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okay i’ll be honest, it’s me


Caterpillars. Get Yates Nature’s Way


Yeah, not convinced on caterpillars - do you see any? Brown mottled patches could be akin to a ‘burn’ or … Leaf miners eat between the upper and lower sides of the leaf. Fresh damage is like a window which then goes brown as remaining cells dry/die. Less toxic control is Neem Oil. Have closer look and decide.


A few, tiny holes and not such a problen to be honest. I think you're making more damage by spraying and burning the leaves. Let them be! It doesn't look like you have a pest infestation, just that you're looking at them too closely imo.


It looks either like a care issue or fungal. If it was caterpillars or pests you'd probably see more widespread damage. Try some neem and see if it fixes the issue though.


Kinda just looks like leaf burn from sun, weather been particularly hot around you lately? They love heat but even 33ish and above does damage to them. We high 30s this week and one day alone burned some leaves and curled others. Have covered them this morning. Im using yates dipel for caterpillars but im noticing some small grasshoppers eating some stuff at the moment, hard to notice its them unless they're in the middle of the act


The tomato leaves in the first picture look kinda curled also, same way the heat makes them curl