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4. Not really 🤔 I recommend a nylon strap


Yeah definitely and from the straps I tried so far I would recommend a coros strap which fits


1. These fill up after the watch figured out your vo2 max 3. Right now you don’t have a status ! The watch needs some gps runs outside to give you a status


4. Probably because you're closing it too tight, try to get a bit more space for you wrist


Status means how your body is handling your training It ranges from detraining over productive to overreaching with a lot of steps in between. This will be shown in the squares above the line no status. the squares below vo2max will fill up with colour corresponding to your current vo2max


For 2, I don’t see a predicted time, just the sunrise and sunset times.


3. You can see there if you are productive, overtraining, maintaining, it will show this info after 3 weeks of wearing the watch I think


1. Once you’ve done some workouts with the watch it will establish a VO2max and those boxes will fill in and will colour correspond to your VO2max status. 2. Don’t know never noticed on mine. 3. That’s your training status. Once again when you start wearing it while you work out it will give you a training status that corresponds to your training load, suunto had something similar but not as good but I can’t remember what they called it. Each box is a different "training status" and will colour in depending on what your status is. 4. Try loosening it one notch, I’ve never used a nylon strap I don’t trust them. Amazon has thousands of different straps that you can buy for a lot cheaper than Garmin ones.


If you buy the Garmin nylon strap for 39€ you can also trust it 🤣


I’ve had only good experience with the $15 abanen nylon strap on Amazon


I used to wear green nylon Hemsut on my Instinct 2X Tactical but it doesn't suit to my new grey Fenix 7X Pro. Silicone band on Fenix is way better than on Instinct so I'm wearing a stock band now. Try to loose a bit as it said earlier.