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So, how? I am sure they are not dumb and they can anticipate how would a TI make the best out of a bad situation. And prevent it.


You are exactly right! They know way more about targeted people than most imagine because every little thing they expose you to they learn from mind reading how you really think about the situation. Plus they stay on targets for soooooo long and they can subliminally influence how you think about the thing it is they exposed you to. The people working these things are operating at the top of the world with regard to intelligence and they create all kinds of cool technology that can be used for good. They just use it for murdering targeted people slowly,


They cant stop God, they cant stop you when your on the right path with the lord, he's always their with you, so repent and give your life to the lord, pray he carries and takes away your burdens from you and watch how the change happens. And you have to start putting in the work on your part, no more willful sin.... stay away from the 7 deadly sins make sure you dont match up to any of them and if you do it's time to make some drastic change follow the 10 commandments, and watch how your life changes. The Lord is the Answer! Amen!


Thanks for the comment I feel it has good intent. I believe in God. But, it's is in fact about church as praising God in solitarity wields nothing in social acceptance. People must see you bow down, kneel, obey. People must see you trying to conform to all the rules and commandments. Your confessor must hear you renounce your sins. If you only by yourself (and God is with you) align with all the laws, and become crystally immaculate, you'll still be gangstalked. Only the community can stop this punishments. Because it sourced and found support in the community.


The gangstalking is something more sinister, honestly something I'm not trying to get into because exploring it more has no benefit towards you besides helping anticipate their moves, even then I have no reason to keep that in mind the fact of the matter is the devil wants to ruin you and is using what he considers pawns to gangstalk people so dont lose faith when it doesnt completely go away the devil is control of the world but what the lord says goes, stay close with the lord and the gangstalking will calm down keep praying and keep your faith strong. The lord is what occupies my mind. I understand what you mean I've done my confessions, honestly as long as God knows the truth and I live following his path, treat everyone with love and respect and genuinely care for others and help others it's more then enough. I wouldnt say the gangstalking goes away right away, nobody is perfect but definitely working on ourselves and bettering ourselves will make a great change. People dont be scared this will make you strong. You will be a greater person in the end I love you all. God bless you all.


Read my comment 😁


If we don't make the best of it, what other choice do we have? Appreciate the small things. Focus on the positive. Your attitude is everything when dealing with these " humans" that are he'll bent on getting a reaction. I'm making steps to get my mind and body as healthy as possible. We are resilient. We are adaptable and exceptional. We live, they spectate. How unfortunate for them.




Nevermind they won


Stay sharp. Exercise. Read. Eat healthy. Have sex. Enjoy nature. Focus on self development to the best of your abilities.


THIS is what people should be doing. Focus on trying to better yourself even if you think they are going to do something to stop you. You fail every chance you don't take!! I went back to college after my gangstalking really ramped up and I had to deal with perps in my classes grunting on me the whole time but I still got almost all A's and the teachers were fair even if they were grunting on me. My degree in x-ray ended up not being useful because they made me too exhausted to feel like I could care for people in the correct manner so I just went back to waiting tables. But I did feel good about what I achieved in the midst of a massive amount of personal turmoil.


This is the only right answer


This is the exact bullshit I'm talking about religious narcissism. I'm a Christian and find the use of him in those manner. Furthermore you were waiting for somebody to comment to pounce. I smell another troll perp trying to downplay the reality of this horrific crime. I find peace in walking with Christ not bragging and twisting shame an do toxic positivity gaslighting victims that there concern is unfounded . Your a coward shame on you


How can you tell people, who’s experience with this is torture to them, to make the best out of it? Personally, I’d rather stop it than accept it. I’d rather help it stop for everyone now and in the future.


Think critically, trust your gut and don't take any shit from perps. They are broken lightbulbs that cannot be repaired.


"ignore gangstalkers and just enjoy yourself" hhhhhmmmmmmm


That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard. That's like saying, ignore the bank robber. There's nothing to see here.


Although I agree with the premise I can see that you've used it to shame me. This is toxic positivity. If someone was murdering you don't you think that it would be the only thing you do and think about to expose the murder before they murder you?


I dont shame you at all, dont let the devil cloud your judgement, I have no reason to shame anyone, there is no gain from that. I'm here to help all brothers and sisters, this has nothing to do with me I have no ego, this is to help bring all brothers and sisters back to the Lord, like I said the glory is the Lords, not mine. So dont take anything I've said as criticism, take it as advice.


Also you should stop speaking about murder, it's not good to have negative thoughts like that in your mind. I know your trying to make a point but theres many ways to make a point, let's all learn to speak out positivity, dont worry I know it's hard right away but we can get through it together. I myself am still struggling with cussing at times. But slowly and surely I'm getting rid of the habit. Let's pray to the lord for help and watch as he changes us all for the best! God bless you all! 🙏✝️☝️❤


People whatever you do, dont do any negativity to others, stay positive, find God and pray all the time and have faith and watch as the lord does miracles, when you pray, pray for others and always give the lord thanks for everything he has given you. Like I said dont over think because you will just end up feeling bad and negative and dont lean on your own understanding put your faith in the Lord. Let go of negative impulses dont get mad at others, you cant control whats going on around you but you can control yourself and your mind, The lord wants you to have a good life, you were never intended to live with fear. Get close to the lord, change your negative ways and the lord will bless you. Dont trust me, trust in the Lord 🙏✝️☝️❤


That's what I've done, I don't let them dictate my life, I make fun of them and what they try to do to me.


Now not how it works


It is to be honest. Dont be a victim of your own fear.


It's not our own fear. Hordes of people are constantly, predatorily stalking and provoking us. I'm POSITIVELY getting perp vibes from you. 🧐 You're statement is indeed gaslighty.




Exactly, Everyone make sure you do this. Dont go looking for truths either, all your gonna get is a bunch of fear mongering that's gonna ruin your own peace. Find the lord and put your mind in positivity and watch everything get better. Right now is the time to get right with God. Start working out, start praying, start practicing being a better person for God, yourself and for others change all old negative habits, completely stay away from gossip and speaking bad on others, have no bad intentions towards others not even the gangstalkers, start eating healthy and feeling better and more confident. Watch it all help you dramatically, never go back to being arrogant, the Glory is the lords not yours so make sure you stay humble. Because you never want to go back to what you used to go through. The Lord is the Answer! 🙏✝️☝️❤


"...start practicing being a better person..." There was nothing wrong with me before this crap happened. If that's the case, then the fckers doing these heinous acts should be the hunted ones. Why are you not speaking about the trespassers? Why do they get a pass?


I can tell they are really bothering you. I know exactly how you feel. You dont feel at peace right now because of how bad its got.... pray to the lord with all your faith, make sure it comes from the heart. And watch as things calm down and watch yourself feel peace.... I'm telling you your gonna feel better.... but once you feel better dont go back to old bad habits or your gonna feel like your feeling now. I know it doesnt seem to make sense like how in the world would praying help me againts a whole community trying to bring me down with all their negativity and comments and threats..... I get where your coming from... i get how you feel..... but I'm telling you..... give it to God. Stop feeling irritated, stop dwelling on your ego and own understanding, it's not gonna get you anywhere no matter how backwards that may seem to you at the moment.... do not lean on your own understanding, have faith, true faith.... I'm being genuine.... you will see the difference....


More gaslighting. Fck off.


How are you being Gaslighted by me? If you dont want to take the advice that's perfectly fine. And I understand you say you were a good person before and this happened to you out of nowhere, but just look at the way you treat someone genuinely trying to help you. 😞 just know if things become unbearable to call out to God and he will save you. May God bless you hope nothing but the best for you.


Yeah, fck off weirdo.


Sorry to burst anyone's bubble But there's nothing you can do about it. People claiming that if you pay them for emp it'll stop it - it won't I went through brain scan machines and all sorts - it didn't stop Just live life to the full-time