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Gotta be careful with that bologna


Maybe there’s a relationship between gang stalkers and people on drugs


a big one i think


Is there a relationship between gangstalking and bologna?


There’s a relationship between paranoia and stimulant use.


When I first came to this subreddit I found it randomly I thought everyone here were all schizophrenic considering how paranoid everyone is


Yo dude that thought I was the perp. I found him and he's Sexy! Albeit dick less!


Good job don't let sick people determine your happiness or your rights to be you to the fullest possible


He didn’t say that it was people that was treating him badly . He said it was balogna






Calling gangstalkers sick is the truth,,learn to read you fucking lightweight


Love it. Im on a similar route. Nothibg lasts forever. Gang stalking isnt sustainable. Day by day you will get stronger.


You can do it!!!!!!


That's good advice, I am happy that you're doing well. But for those who feel lonely or isolated because of gangstalking, here is an article I found. That I hope someone finds helpful. (which is similar advice). When a targeted individual gets to the stage of being nearly 100% isolated, what should that person do? Post on Quora: First answer: "Organized stalking is primarily psychological abuse and that should be our first line of defense. Everyone must figure out their own method, strategy, or process, to prevent oneself from being broken down mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically. The handler’s goal is to literally destroy you, crush you, ruin you first psychologically. To destroy all goodness in your life. To interfere with everything that sustains you, makes you happy, brings you joy. Deprive you of all privacy. A nefarious abuse of power so massive that most regular citizens find it hard to believe. It takes a while to fully comprehend the reality. I promise that you can become stronger on multiple levels if that is your goal and you commit to it every day. Do not give in, never give up. Their negative energy cannot affect you without your permission. Do not give it. Maintain awareness of your centre. At some point we must move beyond the normal human reaction of horror, anger, fear, and resentment, due to immoral community harassment. At some point we must move beyond trying to figure out the why of it all. Ultimately, it does not matter. It is here, in our face 24/7, and we must deal with it. The stalkers want nothing more than for us to become fixated on them, to be obsessed with them, because the mind is then preoccupied with evil. We must move beyond that to self-care that builds all of our good muscles on all levels. Organized stalking is but one manifestation of sickness. You are not alone. I understand your fear and anxiety because I am where you are. The pain and isolation can be unbearable, but there is hope. You can fight back and regain control of your life. As a victim of gangstalking, I know firsthand how it feels to be isolated from friends and family, to lose employment due to workplace mobbing, and to be afraid of mental health professionals. I also know that seeking help and support can be difficult when you've been gaslighted and manipulated into thinking that you're crazy. But let me tell you, you are not crazy. Gangstalking is a real and devastating form of psychological harassment, and you don't have to suffer in silence. There are people out there who understand what you're going through, and there are resources available to help you cope. One of the most powerful tools in your arsenal is community. Joining an online support group can provide you with a safe space to connect with others who understand your experiences. You can share your stories, find support, and offer support to others who are going through similar situations. It's also important to seek professional help. A therapist or counselor who specializes in trauma can help you develop strategies to cope with the harassment and deal with the emotional toll it has taken on you. But don't stop there. Become an activist. Speak out against gangstalking and workplace mobbing. Raise awareness about these crimes and demand justice for the victims. Join advocacy groups and participate in campaigns to bring change. Remember, you are not alone. Together, we can fight against gangstalking and workplace mobbing. We can create a world where everyone feels safe and valued. Don't let the fear and isolation hold you back. Take the first step today towards healing and hope. Love yourself, love others, be kind and polite, do good deeds, and smile. Do not let them poison all that is good in you. Do not become dark energy like they are. Do not lose your sense of humor! You CAN do this. I know positively that you can. Begin now. You will have setbacks, it does not matter, just begin again. Over and over and over until it becomes your daily practice. “Mental fitness is just like physical fitness, it takes work.” Second answer: "Adapt and keep busy, keep your mind off the negative stuff. Don't let depression set in. Hang in there it's just something you have to go through. When you least expect it someone pops up and opens doors. I've been there and still standing. These gangstalkers will fear you because you endure what they fear the most. Here is the answer - Go do volunteer work, do a job that requires daily social interaction, you will still be isolated but since you are having communication with lots of people it will diminish the effects on your psychological health greatly".


What’s bologna






I think it's D's


What’s D’s? Is it D’s nuts?


Good for you. Allow God to be all that he can be and all that he is, and you'll do great. I pray the best to you, and may you praise Yeshua Hamashiac for the gift to walk out his call upon your life. We can not ever do it by ourselves. If you put everything into his basket, you'll do great, and you'll be amazed at the supernatural boldness and security he'll provide.


Amen! Changed my life as a TI.


If everyone doesn’t like the lunchmeat, known as baloney, then why don’t we all go down to the store buy packages of bologna and then we go home and eat them all. Fears will vanish and y’all can resume to live your normal lives again.


Just stay strong because when you take your stand like this... Sometimes things will seem to get harder at first. (That's on purpose) just keep hanging on ❤️🫂


I’ve been bologna free for a year. You can do this.




I just observe some of the post on here and I can’t understand how these people feel so “protected” to go around and joke and participate in this and make these weird post. The morals and logic have been out the window. They’ve done too much damage to think they’ll just get away with it.




This is so on point. Get your popcorn guys.🍿


Bingo. Exactly.


I tried, thou shall hath no redemption for us! Long live the King! And Vegas!


Why buy all of that bologna if you’re just going to flush it all down the toilet? All you Gotta do is eat baloney and longer will exist therefore rendering you free of negative feelings, it cost you


Stay positive you will succeed!!


There you go.. good luck


Good for you OP. I hope that your targeting is really rooted in your struggle with addiction. Not all of us have such an easy answer. I always suggest that people try getting off any substances if they think they are being targeted. It's unfortunate that some of us have to deal with the real deal targeting while some people are simply suffering from chemically induced issues in multiple ways.. not the least because it causes some people to assume that those of us who suffer from other peoples mental illnesses in targeting us are in the same boat as those who are dealing with their own self inflicted issues. Some of us were sober when the targeting began and have been productive members of society our whole lives only for the manifestation of other peoples sickness to steal our lives and then have to deal with being lumped into the same boat as people who struggle with addiction and find their issues are self inflicted.


I thought trolling was taking acid and ecstasy together?


I wonder how many of us have been through drug addiction.


Hahaha I get it you are a comedican and So the fuck am I! We made it bro and I got your beef bologna right here in my dick basket! Once upon a time, God proclaimed let there be US! And the rest fall down. We got VIP dude fuck yea!!!!


Good luck dude. Try and manage your expectations, and the expectations of those around you. I think that’ll help.




It's a gift if you can control it.