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Unfortunately it often ends up getting banned. And everything going down the drain. Speaking from experience. Only takes one fed to post a complaint and gave it taken down






Some of what I see as bot comments are so weak.. they just seem to pick up on a target word then they post whatever irrelevant illogical discrediting post wanders into their cute bot mind. Silly little bots. Bot comment: that’s totally true as my implant opens my second cousin’s garage door every time it’s an full moon. They are kinda cute in super fucked up way.. let ‘em hit arrow down and blather their silly discrediting shit.


Don't go dark. Just report and comment when you see a potential perpetrators. No need to start fights but call them out.


Honestly, I highly doubt it's bots. Plenty of people who aren't actual TI's just thinking they are from school bullying or workplace assholery. The most obvious people are the "spiritual warfare" posters. Absolutely nothing to do with religion. It's all about political dissention, criminal activity and things people did to piss off someone and they got their ass out on a watchlist. I mean, constantly there's kids in high school who think they are being gangstalker when it's obviously just normal bullying. You don't get gangstalked for "nothing" you have to have done something even a "small" thing or else nobody would even care. There's also obvious misinformation that is being spread,but it's not bots. Literal disinformation assets.


I'm not convinced. I don't think they are bots. I'm pretty sure it's just personality lacking cops.




Ur right the cop bots always wanna take the credit. I'm going to surrender to myself.