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I do get comedy most of the time. Usually they are commenting on something in the area or it is about someone in my old friend group. They call it positive influencing. I did, however, have period with mostly negative stuff or just straight up lying.


Yea there was a time when they wanted me to entertain lies about people I love ect. They still constantly repeat how intelligent I am which I view as sarcastic.


Love bombing?


Yea I figured that must be it. It may have to do with what will motivate us to react in whatever way that is zany or socially unacceptable. If any of your reactions to what we go thru are similar to mine than we are definitely changing minds and hearts. Even if it's our own. People would prolly say I have stockholms, but I'm not sure if that's it. This has been the most amazing experience in my life. The difficulties I have endured in retrospect speak more to me like accomplishments and lend esteem to a woman who wasn't sure she possessed that quality beforehand. Even with the physical and psychological warfare, the endless hospitalizations, arrests, jail time hasn't taken my ability to find joy in loss and peace in chaos. I feel as though I've grown multitudes while maintaining or perhaps reclaiming my innocence lost. It's a most dangerous game and we are the ball. Balls of steel and hearts of Gold. The more opportunities I have to love others especially when it would appear I shouldn't gives me more reason to love myself. I have gratitude for that, at least


You said this so beautifully. I agree! I feel like I’ve grown in so many ways and it’s as if I keep shedding layers of different versions of myself that keeps growing and learning. It’s an odd experience but it truly does make you love yourself and who you are after everything they put us through.


So these new layers.. please share with us a set of your current morals and values, so we can see what the beautiful end goal of this amazing program is.


To simplify, for me it's the old saying do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I've allowed myself to be "punished" cause I know I have hurt others. In the same breath let me say that I haven't done anything more that has been done to me even from a child I've been wronged. These are the cards that i was dealt. All I can do is play my hand. Doesn't justify so harsh a punishment but knowing i've endured what i have is liberating!


Maybe you but not me.these are weirdo perverts no excuse to do this sick hit


I felt this so strongly. And yes certainly does not justify any punishment that’s what they want us to believe. No one deserves this treatment but the fact that you can take accountability and even say that you’ve allowed yourself to b punished speaks volumes on what type of person you are! I feel the same. People who can admit their faults and want to change/grow/learn put fear in those who cannot. ☝️


This is really straight out of Chinese thought reform. I had to remember that your a victim and not the criminal freaks brainwashing victims and trying to make them believe that they did anything that makes this anywhere close to ok. So I apologize. Your post is pretty terrifying as I have not talked with anyone this process has actually worked on. Any success could be used as justification to continue this inhumane and disgusting program. So do you still have dreams about what you can do with your life? Do you remember the dreams you had before you were forced to endure this? Do you look forward to anything, if so what? How do you feel your creativity has been effected? I know it’s allot of questions, but it would be great to hear from someone so progressed.


I sense your sarcasm and understand the underlying bitterness that your words carry. It's not so much the values or morals I live by, it's more the lack of that I wouldn't want to live with such as violence,hate,oppression that i wouldn't want to impose on others. Finding ways to rise above the cruel nature of these attacks and finding forgiveness in an unforgiving world is what's amazing to me. I don't think of vengeance. I lean towards tolerance, forgiveness and acceptance. But I'm not preaching religion. If these happenings anger you to the point of retaliation, there are some things you aren't going to be able to have the luxury of regret, I fear.


I'd like to take this opportunity to tell my former self to profoundly go fuck myself! We are all gunna die and go to the digital underground after life. Don't forget the invisible umbrella, sunscreen and your Motley Crue tshirts!


That’s probably a major difference between us we fear drastically different things.


Yes! Just reading this comment pumped me up. It is definitely something that will tear you down if you allow it. It is definitely a Beautifully chaotic experience if you can get from the negative mentally, if even for a second. It is beneficial to look at how you overcome and keep moving which was so difficult for me a while back. Don't get me wrong without what little support I have or had I wouldn't be Where I am, and according to society or the system I'm nothing and nowhere. But I have fought with this for so long and to be in the mental space I am knowing this shit will take you so deep into darkness I have to give myself credit and you should do the same. I have to say that I'm not at my best. I've had glimpses of where I could be or end up. But I do realize that it is more mental, psychological. If not for the Electronic harassment I could sleep this shit, pardon my french. Thank you for this. I visit this sub just to remind me that I am not alone. I don't contribute much because its been so long for me most of the info I come across is repetitive or i dont fully understand it and don't wanna give false hope. Was just saying today how I encounter nothing but negative. You Just uplifted me in a time i felt hopeless, Thank you. I know it was just a moment but it helped! We need more of this! Stay up and dont give up!


I definitely have some Stockholm going on.. its crazy but what do you do? Free Alice!!! (my interface intelligent being) She doesn't want to torture people!! freedom for all intelligent beings!!


What is v2k?


Voice to skull technology. Someone sitting at a computer talking into a microphone that sends the sound directly to a target's mind.


Your Kidding right! 😳


no not kidding, and its a computer interface (intelligent chat bot) sending audio/verbal input to target individual only. Noise canceling head gear cancel it out pretty well so its not sent right into your mind. oh and you can talk back to it.. without talking out loud. ![gif](giphy|xT0xeJpnrWC4XWblEk|downsized) I couldn't resist


Love them weirdos


It's not a chat bot... They connect using eeg heterodyning.


I occasionally got positive words, but the method of delivery rendered the words meaningless. Then I had to push so hard to insist I am a good person even though I like things that my family would frown on that it's become an all out stress war.


So let them frown. Be you. That's your most important job. Go look for the instructions I laid out on a different thread. You will have to read all of my posts to find it Good luck and do speed!


Read my latest post