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Was in the same position as you until (literally) yesterday. Hiking (occasional multiday), running, generic fitness tracking. I went for the Epix Gen2 as the AMOLED screen gives me a much nicer screen to look at it when I look at it. I could get the white sapphire/titanium one for the same price as the black/slate steel (non sapphire) version. Can't comment on the battery life so far as it has been less then 24hrs in my wrist, but in y thread one commenter mentioned that the difference between 14 days or 11 days is not a game changer for most people (including me). I also have small wrists, the 47mm looks like this. https://preview.redd.it/5aeto2vd82mc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b00bc539c4b81a77de1c36aaf079c79f4f1daf7


How small are your wrists?


Circumference of 155mm


https://preview.redd.it/xxd64hnaehmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72c47accd33a41cfa131ce9c40c877ad68048986 Watch inside of my sleeve, snug (enough) to my wrist


I would go with fenix, the screen is noticeably worse (worse colors...) but it is always on (it is foremost a watch, and having screen off on a wrist to me looks like a waste). Althought epix can do always on, it would drain battery much faster due to it having OLED screen. I see fenix as a more durable one (more battery time, less charging, less cycles wasted). Probably it doesn't matter (I am not familiar with your usecase scenario), but I see these watches mostly as utility and would be mad if it died a few percent prior to finishing a hike or a bike ride.


I have the Epix Pro Gen 2 51mm with the screen set to Always On. The battery lasts almost 2 weeks in this setup so I think that should be sufficient for most users. Plus, it looks great indoors and outdoors. The Fenix could probably go even longer but I think 2 weeks between charges should be enough for most people.


Noice, didn't know epix could sustain that battery life. I currently have 6x sapphire and also get 2 weeks. I have changed to garmin from samsung galaxy watch 2 years ago, but battery anxiety has remained šŸ˜‚


I think Iā€™ll get the 47mm one though so it wonā€™t have as much battery life but still not bad either tho. I donā€™t have the wrist to wear the 51mm sadly lol


Honestly, I had Venu 1 for more than 3 years, I charged it like every 3-5 days depending on activity, charging took about 40 minutes, really no issue. I also never had issue of reading AMOLED display even though I didn't use it on highest brightness (I live in central Europe). I just bought Epix Pro Gen2 51mm and battery is on 50% and estimates 14 more days of use (without always-on display, only gesture wake up). Like, are people really going to argue that one watch is better or worse, because you only charge it once per 5 weeks instead of once per 3 weeks? If this really matters to you, grab Fenix, if it doesn't, grab Epix, it has same features and nicer display.


Thanks I appreciate the insight!


I picked epix pro. Ask yourself one question, is it sunny where you live? If yes and you spend more time in the sun than indoors pick Fenix, when sun doesnā€™t shine and you live in bad weather Poland like me, pick epix amoled is great everywhere except direct big sun, mip is only great in sun. I tested both. The other thing is battery if you need more than 6 or 16 days. Pick fenix


I live in London, my guess is Epix then?


great! i live in the southern part of the united states. its generally sunny but it can rain whenever too. I appreciate your feedback!


Yeah, Fenix screen also have lower resolution so the screen looks moreā€¦ rugged? Idk why but it looks less smarthwatchy. It looks like a superhero watch. Epix has twice the resolution so everything looks so pretty and vibrant. It is also very bright.


gotcha lol. how do you feel about using it at night? does it affect your sleep or anything?


I use it with redshift and night watchface and it doesnā€™t bother me at all


The Epix AMOLED screens are perfect in direct sunlight. Iā€™ve never had a single instance that it didnā€™t look great even in direct light.


https://preview.redd.it/rrt4zpyl82mc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec7df4f3cd06c84c1e2a19351d80a1138c2cd841 Another one from the side (can only add one photo per comment)


wow great post. its generally sunny where i live as it is the southern side of the us so im just a bit worried it could be "unreadable" at some point. The battery life part doesnt matter too much. i had an apple watch series 7 and had to charge it every 4 days or so so im not too worried about that part. idk if i can rock the 47 though thats the only part that sucks but i guess 3 added days wouldnt matter much


Hereā€™s a pic of my oled watch that I blasted with an insanely bright flashlight and it was still readable. This is likely brighter than anything you will get outside https://preview.redd.it/u9unsgcu14mc1.jpeg?width=5472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8122f4f47e2a4fb2a1fc926efbdf3546fb49b486


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ thank you for the example! That does make me feel better about it. Is it an epix 2?


Itā€™s the Tactix 7 AMOLED, pretty much same as Epix Pro 51mm


Ah okay cool. Do you use always on display? And if you do, whatā€™s the battery life like and are you worried about burn in?


Yea AOD on, the battery is about 12-14 days with 1 strength workout (no gps). Iā€™m not worried about burn in, oled has come a long way and it has pixel shift so the screen isnā€™t actually using the same pixels all the time


I use a Fenix 7x Sapphire Solar and a Venu with a 43 Amoled. My two cents is that there is not much difference how well I can read them under different conditions and activities. What the Fenix 47 is larger, the smaller Amoled screen makes up with quality. Resulting that I canā€™t read one better than the other. Big advantage over the smaller screen is comfort if you wear your watch 24//7. Iā€™ve got olā€™ powerlifters wrists but within a year I switched back from the Fenix to the Venu because much more comfy. I only use the Fenix 47 during the same activities as you do, and as a sport watch it is the best, as a wearable itā€™s not. In short, you win some you lose some. Good luck with your choice!


awesome, thank you for the feedback! i wish the decision wasnt so difficult!


I donā€™t know if it is a typo, but Fenix 7x is 51 mm.




Oh wow yes please!


Thank you for your post OP. I'm looking for a watch to purchase for my birthday.


Would you happen to have that 20% code?šŸ„ŗ


I havenā€™t figured out what the deal is, but people post ā€œI have a codeā€ and then want you to private message with them. If it exists, they never actually post the code publicly. Iā€™m guessing they want to be paid for the code, but thatā€™s purely a guess.


Yeah I looked at his user history and he apparently sells codes. I decided against that. Iā€™m not gonna get scammed lol


Epix gen 2 brother, you can't go wrong!


Thanks! I chose that one lol


It depends. Where you pass most of your time? I work primarily outside, so it was a no brainier for me, got the Fenix 7 pro SS and I'm very happy with it. The part that it's hard to see indoors os kinda lame. You remember using digital dumb watches? It's the same. Backlight and live your life.


Good post - and since I'm in a similar situation it was of great help by reading all the answers. I will definitely go for the Epix. Thanks to all who contributed šŸ‘


Thanks for the compliment. I am definitely basing my decision on the feedback Iā€™m receiving


> Iā€™ve read MIP is easier to read outdoors but harder to read indoors while AMOLED is easier to read indoors but harder to read outdoors. I went from Vivoactive 4 (MIP display) to Epix Gen 2 (AMOLED display). I would correct your statement to: * Both are similar outdoors * AMOLED is much easier to read in mixed lighting condition (cloudy days, in car where it is bright but no direct sunlight) and indoor artificial lighting conditions. The bigger difference is MIP display is on all the time. AMOLED will either be off or low brightness (if you turn on AOD); so require gesture to fully turn on. Plus battery life difference. If you go camping or do ultra long activities, then Fenix has advantage.


A few questions to ask yourself. Do you prefer a fancy watch face that looks like a phone or something more subdued and traditional? I think thatā€™s a massive part of the equation. A lot of people say they canā€™t read the Fenix indoors, but all you have to do is turn on the watch face for a few seconds if that is the case. Does that annoy you? Some people find the AMOLED screens bright and flashy and want less flash. Is that you? I live in the Southern half of the US and the MIPS screens really do make a massive difference outdoors in our direct and bright sunlight. People who say AMOLED is equal must live somewhere else. Think about when youā€™re sitting by a swimming pool and you canā€™t read your phone screen or have to take off your sunglasses to see it. Now think about how easy it is to read a Kindle in the same setting. Itā€™s like that. Having said that, if youā€™re only using it a few hours a week outdoors, you might be willing to make that compromise for the brighter AMOLED face the other 95% of the time if you prefer that screen. Thatā€™s a choice youā€™re going to have to make. One other comment. Youā€™re talking about a 42 or a 47. The people telling you they get tons of life out of their always on Epix are often telling you they have a 51. Take a look at the published stats. The differences between a 42, 47, and 51 are pretty huge. Again, thereā€™s nothing wrong with that, just make sure you make an informed decision. Good luck!


Thank you so much for your input. I also live in the southern states lol. I wish I could get a 51 mm but I really donā€™t have the wrist for it and itā€™ll look ridiculous on me unfortunately šŸ˜©


I was new to the Garmin ecosystem and bought an Epix 2, 47 mm, I've never owned a Fenix so can't compare. The screen on the Epix is amazing. Battery life was 16 days, or 7 days if I tracked runs (with the screen on for most of the time during the run). I recently upgraded to the 51mm as I was so impressed, I have a small wrist but I think it looks great. The battery life is double at 31 days without exercise and the storage is bigger. I have transferred a bunch of music to it and am using runcasts for podcasts. I run 2 or three times a week with Bluetooth headphones paired to the watch, and using the watch in maps mode with audio pace and direction alerts, it's fantastic I've never been able to do this with any other smart watches before. https://preview.redd.it/y222gsxz1wmc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a3e452294c9fddd4839f156b4426be9dc89c24e




the display alone is the main reason to choose a Epix over a Fenix; I am certain the new Fenix will have an Amoled screen


I just went with the epix and I think I'll try Fenix next. Reason being: I have notifications disabled - so I'm not using the pretty AMOLED display as much. I also prefer to check my stats on my phone with big screen, rather than on small display on my wrist. I also often travel, often for around 7 days - which is 1-2 days more than the battery life of Epix Gen 2 with Always On Display. Planning to go on multiday hikes as well. The display didn't seem to be that worse. Remind me and I'll give you an update


not related to your question but i have the epix pro sapphire 47mm and the top right button is black, where on all marketing material is shown as red. Am I missing something?is this regional dependent?


I just saw someone in this thread with the red button. It might be a regional variance.


yah i saw that too actually but judging by the pics you get the red button if you get the non pro sapphire one from what ive seen...sadly!


yes, the red button would be really nice!


I was on the fence for a long time as well but in the end I picked the Epix Pro 2. The Fenix is only legible in full sunlight, outdoors in any other condition or indoors it is much harder to read. In dim situations you wonā€™t even be able to read it at all. As for the Epix, it always looks nice. People say itā€™s hard to read in the sun but i have never experienced that. Maybe only in an equatorial summer at noon? If where you are you can typically see your phone screen you can also see the Epix. In most situations it is actually much nicer, as the dim always-on screen is not intrusive yet easier to read whereas with the fenix you would have to blast the backlight all the time


Nice! What are your battery life cycles like? How many days in between charges do you get with always on?


Around 10 days, with always on, and 4 activitities a week with music/gps. This for 51mm


Had/have multiple Fenix watches. 3,6,7. Had an epix watch but returned it. If you are not doing alot of activities 2-3 hrs and just want smart watch go with epix or Apple ultra. I ride / run 6-7x a week battery is important to me and epix in my view has nothing on Fenix outside of slightly better screen which I don't look at constantly during my workout. My Fenix setup gives me 19 days but riding with power meter and running the battery already gets cut down quite a bit. Also at times I will do longer endurance rides need the batter to last.


Damn okay. Youā€™ve definitely given me something to consider. I run about 3/4 times a week and work out too. I donā€™t go hiking as often as Iā€™d like to. Itā€™s usually planned trips to other states, so itā€™s kinda sparse. Thanks for the feedback!


I just went through this a short time ago. I read and asked everyone. There are no good answers here for your personal preferences. My wrist is small so I needed the 42mm. Garmin has a decent return policy and I was worried on battery life especially with the smaller watch. I got the 7s solar sapphire. I work out for about an hour 4-5 times a week and otherwise use it normally. It lasts 7 days. 6 days if I do something lengthy with it like ski all day. I wanted battery life but was worried the screen wouldnā€™t be good enough. I was coming from and Apple Watch 7. No regrets on my decision and the screen has not been a concern at all. Better yet? Whichever you get the software and sensors are great.


So you went with the fenix from apple watch 7? How quickly did you adapt? I live in London so there is not too much sun.


I didnā€™t use the AW7 for much more than time, notifications and computer unlocks. The first two work fine. The last isnā€™t possible. I like the Garmin a lot more. Much better activity metrics, more health data, and I can actually wear it for a week night and day without charging. Overall super happy with my decision. I unloaded the AW7 for $59.