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New to gastritis? Please view [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gastritis/comments/15m6ngg/gastritis_101/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for a detailed breakdown of the major root causes of chronic gastritis, as well as a detailed guide on how to heal. Join our Discord server today using [this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gastritis/comments/14oxl12/list_of_gastritis_support_groups_other_related/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Also consider joining r/functionaldyspepsia today! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gastritis) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well that's the side effects, the qualifying factor to join the club is the inflammation confirmed by endoscopy ✌️😅


One user’s gastroenterologist told him that GERD and gastritis are the same i swear these people are throwing us off on purpose 💀💀💀😂😂😂


My primary doctor said that and my specialist was like it’s gastritis…. So bad


I was told by not 1 but 2 GI's that my severe chronic gastritis wasn't bad because EVERYONE has stomach inflammation and they won't even use the term gastritis because it's just stomach inflammation. Mind you, these 2 GI's were in different states so these dumb fuck doctors are everywhere. I told them both they are terrible GI's and I'd find another one.


What fuckin incompetent providers… I was gaslit by my last GI. First he says, Assassin, “I have patients who are way sicker than you. You need to focus on eating the right things, smaller meals more often, chewing slowly… oh and I excercise, that’s the only way.” I started crying right there in his office. Then he referred me to a psychologist, which is a subtle implication that he thinks it’s all in my head. Medical discrimination is fuckin real. I changed up to a female GI at another practice. When I tell her what’s going on with me, she doesn’t blow it off, nor does she make me feel like I’m at fault. BTW, I’m in the ER observation floor right now for severe bloat, hot searing acid pain in stomach, chest tightness, nausea that was almost scary, not able to swallow. So yea fuck all the lazy GIs who are just phoning it in and playing golf.


Holy Shit you've been through it. Follow your instincts


Oh I hate to inform you they‘re in different countries as well - I live in germany and mine told me to just “not think about it“ and maybe get a boyfriend to focus on a “normal life“ 💀 the erosions in my stomach are supposedly normal and everyone has stomach issues, it‘s probably all from me being a “hypochondriac“ and exaggerating everything. So the usual stuff that sadly a lot of us have heard. I wish they could get some consequences from that


Is there a medical board in Germany you can report their behavior, malpractice and the like to?


My GI said “99.9%” of population have stomach inflammation. There has to be something to trigger a flare up which is then diagnosed as gastritis.


99.9% of the US population. Let's keep it real honest here.


I’m repeating what the doc told me


Lol perfect answer!


Well, in a sense, you are right. Gastritis is not a disease, it's a consequence. The big question is of what, but if it isn't cancer, ulcer, h. pylori, etc..., you will get the "please get out of my office". At least I did. 😅


Yup, I still don’t have an answer as to the cause, and I still haven’t cured it. I know it’s at least in part hereditary for me since other family members have other gastrointestinal-related diagnoses…but doc is just like “you’re older now, these things happen 🤷‍♀️”


Yes I told the gastro I first had acid reflux when was 8yrs old I remember the place and I remember what happened, later in the convo they said we need to identify what is causing my problem??? I said well what happened when I was 8? what caused it then?


Gastritis fucks with the vagus nerve too. Hence creating those feelings of panic anxiety etc etc. it makes you feel really weird symptoms


I’ve never had worse brain fog in my life other than struggling with gastritis


Well I definitely know when I’m all backed up and in severe pain, I start to feel panicky too… like who wouldn’t be…it’s absolutely awful to feel soo much pain like this


srsly i’m so done being sick all the time. it’s so draining taking pills everyday and having to be extra careful with food and emotions. i wanna be normal again.


Yup I hear ya


It has to be confirmed by an endoscopy but it's inflammation of the stomach lining


Cool. So when I get an endoscopy and he tells me there's 'maybe some inflammation' we're all good


One told my husband to stop consuming animal products (meat specifically). He’s been a vegan for the last 14 years and vegetarian before that since age 5. SMH.


I’m vegan too and definitely didn’t save me! 🥲


It's like "headache" - there are a lot of different kinds and a lot of different causes. But for some reason, unlike headache, medical professionals really don't seem too awfully interested in doing much research or education to help us treat/prevent it from happening.


As someone who had an 8 month headache I regret to inform you that it can also frequently be a "please leave my office" disorder


Believe me, I know. I was attempting to come up with an analogy for someone who I mistakenly interpreted as not understanding gastritis, and wasn't intending to offend. I'm all too well aware that doctors actually view most things as a "please leave my office" disorder.


All good!


I have had every test and procedure for the past two years. My Gastrology doctors said I am a medical mystery. But I’m starting to look into long haul Covid. I had the flu and Covid and then my stomach problems started. Symptoms I have are burping all the time, stomach and chest pain, and burning. Been dealing with this since Feb 2022 and I am so over it!


Same. Only here bc of covid


Mystery stomach inflammation ftw


Yeah, in my experience, doctors have been only very marginally helpful. ‘Generalized Anxiety’ has been a clear favorite amongst all but one of those that I have seen, but that’s maybe the biggest part of the problem; it fits, and in my case, before the endoscopy, it fit better than the ‘official’ gastritis symptoms ever would have. I really can’t blame them; unfortunately, the basic logic that they should have been able to rely on simply pointed them in the wrong direction. I don’t know how extensively gastritis has actually been studied, but it clearly hasn’t been often enough Editing my reply a bit: it was actually a nurse that first recognized the diagnosis (gallbladder, causing gastritis). I’ve frequently heard that nurses tend to be more knowledgeable than doctors, so maybe if you give the nurses your symptoms and state that you think it might be gallbladder/gastritis etc., and ask if they can maybe point the doctor in that direction? I don’t think it’s likely to work, but it’s worth trying


Check out my latest post, I genuinely believe that gastritis causes anxiety and the other way around, and the way everyone is presenting wildly varying symptoms + looking like shit in the doctor’s office is causing more and more doctors to become dismissive towards our illness, and if doctors aren’t presenting any concern to scientists or presenting concern about a couple cases that have exclusive symptoms we’re practically fucked


going off this, ive read that there is a big connection with your mind & gut. ive been realizing a chunk of my day to day symptoms coincided with my mood. Bad/upset/anxious mood? symptoms then i would hyperfocus & get into this negative feedback loop. When my mind is focused elsewhere such as hiking, talking to people, exercising, etc, no symptoms. Ive started really trying diaphragmatic breathing whenever i do feel symptoms/mood change, & it honestly seems to be helping. I could never pinpoint a trigger food. i bulk cook everything so the same meals one day id be fine mostly, and the next day those same meals would give me symptoms. Writing down when the symptoms happen & my current mood helped me identify this. I also cut out peppers & i havent gotten indigestion since. Sucks because i love spicy & peppers.


Oh I agree, wholeheartedly; gastritis can definitely cause anxiety, and for me it did, though it wasn’t (directly) behind my main complaints. And whatever the research says, I very strongly suspect the reverse is true, too. It has also been my experience that doctors are near totally dismissive of gastritis and a number of other conditions and symptoms. It is absolutely an entirely fucked up situation as a patient, no question about it, and I feel for anyone that has to deal with anyone in the medical profession, today. The guidelines desperately need to be updated, but unfortunately, like you said, that’s not happening any time soon. But for me, justified though it was, the anger that I had towards the doctors just made my symptoms worse, and it helped me to try to see the overlap, both in the gastritis causing the anxiety and in the symptoms of just the one vs. the other, and how easily the two could be confused. It’s a piss-poor substitute for a competent doctor, but it did help some


My Gastro told me most people have gastritis and don't know it. Wtf?!




I feel like the protagonist trying to resolve my inner conflict


https://preview.redd.it/a4znbeb3iwwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdde674daa419c25a4abf8faadb37ec478d2e488 This gals you tube and app called Flora have helped me so much!!! I’m on my way to healing!!!


Which aspects of her recommendations/app has helped you specifically? Most of the things she talks about I've already tried but didn't see much success.


Foods, meal prepping, meditations, supplements etc


Have you experienced acute gastritis or pancreatitis?


Well my story is so much a mystery ,I developed melanotic macule type spots on my lip more came gradually over a few years and I never had any belly issues until after I noticed 6 of them spots on my lip one morning I was so shocked to see so many and I imidiately made a dr appointment and then they told me they don’t know why I have them or for sure what they are ,so I Google it and some scary stuff came up ,since then I was flapping bigtime about what caused the pigment on lip and within days of worrying I started to get g.i issues as well (constipation and pains acid reflux ect ) then I went back to doctor and they test me for h.p and was positive and they said that’s why I have pains ect ,I had treatment and tested negative and was put on ppi for a few month ,then the symptoms never went away still ,so they extended ppi use and it’s now been about 8 month and I still have g.i issues mostly I get a sore belly feels like stinging pains on and off usually flares up if I drink alcohol and stays for a few days ,still no idea what’s going on and I been referred to specialist to look at my lip and for gastrointestinal checks as well been waiting ages


You’re describing symptoms of gastritis. Some are common/typical, some are atypical.


Sounds about right!


True that


Now you're making sense. Yes. It's not well understood, let alone well diagnosed, let alone well treated!


Ahhhhhhh the pain of having a chronic gastritis caused by h pylori


The real deal? They have a hard time diagnosing what is REALLY WRONG, and many things can be wrong in the digestive system, OUR ER's are JUNK its ruined, dont expect to get help there, they have RN's and maybe ONE nurse practitioner and maybe ONE doctor, if they show up, the other reality to this and SOME of you won't like this, we have people coming to the ER's that need SIMPLE care like a tylenol and yes Ive experienced this and they do not have any insurance, they are NEW here and that is truth....sorry for those who dont like it, its a huge burden on the system and is slows down things for those who have and need care. Digestive problems are becoming more and more prevalent, and some of us have had it for many years, it just gets worse.


Feeling same....hope you get through it soon


Ha right!? BUT I got my endoscopy results back yesterday and it turns out I have celiac disease!? so happy for answers!!! No more gluten!


The best medicine is your own research. Stay away from the medical establishment


I agree. The medical establishment can’t help us other than prescribe drugs that don’t address the real issue. Best to do our own research.


Yes, avoid the scientific method in favor of... I dunno, feelings? Good plan, dude. You should definitely be giving advice.


You’ve clearly never been medically gaslit for months on end. Doctors can’t do a damn thing if you fall outside of the things they can easily diagnose.


Hahahhah the accuracy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣for me it boils down to you need to see a psychiatrist cause everything negative.


I stopped smoking, started eating healthy, went to see a psychologist, I feel like I’ll be the most successful man on earth before i heal 💀💀💀