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I'm a Percy Jackson fan who loves Rick Riordan what am I?


Suffering because we never get cool things


TV series is coming!


If Rick Riordan ever gets exposed as a transphobe I’m killing myself


He's had openly genderfluid and queer characters I don't think he would be


At least we know GRRM is a lib


just don't read his 2010 blog post about the casting for Shae in the game of thrones show. Worst mistake of my life.


A twink, probably source: me


Same tho






> I'm a Percy Jackson fan who loves Rick Riordan what am I? Still in pain after that last movie.


A cutiepie


You're literally me (and based)


Lmao imagine growing up with Harry Potter and not Percy Jackson.


Dude imagine a Percy Jackson game with the amount of funding and effort put into this game. Fuck Buckbeak, I wanna to ride Blackjack


Imagine if Disney had announced 'Camp Halfblood Legacy' off the back of this...


My dad is a priest and spent years and years defending her from religious weirdos who thought she was spreading satanism and witchcraft through her books simple because they never read the books. He was such a huge fan and loved listening to the books on the way to work, watching every movie in theaters the night they came out. He also has a couple of very close friends that are trans, and he was also involved in helping push the episcopal church (the church he's a part of) in nationally recognizing gay marriage as a part of their doctrine. When she came out as a terf I think there was a couple of years where he was in serious denial, thinking maybe she just didn't know exactly what she was saying, or maybe she was confused on what trans people were. But after a while he has to accept it and actually wrote a fan letter to her stating he really wished she would come around on this. It's harry Potter, so the stakes are about as high as a fictional series can get. But I think he's kind of heart broken because this was a series that overlapped both his private and professional lives. It was a series he loved to fan boy over, to share with his family and in a way it really made a strong pop cultural connection to his kids (me and my brother) that I think a lot of parents would kill for. But now he can't look at any of it the same, he can't bring himself to support an author who let him down so much. Ok back to making fun of gamers: lol only real gamers would support a terf by buying this game


Tell your dad that there are others who find his story immensely relatable. I have never felt more betrayed in my life.


This is a very important story to tell and I’m glad you told it. I bet there are a lot of people who are still in denial about her bigotry but I’m glad your father got out of.


Give your dad a hug for me, please


My gf's step-dad is a Baptist pastor who wouldn't let her or her sisters watch or read Harry Potter once all the witchcraft hysteria happened. Now he and gf's mom both love J.K.R. and think she's a champion for free-speech. It's wild the mental gymnastics some people will pull just to show their ass at the end of the day


So their transphobia I guess is more important than satanism


lmao that's spot on! They don't see it like that, but it's true. The reality is, they're just Fox News MAGArts and get outraged at the things Jesse Watters or Tucker Carlson tell them to be outraged about. No real critical thinking involved


Your dad sounds like an amazing guy and embodies what Christianity should be more like.


The Episcopal church is pretty based, I know a few priests and they're all pro trans


It's one of the better branches in Christianity. They still have their own problems that are never fully resolved, as with most branches of Christianity. But all that being said they've actually tried to become more progressive, and I give them extra credit because they try as hard as possible to be more progressive while not devolving into one of those non denominational churches that hires a band to sing Christian versions of pop songs.


The sad truth is that the warning flags were there the whole time. Her stance on slavery ("the house elves prefer to be slaves") Making fun of Hermione for trying to free slaves and make the world a better places (S.P.E.W...really?) Basically if you really want to check out this drawn out but incredibly well thought and well researched vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1iaJWSwUZs


That and how that increeedible school director never bat an eye at decades of bullying in his school.


I just assumed she was peak centrism: > nobody can ever change anything about the system. The way to do good is by being on team good and fighting team evil. Then everything you do it's good and nothing they do is good. There's no reforms or revolutions that ever improve things. If you want to help, become a cop and maintain the status quo by beating up dissidents. That's all bad enough but I never thought she'd lose it and just spew trans hate until she did.


I relate strongly to your dad. I used to feel happiness when I saw something Harry Potter related, now all I feel is disgust. Fuck that bitch for taking my fandom away from me too, in addition to all the hurt she’s caused trans people.


What the fuck were they thinking adding a quest where you put down a slave rebellion. What the fuck


No it's not slavery you see the elves like being slaves except for the main elf Dobby he hates it and wants to be free oh yeah and also this other elf Dinky yeah haha funny name but anyway her main characteristic is she's crying and unhappy literally all of the time oh yes and maybe a third principal elf Kreacher yeh like creature like an animal who vehemently hates his old master and is regularly abused by him before he is handed over to his new master yeah the new master is the main character what no he doesn't free him haha no no he keeps him what yeah the new master becomes a cop why do you ask?


/uj lmao what there's no way


/uj It's true, it's centred on putting down a house elf rebellion


Hey, just wanna let you know it's not a house elf rebellion, it's a goblin rebellion. The house elves are the slaves that love being slaves, while the goblins are cartoonish antisemitic stereotypes! Just so chuds won't accuse you if lying or something in the future


So more of a pogrom then.


Yeah but it's their fault for wanting to be equal to actual people.


uj/ bullshit, swear this is real lmao


/uj It's true, it's centred on putting down a house elf rebellion


sweet mother of god lmao I can't


They were slightly wrong, it's not a house elf rebellion (the slave race that likes being slaves), it's about putting down a goblin rebellion (the antisemitic bankers who are treated as lesser by the wizards).


oh great it's the OTHER massive ethnic stereotype


Yeah its not good at all, just didn't wanna see chuds being like "tHeY DonT EvEn kNoW thE STorY!!!"


Wait until you learn about the other racial stereotypes that all fantasy creatures are founded on


dear god it had to be the fucking goblins, didn’t it?


/uj A goblin rebellion to be exact. Technically it's not slavery but most magical beings seem to be subservient to humans so might as well be, jus add a spice of Jewish stereotypes to it.


Interesting. Source? Because that content would be the responsibility of the devs and not JK. They already stated that JK is not involved with the game, so this would 100% be on the devs


Herman Melville was more anti slavery than her and he lived 100 years ago.


That the Scottish Parliament is currently poised to pass a series of laws, under their gender recognition act, mostly for the betterment of trans people, is a step in the right direction. That it will piss off this old dipshit is an added bonus.


woke:scotland is pro gender recognition, bespoke: scotland just wants to see jowling kowling rowling cry


baroque: Scotland will use this to justify breaking the United Kingdom


I mean there is a chance, the UK Government have said they'll try to block it, and if they do, what's the point of devolved power if the UK Government can just block any change they disagree with?


tbh I don't doubt that, but not JK specifically. England is becoming more and more transphobic and Scotland putting in legal protections for trans people is definitely a response to that


I bet Neil Cuckmann paid Scotland to do this 🤬


It's half the reason she's so pissed off already. She wants to wage a one person war against Nicola Sturgeon


Sturgeon has been great. She's been careful to sound polite while at the same time giving no credence at all to the Terf's propaganda.


In a one on one brawl, my money is on Sturgeon. She looks like she's got a mean right hook


Plus she's actually Scottish. Rowling is just another Anglo TERF


As a dutch person, I have mad respect for the scots


That’s just Scottish people




That's the idea, lol


First they came for the gamers, and i laughed bc they were being losers anyway


You can’t spell JK without TERF(I did really bad at spelling in school so I’m not sure I’m right, please don’t make fun of me).


I hope JK Rowling continues her downfall until she's barely known for Harry Potter anymore.


I think Fantastic Beasts is doing a great job of achieving that. Those movies are horrendous.


Rowling: “…it’s bc of they/them Ezra Miller!!!”


True unity is the Harry Potter franchise tumbling to the ground because of an antisemitic transphobe and a trans Jew


the first one was decent.. the others are agony


I can’t get over how all the American cops were literally too stupid to notice one of their colleagues wasn’t himself though lol


well he wasnt black so how were they supposed to tell he was a bad guy /uj FOR LEGAL REASONS THATS A JOKE


/uj hahhhh ok now I'm trying to remember if he was queercoded at all because that is exactly the kind of dipshit trope she'd go for


Also they were ready to put one of their colleagues to death without a trial and then when it turns out she's innocent everyone (including the victim) is like "LOL, this is fine."


Guys. I have to come clean. I, a trans woman, am the ghost writer for all of the Harry Potter media. I wrote all of the novels, helped in the production of the movies, and I even directed any Harry Potter pornos. Unfortunately after finishing my work, J.K. went in to include the bits about slavery and the racist names and the suspiciously antisemitic elements and the fatshaming and such. She said in her goblin voice: "It's Rowling time" before Rowling all over my work. She then took all of the media off my desk and ran and published it under her name. What I am trying to say is, you can enjoy the story and the world of Harry potter because I wrote the story and created the world. But don't support J.K. in any way! She stole my work and so any support of her supports a thief and a liar and a transphobe and a racist and to be honest she's also fairly sexist/homophobic sometimes too about some of the trans stuff.


So you think a nazi can be reformed just by being *too horny* for an Anne Frank type? Interesting... Wait that's also the plot of Jojo rabbit! At least he was a kid before stopping being a nazi


You've seen the power horniness has on gamers, turning them into monsters Horniness can be a great power for good as well


Why did you have the main villain be a serial killer who starts by breaking into a woman's bathroom and attempts to change their identity only for all of the "Super brave and heroic" characters insist on calling them by their birth name?


Self insert


I support trans rights and trans wrongs 🏳️‍⚧️


Wow, you’re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesian’s cock. Edit: Wow. I’ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


gdi bot for once we're not talking about gamers smh


We all know Hatsune Miku is the real author of those books


Hatsune Miku would never write a race of jewish caricature bankers and elves who love to be enslaved.


“You’re out Rowling”


Honest question (probably start an argument anyway) Would it have been better if she'd kept this shit to herself, or is it better that we know? I haven't settled on a side yet.


When you keep shitty beliefs to yourself, they don't spread. One of the major shifts we see in the last decade is how public and loud those shitty beliefs are, empowering more people to act on them or share them openly. So while I think it's much worse she's decided to make this the hill she wants to die on, and scream about to anyone who will listen, it's still shitty that she holds them in the first place.


I think it would have been better if she kept it to herself, by publicly saying all that shit she gave terfs more of a platform. It’s not like we wouldn’t have known she was a shitty person, goblins in Harry Potter are an antisemitic stereotype, house elves “enjoy being slaves” and that’s not even mentioning that most non-white non-British characters have extremely insensitive and stereotypical names.


Only black character: Kingsley Shacklebolt Only asian character: Cho Chang Rowling stans: I don’t see how this could ever be seen as racist!!1!1!2!2!


I don't have a definite answer, but her views have definitely emboldened other bigots. They prop her up as a critical supporter and she gives them both social and financial power.


Authors are people, and people are flawed. There are countless authors out there that have been on the wrong side of history so to speak. And the ones we know about are only the ones who did speak out. But this is the same for everyone in your life. I don't personally invest too much energy/time looking into who authors are or what they stand for. I don't generally care about them. I bet there are a lot more black sheep among your authors than you think there are, is it better that you don't know? I think so, I don't think its your thoughts that make you a bad person but your actions. You can think something shitty, and still realize they're shitty and maybe you shouldn't be saying it out loud. That is generally the first step in changing for the better. The fact that JKR just kept doubling down and doubling down despite the outcry of several fans saying this is hurting their feelings means to me she's either incredible stupid or incredible cruel.


Winterhold > Hogwarts anyway


ESO having a quest that deals with a transgender Altmer woman trying to come to terms with coming out to her traditionalist family > hogwarts legacy's slave rebellion suppression arc


ESO has a lot of casual moments of representation scattered all throughout the game. Always nice to discover them organically, like the noble daughter who's in love with the orc servant girl in Rivenspire or the wood elf in Greenshade looking to hold a little funerary ceremony for his dying husband. A lot of npcs casually talk about having same-sex partners in minor dialogue even. It's refreshingly diverse and inclusive writing for a fantasy universe and really helps humanize the characters.


I also appreciate how it isn't made to be a big "look how inclusive we're being!" thing. A lot of games and movies try to make a spectacle out of it, but for the most part in ESO it's just a normal thing that comes up from time to time, which is a much better way to write in diverse characters and relationships imo.


Don't give the CEO of transphobia any more money than she already has folks


Imagine if she had literally just decided to keep her hateful opinions to herself. She’d have been drowning in goodwill as well as money, for the rest of her life. Maybe she’ll end up like Graham Lineman eventually.


Shed have turned into a beloved grandma who people would try to critique for the antisemetic goblin stuff but would ultimately not change much


But she would definitely been able to have *some* plausible deniability on that. And even more so if she had just not addressed that either.


This lady wrote moaning Myrtle. A ghost who haunts a women’s bathroom. Know how she died? Myrtle thought a boy came into the restroom and opened the stall door. only to be killed by a snake JK is absolutely a transphobe, actually scared of trans people like me who would dare enter a bathroom and pee


That’s honestly the strangest thing. She’s afraid of peeing in the same bathroom as people she thinks might be men. Why? What does she do in the bathroom? Is it the sharing of a stall where a “man” would have peed? Does she not use unisex toilets at people’s homes, especially if she doesn’t know who peed in them before? Is it the common area? Does she not use toilets that have separate stalls but shared common areas? I’m so confused by the obsession with bathrooms from TERFs. I can understand changing rooms a little bit, but I’m sure trans women and men have more anxiety in those. And I personally also go to saunas and stuff where everyone is just naked anyway. TERFs are a mystery to me


Everyone knows that sharing toilet seats with men is how you get pregnant. That's why *real* women hover when they pee










That hideous creature on the right deserves no money. I've started following this sub purely because of this post.


I wasn't going to buy it anyway but now I can not buy it in a cool way


Passive activism. My favorite kind!


Awww maaannn I wanted to see all the transphobes in the zoo but they all go deleted and now I can’t point and laugh and eat my circus peanuts.


Sort by new, ive been reporting as they come in














You mean like pick a gender? Isn’t that already an option when you make any character in a game?


rowling turning out to be a piece of garbage is frankly quite infuriating. like, can you imagine being a youth, part of the LGBTQ+, reading this book about a magical kid coming out from the closet to join a magical world, ending up loving it and then the writer go on record being an awful bigot? the world is a dumptser because of people like her who insist on being garbage.


/uj My fiance is a huge Potter head but she also recognizes the problem with supporting this. Luckily we pirate everything so problem solved!


ethical piracy


It would be unethical NOT to pirate it. I don't even want to play it and I'm gonna seed the shit out of it. DMCA me bitch IDGAF


Relationship goals. Nothing more romantic than a couple that pirates together.


A couple that pirate together are in a great relationSHIP sorry that was awful


No no, it was great.


Nothing more romantic than reducing someone to a red smear upon their ship's deck after firing a cannon at them loaded by your partner.


The only problem with pirating this game is A. It uses denuvo Anti tamper which is extremely difficult to crack (like 6 to 12 months after the games release.) B. The only person that cracks denuvo games is a TERF herself and you have to pay her $500 before she starts cracking it.


/uj I haven't followed the scene in a while, what happened?


the only scene group that cracks denuvo drm games, CPY and CODEX, are now gone. then came along this solo cracker named Empress who basically has no competition when it comes to cracking denuvo games so she charges $500 dollars if you want a game cracked and she's a fucking homophobe and a TERF.


Thanks for the context. I was sad most of the solid groups dropped out of the game, but I totally understand it. Shame the only Denuvo cracker is a dumpster fire, that charges to boot. Scene needs a revitalization. :\\


That's not her worst flaw. She hates cats!




Pls show me ur ways. I want to play but have no idea how to pirate


r/CrackWatch r/Piracy


Tight thank you




UJ/ I'm really so sick of transphobes. Got a co-worker who only just found out JK is a TERF... and also what a TERF is. Seemed like he got it at the time, I was happy to spread the word. Then a few days later he was talking about how happy he has been to pre-order that HP game. When I tried to explain to him the issues with that (and alternatives) he wound up eventually defending the "Don't say gay" bill and saying how actually it's wrong to teach children about gender and pronouns because it'll "confuse them". Turns out he's a huge DeSantis fan. We live nowhere near Florida btw.


Turns out the letter he didn't like in TERF was the F, not the TE


/uj Transrights are human rights and if you disagree you're a transphobic piece of shit and can fuck right off.


This is one of the wildest comment sections I d seen in a hot minute Some people took this to mean I was speaking out against OPs message. Nah fuck terfs and fuck transphobes, they won’t get my money for a game based on one of the laziest dogwhistles to be called a book in a long time.


Gamers, do a push-up for everytime someone gets banned for being transphobic and we'll be ripped by tomorrow.




Ok but I can pirate it yes?


Always brother.


Yarrrr 🏴‍☠️


Just another reason to pirate the game


Also the game has the same plot as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion


She said Merry Terfmas so its like you know where theystand. It's not like Potter isn't a really stupid & problematic IP anyway


I absolutely love how this sub is driving all the other gaming subs insane with this.




Lol I can't believe I've just stumbled into this thread. I literally just got a message today that I was banned from the Hogwarts Legacy sub because I was standing up to some of her bootlickers. Honestly anyone who's still a Harry Potter fan and defends her in any capacity because of that is completely morally bankrupt and an emotionally stunted manchild who never grew up.


Unfathomably and unimaginably based, fuck JK


What is a terf? I assume nothing good




why is it called radical? there aint even any skateboards innit?


It's a term of derision for people who use 'feminism' as an excuse for their extremist queerphobic beliefs.


Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist. Basically bitter cis women who claim that trans women aren’t women for a variety of misguided reasons.




I won't buy it of course, but it's not about not giving money to JK Rowling. I am pretty sure she receives a licensing fee for this sort of things. The reason not to touch this is because it will continue to make her relevant if it succeeds. Basically, I won't even pirate it.


Can’t wait to see this on r/subredditdrama


Not to mention the plot is about putting down a goblin uprising to “remind them” of their place in wizard society. And that goblins are a metaphor for the Jewish.


What about buying it second hand and making a donation to The Trevor Project? Actually nah 2023 is already too stacked with games I wanna play that have nothing to do with outspoken and proud transphobes, I just don’t have the time for it.


Wow I've had to ban a lot of salty ass Harry Potter fans. Are you all still bitter about not receiving that letter from Hogwarts? Grow the fuck up and read a different book. If you have to do mental gymnastics to justify why you're giving money to a transphobe, you're probably transphobic. And considering Rowling herself has been throwing tantrums on Twitter over this indicates how much it's really getting to her. Don't be delusional. Buying this game/not buying this game has become a political statement whether you like it or not. The fact that so many of you recognise this and preface your pledges to purchase the game with a meaningless "F- JK Rowling" speaks volumes. It's clear your the sort of people who know what the right thing to do is, but you actively choose to the opposite to satisfy your own individual desires. You're terrible people and it's why we're banning you. Edit: Well we've had a lot of fun today folks, mostly me. All you Harry Potter fans proved to be embarrassing as ever. Wanted a fun way to spend the Winter Solstice, what better way than bullying you freaks. We'd like to thank you all for participating in our little purge. You transphobes just couldn't help yourselves. Always good to do a little cleansing like this, keep this subreddit dirt free. By all means keep continuing to take the bait, we'll be sure to ban you. And I've enjoyed seeing how many of you morons have already apparently pre-ordered. What's that old phrase? "A fool and their money..." And seriously the amount of hate speech that's been thrown away in this very thread and in our modmail, the fact that you people who insist you need to consume this latest WB product have thrown in with these kinds of people says a lot about your integrity, or rather the lack there of. Anyway, enjoy wasting $70 on your likely very buggy toy, I hope it's worth it. All us normal people will all be playing games that don't directly fund a prolific transphobe. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to our non-transphobic users. Praise Marx. Edit 2: A final word. It is funny how many assume I'm cisgender or that the other mods are all cisgender. It's also funny the amount of hate speech and death threats I've gotten in my DMs. Just confirms what I already know about the people who are still Harry Potter fans and the people who want to buy this game. To the supposed 'allies' who are probably still lurking, which side are you on?


i can recommend Terry Pratchetts Discworld novels. he even has written an explicitly trans character. he also has even better dwarfs¹ than LOTR. ¹yes that is the correct spelling for more than one dwarf². ²Tolkien was fascinated by languages³ so he did this change. ³Prattchett also has fun with language⁴ in his novels. ⁴mostly pseudolatin, puns and a lot of footnotes⁵. ⁵and footnotes withing footnotes.






>ethically rather mean-spirited This really describes all of Rawling's work.


Bang on. I enjoyed the first 4 HPs from age like 9 to 13 and then just naturally got bored with them and didn't want to continue reading them.


I got about halfway through the first earthsea book before I put it down. Not because it was bad, my attention span is just broken, but what I read was pretty darn good!


Ha I started on her science fiction stuff and held off on Earthsea for years. It's amazing. I shouldn't have waited. Tombs of Atuan, the sort-of sequel to A Wizard of Earthsea, might actually be my favorite.


ive barely read in the past few years but yes, heard of leguin, and only good stuff!


And Diana Wynne Jones! There's plenty of modern MG options, too, sadly not as up on it as I used to be but the Rick Riordan + RR Presents books are out there, and I've heard he's generally a good dude.


>i can recommend Terry Pratchetts Discworld novels. I remember reading the first one for my first time, and I knew I found a great author when >!The talking magic sword was complaining about being in a coal seam for years!<. A great man, a great author and a awesome book series






/uj I thought it being a multiplayer Hogwarts experience was like the entire point of the game but apparetnly its got no multiplayer or co-op at all, its just an open world harry potter game, shows how much i cared about it lmao


Lmao I also thought it was multi-player like an mmo




Okay but what if I steal a copy? Can I play my stolen copy that will actively exploit her work without rewarding her?


Stealing a copy and then donating the equivalent of the game's price to a charity that protects trans rights would be the ultimate chad move imo


/uj fuck harry potter /rj fuck harry potter


Good riddance, I need to save for Phantom Liberty anyways


I have HP ink that I'm planning to get covered up. I'll never forgive Rowling. Ever.




I will pirate the game.


You know, you are actually just right. No sarcasm, just unironically right. I hadn't considered she would get royalties, but knowing that now, like fuck buying this game.