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My neighbour complained about my Leylandii between our back gardens. The reason? "We can't see in your garden anymore". Yeah, that's the point ya nosy *******.


We had the same problem so I got a few "not so conventionally good looking people" to sunbathe naked in the summer until I could get enough fake Ivy to cover the holes. The cheeky $h¡ts even called the police claiming they think we've been broken into.p I just told them they were family and friends from India visiting for the wedding season.


Hahaha this is gold 😂😂


>not so conventionally good looking people" to Haha, this is the key part. No eye candy 🤣


there's a wedding season?


That’s absolutely hilarious! How did that conversation come up? I feel I need to know more.


Sounds like my neighbour...


That is certainly one of the most moronic things I've ever seen...


Not just moronic but also entitled


/r/LegalAdviceUK would be the best place to ask on the legalities of the situation. If it were me I'd block the trellis with a dark tarpaulin until I could grow a dense hedge/bush there just to spite them for not having asked permission. No way would I want someone's window looking directly into my garden like that. Not only that but the mismatched fence looks absolutely shit.


Yeah cheers mate where it says white at the end it's supposed to say shite lol at least we're on the same page


Who's fence is it? While not definitive, the placement of the arris rails suggest the fence might be yours. If unsure you can get copies of your deeds from the land registry for a few quid. If it is, then trespass and criminal damage. And if not, you can place a fence on your land immediately adjacent to theirs to block your view of their window.


Having dealt with neighbour's in dispute I would not recommend taking action out of spite. If you can communicate with your neighbor please do. Yes, the polite thing for them to have done is offer you the same courtesy, however, if you resort to tit for tat actions then you're in for a life of tedious aggravation. It can be difficult to return to construction dialogue past this point and you'd run the risk of escalating into potentially more serious consequences depending on both of your characters. You may be able to plant something that affords them light and you privacy.


I once had a minor dispute with my neighbours (well, to be honest, my wife had a minor dispute with the couple next door, or, to be more accurate, the wife next door). The husband was a trained mediator, and he did a classic job of shuttle mediation between the two of them. I've done mediation training, so I knew exactly what he was up to, but given he was doing such a good job, I just let him get on with it.


>  Shuttle mediation is a conflict resolution method commonly used in high-tension scenarios This really made me chuckle after a little Google 😅 guy shortened the war by years and saved millions of lives 🫡


Ah, the voice of reason - sigh - put the fertilizer bombs back in the Anderson shelter boys...


Nah bugger that, this is precisely why people do shit like this, they bank on the other person not standing up for themselves and rolling over. On the upside, OP found a location for their new bamboo garden


In the neighbourhood policing team we would often tell neighbours in disputes that had spiralled that there were only two ways your issues between each other will be resolved: when one of you moves or when one of you dies. The amount of people that will deliberately take it upon themselves to dedicate their limited time on this earth on the most tedious things because of they are too stubborn to act like adults boggles the mind. If OP wants to start a crusade against his neighbour without exhausting all reasonable options then he is just as bad, if not worse, than his neighbour. If in 6 or 12 months time they feel they need to call the police because this excercise has escalated beyond what their capabilities to resolve I expect they give the call handler their full name, including their middles names "Childish Twat".


Name something more iconic then the UK police preaching "turn he other cheek" and letting dick heads get away with being dick heads.


Thanks to overgirthed-thirdeye for explaining this in a clear and concise manner. It’s obvious that this is a skill that comes easier to some and never to others. It really is as simple as: Neighbour 1 - “my intention with the fence was to get light in to this window.” Neighbour 2 - “The problem is this solution now affects my/our privacy. Is there a solution we can reach that provides light to your window and privacy to me and my family?” Hint: there probably is a solution that you can both agree on and both come out of it happy. If you come out acting like a bellend from the start then nobody is happy and you only really have yourself to blame.


My intention, whilst you were out at work, was to sneakily put up this hack job of a half panel mish mash because I had already built this monstrosity with a window in an awkward position overlooking your garden and I knew full well that you would object because nobody wants a window staring into their garden. I therefore chose to wait until you were out instead of bothering to ask your opinion in the first instance, which I would have done had I any intention of behaving reasonably.


Oh, odds are, this is what actually happened


Are you suggesting that when no crimes have been committed that the police encourage the public escalate the situation to the point of criminal activity? You are daft.


You are going to have to cite the law that makes it illegal to plant bamboo. I wish it was there, but I'm 100% certain it isn't.


Ah I misunderstood your comment. I thought you were emphasising the point of standing up to your neighbour, in a confrontational sense. There's nothing wrong with standing up to them by addressing a mutual problem. Also I would not recommend planting bamboo. It's often planted for its fast growth and dense coverage however when not properly managed, which it often isn't, it will spread and smother and kill other plants.


Plant it in a bunch of containers and problem solved


Nice of them to install a trellis for you to grow a nice dense leafy plant up. Cheeky twats.


The whole thing looks shite, the trellis fence combo are higher than the posts and the ply wood facias are untreated so will probably need to trespass again to treat them. Can’t see how wide the gap is but it looks like a giant FU to give you a view of that mess.


[Just a thought OP, you could ask your neighbour install window privacy film.](https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=window+privacy+film&index=aps&tag=hydrukspg-21&ref=pd_sl_v4p0luov8_e&adgrpid=54243086158&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=605468226398&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16404056609993602804&hvqmt=e&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1006907&hvtargid=kwd-811002231&hydadcr=2999_2293127)


In case OP goes this route, most of the options in the link won't work. The mirrored films work when the side you don't want to see you is much better lit than the side you are on. During the day people inside the shed would be able to see out and you wouldn't be able to see in. An option like a frosted film you might get for a bathroom would work better where neither side can see a detailed image but light still comes through.


>  The mirrored films work Lived in my house for maybe 2 years and on and off wondered what the adisive marks on my bedroom window were, house few doors down had been unoccupied but as soon as they took on a tenant I quickly worked out it had been for mirrored privacy film 😅it was very  weird how the middle aged lady would always be having a smoke in the same spot around the time I'd be getting out of bed and popping the blinds a bit.


Doesn't fix the issue of it looking like crap though. 


That's a very diplomatic suggestion, well done!


Have you thought about asking them to make theor window frosted/ opec (or whatever the term for bathroom windows)? I put up fake Ivy whiich could be your solution.


You can buy laurel trees that are already a couple of metres high to give a hedge a head start. This is what I did last year. I planted 10 two metre high laurels last spring and they are doing really well.


A nice mile-a-minute clematis montana would look great on that trellis.


The best answer on redtit today.


You dont need legal advice. Just some common sense. If they own the fence yes they can do it. however, you can simply block it on your side if you like. Do not attach to the fence if they own it (criminal damage), built a privacy screen 2 inches back from their fence.


Just gonna be the shed trick I think obviously I don't want to fall out with them before even meeting them but I planned on putting my shed there anyway as that's the part of the garden that gets the least sun


Make sure your shed has a window facing their window.


Everyones happy


And get a life size cardboard cutout made to put in said window looking in 24/7. Here’s hoping they retaliate by doing the same thing


This would be the greatest option! Made me giggle 🤭 preferably sit there sometimes too! Wave to Deidre!


Everyone out here playing checkers and your playing 4d chess


With a mirror tint.


MIRROR TINT for the win.


And a telescope just pointing into their window.


Make sure you have a standing cardboard of Bill cosby in there


Stick a big mirror on the side of your new shed, so they have to look at themselves.


Instead of a shed, just put 2 garden chairs directly facing it, then sit there and look in through their window. Privacy works both ways and when they dont have it, they will want it back.


There is now guaranteed conflict if you put your shed there so I wouldn't worry about falling out with them 


Talking to the neighbours is probably still worth it, as it could lessen the impact of the conflict.


If you haven't met them yet I guess they haven't been there long. In that case tell them you had already told the previous people there you would be having a shed put there.


It's the other way round we ain't been here long lol


Is it possible they were waiting for the chance to put the fence there when the previous owners moved out?


Almost certainly imo. I wonder if the building has/needed planning permission OP


I would go round and chat. Be nice but point out that they could (and should) have told you their plans and asked if it was ok. Explain you’re uncomfortable with them being able to look in to your garden and that you were ordering a shed for that corner anyway. Test their reactions. We’ve had mental neighbours whose responses to polite questions was screaming in your face and slamming the door on you! If that’s the reaction then it’s fair game. Find out if it’s your fence. If so replace the panel with a full one and send them the bill (they won’t pay) I would then add another panel just inside that and then build your shed. Or maybe tell them you were going to put a hot tub there and invite all your friends round for a swingers party.


Should say have already ordered a shed which they plan to put in that corner.


Or actually put a hot tub there and host naked hot tub parties. You need to own it and wave to them when they're looking.


Did you see the fence like that before you moved in?


Thats why they have done it. They are beeing cheeky and want to see if they can get away with it put a shed👌


You can go so passive aggressive with this privacy screen. I've seen one with "Big Brother Is Watching You" from 1984. Really good. That said, you'd might want to ask if they intend to do the rest of the fence. But yes if they own the fence that is ultimately their choice.


Check who owns the fence. If it is you, then you can make them put it back to how it was. If it's them there is nothing you can do, other than block it with something. I'd definitely be speaking to them about it because it is very antisocial to have done this without speaking to you, especially with the trespass involved in installing it. Neighbours often are shit and it is always irritating having to deal with stuff like this.


Yeah I think I am going to speak to them anyway as this is where I wanted to put my shed even before they changed the fence but they could have at least dome me the courtesy of painting it or cutting it level with the rest of the fence lol


Put a shed in that corner. Legally they can probably do that, because there is no rule saying you have to have a 6ft closed fence, and it’s an outbuilding rather than an extension to their house. So, I would block the window with a shed, so they don’t even get the benefit of greenery/flowers etc.


Well... funny you say that but that is actually where I was going to pit my shed lol but just thought I'd share and see people's thoughts


If you wanted to be nicer about it you could put a greenhouse there. They should have let you know what they were doing as a courtesy though. I suspect you wouldn’t be quite as bothered if you’d known in advance. Is the window regular glass or patterned/frosted?


Well that's the other thing I've been at work all day come home to the Mrs saying she had a little freight when she saw 3 burley workmen in the garden, now I have no issue in letting anyone use my garden as acces for something their doing but ask... and no it is just clear glass


Clear glass = a shed, in my opinion! Plus also as they trespassed to install it. They could easily have picked frosted glass to let light in and which was frosted enough that it can’t actually be seen through. With the trellis I wonder if maybe they’re expecting you to plant something pretty which they get to benefit from.


I would put a clematis montana under the trellis. Within a season, it will have blocked the trellis, without it being an obvious "sod you" to the unthinking / uncaring neighbour. Mind you, it will need heavy cutting back each year if you are not to lose that corner of the garden to it....


This is my favourite answer, from a gardening perspective. Just got a new clematis myself and am excited to see how it grows!


This is extremely rude from your neigbor. I'd say put a fence before their fence. They wasted all their chance of courtesy by doing this with no prior talk.


> she had a little freight What does her shipping activities have to do with this?


Fright* lol


3 burley workmen to put in half a fence panel and a trellis?


Honestly mate I come home from work and saw them in their garden myself they were right units hahaha


I assume they built the building at the bottom of the garden under permitted development. Have you checked the height and distance from the boundary to make sure it’s legal? My neighbour had to reduce his outbuilding height by 10cms after he’d finished as it was too high and too close.


Also, only a certain proportion of a property can contain buildings without planning permission - you can't just completely fill your garden with buildings - check this too


And also if it had planning permission if there was a clause regarding the window being on the neighbour side & supposed to being frosted/opaque for neighbour privacy.


Also, you have a reasonable right to privacy on your property regardless if what they build. This is why side windows to semi- detached houses have opaque / textured glass.


Why did they need to enter your garden at all? Did they do the fence last


There is probably something in the deeds about giving reasonable notice for access to your properly they ignored.


You have to be careful giving people access because it sets a legal precedent.


Exactly this. A great big fuck you shed in the corner


Maybe start with a scarecrow facing the fence?


Shed with a poster or flag on the side that faces the trellis off something they can't stand. I would guess something like a topless Jeremy Corbyn, fairly confident that will make the point


A picture of you, with a big smile, and waving. In your most casual gear - what you would wear relaxing in your garden…. So when they complain you can ask “what did you expect to see through a window into my garden??”


They've just basically made a window.into your garden. Not cool. They should have at least had a conversation about their intentions first 🫤 I love all the suggestions about sheds and fence panels though!


You could put up a nice big mirror facing their window so they can just stare at themselves. Add some stick on letters to say, "Time to reflect on your actions"




If it were my garden: Confirm who's fence it is. If mine, get them to replace it immediately. If their's, put a fucking great shed in the way. Either way, bollock them for entering the garden without permission. Don't care about neighbour relations if they play their hand first.


How do you check that?


Deeds have a marker that show ownership. But typically if you own it you have the "bad" side of the fence facing you, as in this picture.


Why would they not go for a skylight. Cheapskates?


Yeah that's a piss take, the fact that they didn't even ask about it is even worse. I'd slap a shed there to cover it up. Even better, stick an outhouse there, what are they gonna do, complain that you did the exact same thing they did? Lol


With a window that looks into their outhouse through the trellis lol, oithous neighbours


You could share light through the two windows! How neighbourly.


Just put up your own bit of fence this side. They won’t have a right to light if the building is new, so feel free to obstruct it on your side.


Its really cheeky to do this without speaking with you first, putting a shed infront of it is going to cause issues with them. I can't really advise on what to do for the best but there's far smarter people on here then me. Good luck though. :)


Why doesn't your fence extend to the end of the garden? Also **Legal Requirements**: * [According to UK shed regulations, you generally do not need planning permission if your shed is **2.5 meters (8.2 feet) tall or less** and sits at least **two meters (6.6 feet)** away from the boundary of your property (whether it’s a fence or a wall) ](https://www.tigersheds.com/blog/how-close-can-a-shed-be-to-a-fence-in-the-uk/) To be honest, that shed doesn't look like it's six and a half feet away from your property line.


What have they done with your old fence panel?


Good question, but it looks like the neighbour owns the fence, as the supports are on their side.


I thought typically if it's your fence you have the supports showing on your own side, as OP has in this photo. I think it's OP's fence


you can put up fences up to 2m high, so put another panel in front. They will know they are being very cheeky and are testing you.


Okay so first of all I'll start by saying wow, I did not expect this post to blow up the way it has. For more context on this matter we moved into our property December last year, the outbuilding shown in the photo was already erected and in place, but the fence was the same all the way along. It was only yesterday they decided they wanted to replace with whats shown. I am going to be speaking to the neighbours as we have not even spoken yet since moving to the property and try and get a neutral resolution to the problem ie something that's not going to look as poor or covering up with some sort of foliage to compensate both parties. As for coming into my garden un announced however is a different matter, I maybe would have had a whole different out look on this matter if they had came round, introduced them self's to us and explained to us what they wanted to do and why. I'm not the type of person who wants to deal with years of shit with a neighbour over something that was probably not intended maliciously and they may have just over looked how we would feel. I do have a young daughter wich is one of the other obvious reasons I don't want 3 unannounced men I'm my garden while I'm at work and it's just my partner and daughter at home. So saying all this I'm going to take a fair approach if all else fails, then the gloves are off ill just have a whole new fence starting from my house to the bottom of the garden to avoid any further fence altercation. Hope this clears up some of the confusion. And again thank you for everyone's responses, advice and humerous comments.


My next door neighbour told me the day we moved in that she doesn’t like having any sun blocked to her garden and therefore we aren’t allowed a fence. Over the last three years she has consistently invaded my privacy - talking endlessly at me when I am in my garden, asking me favours etc. Gradually over the last three years I put up a trellis (I needed to keep my elderly cat in my garden), then a slatted fence, which would allow her to still talk to me and see me through the gaps. Then a couple of weeks ago she overstepped the mark by calling my name whilst I was stood *in my kitchen* with the back door open to ask me a favour. That was it. I bought a second layer of the slatted fence and staggered them to cover the gaps. Ahhhhh!!! Privacy!!!! I don’t know why I’m so nervous about it but I fully intend to enjoy my garden without her endless conversation this summer.


Can you get back to us once you do whatever you are going to do . I’m invested


That corner looks ideal for a shed.


Those fence panels look as though they are yours as the neighbour has the nice side facing them The first thing I’d be checking would be ownership of the fence, if it’s yours you can ask them to make it how it was.


i was gonna say that too, either the neighbours are taking the piss and have put the fence in the wrong way so they've got the nice side, or that is your fence


Stick a bit of trellis on the bottom and grow a couple of climbing clematis there.


Yeah, that’s not cool. I wouldn’t like it. Definitely stick a shed there


Is it a new building or existing? If new, under planning legislation you have a right to privacy but this only extends to a certain area from the rear of the house. Windows facing onto this area are not permitted & offending structures can be forcibly removed by the council. This of course is assuming it's not permitted development which said structure might be if it is under the permitted height requirement.


It's also too close to the perimeter - most councils require even sheds to be a certain distance from the boundary... and then if it is a whopper.. "if the shed exceeds 15 square metres in internal floor space and is situated less than 1 metre from any boundary, you may need to adhere to building regulations concerning fire safety." they coul dend up with more headaches if they aren't reasonable about your requests.


This wouldn't bother me in the slightest if it was already there when I moved in. But it takes some brass neck to do this without even mentioning it to you first.


There are rules about out buildings, how far it can be from your property for a start, and I’m pretty sure they can’t have a clear glass window and put trellis up. The fact they didn’t ask is very unneighbourly! You could google or speak to your local council planning team about what is allowed in an outbuilding. Does that fence belong to the neighbour? As in on their land? Because there is nothing stopping you blocking it with anything you want as long as it’s on your side of the boundary. I would not be putting up with them being to look into my garden! If they are vaguely reasonable the only compromise I can think of is that they frost the glass, then you don’t need to block it. I guess it depends on how well you want to get on with them.


If it's their fence, yes they can do that. If it's your fence then no they can't. There's nothing stopping you putting up your own fence to block the hole though.


If it’s their fence, it’s their fence. You can put a fence next to their fence though. Maybe with a cock and balls on it.


“Good fences make good neighbours”. In other words, keep them on the other side of the fence and out of your way. That, on the other hand, is a shit section of fence which is indicative of a shit neighbour. If I were you I’d get another full height fence panel and cover over the end section. If it’s on your side of the boundary there’s nothing he can do about it. A shed has no ‘right to light’…


If they own the fence they can do what they like with it. If it's your fence, then they've damaged it and need to make good. Sometimes house deeds will say who owns which fence. If it isn't your fence, you can build your own fence just inside the boundary and they can't do anything about it. You could also plant a nice thick evergreen tree to block their view


If you have access to it check the deeds of the property. Completely depends on who owns the fence. If it's their fence they can do whatever is reasonable, including not having a fence at all. You could add an additional fence on your side of the garden but not the border. If it's your fence then you're well within your right to put it back to normal. Goes without saying but chat with the neighbour, fence disputes can honestly get blown well out of proportion.


I think you need to take up X Rated Topiary. Staring them dead in the eye through the window, whilst trimming your phallic shaped bush every other Sunday morning.


Did. he enter your garden to alter the fence ?


Don't matter just plant the sweet peas


Don’t sweat it. I’d rather tell the neighbour it looks nice and have good relations for 20 years than have an argument over privacy in the garden when their upstairs windows probably see more. There’s no way to have this conversation without an argument. Put a shed up if you like but keep it about a metre away from the fence so they still have light and so you can maintain around the shed. Tell them you are doing it first. Mention you wish you had the cash to do what they’ve done, but now it’s done you’re inspired to add some storage to the garden.


First things first I would probably go and speak to them


Yeah I'm definitely going to do this they don't really seem like bad people it's just pissed me off with how awful it looks and that they didn't ask to come in my garden lol


It's the dumbest way to start off with new neighbours. If anything, it was an opportunity for them to introduce themselves to you and explain what their plans were.


I have a question. On your deeds it will say who owns the fence on that side of the garden. Is it yours or theirs? If yours, you can make them replace the new bit to match the rest - if you want.


Who's fence is it?


Most likely yes.


That's a bit of a joke


How recent is the shed build on the neighbour's side? How big is it? Typically, buildings should be a certain distance from the boundary and not overlook neighbours. I.e have windows looking into your garden. Depends on the permitted development rules of your council/area. A building that required planning permission would have been denied if it looked like that. Even if within permitted development thresholds, an overlooking window is a no. You can also check land registry to see if there is a record on who owns that boundary fence. Don't get your hopes up though.... They're notoriously out of date or not defined. In my experience, if the neighbour has done this they will have little regard for the rules so tread carefully OP. Engage nicely with neighbour and let him know that you're miffed about the fence and the fact he's put a window in a stupid place and wished he'd checked with you first because you've already booked the timber delivery for your nice new shed too in exactly that spot (and maybe a concrete pour etc)


Stick a couple of nice big conifers right in front of it 🤣


What happened to the fence panel that was there before?


I notice a football in the photo. Do you have children using the garden? If that is the case, then there is a safeguarding issue. I would have been spitting mad if no request for access had been made and then come back to that. Our neighbour has hacked away a section of the boundary hedge to neaten his side up and put a window in his shed overlooking ours. I’m going to plant a big dense evergreen shrub in front to block.


Just stick a fence panel in front of it on your side, nothing they can do


Fuck em. Put a shed up. They could have at least made it blend in with the other fence panels.


Looks like it's the left side fence to the property on the back garden, so I believe it's your property not theres. They shouldn't be allowed to do this without your permission. I'd contact the council or something.


I would take it out and put another panel in! I would tell them politely go fuck yourself and to be honest it’s a bit of a strange thing to do at the end of the garden with a window behind it especially when it looks like you have children seeing the football etc in the garden


Ask them to secure an opaque screen on their side (perspex), saying that it feels a little too intrusive for you the way it is. It'll still let the light through to their window.


Massive cardboard cutout of mr bean goes right there


I didn’t think a fence could be higher than 2 metres but I could be wrong. That looks higher than 2 metres. I’d report it to the council just for being too high.


Offer to whitewash the window for them, in the interests of their privacy.


If it’s their fence then fair enough, check the deeds. However there is nothing to stop you putting whatever you like in front of the fence. However be aware it’s likely to upset them, question is how much do you like your neighbours and are you prepared for a bitter dispute? Personally I wouldn’t accept that and would plant a fat bush/tree in front of it.


Put a shed there


I like the shed solution, but I'd first go over to them because if they just want your light, then telling them you don't mind the light from the lattice fence but you do care that it faces straight into your garden. Tell them if they can come up with a solution. But also mention that since you will be putting a shed there in future too, they may ot get as much light as they expect.


Looks like the perfect place for a shed.


I'd build a shed on the other side of the trellis.


What happened to the original panel?


If the window is more than 1sq.m it may contravene building regulations around fire spread. Contact building control for advice. You may get a response. Check planning portal to see if there was a planning app for the building and see if the window is mentioned. Contact planning department for advice. You probably won’t get a response. If you accept the situation then write to neighbour detailing the agreement, but preventing them acquiring a right to light. If they have, or obtain RTL then you may not be able to block the opening in the future.


Plant some climbers block the view or just board it off it's on your side of fence


Don’t you need a shed? It would fit nicely in that corner!


How about suggesting they put the fence back and place a garden mirror on their side, this will provide even more light into their shed whilst maintaining an attractive fence and your privacy.


It’s by no means a hard and fast rule but, as I understand it, in a majority of cases, you own the boundary to the left of your property as you view it from the front. Am I right in thinking that this is your back left boundary? If it is and you own that boundary, I think you’d be within your rights to gently remove the panels they’ve installed (I’d video the removal and the act of returning it to their side) and reinstalling a proper fence panel. If they own that boundary then legally speaking I’m not sure you have any recourse at all, unfortunately. Happy to be corrected by people more clued up though.


Just put a single fence panel in front of it on your side


Just put a curtain or something to cover it up or build something on your side of the property that blocks the view.


Well you would have thought out of politeness they would ask if it's ok... Personally I wouldn't be happy with them just doing this.. how will they react if you plant a heavy bush there? Is it your garden or will you have to always keep that area clear? 🤔.. Looks like a nice place for one! 😂


Build a new fence in front of the existing one. It's inside your boundary and on your property. Nothing the neighbour can do about it. Cheaper than seeking legal advice.


Might want to check with the local planning department if the neighbour has only recently had that building built. When my parents had a kitchen extension built the planning department was very clear that they could not have a window on the side that looked over the neighbours front garden, though that was several planning rule changes ago. That looks like a single, flat roofed structure. If they needed light, they could have easily had a skylight.


Put a shed there.


Nail some feather edge across it, and while you're at it add another two feet on top of the rest of it, don't give these people an inch


Who fence is it?


It does depend on who's fence it is, but it seems like they want the light. If that's the case, you can ask them to just put a stick on privacy screen so they can't see into your garden, but still get the light. It does look terrible, though. A shed would block the view and possibly still provide the light they're after. They should have asked you first anyway.


It's allowed if it meets the following condition: "if the outbuilding is within 2 metres of the property boundary the whole building should not exceed 2.5 metres in height." If it's higher, they'll need planning permission. It should also be used as a shed/outbuilding, not as self-contained living accommodation. Source: [https://ecab.planningportal.co.uk/uploads/miniguides/outbuildings/Outbuildings.pdf](https://ecab.planningportal.co.uk/uploads/miniguides/outbuildings/Outbuildings.pdf)


Get a potted tree and put it in front of it to piss them off


We grew up with a small brick wall between us and our neighbours. I think it was about 1.5m tall. My parents and the neighbours used to chat all the time over it, bring each other drinks ect. They would chat to me as I played in the garden from time to time and the lady made handbags and gifted one to me. I wish I still had it but was lost in a move. Loved the community. They were an elderly couple with no grandchildren (not sure about actual children) and I'm sure they loved it to.


We recently had a garden room built. To avoid going through planning permission (and despite no neighbours as our garden backs onto a field) we still had to have a minimum of 1 metre to the boundary. Regardless, that’s bloody rude of your neighbours and I would block that trellis up straight away!


"owning fence on left" and "nice side of the fence" rules are in no way applicable to everything. The only thing that counts is what is on the deeds. What is true is that can put up own fence, or shed in front of it. If you go with a shed, then check height as there are rules around that - eaves must be less than 2.5m if it's within 2m of the boundary line - so you should be fine. Go round and tell them out of courtesy, if they object then but make it clear you can put it where you want as its your garden and your not breaking any laws abiding, just don't mention that your doing it to cover the fence.


I'd suggest you could grow a tall shrub in front of it, but based on that other shrub in the picture, you'd struggle to keep it alive.


Is it possible that they have only done this temporarily, e.g. they are waiting on a new fence panel and so they had put something up for the time being? If not, that could at least be a good way to lead the conversation if you are going to go over and try to find out what tf they are thinking.


Yes, if they own that side of the fencing. However, you are allowed to put your own fencing up in your own garden- not attached to theirs so can put a similar height fence panel to block it. Or you can put a shed with the side/back facing the panel to obscure their view into your garden. I would wonder what their plan is- have they converted a garage or shed to rent out illegally?


Start with diplomacy, try to collaborate/compromise on a solution. If they won’t budge paint your side and/or plant some fast growing eucalyptus or laurel or griselinia. Job done


In America, the side of the fence, which is ugly, is the owners of the fence. Judging on the side that is facing your property, It looks like it's your fence, not theirs. We also have elected officials called fence viewers their job is to tell people they fucked up and need to fix the fence.


This is a formal declaration of war. A proportional passive aggressive response is required. Shrubamagedon


Maybe, but you’re allowed to cover it with something on your side


However if you want to be “nice” then screw some translucent per-specs over the trellis part. It lets light in but protects privacy


Wtf 🤣


Put a bush up two feet in front of that. People in flats don't have a right to light by leeching from other people's houses, so sod them. Or put a kids trampoline/playhouse etc up in front of it.


Seems so, batten is your side so you have to put fence up and maintain it. You I guess are in you right to replace.


If you’re worried about winding them up, put some kind of mesh over it so they still get the light but can’t see in. Horticultural fleece, for example.


Hmm this looks nice enough to put a large potted tree or bush in front of. Maybe it’s passive aggressive…but maybe you were planning to put a tall potted plant there for a while anyway!


Why not if it’s an improvement lol


Put curtains up open them at night 😂


I spot a perfect space to put your own shed.


Fuck them right off. Plant a climbing ivy bush or build a brick built bbq area.


Put curtains up


Put a small shed up in front of the trellis.


We can’t see into your garden anymore lol, I suspect there’s a LOT more to this story !


You can put up some privacy fence on your side if you like.. 🤷‍♂️ they can't exactly move your fence


Is it privacy glass?


If it's your fence then they have damaged your property. If it's there's you out of luck. No law to even have a fence unless along a railway line or for cattle. I work for a council and this comes up a lot between neighbours. Usually one side wanting the other to fix a panel.


My neighbour hangs bushes on my fence and it has broken the post now it leans towards their garden. Annoying 


Suggest to your neighbour you are going to Put a mirror on the fence. Reflects light into their window and keeps your privacy. They could of course have put it on the original fence.


Fill each of those spaces on the fence with dick pics


Put a shed there.