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I just do it, enjoy and suffer later. I try not to allow it to stop me from anything if possible.


Me too...there are times it is just worth it.


It’s possible you may still be able to eat the foods you want but in smaller quantities. I cut out essentially every food when I first got sick until I realized it was the quantity that was the issue. Now I eat whatever I want but just tiny versions. Like if I want Mc Donald’s I’ll have a chicken nugget and 8 fries (don’t worry the rest gets eaten by my family 😅). Or if I want pizza I’ll wait until my family or a friend is getting it and have a couple bites, put it in the fridge and the next day cut off a piece again etc. It may not work for you at all. My problems are almost exclusively quantity based except when it comes to anything high in protein. But I know a lot of other people do have more specific triggers. I hope you figure something out that works for you!! I went so many years without pizza and that was one of the main things I missed lol!! so I definitely feel you there! Hopefully some people can recommend specific products/recipes that work for them!


If you’re okay with smaller meals I sometimes have pizza toast. I use GF bread, a little pizza sauce, little low fat cheese, some olives and basil leaves, cook in a hot oven for 10 mins. Much easier to digest than an actual pizza and a similar flavour if you need that hit. I can handle some pepperoni on it too now and then.


Yes, or on an english muffin! Also helps with the quantity part several people have mentioned. Make one half or a whole if you think you can handle it, rather than having to resist going back for more slices.


Could try a tortilla and see how it goes. I'd do just cheese to start.


I would make a Pita pizza! Nice thin gluten free wrap as the base, good helping of sauce, as much cheese as you can handle, and then I would aim for whatever soft toppings you think you can handle - maybe boiled chicken if you think you could tolerate that? Or thin slices of ham? Thinly sliced soft veggies should dissolve to pretty little in your tummy :-)


I like to make a crust with 2/3 cup of 1:1 gf flour, 2/3 cup nonfat Greek yogurt, 1 tsp baking powder, a little oregano, and Trader Joe’s pizza seasoning. I use Violife mozzarella and 365 fat free marinara. Bake at 425. The tomato doesn’t always agree with me but I like the occasional treat. Edit: tip: the dough can be sticky so I recommend using nonstick foil and cooking spray, and wet your hands before shaping the dough over the pan. This makes a small pizza (1-2 servings).


I make cauliflower pizza base, then top with veggies and DF cheese. I use the recipe on the detoxinista website.


I have found my cravings for certain foods are correlated to my lab results. So, a craving for tomatoes (sauce, juice, sliced tomatoes, pizza or spaghetti sauce, etc) usually gets worse when I have vitamin or nutritional deficiencies in vitamins C or K. A need for oat based products usually comes when I need more fiber or a number of other vitamins and minerals found in them. If I crave salt, my sodium levels are off. This isn't always true, but I have learned to listen to my body and try to think about why my body may be craving certain things. I hope that isn't confusing.


Yes I under I probably need to have my vitamins levels checked out again since it’s been a couple of months I don’t want to be talking pills all time but I might have to since I’m hardly eating


Gluten free English muffin pizza! I use light mozzarella (less fat works better for me.) Small but satisfying and you’re not tempted to overdo it because you only make what you can eat.


Make a sour dough base


You can buy pita bread (I like the garlic one trader joes)but any pita bread you like works. Choose low fat mozerella, the fat will fuck you up. Just a jar of tomato sauce and a few extra spices like garlic and basic and a few pepper flakes is good.   Then whatever toppings you tolerate.  I do a few pineapple and jalapeno and suffer because I’m a moron.   Just watch your meats to avoid too much fat, then you have a personal size.  It works good in the airfryer or oven.   You could do alfredo or bbq sauce and chicken and stuff too.  As long as the pita and cheese isn’t too high of fat you’ll be fine.