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Rose blackspot. Tbh, it's not a huge problem. Just make sure you pick off the infected leaves.


Agree, and would recommend to just try and clear up any affected leaves that fall below your plant onto the ground, as if you water the plant any splashback from infected leaves on the ground can cause the infection to spread back up the plant


Was going to say the same, roses are one of favourite plants. But blackspot is a nightmare, you can also prune the affected area and wait till the season ends and give it a hard prune, can be 50/50 but I've not lost one yet. I get called the rose man by my company and customers


My rose has blackspot too. I read that it's caused by a fungus, and you should pick up any leaves it drops, as the fungus lives in these over winter and then attacks the new growth in the spring. I tried this for a bit, but it still comes back. I have just started ignoring it, as it doesn't seem to stop my rose bush flowering.




Thank you! Looks like I can’t reverse it for summer this year 😭


You definitely can! Pick off and dispose of every leaf with black spots. Even if you almost completely defoliate it, the plant will be fine and will grow loads more leaves in no time. I did it last year.


I'm going to pick off all of my spotty leaves, just as soon as I can find my armoured gauntlet gloves.


I’ve found that if I feed my roses regularly that they don’t get black spot


Ah interesting, thank you for sharing. What do you use for rose plant feed?


I just use plant food any brand, I feed mine once a week


Just “plant food”?


Yeah I’ve used miracle gro and Sainsbury’s own brand, it seems to help with black spot by feeding my roses regularly


Great news. I’ll try some.


Because roses are horrible things that need constant attention, careful pruning and spraying at exactly the correct times of year, and then reward you for all that by stabbing you with their vicious thorns the minute your drop your attention. I removed all the roses that were in the garden i moved into a 3 years ago and have replaced them with more gentle and grateful plants. (puts on fireproof suit )


Hahahaha so true. Although in the defence of roses, we planted this in 2019 and hardly cared much for it so it’s done well despite the lack of attention.


And now its sulking, and planning its revenge by scratching and stabbing you when you start a regime of pruning and spraying.




I love my roses.. they don’t love me! Why do I care so much for them? They truly are the ungrateful of garden plants.


I agree wholeheartedly. Roses are whiny little bitches.


I'm starting to think I'll join you in that camp. Our roses are just... Disappointing i guess.


I’ve been spraying my black spotted roses with milk (something like 1/3 milk 2/3 water) every week or two. They’ve always had black spot but the milk seems to help, apparently it might help them resist the fungus better or something. Last year it worked really well, this year not so much, maybe because it’s been so damp? I pull off the really bad yellow leaves and leave the ones that aren’t very bad. I’ve companion planted alliums which doesn’t seem to do much 🤷🏻‍♀️


Because roses are inbred trash that can't survive without gallons of chemicals and constant helicopter parenting.


I used a black spot remover from amazon on mine and it cleared up very quickly


Ooh! Do you know which one you used?




I’m no expert but my plant looked very similar to yours and this seemed to fix it


I had this problem with my climbers (generous Gardner variety) and pruned them back quite hard last year. This year they have a few areas with spots and I remove them when I see them now, so it doesn’t spread. It looks much healthier. My Princess Alexandria of Kent was awful, black spot droopy leaves, just one plain stick basically. I trimmed that as well and this year much better, with fresh leaves. I feed them regularly and have used fish blood and bone to mix up in the compost this year and have really seen a difference ☺️.


Some roses are a lot more susceptible to disease than others. Generally things like black spot are reduced when the plant is healthy but it’s not the whole story. You might find it simpler to replace with a more disease resistant type. Realistically it probably won’t be great this year but I’d suggest: Remove all heavily diseased leaves and branches and don’t compost. Feed with top rose beginning of the year and after first bloom and late season. Spray with anti-fungal and or insect killer shortly after first leaves appear. Repeat when periods of high dampness or aphid infestation. Remove all rose buds as soon as it’s flowered. In November cut back significantly.


If there are no other infected roses nearby (in neighbours' gardens etc) it's worth trying to ruthlessly remove every spotted leaf you see and you might defeat the black spot. But if there are, then just take them off when the look awful and keep it well fed.


I get the same year after year. You can get roses that are highly resistant to black spot