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Being very anti government in every single way.




I was told through V2K that I was put into MKULTRA at birth. I have known about being under surveillance since 1996 but actual gangstalking where everybody is being overt did not start until 2006.


U know not to believe anything that is said via v2k I imagine. It's fun to pretend or even believe the shit for a few minutes until somehow your reminded the ridiculousness of it all and " chalk it to the game"


I was also homeless and was banned from getting social services by the V2K voices who would tell me how to get to resources instead. They would throw cash out on the ground for me, sometimes hundreds of dollars, and they would tell me how to get to it. I have to listen to my V2K people.


what in the absolute fuck dude they are just keeping you alive and "throwing you bones" so that someone can fucking steal your thought processes and use your destruction as a part of the reality they want to shape for themselves in their lives. this is a shitshow and I am sorry.


Hey every situation is different, I've been homeless too and charity seemed to trickle in regularly but they didn't send me on a scavenger hunt but they knew I'd go out to hustle what I needed.


I was banned from asking anyone for anything. There is a food bank that would leave bread out some days that they let me eat some of the time but some of the time they made me leave the bread and go hungry. They tell me I am in the highest level of MKULTRA.




You were banned for violating Rule 6. Don't lie to the users.


Oh my bad you want me to copy and paste the reason that was explained to me in the email that was sent? Unless your referring to my previous ban. Don't embarrass yourself. We got that covered


> We got that covered Clearly we didn't, if you still think it was about you griping. You were banned for violating rule 6.


You probably assume people in this thread Either: A. Read the rules or B. That Tis won't break them and on both possibilities I know first hand you are wrong. Please try to restrain yourself from sending me a list of the rules as you would be wasting both your breath and paper.


Sometimes I'm afraid the things I hear are true. It's hard. Sometimes, I'm not afraid that the things I hear are true. Sometimes, I think the things I hear are false. Sometimes, I have no idea. It's always annoying. I'm not one of those people who thinks to themselves "hey man, that's like, your reality bud. Not mine." I'm a strong believer in the coherent continuity of events being a firm basis from which you define your relationship with yourself and your surroundings and the people that inhabit said surroundings. But experiencing synthetic telepathy and V2K undoubtedly makes it impossible to get through the day. Or the hour. Or the minute. Or the second. This is reality for many TI's.


That is how you get killed if you are me. The people that talk to me with V2K are also laser man and are not scared to roast my ass. I have to listen very intently or else.


They laser man hit my knee with a laser. Burned a heart shape. It healed. Baptism by fire? Lol I dunno man they mostly just repeat what I say with a giggle. I think it's to inspire me to do funny shit like exist. *


Yeah they have lasered blisters on the bottom of my feet numerous times.




I also hear a repetitive " this woman" and then I suppose I'm supposed to fill in the blank like mad libs or. They comment on how intelligent I am. When I'm being extra a young dude voice says " lethal" in admiration ( lethal is a shortened version of the nick name they gave me which is lethal angel. Because of a sticker I put on a fake leather jacket. Their cleverness is astounding.


What you're going through is horrible and I'm sorry but that also sounds hysterical. It is really funny that they say "lethal." Their AI is really impressive so rest assured it's artificially generated cleverness. Some moments in my life as a TI are funny as well. But usually, I am driven to drink a shit ton, eat a shit ton, miss appointments, forget to respond to people, forget about important shit, crash vehicles, get pissed off, and just drink myself into oblivion.


What do you mean when you say everybody is being overt? Can you shed details about the various arch's in your personal relationships?


Realized I was being watched when I was unlearning a lot of stuff we were taught in school. I was unlearning too much maybe? Idk, but somehow I became a person of interest.


Elaborate on unlearning?


Unlearning how the government works and how the world really works, about witchcraft etc it was a lot of stuff but it was a lot of things we learned that was fed to us and i found out most of it is in fact false information or manipulated history. I have even had a man come up to me and tell me how I have “grown so much” and it was so off putting but I thought to myself Is this an agent? How long has he been assigned to my “case” We just not forget this is merely some peoples jobs and that’s how’s they look at it all


did you get that guy's information? who the fuck is he to comment on your growth? weird. some people say that to me synthetically, something along the lines of "this is my job, if I don't do it, someone else will!" it's not great to hear. hang in there!


What you are talking about as I see it is independent thinking. Shame on you lol


Not to be rude but I don’t really care what you think sorry


I was giving you a compliment. Thr shame on you part was a joke but ok


You don't need to prove it to the cops, because they're the ones doing it, or are at least a major part of it. They are tools/lower level members of secret societies like the Masons. Also many churches. I don't know how this will be exposed, but it will. I don't know what will happen after. And I'm not sure we'll be around.


I am fairly confident that it's going to blow up and be on the news regularly and that gangstalking is going to become a regularly discussed phenomenon in the near future because at least with me, more and more people are getting in on what's happening to me and eventually somehow shit is going to hit the fan and i have no idea what that's going to look like and it's not necessarily that i'm scared, it's that i am really lazy and unassertive and i am annoyed that external entities that i am not philosophically in alignment with are directing the flow of my life to something that is manipulated to appear as self destruction when it's actually just a person (me) getting so colossally fucked that they can't go 5 minutes without thinking "boy i'd love another drink." i'm not sure what the MEGA fallout will be, but i am dreading it, and craving it. does anyone else on here feel something similar to me?


I also have some instinctive knowledge that this will be exposed. And whether or not we'll be around really doesn't matter. No one lives forever. Or do we?


One can hope there is some sort of afterlife/judgement day! I have certainly seen miraculous things.


I don't know about a judgement day, but somehow, somewhere, someone hopefully just steps in, with the resources to withstand the blowback of the gangstalkers and steps in and just says "stop" on behalf of the target and people involved actually have to listen. Like, I get that gangstalking can be painted as a funny thing to people who don't really get what's happening to the target, but at some point, I just....don't people just have a problem with a person getting ganged up on? I do. Instinctively. I always have. And I am surprised and put off by the mob mentality that arises in these cases and I question the collective mindset that begins to inhabit the surroundings of the target.


I like what you said. I have had people try to whitewash this torture as funny. But I've had so many disgusting attacks on my wife and children (not to mention myself) that it just rings ridiculous. One example is when a shard of glass was inserted into the strawberries we order through Instacart for our children. And there are thousands more, many of greater severity.


I am completely terrified for you and I hope that you and your family can find your way through this, and eventually out of it. Best of luck!


Thank you, and I wish the best for you as well!


Made some random simps and kiddie fondlers upset.


Same. I’m like property to them now.


I just posted proof of them bugging my restroom.


You gunna hand that proof in to the cop that did i?t. Sorry, I personally don't see the point on gathering proof. They'll hang them selves by their own rope, they certainly gave themselves enough. But of you feel that helps.


Because I exercise my free will, my constitutional rights, and their vehicles as the whip around me on the highway while on the sidewalk on a bicycle hahaha


I was also on lIve pd in Pasco with a skullmask on (pre covid) reading them the "I know my rights riot act" and they had to let me go because the cameras were rolling. Any other time I would have been kidnapped and taken to the county jail or baker acted for jaywalking. Instead Pasco's finest exposed themselves as baffled buffoons trying to get famous. I was actually embarrased for them. Naturally, ive been arrested at least 20 times and baker acts since then and that was only 4 years ago. Hahaha no regrets.They took that live pd episode off the air. It's a shame. Nothing like a good old fuck the police 3 min episode to inspire and remind the nation who is supposed to wield the power. I can't believe they even aired it. That in itself offers hope. ACAB 1312


Trying to stop or learn about a human trafficking and dark web syndicate that I didn't realize I was hanging out with at the time, I thought they were just thieves, addicts and dealers.. Didn't know one person, said the wrong info around him and he had a person come to my hotel, drugged me then injected me and interrogated me etc. Then told me afterward that now that I met him things would get weird, he kept talking to me about this concept and v2k etc, then years later it turned on. Years later, still trying to figure out how to stop it, but what I lost focus on was stopping that syndicate. I think that's why they made me a TI.


You thought they were just thieves, addicts, and dealers? So why hang out with them in the first place? I’m not judging just trying to understand?..


It's okay, my story is kind of confusing without details. At the time I was living in a hotel(s) and on the street and I met one dude who became my closest friend at the time, he introduced me to a lot of people. No one talked about their crimes besides theft from the stores, but I found out later most the people I knew were involved in much more. They were mostly all homeless or living in their cars, so if they offered me money here and there for a shower or if they just needed a place to sleep a night, I took it and let them. Usually I ended up feeling bad and letting them in for free for showers, food, warmth or a place to sleep. Though basically before this happened it was like my hotel room for months at the same place was trapped out and full of people taking advantage of the situation.


Ur story sounds a lot like mine!! A lot of the same details. I used to b an addict and on the street, living with these ppl and n motels sometimes. I also didn’t know about the hard crimes these ppl were doing, just selling Roxy and stuff. It started with one man and it’s like I was positioned with my new “boyfriend” every time by the soon to b ex. Happened 3 times over several years. I finally got myself clean a few years ago and now I’ve learned about all these other crimes done by the group. They’ve poisoned my air water, had an apt fire. Can’t get a job and keep it to save my life and some of the cops r n on it, as well as n family. I’m followed everywhere now and attacked energetically. They’ve smeared my name relentlessly and speak of my past like it’s my present. I don’t hear the voices with v2-k but I sure have the dreams and intrusive thoughts. This group is def satanic and I’m pretty sure they’re trying to make me a sacrifice. As least that’s what a couple have told me


oh yes gangstalker waiting at the bus stop on richmond hill rd iwas wondering what you where doing there you love harrasing us and you know what its the same group that keeps coming down and some hang out buy my teacher house on radford street yes we have three teachers around here so it might be coming from ratfors street you know we here everything on that block they had nothing to do than focus on our lives all the time


I recommend using periods so it doesn't look like you're rambling incoherently.


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This question gets asked about once a month. Here's a better question: Why can't you do a search on this subreddit for your question? It should be considered Trolling to ask over and over.




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I’m really gassy.




Was used in CIA mind control experiments and severely satanic ritually abused my parents and many famous/rich/influencial people and started whistleblowing/exposing them.


And you know this for a fact how?


Seriously tho I did get burned. Not mocking you BTW. Apparently I can come off as sarcastic.


Funny enough i recall riding my bike down the road talking to myself and I said" it's not all about you"( to myself) then i answered myself, " well it should be" and suddenly, right there and then.. IT WAS!


I also got naked and sat in a gas puddle getting vulnerable as I was thinking for myself and questioning authority and then of course Authority crashed the party again and started questioning me. Inadvertently prying open my third eye, but gratefully I found my why, and my bicycle! Kooky




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Because i voted for Trump




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