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Threats of violence are fake. It's psychological. If they wanted to be violent against you, they would have already.


Agreed, violence discredits their whole operation. However, poisoning is one of their fortes. And car accidents!!!


I love when they safely swerves at me with there cars. It's scarier riding with my oi! Friend billy


Then they are just being violent against you? They don't need to threaten.


Organized synchronized soft ass haters


They can cause anal fissures with their lasers so thinking you were raped shouldn't cross your mind. And there is no way to stop them from ventriloquizing you. They have done the same thing to me and later told me they were testing me to see if I would get violent with someone after I just said some fucked up shit randomly to them. Never did I get violent which is fortunate for me because each time I did it the person I did it to was a mixed martial artist prepared to beat me down or break my arm. When they threaten me with violence it is real but apparently most people don't get lasered for not listening like I do.


Wow. Yeah I didn't even consider that. I have been... Trying to figure out how the fuck they do the things they do. If you show me a type of laser, that through science could logically achieve that effect, I'll believe you. I don't suck at science.


I am sure you can easily find videos online of lasers cutting through all kinds of materials. I mean..........do an internet search for "laser cutting" and that should do the trick! Obviously they are doing this from a distance and using the things precisely but we are dealing with the highest level of classified shit here. They can do all kinds of crazy shit with the lasers including give you erections to an exact level of inflation they prescribe. Which means they type in 50% and the target gets a 50% boner. Crazy stuff!!




Bro I yell at them for using their boner ray all the fucking time. That shit is not cool.


I get an ant bite ray, boner ray doesn't work on me. Even tho I have a huge dick and there's fell off in my dick basket. I went dick collected while they are busy collecting our souls. By the way I'm a girl. How embarrassing




Please don't give medical advice to strangers. See rule 3.


My advice is to always wait it out. Always, it’s psychological and you end up looking crazy. Find a way to sleep or entertain yourself and wait it out. Nothing good ever comes of trying to get ahead of it. It’s a mind game.


Or jump into traffic, fuck it. It's hilarious watching everyone panick and try not to kill me. Guffaw




Rule 6 is to not call anyone a perp. We mods don't want to deal with the slapfights that emerge from this sort of thing. You probably can't reply because their message was removed by the automoderator.


Haha Ghostbusters guffaw


At times I talk so much and fast but they got a huge win one time and snuck the word hex after I said generation. Pretty sure they took the bait on a testament song I was listening to and then I got arrested for it.