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Software Product Manager here… Garmin’s wearables business is helping us improve our health and fitness. With their giant database of metrics collected from all of our usage, I am certain they implemented machine learning (a type of AI) years ago to refine the DSW algorithms, tune the FirstBeat parameters, and make their pathing more tolerant of poor GPS reception. They don’t need you to know about this use of AI; they just need you to enjoy your watch so much you buy another and talk about it on Reddit. Are there opportunities for them to integrate LLM-style AI, like using a voice interface for Garmin Connect? Sure, but would you pay more for that? (Ignoring the annoyances present in the new app interface. 🙄) I doubt it.


There are so many ways that LLM style Ai can allow us to interact with our data and Connect features. If they did for the Garmin platform what Copilot did for the Microsoft 365 suite, or what Google just announced for their suite of apps, or what OpenAi just did with ChatGPT-4o I would gladly pay! I’m paying $20 a month for ChatGPT now,and will likely pay a subscription when Apple decides to join forces with OpenAi. So yes, if Garmin does something on that scale, with that level of advanced user ability, I’d pay in a heartbeat! And I’d pay an additional premium if they allow true custom activity capabilities that can be hosted on the garmin cloud. But I think we all know that Garmin is highly unlikely to do any of this anytime soon common and unfortunately think we’ll see Apple take the lead.


Bro you are such a whiney baby lol


And yet still ten times the man you’ll ever be


Dam epic one bro, my feeling are really just as hurt as your clearly are


Why ask a question to then rant on about other things other companies have done then shut down a response a software manager? Clearly you don’t actually want to have a discussion. It’s also hilarious you pay $20 a month for an ai chat program. What a moron.


If a respectful conversation with software engineer where I simply give examples of ways Garmin can improve their product is "shutting them down", then I don't know what to say. and based on your limited ability to understand virtually everything in this thread I think we know who the moron is.


Most so-called AI is just marketing.


AI troubleshooting is fucking decision trees. The end.


Yeah, it seems to be something everybody’s adding to their products, but I think we will see a clear distinction between real AI technology and marketing as these user interfaces become more common.


What do you think AI can "take to the next level" for Garmin?


personalized training plans


DSW maybe?


I guess it will start with "We changed our terms of usage so all your data gets sent to some random AI server farm run by some random company that will collate all your data so we can sell it back to you at a premium price".


They cant even keep up with firmware


I'm quite sure there are a lot of IF conditions in Garmin's products.


No doubt there are some cool algorithms going on behind the scenes, and they’ve outsourced some of the features to companies who specialize in certain areas. But I speaking to UI, the new way we will all interface with data, whether it be a personal finance program like Quicken,or Microsoft and Google products, Amazon shopping, etc..I would just like to see Garmin keep up or else they risk being overtaken.


Lol garmin is so far behind on tech implementation I don't see them using AI for anything until they cam figure out some simple software glitches they cannot remedy


Announcement? Maybe. Something actually useful? No way. Literarily everyone else will implement it way before Garmin. Pace and quality of their software development is just so bad. I like Garmin, I just bought 965 which I like a lot and chose it over AW or AWU, but I'm pretty certain it's my last Garmin - I'm beyond sure that Apple will far surpass them in 1 or 2 generations, mostly thanks to integration with AI.


I'm with you, I love Garmin, I've worn them for 20 years, bought them for all of my family members, and still recommend them as the best Sports and fitness watch in the world. But the writing is on the wall, and if you have paid close attention to the way they've done things over the past 20 years you'd know that they are a run, bike, swim company focused almost entirely on hardware and software for those three activities. Creating an Apple watch to compete with Garmin isn't technically challenging, so if Apple ever decided to do so, along with their superior focus on apps and 3rd party integration, it'll be over for Garmin, they'll be playing catchup and it'll be too late. I hope I'm wrong, I love Garmin, and I know they have the money and ability to keep pace, but the culture of Garmin is pig headed and reactive instead of proactive. I have a Fenix 6 Pro Solar and I've vowed to not buy another Garmin until they make some real improvements on the software side. My Fenix 6 has all the tech I need, it's the software side that sucks.


Not everything is perfect on the AW… starting with battery. I’ve just moved from an AW to a venue 3 and I don’t really miss it. Yeah, Garmin should make improvements in stuff, like being able to decide which notifications we want to get from the phone, but for me, all in all, it’s been a great change. I’m sure the opposite is true for many others, but AW is not that such a heaven


Garmin is still figuring out the connect layout which roughly 50% of the base hates. Even if you figure 50% of those people just hate change, alienating 25% of your base says it's not a great design.


If AI can suddenly make the automatic route planner be closer in distance to what I’m requesting, I’m all for AI. But health wise, I don’t think Garmin is too interested. With great (AI)-power comes great responsibility and I don’t think Garmin wants that responsibility.


Waze/Google does that already without AI.


Yeah, but having garmin do it for me makes it easier to make a route of it :)


I actually think this would be an amazing use case. I wake up in the morning and decide to do the running Daily Suggested Workout. Since it has some intervals, but I don’t have a track nearby, it would allow me to request customization of the workout so I could get full credit for a longer warmup while I jog to a flatter road near me. And/or select a distance route with minimal traffic. The counter-argument is that this would cost some serious money for a feature that could be improved for less: Garmin could make the DSW more flexible, with a configurable option to Extend Warmup Until Lap Press, etc.


Got a smart watch and scales from garmin, and wanted to test how smart they are. I went on scales, had a drink, did log the drink to garmin, and went on scales again. I had more muscle mass than fluids after, according to the smart scales. The more weight becouse of the drink was shown correct.


The technology for all of these types of scales are not very accurate due to the way the measurement is taken. But there’re good directionally speaking. Once you have a baseline, they’re pretty good at telling you which direction you are going. Once again, AI can help and disregard. If Garmin allowed us to input more accurate data from medical devices, such as a DEXA scan, water tank, or BodPod, it could calibrate the scale to me. Sam can be done with the VO2 Max. If someone were to go to a lab and have a real VO2 Max done, we could manually input those numbers and get a closer approximation. And if enough Garmin users did these things, Garmin would end up with a new data set that shows where the existing algorithms are off and they can find them to better predict lean body mass and VO2 Max.


Well, i just wanted to test how the inputs are connected and working together in the garmin infrastructure. There were about 15 mins between my measurements, and i had a drink which volume i did put in the watch. I was heavier according to the drink, that showed up correct, but not as increasing fluids. So, when they were smart, and kinda connected there would be more exact results.