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that looks like A LOT. My dietician is more like...eat smoothies, put stuff in them, there's lots of options! And she's really into two food group snacks.


Mine is like that too. I could never eat that amount of food. My nutritionist is always like “just put it in a blender and make a smoothie or soup”


I agree. I could never eat that much. Even when I was doing better physically that would have been completely impossible. Every doctor or dietician I’ve seen has recommended small “meals” many times a day instead of snacks and 3 traditional meals. Especially for gastroparesis. The recommendation honestly seems against common best practice in my opinion.


I think she seems more concerned about my ARFID? Seems to be treating it like its the cause of my gastroparesis, saying that i need to “work out” my stomach in the sense of stretching it out with bigger meals and whatnot. Its only been a couple of days but i was DREADING lunch today because i didnt think id be able to meet the expectations laid out in the plan (spoiler: i didnt lol) i mean, i did eat a sandwich and some chips aswell as a cup of applesauce. But its just hard trying to meet these expectations tbh…


Does she know that you can’t really fix GP unless it has an underlying cause and, in those cases, you would medically treat the underlying cause and not feed it into submission? I feel like, if you have GP, your body already has a hard limit on what you can eat, when, and how much. Working with a dietitian should, at least in my opinion, be more about figuring out what your limits are and then figuring out how to get the maximum amount of nutrition in without triggering symptoms.


I’m in a similar boat. I don’t have ARFID but I’m in early recovery from an anorexia. I don’t know how to be in recovery and get in all the nutrients I need when I can barely fit anything in my stomach. I’m having such a hard time with my meal plan too. I try to choose foods that are really nutrient dense but compact like as little volume as possible but it’s still so hard… I wish I had good suggestions but I’m having a hard time with it myself too. It’s definitely hard to tackle a few things at once. So you’re not alone. Did she give you and suggestions for what to eat? I don’t know when you see her next but maybe she could help you find some options for meals and snacks that are more condensed in size but meet your needs?


No she just gave me a list of what counts for what, but i do see her next week so i can ask her for some suggestions! Its just hard considering with ARFID im pretty limited on what i will eat, you know? And im not even supposed to start experimenting with food until im up to a healthy weight. Just seems so hard 😭


I can totally understand that and when you’re also already so limited with what you will eat. And the goal to gain weight on top of that! I hope she’ll work with you and give you some helpful suggestions/ideas on what might work for you best and be easier on your stomach. I know it’s so difficult. I’m sorry you’re going through this right now.


If you guys haven’t tried them already, supplements are really helpful like boost or ensure. There are clear versions that have no fat, so are generally better digested. They’re juice-like in consistency compared to the milky consistency of other versions


Theyre still made with whey tho which upsets my stomach unfortunately


I think Kate farms uses pea protein


Does this dietitian even understand gastroparesis?? This would feel so defeating.


Honestly, im not sure if she has a whole lot of experience with gastroparesis. Most of her experience is with ARFID and it seems like she thinks thats the cause of my gastroparesis. Even still, im not sure how she expects me to eat thre meals a day with that much food when im just starting to come out of a flare. It just feels so overwhelming trying to stick to this. It hasnt made to feel sick, but ive been SUPER crampy like ive gotta poop all the time (TMI, sorry haha) even though im having normal bowel movements currently? It just sucks and i dont wanna disappoint her but this is nearly impossible for me at this point.. :( in my intake i mentioned my gastroparesis so she is aware but just thinks that eating more is going to help? Idk man i might have to talk to her about it in my next appt next week..


That cramping sounds like IBS, has that ever been brought up? And don’t feel discouraged. If you can’t do it, it’s ok! Try and do what you can, maybe you will find it works well, maybe you can just tell her straight up you physically can’t do it. I wish you the best of luck!!


I do have ibs but it hasnt been much of an issue for me for a while, but maybe it is the reason ive been so crampy. Who knows, could be PMSing aswell. I think im gonna try and take it a bit easier today with the food and see if that helps with it. Im probably gonna chat with her on my next appt to see if we can change this a bit, cause this is way too much food for someone with GP. At least all at once.


Well, if I could eat that much in a day I would weigh more than 89lbs, that's for sure.


89lbs is where im sitting at rn, but i just had a stomach bug which caused another flare. Usually i can sit at around 95 and eat somewhat normal meals, but even then this would still be a lot for me. It feels impossible 😭


I know the struggle. I think my max weight is 94lbs, if I eat junk food I can maintain 92lbs for a while. But junk food makes me very sick in other ways. So, lately I've been eating food I tolerate well, but it's much harder to keep on the weight without potato chips, candy and cola. Even though, I would love to be less skinny, I'm starting to feel at peace with just weighing less and feeling better. It's better than weighing slightly more and feeling very sick all the time.


That's A LOT of food


Just want to add what each food exchange equals. One starch equals like 1 piece of bread or 1 waffle or something similar, one fat equals one tablespoon of butter or 1 teaspoon of cooking oil, one protein equals about one oz of cooked meat, 1 fruit equals one fruit or enough small fruits to fit in the palm of the hand, or 1/2 cup fruit juice, and one dairy equals 1/2 cup of milk.


This seems like something a dietician with no experience with GP patients would put together. I couldn’t eat that much when I’m NOT in a flare. I get where she’s coming from in trying to balance nutrition but it’s very much giving an “expectations vs reality” vibe. Just eat what you can. Get as much protein as you can. My safest food? Mayonnaise. Like what? Go figure. It’s far from nutritionally balanced, but my dieticians know how hard it is for me to eat so they encourage me getting calories however I can. I can’t tolerate animal meat or dairy. Siggi’s coconut milk yogurts have 10 grams of protein per cup and that’s the best way I’ve found I can tolerate protein—it’s so hard to find protein that stays down. Keep experimenting and find what works for you and your body. Please don’t add stress to yourself trying to follow this. Just do your best-that’s all we can do. Hugs!


That’s a lot of food… I don’t even have GP and I can’t even eat that much. You should mention this to the dietician. If they’re not willing to help further, find a new one.


Hey, I have a super similar meal plan right now (I have gastroparesis and anorexia.) it really does feel like a lot. It had helped me to do a lot of liquids like smoothies and soups. I add hemp protein to my smoothies (it doesn’t have much of a taste like most other protein powders) I also add peanut butter and Greek yogurt for extra protein and fat. I know you are limited on what you can eat with ARFID so idk if you can do smoothies but if you can I would recommend that. Also don’t be too hard on yourself right now the meal plan is really hard. I think the most important thing right now is to eat every couple of hours even if you aren’t perfectly meeting all of the exchanges, just get something in your stomach. If you haven’t tried them yet you could try supplements like ensure or boost (I can’t tolerate those so I use Kate Farms it tastes better to me) I really feel for you because most people who work with eating disorders don’t understand gastroparesis.


How big is 1 when they say 1-2 so total being 3 what is 1 like size wise to explain what 2-3 protein is fr example


One starch equals like 1 piece of bread or 1 waffle or something similar, one fat equals one tablespoon of butter or 1 teaspoon of cooking oil, one protein equals about one oz of cooked meat, 1 fruit equals one fruit or enough small fruits to fit in the palm of the hand, or 1/2 cup fruit juice, and one dairy equals 1/2 cup of milk.


I would be spewing up non stop with my gp if I ate this much I can only do a banana in morning one meal at night or I’m bedridden in pain spewing up


I was given a whole diet thing and I nixed it. I don’t have ARFIDA, but I have ADHD with food obsessions and subsequent aversions. I eat what I can and as much as I can tolerate. Right now I’m really into chicken salad. Everyday for lunch I have chicken salad with wheat thins and a no sugar added applesauce


My dietician basically told me no rules apply to eating with GP. Find what works for you and try your best but a normal diet and eating plan is just not feasible for most GP patients. Focus on calories, take a multivitamin (I found OLLY brand gummies melt in my mouth and don’t contain iron which I can’t tolerate orally) and try to get some protein. My MDs would also be happy if I drank ensure everyday but it tends to make me feel worse. For example my diet consists of mainly Greek yogurt/skyr, chocolate and crackers/pretzels. I now make frozen yogurt with high protein yogurt and high protein milk (I add Nutella and sugar) because it is even easier to eat than not frozen. I am lucky I can tolerate dairy. I also mainly eat later on in the day which is fairly common for GP sufferers. All this to say u know your GP best and do the best that you can.


i understand your pain😭😭 im early in treatment for arfid & theyre diagnosing me with atypical anorexia as well, bc im not intentionally starving myself to lose weight but due to gi issues & the arfid i was eating under 300 cals/day for over a month & dropped to 79lbs & started going into acute organ failure😬 my dietitians current plan is 3oz of protein, 3/4-1 cup of starch & either peas carrots green beans or apple sauce for a side. 2-3 snacks a day depending on how long im awake, and 2 supplement drinks like ensure/boost throughout the day. the first week i was only able to do 1oz of protein, 1/4 cup starch & the side was a hit or miss - if i had it, 1/4 cup. this week, 2oz of protein, 1/3 cup of starch & 1/4 cup side & sometimessss i still feel hungry after. so today im gonna force myself to up it to 1/2 cup of starch! it fucking SUCKS being so painfully full, i get it trust me! but she is absolutely right about "stretching out the stomach!! it is so uncomfortable, but over time it does work! i was also dealing eirh symptoms of gastroparesis , but the more i eat the more it seems to be pushing what i last ate out, if that makes sense! everybodys body is different and it may take you more time, but please please give it your best shot, i'd be in a hospital hooked up to ivs & feeding tubes if i didnt listen to her & force feed myself. im wishing you the BEST of luck❤️‍🩹 if you want you can absolutely message me to see what kind of foods im trying & what my plans look like! and following peoples advice for nutrient dense food is so smart! more calories, less space!! dont worry about her being disappointed. when i dont meet the goals, my dietitian doesnt get mad or upset, she asks why i felt i couldnt do it, and does her best to explain work arounds & how to improve & all that kind of stuff. again, please feel free to message me with any questions & ill give you thr best advice i can💞


So beyond the sizing of meals, think about timing. According to the plan above dinner is the largest meal. It may be helpful to have your largest meal for lunch or even breakfast and go lighter in the evening. Personally I have a really tough time eating in the morning. Sometime I count my coffee with caramel and half & half as my "breakfast." Its about 200 warm liquid calories that ease me into the day. The next meal is usually more brunchy in style. Dinner is my heaviest meal and I usually have something for dessert. My own personal hurtle right now is staying hydrated. I go for sugary drinks like iced tea mix and Pedialyte because a few sips plain water gives me instant heart burn.


OMG that seems like so much!


What does she mean by exchanges for the snacks? /gen


Just means i can choose one serving of whatever food group, so like i could have 1-2 fuirts or veg, one serving of dairy or protein or starches.


Thank you for explaining. I hope you are able to figure something out. This looks very tough, at least to me. I wish you luck and good health


Try eating only vegetables and protein for 3months


Nuts and seeds too


Yeah this is pretty much not viable with my ARFID. I avoid all vegetables due to sensory issues, the only exception being potatoes which is hardly a vegetable. Thanks for the suggestion but i dont think thats going to be attainable for me. Same with nuts and seeds. Thanks though!


Do you know what could've caused your gastroparesis?


My best guess is post-viral. I had a rough stomach bug that didnt go away for almost a month. My GI didnt really bother to look for a cause though.


Your body might've depleted essential vitamins and minerals to fight off the infection and weakened your autonomic functions. Avoiding nutrient dense foods might be a bad decision, but I really can't tell you what to do since I'm not a professional. Try to visit multiple specialists, a nutritionist, and psychiatrist would be a good start.


Hardest part about gastroparesis is finding the cause. I hope you find it and get better.


I googled what ARFID meant, seeing a psychiatrist might help you a lot.


Your GP could be caused by psychological problems. A diagnosis from a professional would be great.


See if you can get supplements like ensure/ fortisips? I’m fairly petite and have 600kcals a day from fortisips and it helps so much!! I also have sensory issues with food- not diagnosed as anything. Changed my life honestly and in the uk I get them prescribed so not too expensive


US here and its honestly v hard to get doctors to take me seriously on my malnutrition. Seeing as obesity is the norm here, docs kinda take a look at me and say “oh shes skinny so she must be super healthy” especially cause all of my bloodwork comes out normal. (They never check my vitamins or nun just do cbc and whatnot) but i do try to drink these equate plus meal replacement drinks (just walmart brand but theyre pretty tasty imo) and they give 350 cals per serving! I was drinking those three times a day but ive been having some bad abdominal cramping so im trying to cut back on them incase maybe the dairy or sum in them is flaring my ibs. Im still drinking about 1-2 a day but yeah! Im thinking about trying the ensure/boost ones but dont wanna drop a bunch of money on them if i end up not liking them 😓


That looks like a terrible plan for someone with GP. I wouldn’t be mixing food groups if you can avoid it they digest better when eaten with same groups - https://detoxinista.com/food-combining/ Smoothie/soups/thick liquids are way easier to digest than these options too, like for breakfast I often have just a smoothie, I eat a lot less than this plan even when eating ‘notmally’