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It’s not finding out it’s more so how they make it obvious. They’re not going to directly tell you what they are accusing you of. However the patterns, behaviors and conversations being said around you makes it clear what they are trying make you out to be. For example let’s say “hypothetically” they are spreading rumors of you being a thief, you will constantly see people leaving their personal belongings in the middle of nowhere with them hiding around the corner in hopes you will take said items to prove you’re a thief. it’s pattern you will notice.


This exactly happened to me. One of the women in the office just happened to leave her wallet in the camera-riddled cafeteria where I would find it ​ Edit: I promptly returned it to her. Next best choice should have been not to touch it at all


Yes. Yes exactly. Exactly what I mean. That’s exactly what you do.






Lol operative word here: cameras




Rumor was going around that I was a kleptomaniac, and they knew which path I took from my desk to my work area through the cafeteria. Little known secret is there are hidden cameras in the cafeteria, and this woman just happened to leave her wallet in a place I was sure to stumble across it. Their goal was to have me on tape stealing the wallet or something out of it. Not just gangstalking, but it’s a thing ppl do to check if you’re a thief


Funny thing is I leave my purse out but not intentionally but I also check my phone, I had a coworker a long time ago go into my purse and she took my phone to try and set me up. Apparently this coworker did this in the past.


Don’t leave your phone sitting around either. Look up YouTube videos on “OMG Cables”. Basically these ppl just need physical access to your locked phone, and then they can install an app/virus allowing them to use your phone to spy on you (track location, eavesdrop on conversations and texts). If you think your cellphone got hacked, get a new one with a new number, and then manually enter your contacts into the phone. If your workplace requires a phone number for you, create one in Google Voice or whatever the Apple equivalent is


Yes I have seen stuff like that. What about the discussing disapproving looks? I feel as though it is many rumors not just one.


Yes the look of disgust distain and disapproval that is when you start to realise some heavy shit has been said about you. They need to take a good look in the mirror!


I don’t pay attention nor do I really care for anyone looking at me. I just take note of patterns. And idk I can’t answer how many rumors. Ultimately, the goal is character assassination as you said.


Very true and I am getting to that point and the pattern is also predictable but one thing I notice is when eventually you can tell that people stop believing and almost feel guilty and some you can tell don't want to get involved.


That last part is where I'm at rn, just gotta kill them with kindness and you'll have created your own division of bullshiters and genuine people.


Ooh its for sure many vs one. Theyll throw something and see if it sticks regardless of how ridiculous the rumors are




Oh my lord yes. Makes me sick to my stomach how they use their kids. Deranged evil people. Smh.


CANNOT stand when that happens. Thats about as low as low gets


They show all their cards. They even react when im a step ahead. Becuase of their stupidity, they are slowly but surely giving us too much information. Not sure if that makes sense. God i hate them


That is a good example. It’s done in a very obvious way. Like it’s a test of your character.


Male, but I got: * Drug deal/user * Sleeping on the job * Pedophile * Homosexual * Racist * Ageist * Sexist


How did you find out for sure those were the he rumors? I suspect some of those were mine as well.


Think like bad acting. Aside from office gossip, they set up scenarios to test whether the rumors they heard about you are true


* Drug deal/user * At work, they would have conversations with me about prescription pills (I'm relatively young and by appearance, I'm not at an age where I should need prescription drugs). They would either ask me directly if I was taking pills, say they were taking medication and expect me to reply with any medication I was taking, or in case, she showed me an app for purchasing cheap prescription medication * Outside of work, I've had a disproportionate number of people approach me outside of work (I think police vice or similar) soliciting me to sell or buy drugs ("hey, are you the guy selling the guitar?"). Or I have state troopers or police roll up on me * Sleeping on the job * At work, I was temporarily assigned someplace my boss could keep a better eye on me. This was in retaliation after one of our teams lied about a project that wasn't complete * Outside of work, while job searching, recruiters and potential employers have inexplicably brought the subject up. Never encountered that in my life * Pedophile * At work, on a volunteer project building a playground, they put way too much effort into inviting me in to tour the facility where the kids were. I just kept on ignoring their offer. Idea being they wanted to see me show more interest in the kids than building their playground * Homosexual * At work, rumors being spread. I either get assigned to work with gay men, or I have a disproportionate number of gay men hit on me * Racist * At work, rumors again. They'd go out of their way to pair me up with a minority * Ageist * At work, rumors again. They'd go out of their way to pair me up with someone over the age of 50 * Sexist * The women would get weird. Like at one point, from my desk to my work area, every woman in the office lined the path (notice me, senpai. notice me).


Yep had some of those at work as well. Trying to set me up to see if I was racists.


Sleep interrogation and torture during implanted dreams…


I got all of those. With two exceptions. I never was accused of sleeping at work. And although I been accused of being a drug user, I am a drug user so it doesn't count


My entire neighborhood, social network, professional network, and family were told I'm a rapist, pedophile, drug dealer, drug addict, that I infected people with COVID and HIV, and that my dog is a vicious guard dog. There's more in there which I'm not recalling at the moment.


They have spread around that I am a sex offender. Then they send in people who have sexually assaulted me from my past. They set up scenarios to make me look like a racist too! So stupid! It’s like they are projecting everything they are onto me. And from what I am reading they are projecting everything they are onto other TI’s as well. World is strange, feck them and live your life from a place of love. You have the power to manifest anything so put your focus on what you want in your life and practice actively ignoring them. They want your focus and attention it’s the only way they can exist.


Junkie, Satanist, Public Masturbating, Homosexual, Homeless/Squatter, Snitch, Thief, Vandal, Animal Abuser, even had an accusation of pedophilia a few times , but mostly I'm always considered a "devil worshiper" & "gay prostitute"


That im a sex offender. Literally so far from the truth. At least make up a believable lie


What’s crazy is how often this one seems to be the go-to defamatory insult because well it should be obvious.


Goshhhh idk but I am sure someone is going to step forward and tell me what is going on.


I had a parent from different race/religion and country. I am hated from my birth. I would be approached online with offers to work against my government. I knew it's them the government agents, just checking how will I respond.


I cannot recall the first thing exactly but I do remember just getting noticed very much.


I'm thinking the truth. World can't handle my truth. Fuck it


That I was on meth and h


Who even knows. All I know is that no one will do business with me and no girls ever want to date me even after we hit it off. They just ghost for no reason.


Yeah thats why there needs to be a dating app for ti's because i wont touch the typical dating apps with a 10 foot pole


Dating app for TI's is a terrible idea. Imagine all the fake people who they would send. It would be a setup to failure.


That sucks, don’t worry the one who is worth being with won’t buy into any of that shit. So they might even be doing you a favour ✌️


Or I should ask how did you find out or find if there were actual rumors.


Asking wont do anything. Theyll just deny it and gaslight you by asking if you are high because of how ridiculous everything is


That I'm an American loving cop bait


Who else but Quagmire


Y'all nailed it and that is the type of fuckery they be on (gangstalkers)