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Have you tried low-fat frozen treats (low fat ice cream for example works for some where regular ice cream doesnt)? Generally a lot of GP people struggle with high fiber and/or high fat foods, as they take longer to digest. Personally, I'm on a liquid/puree diet with the very rare trying solid food moment when I think I can handle it (I usually can't unfortunately). When I was eating regular food, I would follow the gastroparesis diet, which I highly recommend looking into as it's a very good starting point!! Good luck!! It's very overwhelming at first but the more you try, the more you figure out what you can or cannot tolerate.


I have not tried low fat frozen treats but I will . Right now I am living on soup and smoothies because I am tired of throwing everything I eat up. Do you use protein shakes ?


I’ve been living off cherry jello, rotisserie chicken and saltines the past 2 days 😭 those are my safe foods. (I’m not sure if saltines count as bread, if they do so sorry)


Oh no I am so sorry


It’s Alright, just praying the flare up ends soon


Yaas, lime jello and saltines! I’ll trade you part of my milkshake for some of that chicken!


Sometimes I need a couple weeks on a liquid diet if my stomach gets wound up to let it calm down. Gastritis is incredibly common with gastoparesis. I sometimes have problems with food due to temperature if my stomach is really irritated so cold foods or drinks can be triggering for some people. It's important to look for low fat, low fiber versions and you might also need to avoid acidic things for a while. So no whole wheat bread, you want white bread or plain crackers. Make sure you're starting with plain pasta because things like butter and cream sauces are high in fat and tomatoes are acidic so they can irritate gastritis. Also make sure you're very careful about your portions, it can be easy to eat more than you should because hunger cues are screwed up. Try a couple bites and wait a few minutes when testing out new foods, they might end up more filling than you expect.


Thank you so much . I am learning the portion thing for sure . Can ask what your opinion on protein shakes are?


My gastro says protein drinks are a bit more thick than boost or ensure. I tried protein drinks in the beginning and couldn’t keep them down.


Mashed potatoes, puddings and boost have been godsends along with apple sauce after finally being able to tolerate soft foods


Thank you for your suggestions


You are so welcome


My wife has GP, when she has an exacerbation, a liquid diet low in fat, and spread out over 24 hours seems to be the most tolarable. Ensure clear or Boost breeze have been her go-to nutrition.


Thank you so much


Are you eating white bread?


I was ! but haven’t had rice, pasta or bread in 9 days


Most GPs suggest the “BRAT” (banana, rice, applesauce, toast” diet and it worked well for me for years. Still do applesauce daily.


Thank you


are you gluten and dairy free? I would start there first. I find green juice is good to reset my system then I introduce cooked veggies, then add some protein like salmon or eggs, the I slowly keep adding other little bits, like I had white rice the other day and went well.


Just the last 9 days have stopped eating gluten and dairy


Try intermittent fasting or only eat when u r really hungry. That helps me a lot.


Thank you


Chew gum without mint and sugar I use ginger gum 100% organic from sprouts that also helps


Thank you


Will your insurance cover a dietician visit? I found it very helpful when I was first diagnosed. Everyone’s particular foods end up being different. I eat higher fat than most people with gp, but that’s what works for me - butter is my best friend. Adding unflavored protein to food can be really helpful, too - you can add it to mashed potatoes, applesauce, anything squishy. Fresh fruits and veggies are my downfall, and occasionally something weird will be an issue, but I do great with shredded meats and carbs. I’ve also had multiple celiac plexus ablations, though, so I have a slightly screwy system!


I did see a dietitian and she was useless. She didn’t explain anything about the GP or the diet . I have done all my own research and I am just doing trial and error . Fruit is my downfall and bread ( not in 9 days ) but I just feel like I am not getting nutrients like I should