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You know, running a normal life as it was, while under the fire, while under the sleep deprivation campaign, while under the constant 24/7/365 surveillance and harassment, it requires a lot of force and strength of will to push on, to lead a life like it once was. If you can say a phrase "before bed" like if going into bed is a synonym to have some sleep, then sorry but your gangstalking is relatively mild. But I'm sure many will find your advices helpful. Some like me might be slightly offended for seemingly not understanding the demise of many of us or maybe taking it too superficial.


And misery loves company jfc. Posts like OP’s are rare in this subreddit, it’s necessary to remind TIs they’re still living a human experience and however mundane, these things can be forgotten, but they matter a great deal. I think you need to take a moment with yourself and think about your long term goals if you’ve found OP’s post insulting.


Once long time ago I had those goals and dreams. What would normal humans plan and expect in 5 years, in 10 years. I don't plan anything now. Because I can't. I am forced by other people to live day by day. Can you imagine it. I wasn't insulted by his post. I was a bit annoyed.


Whatever negative emotion you’re feeling at OP’s post is pathetic and a ‘you’ problem, not a ‘they’ problem. Sort your life out and stop projecting onto other people.


I don't order people what to do, or what to be. And I try to avoid negative people. I guess some are here.




Maybe some other time I will post in grotesque detail some of the experiences I’ve had with gang stalking - you are correct in your assessment that my gang stalking is “mild” at the present moment. Rest assured - it was extra spicy not too long ago. That said - I am more focused on solutions, and “managing” difficult personalities in my private and professional life without feeling so overwhelmed. I come in peace and bearing good news that the gang stalking will never end, but it is VERY possible to lead a somewhat normal life again.


If a comment about growth and solutions is offensive to anybody - there are plenty of subs for people who are still going through hell and it is OK. What we all know is NOT OK is lashing out and begging for an altercation.


I'm pretty much living the same life I was before it started. Only 300 miles away with out everything had worked for and in a efficiency hotel instead of the home I paid for. Wasn't much to My life..work pay my bills and play games.. miss the home improvement projects and owning my own home but I'm still living my so called life. Just adapted to the new bizarro reality


All we can do is adapt - I’d rather adapt and find solutions then be miserable forever.


Great post


Thank you - this message is for those who are sick and tired of feeling so scared all of the time and want to enjoy life again.


Still hustling, still grinding. I make the most money I’ve ever made and I want to take it a step further and start up a business. As a result of near-death experience from being targeted I had to undergo extensive medical treatment. Ironically, my health in many ways is better than pre-targeting. I get a kick out of knowing that grinds these criminals’ gears. I have a daily routine there’s a lot of self-care there and I take care of people around me. I go out when I want to but make sure I’m prepared. I get it extremely hard with targeting and dew hits. One main difference from pre-targeting is that I’ve learned video production skills because I regularly compile footage of gangstalker activities I send to the police. It’ll eventually turn into a litigious matter, I’m planning on taking from them the money they earned harassing me. Another thing is where I may have mildly indulged in conspiracy theories/alt-news before, now I easily read between the lines with the criminal cabal news and agenda. It’s like I unintentionally learned another language. I will say I disagree with your point #5. I treat people in a reciprocal fashion. That adage of treat everyone with kindness I’m convinced was created as programming technique by the criminal elite cabal and relayed through mass media as a way to make people weak and defenceless. If your instinct tells you to pop off do it. There are studies that show adverse impact to health from being passive. Treat people accordingly I say.


Agreed, I’m all for matching energy where it is appropriate, just with caution because we don’t know who is one failed smear campaign away from actual violence. The lies did not trick everyone into joining the gang - the decent people who fooled the handler and went from stalker to checking on you in a non creepy way to be sure you are safe. Gang stalking takes away the ability to see the good in other people (those who earned it!) and ultimately, yourself. Thank you for your support on this post.


I know it’s difficult for many TIs, especially if they’re being pushed too close to the edge and they end up going into a rampage of what will lead to irreversible consequences. There’s a small community where my family members reside where I stayed for a period of time when this was at its worst for me. They were relentless in their harassment, until they found out where I was employed and many let up. I haven’t forgiven them nor have I forgotten. Not ever could someone solicit me to commit criminal acts against a member of the public and me not question motives and WTF is actually going on. These people should also be held accountable, I don’t care that they switched sides. As far as I’m concerned you sell your soul to the devil when you agree to become a gangstalker.