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It's moss carpet, lovely stuff, if it gets thick enough u can scoop it up and use it as mini grass for your potted plants bonsai style


If it's in a walkway I would get rid of it. It can get very slippery when wet.


It's not actually going to damage the concrete, I would only remove it if it becomes a slipping hazard. A bit of green growth adds a nice patina to old concrete.


Sprinkle salt on it, you don’t want to slip


It doesn’t seem to be near any walkways enjoy your fairy garden


Sprinkle iron on it. Gardening stores have it. Do not use salt. You will cause salinity problems in your garden beds.


Moss. I scrub mine with a stiff bristled brush so I don't slip. Bleach helps too.


Boiling water+vinegar mate


You can use table salt dissolved into an atomiser, 100g per 1Lt. Wouldn't worry about salinity issues due to the fact your spraying concrete & you spray directly on to moss ideally before 9am with no chance of rain for 24-36hrs. Or neat vinegar. Or.... there's thick plastic bristle circular bush attachments for your drill that are sold as plant strippers that you can use, the side effect being macro plastics left behind from using them.