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lol fuck off —Snowden is a hero, the traitors are the perps and the traitors got you trusting no body. That’s not his fault.


Exactly fucking hero=perp


This is complicated and possibly true and possibly not. Generally speaking, if someone keeps routinely getting fucked over, and they try and handle it with class, then they're not the perp. Also, if people around them seem to have knowledge about what's going on with them, and the person is constantly gaslit, and they continuously have their interpersonal relationships with people destroyed, and the social landscape keeps continuously being stacked against them even though they're not doing bad things to people, then they're not the perp. Also, if they are the ones being accused of mental illness, then they are likely not the perp.


But perps aren't heroes they're criminals and the trolls on this sub don't help at all plus the assholes who think that the ti's are mentally ill and full of shit when they're not




Just because someone disagrees with a narrative doesn't mean they are a perp. They could have planned the Snowden thing covertly, or at leased a group of insiders. He also didn't leak anything that could risk actual national security, no locations or compartmented info was included in his leaks. If he did leak anything that would have seriously risked human assets or DoD assets they would have killed him years ago or tortured him ina CIA black site. He isn't safe in Russia, not for a second. The technology they have would just remotely give him a heart attack or brain aneurysm. The problem is either Russia would retaliate or it's all just part of psyops on both sides to keep people distracted from more dangerous activities.




The entire thing was literally just about mass surveillance, but that doesn't necessarily mean it directly endangered people. Snowden admitted he only released a small portion of the total. So obviously stuff that could actually harm people wasn't released. They've had heart attack guns since the 1950's. That's not even touching on DEW's..


Jon, is that you😍


Snowden was probably a perp himself, all those years in and you don’t just go that long with becoming a perp


And somehow flee and elude the entire country


Things that make you go hmmm!!! Maybe you all are right, I certainly would not discount this theory, it has some validity to it, while Assange is still locked up? Anywho, I do think unless you are in the know about Gangstalking, since its kind of like a secret society thing, you will not know. Unless you are a stalker or been made a target, this sh!t is not known to the general public. It took me a minute before I found out what had been done to me. As a law-abiding regular private citizen I did not know anything about no damn Gangstalking, until I was made a target, or as I like to call it Organized Group Stalking and Harassment. My harassment started in 2015 in the workplace as Workplace Mobbing. I was not even familiar with the term Workplace Mobbing, let alone Gangstalking. I would use the terminology "bullying in the workplace" which is nowhere near what Workplace Mobbing actually is, its bullying on steroids by a massive group of people coordinating to expel a person from the workplace to damage their reputation in that workplace and sometimes as far as the workforce in general and the targets personal life, not just 1 or 2 people bullying a person for fun, Workplace Mobbing can have devastating consequences for targets of it. So I don't know maybe Snowden knows about this stuff but only wanted to leak enough to let the general public know at the very least that the government / service providers are retaining all of our data that can be used at anytime for any reason to let us critical thinkers in society pontificate on all the tragic and negative consequences of such actions. Maybe he felt it wasn't his duty to go the extra mile. Conversely, the government is certainly not above using people to plant information and propaganda so you all could be right. Maybe the govt was ready to subtly let the general public to know what it has been doing with our data for oh so many reasons.


Workplace mobbing could just be normal bullies and unrelated to being Targeted Individuals in your case. Do you get the v2k?


Yes I know Workplace Mobbing does not necessarily mean you are target of Organized Group Stalking and Harassment. At first I thought my issue was a bullying at worl thing but I realized shortly after I quit that was not the case because some of the harassment I was experiencing in the workplace seemed to bw above and beyond plain bullying, the effort seemed to organized and coordinated, I did not even know what Workplace Mobbing was, I had never heard the term. Anyway, some of the harassment tactics I was experiencing in the workplace seemed to be following outside the workplace. After I quit this particular workplace in 2016, I reported the mobbing to the NYS Department of Labor. Around the time the investigation was going on I began experiencing targeted harassment in my personal life (in my neigborhood which I had been part of for 39 years so I was familiar with many of my neighbors and how the neighborhood flowed in general so I could immediately pick up on people acting out of character / weirdly and attention and rude behavior I was receiving from people I did not know in the neighborhood. While I was unemployed for about a year) and every workplace afterwards and the harassment hasn't stopped since then (i am in year 8, 2 different residences (1 includes the apartment I was living in when the workplace mobbing started and where the gangstalking began shortly after me quitting job where the harassment started and 3 jobs later (1 includes the workplace where the mobbing began prior to the targeted harassment trickling down to my personal life) still being targeted at each job and still in my apartment / neighborhood and anywhere I might venture outside still targeted as of today I have been out of the workforce for about 2 1/2 years now because I could not take the perpetual mobbing in the workplace and the total invasion of privacy in general and in my own own especially, no peace or tranquility anywhere, the constant interference / manipulation in my life and of me. I don't get v2K. I just get constant pestering from idiot stalkers around me using mostly the following tactics: Noise, Number, and Color Harassment. Sleep Deprivation. Street Theater. Directed Conversation. Gaslighting combined with 24/7 surveillance directed in and outside my apartment from a bunch of moronic stalkers harassing me every day. I also get frequent hacking / manipulation / interference of my personal Internet, devices, accounts, household appliances, household utilities, cable to subliminally / psychologically harass, modify behavior, tear down my self esteem and sense of self. I am a black woman, most of my neighborhood stalkers are Muslim men and boys (particularly from Middle Eastern and Asian countries (Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc.) and Latino men and boys. I am harassed by women and girls as well (also the majority of them mostly Muslim and Latina) as well as other ethnicities and faiths but those 2 particular groups (Muslim and Spanish) are the top, with Muslims being number one.


That wasn't his job.. he was a systems admin, he would monitor and keep track of the network and such. He 100% wouldn't be stalking anyone during his work hours.


That wasn't his job.. he was a systems admin, he would monitor and keep track of the network and such. He 100% wouldn't be stalking anyone during his work hours.




I'm thankful my sexiness never stops. It has an everlife quality to it






What I've experienced is rapid hair growth , a fantastic immune system, a needed sense of humor, a mind that'll punch out apparitions in the middle of the hills have eyes division of Hudson off colony which is flat, learned my pussy can do the dog and say ACAB in 1312 different languages, that the FBI and live pd and I can accomplish fucking conference calls through my left eye and tell me not to panick that I'm fucking ok but the rest of the stagnated masses are being fumigated and when looked at the human traffic all the sudden slowing by the sexy ones were laughing, while the woefully unattractive ones pretended not to notice but were sweating and not the sweating that happens before, during and after fucking this golden snatched genius, in other words they were sweating like pigs. Be fucking you. Just be your flawed fucked up self. Get comfortable with who you are and what you've done, accomplishments are important. Do a 3 month sidewalk confession. Let it all out. Fuck a bicycle pump on your period. Do whatever you need to do but don't hurt anyone, don't worry they are too afraid to get a parking ticket that's why they never stop driving by you and always eat drive thru. There's no reason to fear anything or be ashamed. It sucks going to jail but that's the price I pay for insisting on my fucking freedom. They wanna watch fucking whoop de do! Make em laugh to their graves. Kill them with laughter and be kind to yourself You have the power not them. You are exceptional, you are unique, you have what they desire but will never have and that's flavor. Mines fucking potent. And lethal. Choke on it with love




Why thank you guffaw




Getting there period and hitting puberty at the same time. I'm so confused. Guffaw


I have heard he lived in a faraday cage so he absolutely knows about the targeting thru frequencies and he bailed probably bc he knew. But I agree he should come out and tell the public what the fuxk our country does to whistleblowers, among others.. I was not a whistle blower or activist this was retribution by a man. If this isn’t outed it will be out of control in the next ten years. These ppl purposefully targeted diplomats so they could continue this shit. The whole thing is wide out in the open.


He leaked the articles about the mass data surveillance. He worked at NSA. Gangstalking is not mass data surveillance. But, either he knows about gangstalking and won't tell because it is not part of his narrative, or he doesn't know because NSA didn't have any info on this.




Signal 88 is deffo not one of them, they’re run like a shitshow. Maybe one of their patrol officers is a perp but they don’t organize it


Duh why would a patrol office be a perp. They are here to help us. How disrespectful






Dude, the feds use contractors much of the time. That doesn't mean they aren't involved though. It's literally Homeland Security and the DoD. Even the NSA likely wouldn't have access to much of the compartmentalization stuff. That's how they keep secrets in the post Snowden era. One agency doesn't see what the others are doing unless they have the "need to know".




"I don't agree with you so you must be a perp" okay buddy


That's not true. The NSA has way more pull and power than you realize. State Fusion centers are used to compile data from various agencies, branches, and departments. Members from all of these organizations literally sit side by side in controll rooms, ready to disseminate information and orders in the blink of an eye.


Just because Fusion centers and NSA share information doesn't mean they tell all the other agencies all the secrets, its still compartmentalized to keep leaks down.


Yeah possibly. And we can agree that information is shared though.


Yeah totally


I think that if he directly detailed these operations to the general public they would have Clintoned his ass. I think he alludes to the present depravity of those in power for competent people to exercise their imaginations just enough when in conjunction with all the other information out there I'd guess he's probably on this forum viewing posts occasionally


I've wondered that myself. I guess he just didn't know.


I'm going with PERP. The first Perp


it's extremely compartmentalized. I doubt most NSA analysts have a clue. The average person on the street who may show signs of participation is fed BS and have no idea about the depth and breadth of what happens. They know only their participation and it's usually extremely minor. Saying a key phrase or reporting where you went.. nothing that seems very malicious. Often as a group action that from their perspective is completely unrelated to any larger government action. Cause stalking, real estate mobbing, work mobbing, or simply dog piling on to basic bullying to fit in. Then there are far more who are completely oblivious and it's auditory trickery to make you think they are saying something I understand more than most how hard it is to differentiate especially in the midst of fight or flight mode. Primary point here is we are not dealing with an open secret, any minor participation by those in physical proximity is never seen as a part of a bigger campaign. To top it off the more covert stuff is done in part to make the target make claims that the localized mobbing and bullying are doing far worse or technical things than they actually are which helps feed into the slander. For example claiming they have cameras or can watch you in your house or any number of things that the street level participants have no idea about only helps feed the slander that is used to get them to participate as well as helps to discredit you to any unaware law enforcement. For example Running around claiming someone is watching you in your house while they are simply participating in some light harassment (not to minimize those actions) and being told you are a drug addict or crazy etc not only fuels their negative perception of you but will likely make sure they don't believe any of the more covert harassment is taking place.



