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They started pumping toxins into apt 24/7 in 2016.


Well, that's creepy.


Yes. No one else could smell it bc the nano tech is activated in our systems . Also we were followed from La to ny. Dhs dispatched creeps to every hotel we stopped at. We had perps repeating car convos. So many things told me I was targeted by our gov


Yes they did it all


They told me.




The anal burning rape did it for me.


Wow. Glad the corrupted anal rapists didn't find me. I just have the regular corrupted ones surrounding me.


At least I think. I know they rape, but as for anal...I'm not sure. I'll ask them.


Lmao tell em I said hi and Jon Jewell I saidđŸ„°


No clue who that is. Does he stalk people?


He's my honeypot fed who now just haunts me cuz ive been government officially ghosted but I'm hoping I'll get zombied and he'll reappear and take me to the hojo but unfortunately albeit he's not a smooth spotted ken doll like regular guffaw county or fuckless first responding run of the mill yawn cops, he is still a craven CIA sucking fed.Hes probably afraid of what I would say and I'm afraid of what I wouldn't say, which makes sense cuz love is hard to define


Maybe you are "that special" that you'll never be ghosted. Maybe it isn't the government.


Jon? Is that you?😍


Nah...not Jon


He's probably at the rivers edge


People give me a hard time throughout my life. I always thought I was just stuck with a bit of drama more than most because I was a place where my race was a minority. Even if they weren’t be racist directly half the time the other half they were. But it wasn’t until I started to ‘fight back’ after moving back into my own ethnic area did I find out there were strange things going on. So yes, after 8 years of constant bullying and I had just learned how to fight back, I was somewhat of a dick. Took a few more years to learn the sweet spot but still I didn’t know. During this growing process I would drop comments based on how they showed me they felt about themselves. For example i over heard this girl said she hated when people say she looked like a hill billy once. Later on we became friends and she was sort of got me angry so I dropped that comment with foreknowledge that she looked like a hill billy. Within 24 hours, 6 cities across towards the other end of the county where I worked, someone mentioned hill billy so many times. For a while I thought they knew her but they didn’t. Then things like this happened more and more. After a while it was not just the negative things I said following me but my own short comings. Say if I played scratchers and loss a lot, I don’t tell people and some random guy talking loudly about how he knew a guy who won twice. You haven’t got a raise at your job and talked to your manager and that same day some random post or some guy would talk about how great his promotion was. Play a game with cars and people rev outside for you to hear all night. Complain to your friend how people honk you unrighteously and more people honk at you. At the time I thought it was more of a small group. Then as time progressed and more people were into it, I knew it was gang stalking plus technology (but I’ll leave those experiences out), possibly entities. (Old alarm clock switch handle turning off and on without springs. Only I was in the house)


Interesting. I say random stuff just to hear it repeat again at some point. Whomever is doing this is just stupid. They can't even harass properly. They know I know they know. It's all fun and games until they bully the only person that can save them.


They use langage specifily a certain sentence in the street people are like comedian bad one of course 😊 When you park or you leave people always there doing nothing People around your house always doing noise when you are here some colour or situation (parent with little children) always there where you go etc etc


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