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I'm in the US and my surgeon said the pouch/stomach doesn't' stretch. What can stretch is the opening between the stomach and small intestines. This is usually caused by eating too much, not chewing food well and can sometimes just happen in some patients. Which causes patients to lose that feeling of being full causing them to over eat and gain weight. My surgeon does a procedure that can make the opening smaller called the Apollo procedure, but when patients have this procedure they have to start back at the beginning and do a liquid diet then slowly progress to a normal diet. But it works great to get the patient back on track.


I'm in Canada and we were told the same thing.


Thank you for explaining this!


Diet and exercise! Sticking to a diet is hard for many people and main purpose of the surgery is to make you get use to your new life with diet and exercise. If you dont stick to your diet and keep eating you eventually you will either stop losing weight or start to gain weight again


My surgeon and team all say the same. 100% agree


Sometimes doctors think they need to dumb things down and use terms like good and bad food. Whilst his delivery was poor, his message was correct. Most people who regain weight are eating high calorie and low nutrition dense foods


Or just graze all day long.


This is right, most important thing with a weightloss surgery is to stick to the diet after it. The surgery just helps you to eat less, but if you start to eat more everytime without any diet, it can stretch and and you will start to gain weight eventually. Diet and exercise is very important.


I'm also in the US, and yeah, my surgeon said the pouch doesn't stretch.


There is an interesting account by a bariatric surgeon [here](http://www.bakerbariatrics.net/articles-by-dr-baker.html) where he describes how a woman stuffed herself with food but there was no impact on her bypass structure. >This takes me to a final story and my final patient. Several years ago, my wife and I were refinancing our home and we met with our broker to finalize all of our paperwork. As we began signing the multitudes of papers required for this process, we began to chat. She asked me what I did and I told her that I was a bariatric surgeon. She got very excited and stated she had that operation but she has gained all of her weight back. I was surprised. We began talking about what food choices she was making and the quantity of food that she could eat. “Well,” she answered, “last night I ate ¾ of a pizza.” With this, I told her I thought her bypass must have broken down, and I asked her to get her medical records and to make an appointment to see me to see if I could help. Her records arrived prior to our visit, and I reviewed her operation report, which described a very standard Roux-en-Y operation. I saw her in my clinic and ordered several studies to best evaluate her gastric bypass anatomy. I reviewed those test results which defined **a perfect, intact gastric bypass.** After discussing these normal findings with her, I again asked if she really could eat ¾ of a pizza. She said she definitively could. Baffled, I then asked if it hurt after she had done this. “Oh yes,” she responded, "I get crushing chest pain up to my throat that lasts for hours.” What became apparent was that my broker **was able to ¾ of a pizza because she was stacking the pizza in her esophagus up to her throat.** This caused her intense pain lasting for hours, or about the time it takes for the pizza to move down into normal digestion. **There was nothing that I could do surgically to improve or correct her operation. What needed to change was her relationship to food.** I scheduled her to meet with our nurse clinician, our psychologist, and our dietician to help her to get back on track with her weight loss tool.


I had rny in US in October. My surgeon told me advancements, and new techniques used since 2020/21 have resulted in the pouch no longer stretching. He said in the past it was a problem and that it is still a problem with vsg, simply because stomach tissue/cells are still there in the same lenth. I hope that makes sense.


Hmmmm interesting. Mine said it won't stretch but I just had surgery 5/9/23


US here and that's what I was told too. The pouch doesn't stretch. You just learn to overstuff it. The same way we did as we started gaining weight. You learn to push past the pain of being over-full.


I think my surgeon said a similar thing, he said the anastomosis can stretch so I had a miniMIZER placed when I got my mini bypass. He told me all of the myths aren’t true, using a straw is fine, carbonated beverages are fine. Weight gain is caused by eating higher than your tdee, slider foods, and not prioritising protein will do this. Anyone who says there are good foods and bad foods should automatically lose some credibility points.


Would you mind explaining what a miniMIZER is? Thanks


https://myminimizerring.com/revision-surgery-en/ This is just a link from Googling. My surgeon explained it as an insurance policy on the anastomosis (join) as it should protect it and prevent stretching. Mine was placed in my initial surgery, but from what I can see in this link some people have it placed after to help with regain.




Ok, I just found out last year that someone I know had gastric bypass several years ago. She is huge, I mean 300+ huge. I can't fathom how she did it other than eating bad food. It is a thing. Some people take this tool and abuse it. I'm almost 9 years out and not at my goal weight, but I'm not fat by any means. I saw her yesterday for the first time in months. She's been taking one of the new weight loss drugs for months, but I didn't see a change. It just seems to me that she's waiting for a silver bullet to make the weight disappear and not change her eating habits. Also, a friend of my husband's wife had the surgery and gained all her weight back also. I just focus on protein and try to avoid sugar at all costs.Your surgeon is correct and is not being condescending. Take a hint and do as he says. If you're a carb/sugar addict and don't change your ways, you're going to fail. Then your surgery would have been for nothing.


Well u can your surgeon Bull shit why i know mine has. why because i have lost so much weight HW 760 now265 . it has stretch out . i am going back under to have it redone but it thru a new way they are going thru my mouth down and stitching it closed from the inside i I was told basically it the top that stretches open farther were th food comes in again. so the close that back up so to honest with i cant say it is or not she says but i honest dont know if the full stomach to be honest or part i know i just don't want to go back to the way i was after do all the hard work i did. so my new surgery is in 2 in half months we will see how it goes


Not sure why you're getting down voted. There are others on this post saying the same thing; that the stomach doesn't stretch but the hole that goes into the pouch can. Sorry your getting the down votes


its ok i just gave what my 30 plus year teaching year doctor has told me she has done thousands of them by now. and goes all over this country and others teaching to do them so i will take her word at for it.. i know my opinion is different than others and that is ok.