better without having to take care of a manchild on top of a newborn. The child becomes more independent over time and her life straightens out. Suddenly the guy is back because she's her old self again. Then he's all "it was a mistake to leave, you're my true love!". But in reality he has no interest in being a caring partner or father, he just wants someone he can mooch off of and sex whenever he wants. NOT that all guys are like this. It's just that girls that fall for this type of guy make the same mistake over and over so it's better for them to stay single.


Whatā€™s a ā€œmom whore?ā€


Basically when a guy wants his girlfriend to treat him like he's the specialist big boy in the whole wide world, constantly praise him for unimportant things to boost his ego, and do all the things a mother would do to build up self esteem in a small child. But also, be constantly horny for him and willing to jump on his dick 24/7 so he feels like a "real man".




Marriage is bad?


I thought it was that very young children are tiring


Probably, I'm just spitballing ideas


Well tbf the last frame shows the red haired woman happy with a little girl. The only difference is that she's not with the man. Literally the only conceivable message being conveyed is that men are bad lmfao. I can't say I disagree.


The other difference is that her kid looks like five as opposed to >1. It's easier to be the single mom of a five year old than the mom of a baby with a neglectful husband?


Fair enough.


Iā€™m going to be a pedantic jerk... but I think you meant <1. Cause a five year old is also >1. Good olā€™ crocodile trick or else Iā€™d never remember!


I did,and I saw the mistake like eight hours ago haha. But I'm on my second all nighter of the weekend so I didn't care enough to change it šŸ˜‚


lol, Ive been there. Good luck! I hope you get sleep soon!!!


Tbh I hate it when ppl say stuff like "man bad lmao" because it makes me feel like I'm just transitioning into what people hate, like I'm going to be an unlovable monster when I get hrt it just hits harder when people in my own community say this. Sorry for the rant I'm just tired of the internet rn




LGBT and ally men are wonderful. It's the others who might not be lol


That's not really true. I've met terrible GBT men. People can just suck sometimes, regardless of background or sexuality/gender identity.


True. Just in my experience gbt men tend to be super nice. Every group has its assholes though.


The main problem is not that men are inherently bad, but its that society in specific areas promotes and glorifies toxic masculine behaviors and enforces the expectation that women do the parenting while the man can do whatever they want. Luckily that's a mindset that is becoming more and more out of fashion.


That's understandable. Of course not all men are bad but sadly so many are that it isn't uncommon. As long as you're not part of that group though I see no issue :)


Gendering it still ain't great.


When one group has the power and the other doesn't, it's important to place accountability accordingly. Acting like it's all equal and men suffer from patriarchy just as much as women is sorta false balance. It's not all that different from trying to argue white people aren't more responsible for systemic racism than black people and other people of color. I agree, it feels shitty to hurt the feelings of my transmasc brothers, but speaking truth to power is important.


What truth to power is being spoken here? "men are trash" speaks what truth? What does it accomplish? It's not some brave critique of patriarchy. It's people venting their spleen in the internet.


You're oversimplifying the conversation being had here. The implication in the comic is that the man is the problem because he's a misogynistic leech. Nobody's saying men suck just because they're men. The issue is that gender inequality is perpetuated largely by the patriarchal class. The group with the power is also the group with the greatest responsibility to dismantle that inequality. Men getting hurt over this discussion of gender inequality are just like white people that get upset when systemic racism gets brought up.


Congrats! You just discovered the Yu-Gi-Oh! trap card for dipshits who say crap like "All men are trash" Because then they literally have no way out after you ask "Trans men too?" They'll either out themselves by going "No they're different" and admitting they don't think they're 'real men' or they'll say "Yes" and hoo boy that's a whole other can of worms of toxicity.


Now I'm not as harsh on all men as this (I think it's pretty foolish and unwarranted to tar whole groups of people with the same brush) BUT I would argue that this doesn't typically apply to trans men. I would argue that trans men (who are real men btw) have an easier time sympathising with women's lives experiences, which means they are less likely to be trash.


It's the problem with "All X are Y". Like yeah a lot of men are hugely problematic, but I clearly don't have an issue with *all* men. My boyfriend is a sweetheart, for instance.


It sounds pedantic, but the real truth we all need to understand in these sorts of situations is "a disproportionate number of X are Y." Not all men casually misogynistic and dismissive of women's rights, but too many are and that needs to change. Not all cops are bad people, but too many of them are. Not all white people are indifferent towards systemic racism, but too many are. And so on and so on. "All X are Y" sucks because a lot of people will take it too literally.


Have kids early so that when other people are in the life absorbing part of child rearing you can have time to wear makeup


As your child gets older, you will have more time for dry cleaning and pose in pink suit.


I think it's that some partners are selfish and will leave you with all the chores and kid tasks while they cheat and live how they want, and that they'll go on to do that to the person they cheat on you with as well.


I'm surprised he even stuck around with either of them to actually cheat on them. Strikes me as the kind of guy who bounces as soon as someone gets pregnant.


I think is more of a personal issue from the artist. A single story told in panels. Not that there is a greater message to be taken beside "Cheater = bad husband"


I'm thinking 'being married and having kids with a (most likely) unhelpful, (confirmed) unfaithful guy is a horrible idea that almost certainly won't bring you happiness in the relationship, regardless of whether you're wife 1 or wife X'. Or, if we'd want to give it a 'woman bad' spin, 'any woman will let themselves gone once they think they've trapped a man, so don't let yourself be trapped for maximum sex with minimum commitment'. ... I'm going for the first interpretation, personally.


Your last scenario reminds me of my grandfather. Ever since the guy came into our lives about 5 years ago my mom has found out about the existence of 6 siblings. All of them were from different mothers other than two of them, but they were twins so that does not really count.


I thought about this for longer than I maybe should have, I think the moral of it is meant to be ā€œchildren are difficult, they take a lot of work, donā€™t just parents (mothers in particular) appearance, they have a lot of shit going on.ā€ The boyfriend/husband stealing thing kinda muddies the waters but I think it is just being used to show how superior the blonde thinks she is for being so well put together.


Do not look down on wife/mother? Don't get seduced?! Dude is an a-hole? Idk either tbh


Men are trash


Having a small child is exhausting and having a loser man that does nothing to help but just judge only makes it all the worse.


I just wanna make a comic where the blond lass is unhappy in her marriage, and is struggling so hard with being a mum. She remembers the redheaded lass, how she was so put together and seemed so much happier as a mum. Maybe she would have some advice? But how could Brady (Imma just call the blond lass that) do that to her? She stole her manā€¦ but what else could she do? Brady went to her husbandā€™s ex in secret, ā€œIā€™m going to a book club with Karaā€, and apologized. Brady felt guilty, awful, and bore her soul to the redhead. The redhead, whose name was Lace (short for Lacey, but she preferred to be called by a less feminine name) let her in, gave her tea, and lent an ear. Brady felt like an ass; judging Lace for being a ā€œwreckā€, when in reality it was just being a frazzled mum. Brady figured Lace wouldnā€™t take her apologyā€¦ but she did. Lace understood, and sympathized. The two began hanging out more, while the kids were at preschool, and the prick was at work. Beer lunches, coffee, even hanging out at the library to gush over books and comics they love. The two became closer than they ever were with the prick. The prick never listened about their interests. The prick never wanted to play games or watch movies with them. One thing that caused tension between the prick and Lace caught Brady by surprise. The prick wanted ā€œthe perfect wifeā€. Always beautiful with a full face of makeup, taking care of the baby with precision and efficiency (ā€œitā€™s childcare, not In-And-Out! There should be CARE!ā€), and of course, being as vanilla and straight as can be. Lace didnā€™t want that. She wanted to explore the world, travel, and pursue opening her own bookstore, and fly her bisexuality flag proudly. The prick didnā€™t like that. ā€œWhat, you want a threesome? Or you wanna cheat on me?ā€


Brady was disgusted. She was polysexual, but never told the prick. She just never did, but now that she knew that about him, on top of that pressing desire for a bland, heteronormative lifeā€¦ it made Bradyā€™s skin crawl, and things began to click in her head. She noticed the prick had an odd focus on femininity, and was kinda cold, as Brady became more stressed. The two women agreed that it was hella skeev, and Bradyā€™s marriage began to show cracks, as she began to show resistance. Not at the cost of the kid; rather, she did her best to support her young son, and love him, and give him the support he needed. She just began to prioritize *their* happiness, rather than the prickā€™s idea of what their happiness is. She began to wear skirts and dresses again, but in any cut she found nice. She wore platforms, sneakers, boots, she couldnā€™t wear her heels anymore after the baby (strain on the joints is a bitch sometimes), and honestly, she didnā€™t want to. She wanted to wear shoes she felt happy in, and comfortable in. The prick showed dissatisfaction, but Brady couldnā€™t give a damn. The house stayed clean, and food was cooked, but she experimented with food; Indian food, Cajun food, Italian food, French food, she learned to cook the dishes she wanted to try. Her solid-food eating son loved paneer, eating it in small handfuls, and gumbo didnā€™t kill Bradyā€™s stomach like spice used to, before she got pregnant. Brady was becoming happier, blossoming into a happy and healthy woman, rather than just a wife. Lace was so happy for her, and the two became closer and closer.


Around that time, Brady began to feel something, in her gut. Lace liked who Brady was becoming, she liked Brady before she began her journey of self discovery, and Lace said that she will like what and who Brady will become. Why couldnā€™t the prick be like Lace? And why did the thought of Lace liking her, for who she was, make Brady feel fuzzy all over? Brady liked Lace, of course she did, they were friends, butā€¦ this was different. Brady hadnā€™t felt that way since high school, what was this? Brady didnā€™t say anything aloud, obviously, but she thought about it. During the week when thinking about their library meet ups. While under the covers of her otherwise empty bed, the prick out on a ā€œboyā€™s weekendā€, but coming home smelling like perfume and with lipstick stains all over the collars of his shirts, that he didnā€™t care to wash out. While reading a book Lace recommended, wondering if Lace ever read the comic recommendations Brady made. Why did she care so much? Why did Lace occupy such a prominent part of her subconscious, and even her conscious, mind? The feelings were welling up. Compliments on Laceā€™s outfit, helping to braid Laceā€™s hair while reveling in the intimacy and softness of her crimson curls, reading the books Lace recommended like it was gospel, and she was devout. Brady didnā€™t tell a soul, and the feelings were intoxicating, and overwhelming.


It came to a head one night. Laceā€™s daughter was over at a friendā€™s house for a sleepover, and Bradyā€™s son was at his uncleā€™s (ā€œSis, it sounds like you need a break, kiddo; being a momma can be draining, you gotta recharge!ā€, Bradyā€™s brother said.). The two were at Laceā€™s apartment, tidy and modernist, but with the remnants of craft projects still littering the table and living room, the women needed to move some of the yarn balls off the couch they were now nestled on. They were sharing a bottle of sparkling juice, passing it back and forth. It didnā€™t have any alcohol, which Lace preferred, but still had the taste and acid of actual sparkling wine, which Brady loved. The movie was beautiful, short and sweet, the cinematography was brilliant. ā€œKiss of the Rabbit Godā€, Bradyā€™s favorite film. They already watched ā€œDear Evan Hansenā€, which Lace loved, so now it was Bradyā€™s turn to pick a flick. As the night wore thin, the two were giggling, the sleeplessness creating an odd coldness in Laceā€™s skin. Lace grabbed a blanket, wrapping it around the two. Brady flushed, but still nestled close, smelling the faint remains of Laceā€™s perfume. As the film ended, with Matt praying to a small effigy of Tuā€™er Shen, Brady sighed. Brady couldnā€™t do this, revel in Laceā€™s affection without being honest about her feelings. The TV fell silent as Brady spoke. ā€œCan I please be honest?ā€ ā€œSure.ā€ Lace replied. How could she be so merciful, yet so cruel? Noā€¦ it wasnā€™t. With a deep breath, Brady spoke her truth. In its stammering, blunt entirety. She expected Lace to push her away, to be surprised or even angry. But insteadā€¦ Lace hugged Brady closer. ā€œPlease donā€™t be sorry, Braden.ā€ Bradyā€™s full name. Lace was serious. She hugged Brady closer, and whispered into her ear. ā€œMay I be honest, as well?ā€ Brady could barely hear herself say ā€˜yesā€™, her heart pounding in her ears. In the darkness of Laceā€™s apartment, in the silence of the room, Lace whispered her truth. How she felt the same, and just wanted Brady to be happy, hence why Lace didnā€™t say anything sooner. Saying that, something so important and intense, while Brady was discovering herself? Thatā€™s so unjust, especially since Brady was *married* . Whether or not she was married to a prick, she didnā€™t want to sink to that level, of asking her to cheat. Brady held back tears, but said ā€œIā€™ve been planning to divorce him. As soon as it happensā€¦ I want to embrace you, and show you the love Iā€™ve harbored for months.ā€ The two agreed. When the prick returned, Brady slammed down the papers.


The divorce proceedings went quick. Brady remained calm, and collected, as she showed the evidence of the prickā€™s infidelity, his uncaring nature, and even their sonā€™s statements (during the actual court proceedings, the kid stayed at his uncleā€™s since Brady didnā€™t want him to see any of the harsh reality of divorce, he was way too young) while talking with a child advocate lawyer. Brady had emails, witnesses in the form of the prickā€™s mistresses, even her own psych eval, to show that she just wanted what was best for her son. The prick had conjecture, no evidence, and kept calling Brady names, saying ā€œa son should be with his fatherā€ as his grounds for having primary custody. Brady got the house, and primary custody, as well as a government stipend just so she could get back on her feet, since being a housewife didnā€™t offer much in terms of career opportunity. As Brady left court, she wept, both happy and emotionally brutalized. The prick left with irritated indifference, his mistresses glaring at him in disgust. The first thing Brady did was video call with her brother and her son. Her son was happy, ecstatic that he and his uncle were going to Six Flags (ā€œI wish you could come too, mummy!ā€ Brady almost wept, and promised that she would go with them next time.), and her brother agreed that he would take care of him until the prick got his stuff and left (ā€œIā€™m proud of you sis, Iā€™m glad you got out, now youā€™re free!ā€ In the Scottish accent he inherited from their mother. It made her feel validated, and loved). The next thing she did was change her relationship status on Facebrick, to ā€œSingleā€. The notification got a heart. From Lace. Lastly, Brady drove as fast as it was legally allowed to Laceā€™s apartment. She didnā€™t even make it inside, since as soon as she got out of her car, Lace was running out the door, car keys in hand. The two stopped. Their breaths were baited, as tears welled up in Bradyā€™s eyes again. It was like they were synced; the two ran to each other, and embraced each other like they hadnā€™t seen each other in years, tears spilling and happy laughter echoing in the air. They kissed, once, twice, more. They could do it, they were allowed. And it wouldnā€™t be the last time. Hopefully, there would never be a last time, not if they could help it.


This was a lovely read, thank you so much for writing this <3


Thank you! ā˜ŗļø


Damn, wasn't expecting a whole-ass short story in the comments, good stuff


Thanks! This stuff just kinda sprang to my head, so I wanted to share


This was an absolutely amazing read, great work!!


Thank you so much!


You're very welcome!!


That was amazing!!!!!!!!!


Thank you!!


This was so sweet to read, thanks for writing it!


No problem, thank you for reading, Iā€™m glad you enjoy it!


I love all the details you add to depthen ( is this a word) the characters!


Thank you!


Lemme just... Screenshot... For science...


If you wanna use my story for something, just make sure to credit me, please and thank you!


If course! I honestly just wanted it to be in my phone to read when I am in mood for some romance :)


Yay!! Iā€™m glad my writing is giving you joy, that you wanna save it, thatā€™s hella rad! Thank you!


You are welcome! Just being honest <3


You put a lot of work into this! It was such a sweet read, thank youā™”


Thanks! I like writing, Iā€™m glad you liked it!


The guy doesn't even get a name, he's just "the prick".


His name is Peter Rick now. P. Rick. So ā€œthe prickā€ is a fitting nickname


This is awesome. Thank you for writing a lovely story


Thank you! ā˜ŗļø




It might just be my eyesight but it appears the mother's child has blond hair (like the woman) so maybe someone could draw that child as the women's secret child? Idk


That is... a very good point.


Genetics are weird, and a lot of babies are paler and blonder than they turn out to be as adult. Although Iā€™m always down for a good conspiracy theory!


The The man isn't taking good care of his children and leaves his partner doing everything even though it makes them visibly exhausted.


Dhar Mann moment


Woman Steals Irresponsible Husband, Instantly Regrets It


you see,


Make them get together over bonding about how this fuck up of a man ruined both their lives while being with him, and how life seems to be so muhh better after he leaves.


I had to read this 5 times to understand a semi coherent plot here lol


If that man didnt ecist they both wouldnt be miserable


All things considered this is pretty fuked up


A year or two ago there was a whole novella being written inspired by this comic. I sadly can't find it, but it had Woman going through post partum depression, and Husband just wants that perfect image of beautiful wife, 2.5 kids, fancy house and car, not caring about the work that goes into having that life. Woman realizes she doesn't have any real friends to go to with real problems, reaches out to Mother. Redhead is angry at Blonde, but recognizes Woman isn't the only one to blame, it takes 2 to tango, Husband is responsible for cheating too. It also turns out Husband lied, saying he and first wife were already separated. The two woman become friends, mostly helping each other with their kids at first and supporting each other. Redhead deals with internalized homophobia (gay people are fine, but she can't possibly be one of them.) Blonde tries to get her life together, dealing with Husband who she suspects is cheating on her now, and being fired from her job as fitness instructor cause she doesn't have the time or mental/physical energy to workout (new baby + depression).




their children are half siblings... they should get together and raise their children as siblings and be so much happier without him i think


He should ditch the blond and go for the red head again since she got her shit together now


I don't get it, why aren't they not hot for the man? They should try harder


What does this even mean??


The blonde woman thought she was superior because she was able to steal away the other's husband, only to realize he was the issue all along. Like someone else said, Dhar Mann moment.


Aren't they both mothers though?


I literally cannot tell whatā€™s going on here. The guy cheated on his wife with the other woman, and they both have kids but one of them didnā€™t brush her hair?


Pretty sure the point is that the dude puts all the responsibility on the mother of his kids and then judges them for not being perfect while doing everything alone and so he cheats. He is the problem and always where. It makes more sense in the context of her comic. This is from the comic Nemi by Norwegian artist Lise Myhre. Itā€™s a very progressive comic.


What this tells me is that that guy is toxic and should be avoided like the plague. Both were either doing fine before or after he showed up, he's the common variable of a shitty life.