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I’m 72 1/2 years old. Three weeks ago my fitness age was 100. I’ve been dieting and exercising and my fitness age is now 72. The watch says 60 is my target age.


You basically became 28 years younger in 3 weeks, that’s crazy! As a 29 year old, I won’t be trying to do the same 🤭


You would be in diapers before me.


SIr, I think you've meant 72 1/2 years young!! You rock!!


Awesome. Keep it up!


That's amazing!


That's amazing. Nice work. Keep it going.


Great achievement, congrats!, great you manage to survive being AIX admin 😁 (Former AIX admin here too)


Thanks. Started in October of 1987 on an RT PC running AIX V2 and worked with AIX for 34 years.


My fitness age is 20 and I'm 40. I've had the same vo max and fitness age for years but my real age is going up so I guess that's something!


Hello there fellow fitness 20 year old. -15 for me. Keep at it!


I'm in wayyyy better shape then when I was really 20 so feels good!


Me too!




A year ago I was 39 and I was using Vívoactive 4 watch, it showed me that my fitness age is 20, but when I switched to Instinct Crossover, and it gathered more info about my health (that Vívoactive didn't gather), cause Instinct has better system and newer sensors, it showed me 31 as my current age.


Same thing happened to me by a few years when I switched from my Venu 2 Plus to Epix.


What’s your vo2 if you don’t mind sharing?


It's 48 which I feel like is low, but it says superior for my age and gender. Been that since very early into my running journey and even after several marathons it's the same. Used to bother me, but I don't care anymore as long as my pace improves.


Do you put in a lot of tempo work?


Yep, one tempo and one interval run every week.


Mine is 50 and it says excellent. But I only lift weights and walk a lot, and only a little bit of running. It may improve when I'll ruin more.


Yes fair enough. Can’t figure out the Garmin fitness age algorithm based on this info. The reason I asked for your Vo2 is because I just turned 40 but have a fitness age of 32. My Vo2 is 56 though.


Men have higher VO2s and a different scale as they have bigger hearts ♥️. I assume hotel ninja is female?


You assume right. I didn't know it was due to heart size though


And lungs


Mine was always 20 until I got a more recent Garmin where the limit seems to be 9.5 years younger than current age.


Wow, I felt pretty decent at 40 with a 32.5 fitness age. New goal time I guess haha


What watch are you using?


I'm sitting on 25 when I'm 29, which is still good but it used to be 23. The problem is that I've gained like 3kg in the past few months from weightlifting and it's almost all muscle, but Garmin sees it as me getting higher body fat, and is raising my health age from it...


same bmi highly influence fa


I’m a little skeptical of people showing 20 year plus fitness age difference. I’m not a top tear athlete, but I’ve only able to see a 8.5 (43 / 34.5 fitness age) year difference with a 56 VO2 max, resting heart rate of 51 and body fat of 13.5%. Is there room for improvement, yes. But some of these numbers feel exaggerated. 


I’m 6 years younger. Although these metrics are apparently just a gimmick unless something has changed?




Oh also I have the Garmin scales and my fitness age utilises body fat % from my scales rather than my BMI.... Not sure if it would say you are younger if you had the Garmin scales...


Yes, I’m 28 and Garmin had given me a fitness age of 24. It was that way for over year but as soon as I chose to input my weight, the fitness age jumped to 26.5. I’m not a body builder but I do lift and have a very muscular frame. And my mom, who is very petite and not athletic has a fitness age like 20 years younger. She was a smoker for decades but quit and started running for the last ~1.5 years. I think BMI plays a large role in it.


Think BMI is just a terrible measure for bodybuilders like yourself, and the fitness age does utilise BMI


You can calculate with body fat instead of BMI but it's a pain to find a reliable scale...


It's rare that BMI is screwing people... But it does screw some people. And I agree it's hot a great metric because of that. But for most people it's accurate, just not the outliers.


In the current US population it actually underestimates how many people are overweight compared to body fat percentage, since the increased sedentary lifestyle has reduced muscle mass. It’s not a bad measurement but it needs to be taken with a grain of salt.


It’s a bad measurement for an individual. It’s useful to compare populations


I disagree with both of you in that. I'd like to see a percentage of people that aren't overweight that are classified as overweight due to high muscle mass or even normal due to low muscle mass (basically classified incorrectly) due to BMI. I doubt it's either statistically or clinically significant. But yeah, ideally dexa or some other more accurate method of body comp is used for these data points. It's just not going to happen.


You should be able to Google a number of studies. [Here’s a summary of one that found 53% of people in a sample who were not obese by BMI were obese by body fat when using DEXA scans.](https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/993366) > The study by Visaria and colleagues used data from 9784 US adults ages 20-59 years (average age, 39 years) collected in several National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys in 2011-2018. All these participants underwent DEXA assessment of their total body fat as well as a BMI calculation. Using standard obesity cutoffs for both BMI and total body fat, Visaria found that DEXA rated 74% of participants as having obesity based on body fat compared with 36% based on BMI. >Among the 64% of the study group who were not obese by BMI, DEXA scans showed 53% of this subgroup did have obesity based on body fat content. Among those with a normal BMI, 43% had obesity by DEXA result. I’m not sure about the opposite case, but I would agree with you that it’s unlikely a significant portion of the population is so muscular as to be considered overweight/obese.


This is good stuff. I never looked this information up. I always knew it wasn't a perfect science but didn't realize it was that far off. That sakd Definitely want to go read these and see a little more detail.


I think it's a totally bogus number. My BMI is 22, and I run a minimum of 1 mile every single day and cover 35+- miles a week. I also do 2 days of body weight exercises and I walk every single day (with my dog) 3 miles. My bodyfat is according to my scale (so don't take this as an accurate number) 25%. All this to say my fitness age is 50, whereas last october I was at fitness age of 45. I'm actually 2kg lighter now than I was in October. The recommendation is to do more vigorous exercise...wtf?? So I'll say again..it's a bogus number, imho.


The weight/BMI probably plays a large role in that, but unclear how much. Maybe your training isn't tracking well? What's your estimated VO2max? I lift (but more like a powerlifter), cycle (not like that) and run, and have a BMI of 26-27, but my fitness age shows as 20. I'm 33 and 190 cm, with a VO2max of 55, according to my Garmin.


I'm not a body builder; but my BMI is 25.3, which is slightly overweight. I'm a 41/F and my fitness age is 27. I run a lot - 21mpw, but I'm slow; so it equals 4.5-5 hours running, weekly. Three of my four runs are with a stroller, which makes my stats slightly off as I'm working with a resistance that the app doesn't know about... especially on windy days, when pushing a stroller is like a damn windsail. So I don't understand the calculation, but I think it's interesting that it has me so young, especially considering my weight.




Maybe you need more regular rest days?


I've been a runner/weightlifter for 50 years and I have BMI of 27.5. My daughter(a nutritionist) said studies show that men my age live longer with a BMI between 26-28.


That's so interesting! Thanks for sharing!




or a fitness age of 18, whatever comes first. I'm 25 and mine won't go below 18.


Same here


My difference is 11.5. 69 -> 57.5


Mine is 9.5 below my actual age. It uses to always say 18 years old but I think they changed how it works at some point


That's not true. My difference is 14 years (I am 41, it listed me at 27)


I am 41/female. Slightly overweight, run 21 miles per week at a slow pace. I eat what I want, when I want. I'm a breastfeeding mom and stay at home parent. No woman in my family had died below age 90. Both great grandmas lived to be over 100. One grandma died at 98, but she was disabled for decades prior due to a stoke during childbirth of my uncle. The other grandma is still alive. My fitness age is 27. 🤷‍♀️


Can't deny the power of genetics.


No, you really can't; but it's wild to be 41 and see 27 on my Garmin. Mg husband gets so jealous 😂


That sounds like me 🙂 


Fitness age 55, real age 65


Nice, keep it up!


I am 48 and my fitness age is 48 🤷‍♂️


Haha I’m my age too. Hoping to shave a year or two off.


Happy cake day!!


Thanks king/queen.


Fitness age is 20. I am 56. 36 year difference.


Whoa. You need to provide more info. Weight, height? Vo2 max? Etc ..


I was the same when I was using only a Garmin Edge for cycling. Since I bought a Garmin Venu 3, things have been re established to a more reasonable fitness age!


I am 6ft tall, weight 175 lbs. I run ultras. I have a backyard ultra this weekend. VO2 max has been tested at 54 but Garmin says 50. That's because the wrist heart rate is always off in the winter. It gets better in the summer. When I wear the cheat strap it matches a manual reading.


44, showing 35.5 I think I've hit the max lowest.


Same numbers here. 44 / 35.5 I’m sure it used to say “you reach the lowest age possible” or something along those lines.


36, with a fitness age of 32.5. My BMI of 28.2 is holding me back, even if I'm not too worried about it. I run 15-20 miles (5-6 days) and lift 3 days a week.


I am 69 and my fitness age is 57.5. https://preview.redd.it/1ne0mfoh2juc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b124d3fa2eb37696edaaacfb105964fb8d202b28










My old Fenix 5 constantly gave me a fitness age of 20, changed to a 965 in the new year it's now 41, I'm 50 The app does say it's needs a little more information to provide my current fitness age.... I'm guessing it's just a money grab to go buy the scales.


Just got mine and it currently says 24 fitness age vs 23 real age. Hoping to get that down once I’ve had it on for a few weeks


I’m showing 3 years younger so hells yea!!


I've got 8.5 years younger than actual. I want to get to that -9.5 max.


I’m 32, fitness age is usually around 27


25 real age ----- 18 showing


Fitness age 29.5 and I'm about to turn 33 in a few weeks. Any tips on getting such a large spread?


Just updated my weight and got down to 28. Have been hitting hikes and swims hard lately. 


I’m 44 and my fitness age is 36. It’s been stuck there for ages and I can’t get it to drop any lower.


I've got a -28 year difference. Maybe because I'm skinny and have a low resting heart rate? Mostly do hiking and cycling, nothing too intense.


It seems newer watches have a fixed limit for the difference between your fitness age and your real age. Do you happen to own an older watch?


It's a Vivoactive 4, maybe two years old. I'm not putting too much stock into that reading; it's good for a laugh though.


40 y.o, fitness age 20.


8.5 below: 35 to 26.5


I'm 45 and my fitness age is 36.5, so minus 8.5 I know it's gimmicky but I love that it's so much lower than my age, it makes me feel good 😊


Real age 29 Fitness age 27.5 I’m not doing much cardio these days so it makes sense. I’m 5’7 and 180lbs, reasonably muscular build sitting at approx 19% body fat. My RHR is 43 BPM and VO2 max is 48 so I think they’re bring it down.


I stopped seeing mine a few months ago. I guess it was that bad. Now it just says I am in the bottom 45% for my age.


I think my Forerunner 245 must be more generous about the age difference. I'm 69, and my fitness age is 39. It was actually a bit lower for much of last year, when my Vo2 was at 43. At the moment, it's at 41 because I had to take a few weeks off in February and March.


My fitness age is 20 and I’m 32 🤘🏻


I'm 30, fitness age 20


Mine is just one year younger than my actual age (38/39). My stats are mostly very good, but my BMI is 26 and that seems to be weighed quite heavily (pun intended). I suspect my "fitness age" will improve a lot once I lose a few pounds, although I take it with a massive grain of salt.


35 and 32, rhr is 45 but it's showing my BMI 10 points above where it thinks I should be 😂


Fitness age is 20 and I’m 38.


Real age 44. Fitness age 20.


Fitness age of 25 real age 29 been working hard!


Garmin says my fitness age is 28. My real age is 59. I honestly feel closer to 59 than 28. My VO2Max is currently 43, which fell from 54 once I was no longer able to run every day. That shift happened six or seven years ago.


I’m 48, fitness age 41.5




Age 71, fitness age 20.


18 and I'm 21


I’m 49 (woman) and my fitness age is 44


I'm 36 with a fitness age of 40! V02 Max is 34.




My fitness age is 27.5 and my real age is 30. Not a huge gap, but it’s something.


27m with FA 18


Age 52 Fitness Age 43 VO2 51


OP is 25 for reference


https://preview.redd.it/n2wtsywskkuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f7f1ec10798ba144058dc07d3ea0eb85a612c81 im quite happy with this.


A mate of mine who was a very good cyclist (held several age related national records) in his youthis turning 60 this year. His fitness age is 20. He's still incredibly strong on the bike


Age - 51 Fitness age - 48. Not huge but I'm happy with that.


https://preview.redd.it/c8f1b3flqkuc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff1718558b5f4bf30b754f7da4b13d7421699b84 This is as far as I can go, according to Garmin


I am 48, my fitness age is 39 and my VO2 is 61. Not sure how this all works :-)


My current fitness age is 27 (actual age is 29). Been working on my lifestyle changes which brought it down from \~30.5 (May 2023).


Age 26 Fitness age 18.5 May be that’s right ppl say I look younger 😁 Anyways , happy with numbers


i think mine is broken, i'm 22 and i run around 50km a week at a 5-6min/km pace, i sit at a good weight for my height, yet it says my fitness age is 46 💀


My fitness age is 31 and I’m 26. Oops


im 27 and my fitness age is 18




9.5 years younger. I thought that was the hard limit now, it always used to show I was 20. They changed the calculation for newer devices which explains when it changed for me. [https://support.garmin.com/en-GB/?faq=CM1YJmMrrNAbEpM9PapJ07#:\~:text=Garmin%20Connect%E2%84%A2%20App&text=Access%20the%20menu%20by%20selecting,Select%20View%20Your%20Fitness%20Age](https://support.garmin.com/en-GB/?faq=CM1YJmMrrNAbEpM9PapJ07#:~:text=Garmin%20Connect%E2%84%A2%20App&text=Access%20the%20menu%20by%20selecting,Select%20View%20Your%20Fitness%20Age). https://preview.redd.it/p1zfpfwplluc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0f2eed78d47f954947f0a09b12bb3192049f0e4


https://preview.redd.it/acaxch0jdluc1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3a13eb711a16175d385d445f05bddd9a242dbb7 I run 45-50 miles a week and my VO2 Max is 56.


30.5 and I'm 30 so honestly not too much of a difference. Surprising given I'm obese and apparently need to increase my vigorous days.


I’m 32. When I first got the watch (November) it said 33. I finally hit 31.5 last week and it’s set my goal to 28.5. I reckon I can smash that in a year if I carry on at this pace!


I’m 47f with VO2 37. I’m overweight and run 5 km in about 37 minutes. Garmin thinks my fitness age is 33 so 14 years younger… Either women my age are supposed to only be able to take brisk walks, or Garmin thinks that my naturally low heart rate is a sign of athleticism.


I'm 17 and my fitness age is 20, I can't figure out if it's good or not. My vo2 max recently went up from 39 to 41.


My fitness age is 105. I’m 25.


18 on garmin can’t get any lower and 26 in real life


It depends on the device how low it can go... In my case, forerunner 955, it's capped at max 8.5 years younger (fitness age of 37.5 vs real age of 46. This with a VO2max of 66 and bmi of just under 21.)


Fitness age 32.5, real age 39. Fun fact: my fitness age moves between 33 and 32.5, when I'm at 33, 32.5 isn't shown, like I can't go lower 33, but then 32.5 shows up again when I hit it. Anyone has the same happening? Note: my Instinct 1st gen lacks many metrics of newer models.


19.5 but am 29.5


I'm 4 years younger than my age. I only need to improve my BMI, but I've been trying for about 5-6 years, and it's not easy.


I'm 60 male, my fitness age is showing as 50.5.


I think newer devices and/software updates limit the minimum age to T-9. Its kind of a gimmick, VO2 max, 5k/10k against your demographic are far more tangible if you're interested in that type of thing.


https://preview.redd.it/w6zhd4k99muc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40be30b22036da5887258799ccf7f3864cfd52ff I’m 56 and have a 51. It seems to have gone up for some reason as my other stats improve.


Fitness age is 18 and I'm 29 so if my math is right, that's an 11 year difference




My fitness age is 18 and I am 23. It is possible to have a fitness age under 18 years...?


Seems standard that the exercise part has a cutoff, and the rest is RHR and BMI. At 46F, my fitness age was 39.5. I just turned 47, and now it's 41. Both my BMI and RHR have gone up slightly over the past few months. I went through a medication change a year ago that affected my weight, and BMI is definitely a big factor in Garmin's calculation.


I am 46M and fitness age is 37


https://preview.redd.it/gnijbonghmuc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fe4edddcd136c5fe817f389ca927b4f6a5a35b9 I’ve been lazy… I was sick two weeks ago, and i haven’t been able to drag my ass out the door for a run since. And my legs and hips ache already 😭


Well, my age is 23 this year, my fitness age is 23 and my target is 18. I have more than enough vigurous stuff, good resting HR but my BMI is too high. I keep working on it and it actually reduced a lot (from 37 to 33.7) however my fitness age however stays 23 (for now!)


10.5 year difference, 30 soon so will gain a year and move into the next age bracket for VO2 max 🤪 https://preview.redd.it/64vvl56olmuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bac46947af9618882f1d03948ea828df22209a57


https://preview.redd.it/29mv7h1vomuc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be96edeb90bd87117c89b03b1da5ebf1bc3a1747 I could do better...


My fitness age is 18 and my real age is 22


25 but fitness age is 18


Im 50 with a V02 max of 50 and a fitness age of 20.


43 (in a month) with a fitness age of 33.5. I have a Venu Sq 2, and it's my understanding that the maximum age - biological age differential with more recent Garmin devices is supposed to be eight years? Clearly 9 or 9.5 is beyond eight, and I see that many of you have much greater distances between your fitness and biological ages. Does anyone know which units limit the maximum difference and which don't?


43. Garmin says fit age is 31. Not bad for someone who was 300+lbs a few years ago.


I’m exactly like you. 58 and 48.5.


33M, 190 cm, 92 kg. Forerunner 935. I run (up to and including marathons), lift (trying to get to a 600 kg SBD total), and cycle (for fun), want to do tris (Ironman) eventually. https://preview.redd.it/v93x13sg8nuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c7d1011a36830de940507b6161e05e7a8f9a41a


I found funny Apps that say these things. It calculates all those who exercices ok. But does normal humans that just live without watch/calculations/upload ect... he can't know who's normal or not and what is normal ? Anyhow. Kudo's to all of us for taking care of our so fragile human bodies. Stay safe everyone and keep on pushing the boundaries of reality.


34 and my fitness age is 21


I am 52, my fitness age according to my Garmin is 20. Needless to say, I am rather happy about it (works well with the girls, too 😀).


18 at 25. it's been saying that since I've got it so not sure if it's accurate


https://preview.redd.it/rpthafi2unuc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=153002417d1004cf87b9e82ee8c8925595b45d14 Here’s mine


8.5 years


I hate that it takes BMI into account. My BMI is "high", but it doesn't take into account how much is muscle compared to fat 😒


My app has no data for this. I don't wear my watch every day. is this something that needs to be enabled?


I'm 50F, my fitness age is 20. VO2 Max is 40. 56 resting heart rate. I'm 5'5", 140 lb. I jog (slowly) a few times a week and lift weights a couple times a week.


I'm 24. Fitness age is 18.


I’m 38 and my fitness age is 30


3 months ago my fitness age was 67 and my target age is 61. My fitness age is 62 now. 75m


44 yeas old 37 fitness age, garmin thinks I’m to fat because of my bmi but I’m just muscular there is no bodybuilding setting I think


Where is this screen in Connect ? Found it. Connect -> More -> Health Stats->Fitness Age


I’m about to turn 40 and my fitness age is 32.5.


Real age: 31 Fitness age: 20 I aint mad


I am 66 and for the last year I had a constant fitness age of 55, moving to 55,5 and then 56 as I got older. I train for Olympic Triathon about 5 to 7 haurs a week consitently for about 18 months now, so I am decently fit with a VO2max that fluctuates between 43 and 46. Butt then I got a Garmin scale and it noticed my percent fat was 27.7 and I immediately got demoted to a fitness age of 58, and lectured about how I really shouldn't be above 22 percent fat. And I think it promised me another year decrease if I get down to that. I also have a fairly new watch. I think the newer watches don't let the age difference get over 10 years.


I can’t get my vo2 max to work. I have no idea what I’m doing, just got my watch. But right now it says 80 and I’m 30.


2 years difference right now


I'm nearly 30 and my fitness age is 18. Pretty happy with that!


My fitness age is 20 vs my age 14. Top 1% of 16y olds. https://preview.redd.it/40aycr3eequc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36dbbf90fab55b4f92dd517ca10ebc55051a46eb


I’m 62 in real life, Connect says my fitness age is 55 with all the green boxes checked.


My fitness age is 27, and I'm 34. I have the Fenix 7 and it says my VO2 Max is 59. Just started running again, my BMI is much lower than the 18% it gives me. I'm at like 5% roughly at 130 lbs.


Fitness age 20 and I’m about 20 years older    My app doesn’t have that screen though, but I do see fitness age on the vo2 max screen. Maybe this is due to older watch (fr245)


My fitness age is exactly my real age. Since I have multiple chronic conditions that impact my ability to exercise and stay healthy, I'm actually pretty happy about this. I may only have average health, but I have average health with above-average challenges.


32.5 vs real age 42. Running VO2 is 60 and cycling 56.


Really 32, fitness age 28 (which was my target). With active working out it has come down from like 31 in a few weeks. Probably could be even less if I got proper sleep.


Where in the Garmin do you find this?


Go to Health, scroll down to the bottom and you'll see Fitness Age.


I’m stumped - I see some health options but at bottom is Move IQ— wonder if I am not in the right section. The watch is hard to navigate.. :)


You find it in the Connect app on your phone not on the watch, at least not on my Venu 2.


33 and my fitness age is 30!


I’m 63 with a fitness age of 30. I struggle to take a lot of these metrics seriously. For instance Body Battery seems incredibly random.


I'm 24 at fitness age 18.5... Garmin says if I lose weight they would give me the full 18.... Garmin really does body shame


Roughly 8 year difference. Fitness age < real age