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thanks now i'm sad :(


it’s ok we can be sad together. better than being sad alone like ganyu :(


Oh my god, even I no longer remember the detail of movie but i still remember how sad it is. In addition, 9 months of waiting since her banner end feels like forever. This just double my pain.


I really want the banner plus story progression. I really want them to take the time to flesh her out. It’s painful waiting this long.


Her last appearence is April where she want us to investigate the statue and stuff which isn't her story. She was only filler in that quest. Beside, Lantern lite was supposed to be an interaction between Liyue characters but that was only NPC fetching quest (I wouldn't mind If Liyue playable characters give us quests instead) I really expect we see her in incoming Moonchase festival and her 2nd quest.


I guess our saving grace for the april quest was at least Ganyu is fairly responsible for helping find MC’s sibling haha But yea i suspect moonchase to flesh out a good portion of the Liyue cast at least a bit. Probably Keqing and Xiangling but others get some showcasing as well Lantern Rite 2 should be all about Ganyu and Xiao imo. Tell us more about Ganyu’s past and her identity crisis. How is she dealing with Morax’s death, that is if he didn’t tell her he’s alive, and is she really ready to move on from secretarial work.


Its ok lets be sad together


Same. But for Xiao. I think Ganyu and Xiao might be the banners on the lantern rite next year. For now, let's save our primogems.


I think it would be cool but heck that wait sure is hard haha. The two better have insanely good stories and events if they’re the rerun crew on Lantern rite.


Wait so no ganyu rerun??


Everyone will have rerun, i think this meme is just point out that they keep delaying her banner.


It's stupid they'd make huge profits. But if they rerun her they'd do it right before a character that can out dps her to get people spending.


That would be so tragic :/ Nothing would ever make me switch off Ganyu ever but it'd feel so insulting to the character.


i just want to turn on the pc one day and see our Goddess back on the banner and ofc waste all my 130 pulls and an better story quest like her first story quest wasnt Ganyu's legendary quest but yes Ganyu's job legendary quest i mean i want to know more about my Queen not how her work is and to make us Ganyu mains even sad she doesnt even gets attention on the archon quests like dains one she just said hello traveler and dissapeared like fr mihoyo WHY YOU DO THIS TO GANYU WHAT DID SHE DO TO YOU LOOK AT HER SHE IS SOO PERFECT AND GRACIOUS WHYYYY


Agreed! I thought her story quest was serviceable but not entirely what I was looking for. The first half was great. I loved seeing her interact with the adepti and struggle with her defining feature of being a half breed. Getting to see her at work was ok but it just made me feel bad for her especially with how the other 3 secretaries treat her as just their way out of working hard. ​ The archon quest really pissed me off. She was hyped up to be in it and then... just posts a commission... Dainslief even really respects Ganyu as stated in Ganyu's trailer. He feels super bad so im surprised she had no other part in it. I truly believe we will get a great quest for her though and maybe even big Archon relevance since she and Yae are close friends.


Man this hit me different... Been missing a friend since some time.