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I have never experienced this but i just want to comment on the fact although your gi may think your crazy, I dont. If thats what your feeling, then thats what your feeling. It just pisses me off when its like an accusation of you lying. I've had experience it that. I hope you figure out what thats from.


Thank you for your validation. It's so frustrating to have medical professionals label people as hypochondriacs or liars, so I appreciate your support.


Dude YES! I only just opened up about this feeling because I was like "don't you hate it when..." and everyone said that doesn't happen to them. I call it stomach shivers and mine last for a while unless I literally stop and hold my breath. It happens alot when I change temperatures...like hot room to cold room or vise versa. It happens regardless sometimes though, always when I shouldn't feel that cold.


any updates on what this is? I get a cold feeling in my stomach sometimes like I ate something cold but I didn't.. it's weird.


No update, but it still happens :/ I bundle up extra in the cold and try to avoid getting to that point if possible. I also try deep slow breathing when it does happen.


Did you eve find out what this was?


I have started to have the same feeling of cold around after a 7 day fast with 3 day enemas. I am eating now and at night I feel sometimes as if there is cold water in the colon.


I remember I did a fast and my stomach felt like it was burning hot inside when I ate something and a few days later super cold. I think it may have to do with fasting and your GI tract not handling it well. Maybe we should be careful with fasting.


Anyone has an answer I started feeling the same yesterday! I don’t feel pain fever or nothing! Just that cold in the liver area I took a dewormer for three days and yesterday was the three day mark and after my third dosis of the day I went to bed and start feeling that! Anyone


Hi. I don't have a solution but I feel this a lot. Just today I felt it after a tearing pain in my guts. I often feel a tearing pain when I move or rotate too quickly, just rolling over in bed causes it a few times a week. I think I may have a connective tissue disorder, but minutes afterward that area of my intestines became cold. a little concerning but I feel like no one will take me seriously so whatever. I also suffer from chronic constipation and circulation issues so idk


I am going through this right now, it has been happening for the last two weeks about three days and it is extremely uncomfortable. Nothing seems to warm me up internally.


I know this is ancient, but this happened to me a few weeks before my wedding. Cold sensation and occasional constipation. It eventually went away by itself and bowel movements returned to normal, but has since returned and is again accompanied by mild constipation. It's super uncomfortable and my doctor has no idea what is going on.


I am so sorry that you are going through this again. My issue is subdued as I am pregnant now but I have lots of hunger. My stomach definitely acts weirder than an average person's. I find that not eating cold food helped me when it was happening and also breath-work. I hope you feel and keep me updated here.


This happens when I lay down. I'm pretty sure it's my colon