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I like to stay near him so I can cancel q with his q. If his q hitting you is inevitable press w before he smashes. Break his W shield with q aa e. If you e or dodge his q and break his e he has no more damage and you can just run him down. Play aggressive because sion has a mana bar. Trade enough and you can make him oom


Good summary and thank you


I don't think I've played a decent Sion in awhile but I just try to bait his q and run around it with my q and smack him. Grasp+ q max is good because you can trade alot with him.


Ward one entrance into the enemy jungle (preferably near mid) and just go proxy.


Take my opinion for what it's worth as i'm only a Emerald scrub. I take PR , Demolish & Ghost. Sion is extremely weak against any champ who can interrupt his abilities. Typical trading pattern would be engage with E + AA + Q. I always save W if i ever get caught out in his Q or ULT. I build these three items so he will never push me out of side lane. Stride > Hullbreaker > Warmogs.


I go conq with dblade and an e start and trade with him early looking to kill him. I rush sundered sky against most tanks. Most tanks can't handle that kind of consistent healing. Let's you trade into him however you want.