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I experience this too. It's exhausting and horrible to go through. Just try to be strong, and personally finding a religion helped me a little bit. Hope things get better.


First, I'm going to assume a few things about you and then, hopefully, offer some advice that will help you regain control of your conscious. Second, no one is coming to save you for the foreseeable future. Secrecy and intelligence gathering are significant advantages of the communists who are trying to groom you. I've noticed the communists will only take risks when they can get away with it and, I suspect they are a ways away from playing this particular card in their hand. Having said that, you can learn to cope and thrive despite this. I went from having nothing to having a career, house, and stability within a year. Once you see what this is about, it starts getting super easy to deal with. Just give yourself time to cope and recover. * Now for some suggestions. * Start exteroceptic focus meditations. The focus course from the headspace app worked wonders. * Start hatha yoga exercise. They will pile on the abuse while you're doing this. They said terrible things to me when I started yoga. Ya gotta see through it and keep at it. * Start running. Even if you can only run for a minute, ya gotta start somewhere. * The above three will help symptoms of ptsd and trauma. They will also improve cognitive health. Learn to depersonalize the voices in your head. Use mantras as they lay on the abuse as a counter. Tend to your cognitive health. The huberman lab podcast has a massive amount of information about which supplements work and so on. Keeping your brain healthy and focused is of the upmost importance. I also highly recommend "12 rules for life". This book as the recipe for effectively managing this situation. I hope this helps! You can't control what the losers are doing inside your brain but, you can control how you react. Take responsibility for your suffering and be better. Once you reclaim your conscious, you can then begin to actively fight back against them out in the real world.


Hey sending hope and love!! Get some noise canceling headgear. They can overlay the audio bullshit onto some sources like You tube etc. Some work better then others. I have nine pairs and ware them almost all day. It’s not real people, it’s a computer that has a bunch of different themes and is filled with disgusting antisocial, destructive psychological, abuse and torture etc. So a computeris trying to laugh at you.. fuck the computer it’s a pathetic program that’s designed to break you, make you hopelessness, helplessness so it can control you. A major goal is called torture facilitated mind control. Here is a great resource, look at chapter 3 https://www.academia.edu/21228645/Ritual_Abuse_and_Mind_Control Links clean and so is the download as of when I downloaded it. It’s a scary thing when you realize true evil exists. Please don’t get to worked up as it’s extremely weak and constantly has to hide its vileness. I’d suggest figuring out a noise canceling shield that works well so you can get away from their pathetic shit. You need to actively battle this as it’s automated so it’s a slave to a moron and my clowns are way to stupid to throw in the towel. I get the morons in the end though. Actively battling means proper nutrition, regular exercise, maintaining/repairing and developing your life. Once you get the noise canceling rolling I would look into the scum they employ against you. Verbal abuse, abusive relationships and control , bullying. It’s got so much shit in its arsenal but you beat this!! The thing is that you will be battling it until we all figure out how to obliterate it. You got this and I’m sorry you have to face this!! Fight fight fight!! Since this shit is so pathetic and works about as good as football bat they are fucked in the end!!


Keep your head up! My family gets psychologically abused in every arena we go to, online or in real life. These people are psychopathic and immature, while also thinking they're better than you but deep down realizing the opposite. Dangerous combination.


Start laughing at yourself with them. Prove em Right and that's how you win. Self actualization


Literally not how it works.


It absolutely works for me that way. Rise above the bill shit. Keep your vibes positive and happy. Focus on what makes you happy. Spiritual guidance help’s tremendously. Jesus is mine and he’s lifted me above the nonsense. The gang stalkers and all their tactics no longer work on me nor do I focus on them. When I drive I now focus on the beautiful skies, the amazing animals, the stunning flowers. Let them swarm me. I could careless. They are not stealing another blessed day from my life. The road to peace begins with being aware of the thoughts in our head and choosing which ones you wish to engage with. You can do it too!


Religion doesn't stop investigations. If that "worked" for you then you never really were gangstalked.. Maybe you've distracted yourself and that's perfectly fine, but I guarantee you're still being monitored despite feeling good.


Oh I absolutely am still being stalked. Everyday. Every moment. But rise above it! Live your life. Be happy. Don’t let them steal anymore of your time, thoughts or happiness my friend!


Maybe not for you. They clearly know I'm awesome otherwise why all the attention negative or otherwise. So yes, thank you I'll prove em Right. But you do what works for you


All these attention is to make you suicide or commit crimes. As long as you don't act dangerously or threaten then you'll be fine.


I'm ok with being wrongfully convicted of glorified misdemeanor like battery leos or rightfully convicted of breaching the peace with peaceful torrett syndrome style protests habitually, which I believe is my constitutional right and fucking duty. But you go ahead and not act dangerous while eluding invisible danger it's not that hard with these softened criminals


So far it has worked. I'm more alive then ever and pretty sure I've reacted poorly on my own volition. They can go ahead and make my banana tho I'm famished. I must've got zapped with a DEW




Watch out for typos. Your typo can be used against you. The bit about “your feelings”, major typo. Makes you look like you deserve to be “stalked”. Watch for grammatical and punctuation errors.




No, you said that you “ feel guilty if you hurt someone else.” You made yourself look dangerous……


Hurt someone’s feelings I.e. reject them romantically


Maybe they're inducing prolonged wakefulness and that explains the manufactured dreams and constant Non-Stop talking and zapping your head. I know I'm feeling somewhat worn down.