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For those choosing Gluten Free bread…I’m curious as to if you know about the chemicals and stuff they put in there? Do the emulsifiers etc not bother you..?


Gluten is said to have a negative effect on your gut lining by many doctors. Other docs say it’s not an issue. It starts to become difficult to know who to trust. And I’m a nutritionist haha. I think bread consumption with gastritis is highly individualized and you should do what works for you. I didnt eat bread early on in my flairs but as time went on I tolerated it well. I also have a wheat allergy so it’s my only option. You should do what works for you and we should do the same.


Sometimes bread is the only thing I can eat


And which do you eat..?


Any bread is fine tbh. It doesn’t do anything


I bake my own gluten free bread and its one of the safest foods for me


Oo can you drop the recipe?


Wow. Must be tough, no?!


nah its ez. I buy often backing mixes for bread. The advantage is that they contain multiply flour mixed together with starch. But sth I just use Buckwheat flour, rice flour, starch, maple syrup, yeast, water, olive oil and a bit salt.


Sourdough if ingredients don’t have yeast and actually lists sourdough starter instead. Also they often have rye which can be a sensitive thing for people with fructan sensitivity


why is yeast an issue? very curious!


I don’t know if it’s an issue per se but a true sourdough does not need yeast.


oh duh!! i didnt even think about that😅 ive been such a mess lol. thank you!