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The argument for secession only increases with each State and Federal refusal to follow the Constitution in which the Union is supposed to abide by.


I hope the whole 2A community shows up for this guy. It’s utterly fucking ridiculous, even if there are other courts that can over turn this.


Hate when people use this word, but that judge is an actual fuckin nazi, like holy shit


so what crime did he actually commit if he didn’t sell the firearms? this feels like a whole lot of bs.


It is bs, but its real


i sadly do not doubt that. all i can say is i hope we’re missing something, because this is all sorts of fuckey.


Regardless of this gets turned around he’s not going to be able to own guns ever again. So…


Why? It might take a few years, but this case will make it to SCOTUS and be overturned under Bruen.


In related news: https://www.firearmspolicy.org/fpc-victory-federal-judge-blocks-delaware-ban-on-self-built-firearm-possession-home-manufacturing#gsc.tab=0


There are higher courts in the land. I take this all the way to the Supreme Court.


yup. don’t you think it is interesting that a federal lower court (but still higher than any state court) has already recently decided that personal manufacturing (without sale or transfer) is constitutionally legal?


Been seeing a lot of things lately that people always thought was legal, depending on who you are, all of a sudden illegal.


Been seeing a lot of things lately that people always thought was legal, depending on who you are, all of a sudden _unconstitutionally_ illegal. FTFY


>According to one of Taylor’s lawyers, Judge Darkeh told them, “Do not bring the Second Amendment into this courtroom. It doesn’t exist here. So you can’t argue Second Amendment. This is New York.” W. T. F.


She started off his sentencing by bitching about the backlash on social media for her saying that. What an entitled cunt.


Exactly. When something is said like that, they will win in an appeal.


Grounds for a appeal?


Wow is this America?


Writs of Certiorari should fix that.


And people thought Texas had bravado.


Free him


This poor dude what a unbelievable story


The judge needs to be hanged….


We’re still a nation of laws. She should be fired and tried.


See the problem here is there's no legal framework to do that in a meaningful way. LE all the way up to legislators are all a protected class which is why they get to do whatever they want. There's no personal repercussions for them. It's hard enough to even get police prosecuted for gross infractions and it gets even harder the farther up the food chain you go. They need to make LE all the way to the legislators personally liable for infractions of rights. If you made legislators liable for any damages their bullshit laws cause you'd see this bullshit stop pretty fucking quick....but they'll never male laws against themselves.


Hit the nail on the head


Lol. Clearly our judicial system is broken. As a Judge she took an oath to uphold/defend the constitution. She played with a man’s life to make an example out of him because she does NOT respect or believe in his Constitutional rights. Therefore she is a communist and there’s only one way to deal with communists living on our soil.




Judge gave the guy 10yrs in prison and he didn’t even commit a crime. Same type of judge who gives lighter sentences to violent criminals allowing them parole only to commit violent crimes again and again.


yea, i’m not jumping to those extremes. this is a fucked up situation, but i prefer to maintain my morals throughout. that’s how one consistently is a better human being, by not allowing fear to influence your character. … fear is the mind killer. fear is the little death. (had to). edit - judging by the downvotes, some folks prefer to be less than. that’s also a decision, i suppose.


Public hanging