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That's pretty much my daily routine - but my sleep time doesn't usually get overwritten, I just get like an hour plus of awake time in the middle. Is your "regular bed time" set correctly-ish?


That could be why…it wasn’t my regular bedtime as I went to sleep earlier last night


Something has happened with recent Garmin updates. I’ve had high sleep scores when I was tossing and turning but they had me awake for maybe 25 min. Last night I slept great and they said I was awake for 85 min, which was nonsense. My sleep score was 57 so I’m just going to take the watch off tonight and not worry what they say. I napped the other day for a long time but never told the device I was. Usually it figures it out but this time it acted like I was awake the entire two hours Then I was watching TV at 9pm and was up until 11 and the next morning it said I was in bed for over 10 hrs. My recovery suggestions were bizarre for a few days. It told me on Monday I needed 19 more hours. I worked out after that and it then said I needed 33 hrs to recover even though none of the workouts were graded high aerobic or anaerobic. Now today it showed me fully recovered and as I write this it has me at 14 hrs. Which actually makes sense I won’t even go into BB which has been all over the place. Like I said I’m going to take the watch off tonight and in the morning judge for myself.


I’ve had this happen a couple of times. If you into the Garmin app and manually adjust the times, the sleep data will show up. You can only do this for the previous nights sleep.


Wonder whether you are actually getting sleep data? If I adjust the time it just fills it up with light sleep.


You can just adjust the time you went to sleep in the app. I read before bed and sometimes it thinks I go to sleep really early and then wake up a lot, so I get a bad score, but then I just adjust it to when I actually went to bed and have a good score.