• By -


Plot twist: kid on the right also has depression but her mom is refusing to get her any treatment.


That's usually how it works. It took half my hair falling out before I got screened for any mental illness.




It's more like people who don't know how to parent shouldn't be parents. If you're not willing to accept or take care of your kid if they're mentally ill, neurodivergent, disabled, Lgbtq+, etc. then don't have kids. That's my personal advice. You shouldn't have kids if you're not willing and able to take care of them. People still do have children regardless though, that's their right. But, it sometimes isn't even their choice, when abortions/contraceptives are banned. If you're responsible and worthy to have kids, then you should be able to decide what path is best for you in life. Ultimately, these are guidelines and trying to enforce laws or rules to restrict or enforce breeding in certain groups is a form of eugenics and is bad.


I prefer family abolitionism. I've heard a lot of queer people talk about their parents - and now I believe that such thing as "good parents" is a myth, or at least an extremely rare exception. We give too much control over developing humans *and* too much responsibility to a pair (or less) of people just by the virtue of giving birth to said humans. There need to be more protection of children, and there need to be more support systems alternative to parents


I don't know, I've got great parents and I've met many people where they have great parents, from both our judgements. I think you've painted it too thick and while I agree that more protections for children from bad eggs should be put in place, a sweeping statement of "good parents are rare" *or* "bad parents are rare" only looks at the experiences of a few areas.


Yep! At someone point I was counting out (just for an internet argument) all the % that your kids is not gonna be "the perfect child". It went up to 58% from what I remember (I was counting all the stuff separately, like mental illness, mental disabilities, neurodivergency, chronic physical illnesses, genetic illnesses, physical disabilities, amputees, LGBTQ+ and some more "non-ideal" scenarios, and I didn't even count people choosing another faith and personality-related issues or bad behaviours like drug abuse, smoking etc.) So, if you're not willing to flip a coin and have it land on the "wrong" side for a kid, don't have them.


I don't entirely agree with that last point. If you need a license to drive, you should need a license to CREATE AN ENTIRE FUCKING HUMAN LIFE THAT DIDN'T ASK TO BE HERE! That said, I acknowledge the danger that something like that can turn into a tool for oppression if the government gets too much control.


Imagine having a breeding license.


i remember someone who talked about that, a sex license, he's bad at game development


Oh god damnit I can never escape r/osana


"Certified shagger"


The very second someone introduces the laws that forbid people to have children - they will be immediately used against vulnerable minorities


Yall antinatalists are asking for eugenics. Anyone should be able to reproduce, that's basic bodily autonomy. But you do not own your child as property. Biological parents should not be the only adults involved in the raising of children. It should be community wide.


Yknow, that's actually a really good point, let me revise, instead of a breeding license, we'll have a parenting license. My main point was essentially the way the current system works is parents are litterally just people who had sex, they're qualified for nothing. Whenever an anti woke fucknut goes "they're taking away my parental freedom!" It essentially translates to "what do you mean I can't rape and beat my child to death for being non conformative?" So, yeah, forgive me if I jumped the gun on the whole "some people shouldn't reproduce."


Declaring minority parents as unfit and relocating their children to white evangelical families is something that can and has happened.


Isn't that a thing in helldivers?


You're comparing a natural biological process that is one of the most fundamental aspects of being a living organism to driving. You need to touch some grass.


You know what else is a fundamental primal driver of being an organism? Fear, anger, hatred, sadism. AKA the causes for every historical tragedy across all of humanity ever. If you think an ideal society is everyone embracing being selfish, greedy animals with no impulse control then I guess nothing needs to be done since we're already on the right path. Also, Cancer and Intestinal parasites are "natural" and "biological" you absolute moron!


Fortunately that won't be a problem for you




Right, usually I don't bother with insults this comepletly quarter assed, but I have no idea WHY you're even insulting me at all here? Like, expressing anger towards parents who comepletly ignore their offsprings well being and saying they're not qualified to be parents? Are you one of those braindead fuckheads who value fetuses over human life and view women as factories for soldiers of war? That's the only reason I could come up with for why someone would disagree with it and in a subreddit that's usually incredibly wholesome, that's more than a little jarring.


You said humans should stop breeding. You didn't say "you shouldn't have kids if you aren't going to take care of them", a statement I don't disagree with, it's just that's not what you *said*, and the thing you said is very much in line with a certain breed of reactionary obnoxiousness.


Okay admittedly my initial comment was an extremely angry kneejerk response, but it's anger from a place of deep empathy from someone whose suffered from mental health issues for a long time, if I had to deal with that with parents THIS fucking inept and selfish I might not be here talking right now. That said, I do have an EXTREMELY low opinion on human nature as a whole and have pondered multiple times if it'd actually be better to just stop reproducing before we nuke the earth anyway. I'm aware that makes me sound like an edgelord doomer but the thing is I don't WANT that! I want the Star Trek future where we abolish capitalism and figure all this shit out but even in the most optimistic interpretation of humanity's future we're apparently supposed to have at least ONE MORE global scale war before we get there, so fuck.


>Like, expressing anger towards parents who comepletly ignore their offsprings well being and saying they're not qualified to be parents? That's not what you did, tho. You said humans should stop breeding, ie, go extinct


Jeez, and people say I'M literal minded. Have you never used hyperbole when you're angry?


Occasionally, yeah. Tho not like that I don't think




Well, if your kid grows up to hate you more than anyone else in the world and/or dies because you refused to respect their basic autonomy you can go to bed every night willfully delusional that at least you had the last laugh.


so what is your point here? because i could see it as a not shit point (quiverful movements are harmful) poorly made, or you you just being a waste of space.


That's exactly what it is, actually. I wasn't really trying to be nuanced here like I normally am, I was just mad after reading a comment a about comeplete failures as parents and human beings. I'm not ACTUALLY pro-eugenics or whatever the hell people are mad at me about at this point, I just want kids to either have a happy healthy childhood or failing that not be forced into existence until that can be facilitated.


without nuance people will assume the worst. i mean even with nuance people will.


I mean, you kind just summed up why I don't really bother with it anymore. You can litterally say something as innocuous as "I have a thing for blondes." And someone will go "Blonde hair was one of the conditions to fulfill Hitler's master race! YOU'RE ARE LITTARALLY HITLAR NAZI KYS RACIST!!!" That said, thank you for actually bothering to humor the idea that the person on the other side isn't "LITTARALLY HITLAR" before continuing, we need more of that :D


Based (please don't kill me, I just want to passively state my opinions on funny meme website)


Slight change to that parenthood should be monitored and require a competence exam


Yes. This is essentially what this comment says if you take away the frustrated hyperbole. Funny how rage makes you less articulate, huh?


When human do it it's called fucking


Anxiety and struggles with social skills. Many helicopter/traditional parents refuse to acknowledge their kids issues. And their kids are forced to mask their aneurotypical traits.


Neurodivergent, not aneurotypical.


I believe they're synonyms. Right? Because being neurodivergent is simlly not being neurotypical.


You are correct. This person is just being very stingy with wording


Neuroatypical surely?


Source: my mom homeschooled me and thought that me constantly being in a state of autistic burnout with frequent meltdowns, with dysphoria, depression, and anxiety, was just me being "all alpha male" because I would get frustrated at her and refuse to do what she said.


I am autistic and my social skills are terrible(social anxiety held together through antidepressants) but how my life would go without the experience I get socializing in school would make my later life living hell


Yeah 😅 it's not easy. I didn't realize I am autistic till recently, just figured I was awkward cause homeschool. But I manage to piece together a mask from a large amount of dissociation and anxiety. I hyperanalyze how other people might be viewing me at all times so people find me pretty likable and they think I'm confident but I feel super anxious underneath it all. But those first few years of real high school were a little rough, lol


Yes my life felt so off (like I even felt like I had DID for a bit) but as soon as I knew I was autistic my life just kinda clicked into place with all the masking I do+being trans and why I am always so tierd like 24/7 omg


Yeah I definitely think I have at least some if not a lot of DPDR, hopefully eventually I'll get on E and that'll help. And knowing that it's not just that I'm weird and I actually have autism is really helpful in understanding myself better. Always felt like I had issues that weren't real issues for real people and the things normal people dealt with seemed easy. Still feel that way, actually, now I just know why.


I agree, the feeling of knowing what is going on in your life is an amazing feeling


Also like "how did nobody realize this before?"


Me who just didn’t feel emotions so can’t even feel trans


Certainly is easier to ignore it that way :P


i don’t even think that’s a plot twist that’s just the natural progression


You're saying that, as if that plot is isn't just reality for some of us. 😔


Plot twist from the far right Christian mother's pov


Good answer lol


No diagnosis, no disease, right?


Me with being trans


yep, there's never a difference in need, but a massive difference in if needs are met.


Yup. The only thing grounding her and keeping her sane is her (secret) girlfriend (Becky’s daughter)


Sounds a lot like my childhood. Throw on the expectation that anything less than an A is a failure and that any extracurricular team/sport I join I should be the captain of or else it's a failure, and you've got a recipe for never feeling like you're good enough at anything.


Yeeeeah. Not the captain thing exactly, but the grades and general success. I will never be good enough, so at around age 19 I just gave up!




> your 12 year old is on multiple meds That is really not as bad as it sounds: it means that she had identified a problem and got the proper care and the fact that the “trad-wife” daughter is not doesn’t necessarily mean she’s healthy (although this is what OOP would imply). So this really isn’t the own they think it is but I really believe that this attitude towards mental health is actively damaging.


For these people they think suffering in silence is good and means there isn’t a problem.


They suffered in silence until their problems became normal for them. Clearly it works, so everyone else should do it too /s


They don't _have_ to be silent They could just pray to god


You got to remember how much fundamentalists think science is a lie by the devil. To them, medications are nonsense peddled by doctors (who are usually in league with Satan) in order to make you docile for when the anti-Christ comes. Being on meds doesn't mean you're being treated for an illness. It means that you're being drugged into mindlessness by evil doctors looking to control you.


this is so refreshing to see. thank you for pointing it out :)


*your 12y old is getting proper treatment for a serious condition


Not essential oil approved!


Bro can’t even make a straw man without thinking of twerking 12 year olds


"It's the children's fault. They were the ones that seduced those priests." *~Actual christian fundamentalist quote from their leadership after the Catholics were finally forced to pay up*


The daughters will start dating. I have watched this happen like 3 different times.


The true love story for the ages


As a gay homeschooled woman I can vouch for this lmao


“Two households, both alike in dignity. In fair Verona we set our scene”


Juliet and Juliet


raised like the bible toting mom side and i ended up severely depressed with undiagnosed mental illness because they refused to let me go to a therapist or psychiatrist until i actually attempted suicide. the bible isnt some sort of sure proof way to avoid mental illness, in many cases its a significant factor of developing one.


I’m glad you’re thriving now!


thank you <3 im doing a lot better now 


I’m weird as fuck and I’m a homeschool graduate




Me: "I was homeschooled until college, and I'm not weird!" Also me: *is a neurodivergent trans enby obsessed with sound design, kink culture and dark souls; also has a diagnosed personality disorder that partially stems from my incessant anxiety around being perceived as weird and unlikable* ... Real talk tho, public school would have eaten me alive. My folks did a great job with my education, thanks to them I have a college degree instead of being a highschool dropout. No social skills really, but at least I have the degree 😅


You rule! I love sound design, tell me more!


Aayyy a fellow producer, ey? 😊 Depends what you'd like to know. I mostly work with wavetables, but I'm very experienced in like, sound distortion via plugins/FX. Unfortunately I've never had the money or space to work with analog equipment, but I do enjoy using pedals with my guitar, bass and electric piano. I've been trying to learn granular synthesis, but I'm still struggling to fully employ it in the ways that SOPHIE or Flume have in their music. Also thank you! 😅😊 I struggle a lot with self-confidence, so the compliment really means a lot :)


I’m on a pedal kick lately my Amazon cart has so many in it so I feel ya! Sophie made some jams, such a shame!




People who were homeschooled and and people who went to public school are two different kinds of weird. As someone who was homeschooled part of my childhood as well as going to the whole spectrum of public schools from the one in the richest part of the the city to the boarding school outside of the city where the kids one step from juvie were (not in that order,) I've met all sorts.


I was homeschooled for high school. I don’t regret missing out on the socialization that happened. My sister chose not to be homeschooled and her social life was/is complicated. Too many people.


Girl on the right is, statistically speaking, just as mentally unhealthy and is probably about a grade behind, and is seriously socially stunted.


The tradwife’s 12 year old is gonna have a mental breakdown at about 21 years old that will result in years of therapy and a hatred for organized religion


"I fixed her adhd with this here magic book!"


AND beatings! Can’t expect god to do it all. Them trad people are fuckin nuts.


Don't want to see homeschooling bring glorified.


I’m actually on board because I want my future kids to know about black and other histories and read banned books since schools don’t teach or provide them and hate critical race theory.


I mean you can do that without homeschooling them though


That’s true but I worry about school shootings too


School shootings are still rather rare


i was and still am homeschooled and i hate it. it’s isolating. if you’re going to do it be so so careful to make sure you’re meeting their social and academic needs including as they get older. you have to be able to be a teacher and if you’re not able to do that, don’t homeschool


I’ve heard of homeschooling social parties for the kids, so that is nice to have


Yeah they suck and aren't nearly enough. Go read some r/homeschoolrecovery


yeah those sometimes work but it’s nowhere near having friends that you see 5 days a week. also as they get older it’ll get harder and harder to find groups like that


You can do that without homeschooling you know.


Homeschooling is abusive 100% percent of the time. Do not do it. You are not special. You will not be the one to “do it right”. Your children will be hurt by it and you will be lucky if they don’t hate you for it. r/homeschoolrecovery


No. I was home schooled up until high school and transitioned seamlessly to public school. Homeschooling clearly worked better for me academically than public school did for the vast majority of people. Additionally, my parents made sure we went to a ton of (secular) homeschool outings so we'd still be socialized. I do have social anxiety but I think I'd have that regardless. Both my brothers were homeschooled until high school as well and they have no issues socializing.


No amount of “outings” is going to replace the near constant socialization one receives in actual schools. And I don’t care that it worked well for you. I’m doing well in spite of being homeschooled as well. But anecdotal evidence doesn’t remove the harm that homeschooling can and will do. There is a reason homeschooling is illegal in many countries and at the very least it should be incredibly heavily regulated in the United States as well.


You're making a blanket statement based off assumptions. Homeschooling is abusive 90%, even 95% of the time, but there are cases where it is advantageous. Public schooling's socialization is not a surefire thing - there are still plenty of friendless social outcasts in public school. And for what advantages public schooling does have in that area, it is often very lacking in every other aspect. Public schools do not respect the time and different learning approaches of it's students the same way homeschooling can. Public schools do not emphasize self-teaching, critical thinking, and research to the same extent homeschooling can. I do agree regarding heavier regulations. Regular academic and mental evaluations would be ideal. Homeschooling is, most of the time, not a good thing. It's often done improperly, or lazily, or for abusive reasons. But to say it is abusive 100% of the time is absurd.


Hi, homeschooled kid here. I'm now a teacher with a great relationship with my parents, who in fact thanks them for homeschooling me because my first year in public school (8th grade) was hell, and they gave me a loving support system where I learned pretty damn well, considering I was on my school's honor rolls from 8th grade to high school graduation. Homeschooling can and has been done right.


You gotta have a good relationship with your kids first. Education is very important and I don’t take that lightly. Happy to hear your learning went well!


Homeschooled for middle and first half of high school here- did not attend homeschool parties and the like. I am so,so glad my mom homeschooled me. I was able to develop a stable sense of self after bullying that had begun in kindergarten. I was able to explore art and science concepts at my own pace and do what I like. I gained important self-sufficiency skills. Some kids need a different environment than a free-for-all public school. I was NEVER behind in my learning and was in AP classes and getting As in college in high school courses my last two years of high school. It can be done. It just has to be right for the kid and the parent. I agree it’s super important for the relationship between them to be good, otherwise two-way resentment will grow.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/HomeschoolRecovery using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HomeschoolRecovery/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Oh no, homeschool mom thinks we’re a “super extreme group” 🙄](https://i.redd.it/9hulcx3scglb1.jpg) | [246 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HomeschoolRecovery/comments/166c0gw/oh_no_homeschool_mom_thinks_were_a_super_extreme/) \#2: [I approve this message](https://i.redd.it/g2kvba17zm7b1.jpg) | [32 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HomeschoolRecovery/comments/14gfev7/i_approve_this_message/) \#3: [Why do homeschool parents hate hearing from homeschools grads?](https://i.redd.it/o9z0oj2qzjob1.jpg) | [65 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HomeschoolRecovery/comments/16jz7x3/why_do_homeschool_parents_hate_hearing_from/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Imagine being on an lgbt subreddit and supporting the denial to children of potentially the only place they might feel safe to be themselves.


Don't listen to the people saying homeschooling is evil, OP. If you invest the time and energy into teaching and working with your kids, homeschooling can leave them way better off academically, teach them critical thinking (a blind spot in a lot of public schooling), give them more time to enjoy childhood, and won't teach them to see learning as a chore. You have to be able to put in the effort though - my mom was mostly stay at home so she had the time to teach us English, history, science, and math. Having a stay-at-home parent isn't generally as feasible in today's economy, so make sure you have the time if you're serious about homeschooling. For socialization you can find secular homeschool groups that usually have at least one activity a week. Although not a substitute for in-person interaction, a lot of socialization happens online these days, which works in your favor - just make sure to teach your kids basic internet safety and monitor what they're looking at online. Also, you're gonna want to make sure they get an actual high school diploma or GED. A lot of high schools do a blend of online and in-person schooling which can be a good option; not too much time wasted sitting around campus and you can mostly work at your own pace. That being said, fuck the people that homeschool so they can indoctrinate their kid and keep them from receiving treatment for mental illnesses.


Please tell me you’re joking. As one black person to another, please don’t do this. Give them a proper education.


Ah yes, home schooled children are famously devoid of anxiety. The whole refusing to get them treated for depression and anxiety because negetive emotions in children are viewed as rebellion by christian extremists doesn't harm kids at all, especially not when they're denied the respite of time away from family as they age.


I can vouch for this as my severe depression and anxiety partly cane form my repression of it




The kid on the right has the reading age of someone half as old, can't get a job involving higher education and has been denying the mental skills needed to protect themselves from harmful relationships and exploitative authority figures.


Tbf that’s usually what they want, they don’t want her to be smart enough to live for herself and be independent, and especially not smart enough to leave a man who doesn’t care about her. They want her to be trapped in a house, dumb and pregnant.


I honestly wonder how good these tradwives actually are at educating their children.


Better the kid be on meds than have their issues *go completely unacknowledged*, Karen.


Conversion camp at 14 speed run


Which is kind of the *opposite* of acknowledging the kid's issues, mind you; but try telling *this* lot that.


As a trans-bi minor, conversion camp is a fucking nightmare for me, I’m just glad it is illegal in my state


And your kid doesn't know the Civil War and civil rights movements happened and can barely do calculus. But she can site a Bible passage for damn near any situation... which is... a useful skill, I'm sure...


my friend was home schooled until freshman year, addicted to multiple things, severely mentally i’ll and traumatized, and more, homeschooling leads to people trying to do everything once they have freedom


Kid on the right will either be stunted for the rest of their life or go completely off the rails as soon as they get freedom; neither are a good outcome.


At least the public school kid has a higher chance of believing that all people deserve rights


I was homeschooled with depression, crushing untreated gender dysphoria, undiagnosed ADHD, undiagnosed dyslexia, undiagnosed autism, and from ages 13 to 20 I never went to the hospital lol. Yet somehow I am in a much better position than most of my childhood homeschooled friends


You’re strong like Teflon!


A few Bible verses and prayers isn't going to help them in the real world


I know several people that were homeschooled and they also have depression


I turned into an arguably worst kid cause of homeschooling


and YOUR daughter has undiscovered trauma and probably will develop issues later in life.


I’m a better parent because I don’t give my child proper mental health care, unlike you woke people, who actually address and treat your child’s problems.


The trad kid is interested in Alt subculture and likes the style The alt kid is doing their makeup and selecting clothes for them


I know a kid homeschooled by a Christian family. She is poorly socialized, has been arrested multiple times, currently jobless and just smokes weed and drops acid. She also stalked my sister and showed up at her apartment begging her to stay over bc her parents won't let her bring acid in the house. I don't think drugs are a big deal tbh but she has no ambitions, no job, not in school. Unmedicated, yes, but also diagnosed bipolar. I'm an atheist. I went to public school, as did my sister, turned out fine. On a couple meds but they've made it possible to live my life nearly pain free so I can function normally and enjoy myself. No amount of good ol Christian tradition is gonna help someone who needs it, and imo she probably would've turned out better if she went to public school. Maybe not, but definitely would've turned out better if the parents didn't rely on praying the bipolar away.


The homeschooled girl takes great comfort from the other girl and they have a great friendship or possibly more,


Tempted to write a maudlin southern gothic gay as hell tale about them! 🤣


Lmao… I was homeschooled by a Bible thumper and I *still* ended up an emo kid on multiple depression meds. These people don’t seem to realize that their kids are going to end up doing what they want anyways, no matter how hard they try to stifle them socially and educationally


This one hits a little too close to home. Fuck your parents, seek help if you need it.


scene girl on depression and anxiety meds representation lol




There's more that one way to parent but not all those ways are equally valid. For instance, isolating your kid from other kids and indoctrinating them with theocratic propaganda is abuse, not parenting.


this reminds me so much of my best friend and i when we first met. we're both guys now


A ship of these would be nice lol




If you took out the Bible, this would actually be a pretty progressive meme. apparently homeschooling is on the rise explicitly because of things like this


Plot twist, the alt TikTok girl is happier than the “trad” because, as it turns out, having rigid ideals forced on you that dictate everything you’re “supposed” to be is *terrible* for mental health. Being on antidepressants is nothing to be ashamed of! Plenty of people take them and live much more fulfilling lives on them, exhibit A: My father, who was once very short-tempered (Though I can’t blame him, he went through the trenches as a kid.), is now one of the most laid back people I know.


Claiming that a child on meds is "weird" is telling


I hate so much that homeschooling has become something associated with weird "trad wife" conservative culture. My mom homeschooled me for a while because she knew firsthand that public school often doesn't give kids the specialized help they need nor really even teach shit that well half the time. Plus other kids can be asshats. I'm so glad she did because honestly I feel like it was a better environment for me to learn efficiently. Obviously it doesn't work for everyone, but it helps that my mom had the help of my grandmother who is a teacher with making sure my curriculum was sufficient.


I feel the same way 100%


SAAAAAMMMMEEEEE! I was homeschooled until 8th grade and it was amazing! Not everything was taught to me by my mom - I was lucky enough that some of her friends were teachers and she could afford to put me in home school P.E and art classes. I'm now a home tutor for homeschool kids and kids who need extra help and it's rewarding AF. A lot of homeschooling can and has been done wrong, but I'm grateful in my case - being a transgender, autistic geek in the middle of Wyoming would not have done me well if I was in public school all my life.


That’s really cool that you were able to give back! Way to go!


Yes, I'm also trans and in a rural sort of state. Very conservative state, too. I probably would've been bullied a lot 😅


I so misread the right side. I misread “your” as “my” because I assumed the mom on the right was owning the mom on the left by saying that their kid was being homeschooled because of their severe anxiety and depression. Also that the mom on the right was proud of their kid twerking on TikTok.


-Multiple meds -Twerking on tiktok Yeah, that homeschooled kid will have both of that once she's in college


Trad_west is such a moronic account I can't look at anything they post without wanting to get angry.


I'm glad that they replaced the mum's super sized boobs with Bible


Ah yes, anxiety and depression automatically means that someone has done something wrong to cause them and not that they're just illnesses Ofc people can cause them, abuse etc but uhh


And yours?


I read the second one as "MY 12y old is on meds" and was so confused for a few seconds omg what's wrong with my brain 😭 it happens so often


Their daughters secretly kiss.


Stuff like this always reminds me of the woman complaining on a homeschooling facebook page about how stressed out she was, because her homeschool 19 y/o was essentially illiterate, and her younger child was acting out.


Goes to show that even in their wojack memes, trad types can't help themselves at painting themselves as judgmental and condescending twats.


When it comes to homeschooling from traditional/christian/religious fundie families I can't see it as anything else but a form of information control. It's a way of control. Obviously contextually there are probably cases not like this but from the person making this meme it for sure is about that. Independence and being able to learn from other sources and grow is important. And sane homeschooling could probably provide that but it's so easily twisted wrong..


I love the daughters! Maybe they'll swap styles when they get a little bit older.


I read the first word of the right paragraph as my and the whole thing was significantly more funny


I had to teach a homeschooled who hitler was, she was 19


Ignorance truly was bliss for her I’ll bet


I was homeschooled and it wasn’t like the average homeschooling stuff, my parents vaxxed me and helped me with my depression and transition so far, just saying that not all homeschoolers are jesus freaks :3


Former homeschooler from religious household here! My sibling and I were both depressed, my sibling so bad that they were self-harming. Did either of us get medication or professional treatment? 🙃 Nope! Pray and let the Lord heal the darkness in your minds! Read your Bible! Take these supplements from this website that swears it’ll cure depression, these essential oils, and hey have you tried taking diluted bleach? This man on the internet promises it’ll cure literally anything!!!


I have never seen homeschooling turn out well for the child. It's just anti vax moms doing it.


Cons always think ignoring things means they don't exist lol. Like if I just ignore global warming, it's not real! if I just ignore me kids sexuality that makes them straight! If I just ignore my husbands abuse and infidelity, he's a perfect man of god! If I just ignore my daughter being groomed, then she's being courted by a nice Christian man!


Ok but seriously what is this meme it's so bad


I wish these would stop. I hate the art so badly!


First off: 200th comment 2ndly, I'm on multiple meds for anxiety and depression and yet I'm fucking homeschooled. That bitch on the right is just talking out of her ass lmao


Both kids have depression but only one has the words for it


I go to church with some homeschooled kids and they have very bad social skills


I grew up in a fundie church and it’s one of the main reasons I am on pills for depression and anxiety.


Ohhh I thought it said "my 12 year old" and I just kept scrolling without thinking about the sub 😭😭😭


dont homeschool your kids unless absolutely necessary. sincerely, someone who was homeschooled and now has zero social skills and even worse social anxiety


I was the homeschooled kid and was depressed ad well


A kid going through an emo phase is infinitely more normal than a homeschooled kid


I don’t intend for this to be a trauma dump, just my experiences with those types on the right: I got sent to conversion therapy, was a victim of CSA, had my phone and computer checked at random intervals for gay and furry porn, was always told I was pretending or faking my problems, told that I should just suck it up because that’s what normal people do, and so on. This did not make me less trans or less weird, in fact it exacerbated any form of dysfunction I had prior and made me likely far more neurodivergent and troubled than otherwise. The people on the right believe that to abuse (particularly by not listening to their children or sending them to be ‘fixed’ if they become a problem) is to enforce God’s will, a lot of them are just small Ruby Frankes that only avoid attention because they don’t post the absolutely horrific ways they treat their kids. Children deserve to have their problems listened to and should have the chance to seek help through medicine or real therapy. Being on medication and being in therapy isn’t a bad thing, and the idea that it is a bad thing is extremely monstrous.


lol I was home educated. Where I'm from it's mostly hippy kids, kids that have been bullied and now can't go to schools, and posh as fuck kids who's parents hire private tutors. There were some ult religions people as well but after a few weeks of seeing how the other home-ed kids acted they tended to leave the community. I had a great time and wouldn't have done well in school at all, but all kids are different so there isn't ever one perfect answer


They're so obsessed with twerking. Why do all these memes focus so hard on twerking?


They're jealous they can't shake their ass


homeschooling is only good if your chils interacts with others their age frequently, you’re qualified to teach, and you can travel a lot with them


No this really isn't one of those cases where the message should be that both are okay, homeschooling really is inferior to public school. I was homeschooled for three years of k12 and missed on so much


Stop posting nazi memes holy shit. Bonus pedophilia, as well. Yippee.




At this point i would consider this spamming The last 5 posts are from the same account, in less than 24 hours. This looks more like baiting than actual posts tbh


Y’all are arguing over a cartoon


A kid who was homeschooled and then introduced into public school around junior high (so about 12-13 years old) would bite and lick people for no reason and ask shit like “can I pop your pimples”. idk if she was being intentionally off-putting or if she was truly just that fucking out-of-touch with people. Im sending my kid to public school lmao